8 research outputs found

    茄園南黃薊馬Thrips palmi Karny捕食性天敵之調查

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    調查茄園中南黃薊馬Thrips palmi Karny之捕食性天敵,經鑑定計得六種,包括三種捕食性樁象,即小黑花樁Onus sauteri Poppius,斑腿盲樁Campylomma ii vida Reuter,大眼長樁Geocoris ochropterus Fabr.,兩種捕植蟎:長毛捕植蟎Amblyseius longispinosus (Evans)與Paraphytoseius multidentatus Swirski & Shechter,以及西方蠳蠅Arthrocnodax occidentalis Eelt.特此為記

    Application of Biochip in Thrips Identificaiton

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    Applied the established ITS1 DNA sequences of thrips to design the specific primers and probes, then, thrips identification will be simultaneously via biochip or PCR method. 1.The collection and ITS2 DNA sequences establishment will be hold more than 10 species. 2.Specific primers for each important thrips. 3.Multiplex PCR will be used to detect the mixed thips species. 4.The establishment of specific probes, and their stable, sensitivity in detection.5.Patent application of specific probes and primers.開發10種薊馬之生物晶片測試及重要薊馬之專一性引子檢測。 (1)、國內外重要性薊馬之採集鑑定及DNA分子標幟之建立:累計完成數十種以上,每種至少兩個體重要性薊馬之ITS1 DNA 區段序列。 (2)、建立各重要性薊馬不同需求特性的專一性檢測引子。 (3)、可針對不同需求,建立10餘種重要性薊馬及檢疫薊馬的偵測方法。 (4)、建立晶片專一性、穩定性及篩檢之流程,並進一步做晶片鑑定系統之推廣,可應用到其它害蟲的偵測。 (5)、進行專一性探針專利之申請


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    The project will focus on quarantine treatments for tuber, rhizon and seedlings. Theseplant parts may carry plant-parasitic nematodes and cause rapid dispersal ofquarantined nematodes. Using Radopholus similes, Meloidogyne spp. and groundAphelenchoides besseyi and the hosts of these nematodes as models to develop precisequarantine treatments procedures.Residue of methyl bromide may persist in fumigated vegetables and fruits and furtherreacts with other material in the vegetables and fruits to form new bromide compounds,which might be toxic to consumers. This study will develop an analysis technique ofinorganic bromide in vegetables and fruits after fumigated with methyl bromide analysisin fumigated vegetables and fruits.In this study, we determined whether cold treatment could be development that wouldprovide quarantine security without damage by disinfesting orange and pitaya of fruitfly, and established an exported quarantine processing.In order to face the challenge of fruits importing often join the WTO, this project aimson developing techniques for elimination of oriental fruit fly(Bactrocera dorsalisHendel)in mango fruits, to meet demands of certification and quarantine treatmentsfor export. Four treatments will be tested for fruit fly infested in mango. The fruitsprepared for the experiments would be treated by cold, vapor heat, fumigation andcomplex treatments. Based on the result of the preliminary, small scale and large scaleconfirmatory disinfestations tests, the optimum condition would be find to treat, mangofor export marketing.The aim of this project is to examine if gamma-irradiation can be used as an alternativedisinfestation method for quarantine treatment. The work of this year study includes:First, to examine the optimal irradiation dosages for the eradication of eggs and variousstages of larvae of the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), respectively;Second, to investigate the tolerance of sugar apples to the irradiation treatments; Third,to evaluate the efficacy of combination of irradiation treatment with cold storagetreatment to disinfest sugar apples. We expect to establish an optimal standard operationprocedure for quarantine treatment of sugar apples to eradicate B. dorsalis by the end ofthe project. These data can contribute to evaluate if gamma-irradiation is a suitablealterative to methyl bromide for quarantine treatment.The project of this study is to investigation the inhibitory action and effectiveconcentration of chlorine dioxide to plant pathogenic bacteria, and their restrictedconditions when application to plant, whether or not caused medical injury to test plant.Furthermore, we will evaluation the efficiency of chlorine dioxide on diseasecontrol.Improvement of Quarantine Treatments for the exportation of AtemoyaThe propose of this project is to develop the suitable quarantine treatments for theexportation of Atemoya. The major practices include:(a) Test the feasibility of lowtemperature treatment for keeping fruits fresh and fruit fly extinction(b) Develop lowtemperatures and inert gas complex treatments for the quarantine of fruit fly(c) Collectthe production management and pest control information about Atemoya. Differentcomponents of air/inert gas will be test with the suitable low temperature. The effects ofcontrol fruit fly and evaluation of fruit qualities will also be conducted this year.The hatching rate in tested wax- apple of difference density were 30, 60 and 90 eggsof orient fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel in each tested pear were about 89.3, 90.0and 89.9﹪, no significant difference was found on the three difference density at roomtemperature(25℃). In the tolerant test of cold(0-1℃), the third larvae stage is mostcold tolerant stage. The eggs stop hatching, the mortality of 1st and 2nd larvae were100% on 5 day, and 3rd larvae was 100% on 7 day respectively. In the controlledatmospheres test , the eggs stop hatching at 0 and 25 ℃, no significant difference wasfound on the quality of tested wax- apple treated with controlled atmospheres, but theweight were depressed on the tested wax- apple.1. 開發番茄外銷檢疫處理技術(中興大學謝慶昌):建立番茄殺蟲檢疫技術。 2. 輻射照射做為蓮霧檢疫處理以防治東方果實蠅之測試與評估(中興大學路光暉):針對蓮霧為試驗對象,測試以輻射照射檢疫處理防除寄生於果中之東方果實蠅中所需的照射劑量,並觀察鮮果本身對輻射照射處理的感受性,探討是否可藉由適當地照射處理,同時達到符合殺蟲之檢疫處理規定及維持水果的品質,以達推展蓮霧外銷之目的。針對蓮霧進行下列試驗: (1) 建立野生東方果實蠅蟲群與測試其對輻射照射處理的感受性。 (2) 輻射處理對蓮霧內東方果實蠅之影響。 (3) 測試蓮霧對輻射照射的感受性。 (4) 測試輻射照射處理與低溫冷藏處理共同運用的殺蟲效果與對蓮霧的影響。期能藉由本研究尋求建立輻射照設檢疫處理蓮霧,同時達到殺蟲與維持水果品質的最佳方法。 3. 蓮霧燻蒸殺蟲檢疫處理試驗(中興大學杜武俊): (1) 探討磷化氫配合溴化甲烷之燻蒸殺蟲試驗之影響。 (2) 探討磷化氫燻蒸後進行冷藏試驗之影響。 (3) 探討磷化氫燻蒸對蓮霧品質之影響。 (4) 蓮霧燻蒸後之殘留檢測之探討。 (5) 進行東方果實蠅於蓮霧果實內之小規模殺蟲試驗。 (6) 進行東方果實蠅於蓮霧果實內之大規模殺蟲試驗。 (7) 磷化氫與溴化甲烷混合燻蒸處理水果可行性評估。 4. 鳳梨釋迦溫湯冷藏殺蟲複合處理改良技術開發(屏東科技大學張念台):以不同溫度與時間之組合處理鳳梨釋迦內東方果實蠅,開發溫湯冷藏檢疫殺蟲技術及處理後鳳梨釋迦之品評測試。 5. 開發外銷日陞品系木瓜檢疫滅蟲處理技術(中興大學葉文斌):進行小規模、大規模殺蟲試驗及果實品質障害試驗,完成木瓜檢疫處理整體技術之評估。 6. 開發外銷芒果及網紋香瓜檢疫處理技術(中興大學胡澤寬):本年度並進行”網紋香瓜品種之篩選”,主要就目前市場上品種進行接蟲及蒸熱障害先期試驗,俾利篩選出日後可供外銷之品種。 7. 蓮霧外銷檢疫處理技術之開發及處理後品質影響評估(屏東科技大學梁文進): (1) 檢討蓮霧減氧檢疫處理對東方果實蠅殺蟲及處理後蓮霧品質影響。 (2) 開發蓮霧東方果實蠅檢疫有效技術。 (3) 評估蓮霧各項檢疫處理後之品質影響。 8. 高效能檢疫處理技術之開發-二氧化氯在植物病原細菌防治上之運用(屏東科技大學趙永椿):本年度將進一步探討二氧化氯處理對田間Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris自然感染之甘藍種子及Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli自然感染西瓜種子之殺菌效果及對種子發芽及幼苗病害抑制之影響。另將探討單一劑型二氧化氯之導電度、氧化還原電位及pH之變化與A,B劑處理後對種子發芽及幼苗生長之影響。 (1) 二氧化氯處理自然感染之甘藍及西瓜種子對種子發芽之影響及幼苗病害抑制之效果。 (2) 單劑二氧化氯之抑菌效果衰退性探討。 (3) 二氧化氯A,B劑處理後對種子發芽及幼苗生長之影響。 (4) 二氧化氯處理文旦及白柚果實對X. axonopodis pv. citri之之殺菌效果評估。 9. 經濟作物繁殖體檢疫線蟲處理技術之開發(中興大學蔡東纂): (1) 調查本省主要經濟作物及繁殖體感染禁止輸入及有條件輸入規定檢疫類線蟲之情形。 (2) 線蟲接種源之繁殖。 (3) 測試溫水處理、藥劑處理及乾熱處理之殺蟲效果

    Development of Processing Techniques for Quarantine Treatment of Important Exported Fresh Fruits

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    一、 輻射照射處理釋迦以滅殺其內東方果實蠅之測試與評估:針對釋迦與其主要害蟲東方果實蠅進行輻射照射處理評估與建立處理流程。完成釋迦及其重要害蟲,東方果實蠅,進行輻射檢疫照射處理之相關測試,建立最佳照射劑量及建立輻射照射處理之流程等資料,以供實際應用。 二、 進口燻蒸處理蔬果之無機溴離子殘留檢測分析研究:建立進口蔬果經溴化甲烷燻蒸後其無機溴離子殘留檢測標準流程,同時建立至少60筆進口蔬果殘留檢測值資料庫。另外比較離子層析技術與電極及電位檢測技術再無機溴離子檢測之差異性。 三、 鳳梨釋迦檢疫殺蟲處理技術開發: 1. 檢討鳳梨釋迦東方果實蠅各項可行檢疫方法。 2. 開發鳳梨釋迦東方果實蠅檢疫冷藏技術。 3. 評估鳳梨釋迦冷藏檢疫處理後之品質影響。 4. 蒐集撰寫鳳梨釋迦田間生產管理及病蟲害防治資料。 四、 印度棗及新木瓜品種外銷檢疫處理之研究(謝慶昌): 1. 完成印度棗冷處理大量殺蟲試驗。 2. 新木瓜品種大量殺蟲試驗及模擬運輸及櫥架品質調查。 3. 新木瓜品種大量殺蟲試驗及模擬運輸及櫥架品質調查評估。 五、 植物及其產品檢疫線蟲處理技術之開發: 1. 測試燻蒸劑硫硒氟的殺蟲效果。 2. 測試溫水處理及乾熱處理之殺蟲效果。 六、 蓮霧外銷檢疫處理技術之開發及處理後品質影響評估: 1. 檢討蓮霧東方果實蠅各項可行檢疫方法。 2. 開發蓮霧東方果實蠅檢疫有效技術。 3. 評估蓮霧各項檢疫處理後之品質影響。 七、 高效能檢疫處理技術之開發-二氧化氯在植物病原細菌防治上之應用:探討二氧化氯處理果實或十字花科種子對所附著或攜帶病原細菌之殺菌效果、對種子發芽之影響及有機氯在果實或種子上之殘留量,及二氧化氯處理文心蘭切花對切花軟腐病之防治效果及對切花壽命之影響,以建立二氧化氯處理果實或十字花科種子及文心蘭切花的有效濃度及方式。 一、 輻射照射處理釋迦以滅殺其內東方果實蠅之測試與評估:針對國內最重要的水果類害蟲-東方果實蠅-進行輻射照射處理試驗,以期訂定出完全殺蟲與抑制蟲體族群增長所需的最經濟照射劑量,亦得以評估輻射照射處理是否適用於蓮霧與釋迦等具有外銷潛力的水果之檢疫處理。同時,預計本研究結束時亦可藉所得資料建立輻射照射處理東方果實蠅之檢疫處理標準作業程序,以供實際應用在檢疫實務上之參考。 二、 進口燻蒸處理蔬果之無機溴離子殘留檢測分析研究: 1. 建立以離子層析法(ion chromatography)分析進口燻蒸蔬果中無機溴化物殘留情形之資料庫。 2. 分析不同蔬果燻蒸後,溴離子殘留與蔬果部位之相關性。 3. 建立燻蒸蔬果無機溴離子殘留檢測之送件、檢測、回報之標準流程。 4. 成果提供防檢局及相關單位進行燻蒸之參考。 三、 鳳梨釋迦檢疫殺蟲處理技術開發: 1. 評估鳳梨釋迦可能使用之檢疫處理技術,促進外銷,增加農產品國際競爭力。 2. 建立鳳梨釋迦外銷檢疫冷凍處理標準作業流程,確保輸出順利,提高農民所得。 四、 印度棗及新木瓜品種外銷檢疫處理之研究: 1. 完成印度棗及新品種木瓜檢疫殺蟲處理條件,以供拓展外銷市場之參考。 2. 建立印度棗及新品種木瓜外銷處理流程,減少損耗,增加印度棗銷售通路。 五、 植物及其產品檢疫線蟲處理技術之開發: 1. 調查進口球莖及根莖薯類作物與苗木帶病原線蟲之情形,以大蒜、薑、山藥及松材燻蒸、溫湯浸泡及藥劑浸泡等檢疫處理方式,研發精確可行之檢疫處理技術,作為植物及其產品進出口檢疫處理之基準。 六、 蓮霧外銷檢疫處理技術之開發及處理後品質影響評估: 1. 評估蓮霧可使用之檢疫處理技術,促進外銷,增加農產品國際競爭力。 2. 建立蓮霧外銷檢疫處理標準作業流程,確保輸出順利,提高農民所得。 七、 高效能檢疫處理技術之開發-二氧化氯在植物病原細菌防治上之應用: 1. 確立二氧化氯處理柑橘類果實對柑橘潰瘍病菌或處理十字花科種子對黑腐病菌之抑制效果及抑制濃度。 2. 確立不影響十字花科種子發芽且有效抑制黑腐病菌之二氧化氯濃度。 3. 確立有機氯在種子或果實上之殘存量。 4. 確立二氧化氯在防治文心蘭切花花腐病之最佳處理模式。The aim of this project is to examine if gamma-irradiation can be used as an alternative disinfestation method for quarantine treatment. The work of this year study includes: First, to examine the optimal irradiation dosages for the eradication of eggs and various stages of larvae of the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), respectively; Second, to investigate the tolerance of sugar apples to the irradiation treatments; Third, to evaluate the efficacy of combination of irradiation treatment with cold storage treatment to disinfest sugar apples. We expect to establish an optimal standard operation procedure for quarantine treatment of sugar apples to eradicate B. dorsalis by the end of the project. These data can contribute to evaluate if gamma-irradiation is a suitable alterative to methyl bromide for quarantine treatment. Residue of methyl bromide may persist in fumigated vegetables and fruits and further reacts with other aterial in the vegetables and fruits to form new bromide compounds, which might be toxic to consumers. This study will develop an analysis technique of inorganic bromide in vegetables and fruits after fumigated with methyl bromide. In ddition, we expect to establish a standard protocol for inorganic bromide analysis in umigated vegetables and fruits. Quarantine regulations require treatments of tropic fruit after harvest for shipment from Taiwan to Japan. Quarantine treatments are used to disinfest the fruit of fruit-fly, after the use of ethylene dibromide fumigation was banned, the heat treatment was used to disinfest mango and litchi of fruit fly, and the cold treatment for carambola and citrus fruit in Taiwan. In this study, we determined whether vapor-heat treatment and cold treatment could be development that would provide quarantine security without damage by disinfesting papaya (except TN.2) and Indian jujubes of fruit fly. To understand the condition of nematodes carried with import corm, rhizome crops, and the plantlet. Treeting with fumigation, lukewarm water soaks, and nematicide soaks of garlic, ginger, yam and pine wood. to graind a precise-feasible quarantine processing technology, and established the datum and product of imported and exported quarantine processing. The project of this study is to investigation the inhibitory action and effective concentration of chlorine dioxide to plant pathogenic bacteria, and their restricted conditions when application to plant, whether or not caused medical injury to test plant. Furthermore, we will evaluation the efficiency of chlorine dioxide on disease control

    Survey, Exploitation and Application of Biocontrol

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    本計畫的目的在於: 1. 植物傷口癒合防護劑之研發與應用-篩選有益傷口癒合防護之微生物與拮抗菌,開發評估平台並合成傷口癒合防護劑。 2. 釋放捕食性天敵防治蘇鐵白輪盾介殼蟲及其效果評估-了解生物天敵雙色出尾蟲捕食能力,做為釋放天敵數量之依據。大量飼養蘇鐵白輪盾介殼蟲之生物天敵雙色出尾蟲以建立蘇鐵白輪盾介殼蟲生物天敵族群,適合野外蘇鐵之生物防治模式,減少未來每年為防治蘇鐵白輪盾介殼蟲為害所付出之成本以完成蘇鐵白輪盾介殼蟲之綜合防治模式,使全國各地之蘇鐵白輪盾介殼蟲疫情得以控制,避免台東蘇鐵林滅絕。 3. 芒果單爪葉蟎(Oligonychus mangiferus)為芒果重要的害蟲之ㄧ,同時危害荔枝、葡萄、梨與桃等多種作物。卵形捕植蟎(Amblyseius ovalis)於熱帶果樹分布廣泛,且可以捕食大量單爪葉蟎,值得評估其生物防治利用價值。本研究擬研發與現行蟲害管理系統相容之監測與生物防治技術,供擬定芒果防疫對策之參考。 建立循序與二項分布取樣法可應用於田間觀測,且具省時、省力、準確估計芒果單爪葉蟎族群密度等特性,利於監測芒果單爪葉蟎族群終年發生頻度。 利用捕植蟎施用密度與數量反應與捕植蟎施用時間與葉蟎族群壓制力,可有效擬訂施用生物防治的適當時機與施用密度。捕植蟎擴散與控制能力研究結果,有助捕植蟎之田間利用與施用方法之改進,進而提供今後生物防治芒果單爪葉蟎之技術開發,落實非農藥防治及生物技術之利用,提高農友經濟收益,促進產品外銷及提昇我國農產品競爭力。 4. 豆莢螟幼蟲喜暱食於嫩芽、花器及豆莢,藥液常難觸及,容易增加用藥次數及用量;而豆類蔬菜生長快速,採收期長,用藥不可不慎,為提升豆類蔬菜之品質,減少農藥用藥用量及殘留量,擬綜合運用微生物、生物防治及性費洛蒙等防治技術,共同防治豆莢螟。本年度計畫之工作重點為: (1) 搭建可拆卸式網室,種植長豇豆,釋放豆莢螟及寄生蠅,評估寄生蜂及寄生蠅於網室長豇豆之寄生防治效果,此試驗於春、秋兩季節進行。 (2) 搭建可拆卸式網室,評估性費洛蒙於長豇豆試驗田,對田間豆莢螟之干擾交尾與產卵效果。 (3) 單獨使用豆莢螟核多角體病毒(BA)、或與蘇力菌、苦楝油、寄生蜂混用,於長豇豆及鵲豆試驗田,評估對豆莢螟之綜合防治效果,此試驗亦於春、秋兩季進行試驗。 5. 目前在植物病害的防治上多依賴化學農藥,長期大量的使用不僅加劇環境污染,更直接危害人類健康。如何以非農藥防治方法,降低對化學農藥之使用,提高我國重要農產之競爭力,是當今病害防治工作的重要方向。本計畫將收集並評估可以防治植物寄生性線蟲及抑制芒果、木瓜、蓮霧、草莓之重要病原真菌的植物種類;在殺線蟲劑的測試使用先前初步試驗有效果之天人菊,以不同施用量與型態(生鮮植體碎片、乾燥碎片)處理感染根瘤線蟲的蕹菜,測試其防治效果;並觀察對於蕹菜、番茄、絲瓜等作物的生長是否有影響。且蒐集其它有毒或無毒的觀賞植物,使用水溶性粗萃取液處理南方根瘤線蟲(Meloidogyne incognita),亦處理危害芒果、木瓜、蓮霧、草莓之病原微生物;評估不同植物抽出物與化學藥劑防治病害之效果差異。作為開發防治之生物農藥,減少劇毒性殺線蟲劑之使用,降低線蟲或病原真菌產生抗藥性速率及生態環境之破壞。 6. 臘狀芽孢桿菌C1菌株分離自百合根圈,已知其施用於百合根圈可增加植株對灰黴病之抵抗性,本計畫擬應用所分離之臘狀芽孢桿菌C1菌株進行其在他種作物病害之防治試驗,瞭解其應用潛力;針對玉米葉枯病進行試驗,測試其施用方式,進行田間試驗及瞭解其使農藥減量之效果,以評估C1菌株與殺菌劑共同使用之可行性。 7. 利用拮抗細菌(Bacillus subtilis LB5)之液態培養稀釋液、木黴菌(Trichoderma sp.)固態發酵液、蘇力菌、印楝素、印楝油及無患子油從蓮霧生長期中,每隔10-14天噴施地上部及地下部落葉,配合中果期之套袋,期以獲得蓮霧病蟲害之非農藥防治效果之技術。調查蓮霧生長期之葉部枝條病菌害蟲及土壤枯枝落葉病菌及空中病菌密度,以了解非農藥處理之田間病菌及害蟲變動情形。 8. 由於番石榴粉介殼蟲在台灣危害寄主作物甚廣,超過250種。包括番石榴、柑桔、玉米和葡萄等重要作物。因此番石榴粉介殼蟲的防治相當重要。為了要避免因使用農藥來防治,所產生的不良副作用,改選用無毒性的性費洛蒙來誘捕是一有效且可行的防治方法。最近番石榴粉介殼蟲之性費洛蒙已被分離、鑑定為(E)-2-isopropyl-5-methyl-2,4-hexadienyl acetate。因此本計畫乃要研發一新簡便的合成方法來合成此費洛蒙並提供作田間誘捕和監測之用,以有效防治此蟲。The purposes of the study are to 1. Development of bioprotective agent for healing plant wounds. 2. Releases and evaluation of the effectiveness of a predtor, Cybocephalus binotatus, in controlling the cycad scale, Aulacaspis yasumatsui - In order to establish a natural enemy population as the biological control on the field, the mass propagation of C. japonicus will be conducted. In addition, the capture ability of C. japonicus to A. yasumatsui will be studied as the reference for mass release. The results will provide a completed pest manage model and reduce the total cost of controlling A. yasumatsui, benefiting the whole nation and avoiding the extinction of Cycad forest in Taitung. 3. 4. The legume pod borer (LPB), Maruca vitrata (F.) (syn. M. testulalis) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) is an important pest affecting vegetable and grain legumes in Taiwan. As the LPB larvae feed on tender shoots, flowers and pods by concealing inside, it is very difficult to control them adopting a single approach. At present, farmers rely exclusively on the application of chemical insecticides to combat LPB, especially on vegetable legumes. The over reliance on chemical insecticides has posed insecticide residues in the fresh vegetables because they are harvested in short intervals of two or three days. Therefore, an integrated approach, based on bio-pesticides, natural enemies and sex pheromones, is proposed. Major activities and implementation approaches include (i) testing the individual and combined effectiveness of parasitoids Nemorilla maculosa and Apanteles taragamae against LPB larvae in yard-long bean field during spring and autumn season, (ii) testing the mating and oviposition disruption of the LPB sex pheromones in yard-long bean field, (iii) testing the effectiveness of MaviMNPV formulations alone and in combination with Bt, neem and parasitoids, and (iv) testing the IPM strategy with parasitoids, MaviMNPV, neem and Bt in field experiments with yard-long bean and lablab bean. Thus, this proposal aimed to exploit the bio-control based IPM strategy to combat the LPB in vegetable legumes, which would not only reduce the insecticide use but also enhance the efficiency of natural enemies in field conditions. 5. Pesticides are the most relied on control tactic, but they had great draw backs on environmental safety and human health. One of the goals of disease management is to integrate non-chemical control tactics to lower pesticides usage and increase the revenue of farm products. Natural herb would be collected and tested for the nemacidal and fungicidal efficacy. Gaillardia plucella had good nemacidal efficacy in the preliminary tests and its different formulation as well as quantity of application would be further tested in this project on root-knot infected water spinach. The Gaillardia plucella formula would also be tested for its effect on tomato and gourd growth. Natural herbs are collected and their extraction would be twsted against fungal pathogens on mango, papaya, wax apple and strawberry and compared with the efficacy of conventional fungicides. The purpose of the research is to lower the amount of pesticides used in the future and the risk of pathoges to develop pesiticide-resistance. 6.7. Bacillus cereus C1 was isolated from the rhizosphere of lily plants. When the bacterial suspension was applied to the plant rhizosphere, the incidence of Botrytis leaf blight was decreased. The goal of this project is to test the efficacy of B. cereus C1 on the control of other plant diseases. Corn leaf blight is the disease target. The application method, field trials, the reduction efficiency on fungicide usage will be examined to evaluate the efficacy of C1 application and the feasibility of application combination with fungicide. 8. For developing the non-pesticide control techniques for management of plant diseases and pests of waxapple, the antagonistic bacterium(Bacillus subtilis LB5) and fungi (Trichoderma sp.), commercial biopesticide Bt, azadirachtin are sprayed at 10-14 days interval in waxapple orchard during growing stage , and then integrated with fruit bagging after fruitlet stage. The fungal pathogens and insect pests are investigated preharvest and postharvest to evaluate the control efficiency of the non-pesticide method. 9. Due to the passionvine mealybug, Planococcus minor (Maskell), is a serious pest of more than 250 host plants, including major agricultural crops as diverse as guava, citrus, corn, grapes and tree fruits in Taiwan, the effective control of this pest is very important and has attracted considerable attention. To avoid the side effects occurring by using pesticides, the nontoxic sex pheromone of the passionvine mealybug is chosen instead. Recently, the sex pheromone of this insect has been identified as (E)-2-isopropyl-5-methyl-2,4-hexadienyl acetate. The purpose of this project is to develop a new convenient method to synthesize this sex pheromone and provide it for the mass trapping and monitoring of this pest. Accordingly, the effective control of this pest will be successfully achieved in the near future


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    The purposes of the study are to 1. Development of bioprotective agent for healing plant wounds. 2. Releases and evaluation of the effectiveness of a predtor, Cybocephalus binotatus, in controlling the cycad scale, Aulacaspis yasumatsui - In order to establish a natural enemy population as the biological control on the field, the mass propagation of C. japonicus will be conducted. In addition, the capture ability of C. japonicus to A. yasumatsui will be studied as the reference for mass release. The results will provide a completed pest manage model and reduce the total cost of controlling A. yasumatsui, benefiting the whole nation and avoiding the extinction of Cycad forest in Taitung. 3. 4. The legume pod borer (LPB), Maruca vitrata (F.) (syn. M. testulalis) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) is an important pest affecting vegetable and grain legumes in Taiwan. As the LPB larvae feed on tender shoots, flowers and pods by concealing inside, it is very difficult to control them adopting a single approach. At present, farmers rely exclusively on the application of chemical insecticides to combat LPB, especially on vegetable legumes. The over reliance on chemical insecticides has posed insecticide residues in the fresh vegetables because they are harvested in short intervals of two or three days. Therefore, an integrated approach, based on bio-pesticides, natural enemies and sex pheromones, is proposed. Major activities and implementation approaches include (i) testing the individual and combined effectiveness of parasitoids Nemorilla maculosa and Apanteles taragamae against LPB larvae in yard-long bean field during spring and autumn season, (ii) testing the mating and oviposition disruption of the LPB sex pheromones in yard-long bean field, (iii) testing the effectiveness of MaviMNPV formulations alone and in combination with Bt, neem and parasitoids, and (iv) testing the IPM strategy with parasitoids, MaviMNPV, neem and Bt in field experiments with yard-long bean and lablab bean. Thus, this proposal aimed to exploit the bio-control based IPM strategy to combat the LPB in vegetable legumes, which would not only reduce the insecticide use but also enhance the efficiency of natural enemies in field conditions. 5. Pesticides are the most relied on control tactic, but they had great draw backs on environmental safety and human health. One of the goals of disease management is to integrate non-chemical control tactics to lower pesticides usage and increase the revenue of farm products. Natural herb would be collected and tested for the nemacidal and fungicidal efficacy. Gaillardia plucella had good nemacidal efficacy in the preliminary tests and its different formulation as well as quantity of application would be further tested in this project on root-knot infected water spinach. The Gaillardia plucella formula would also be tested for its effect on tomato and gourd growth. Natural herbs are collected and their extraction would be twsted against fungal pathogens on mango, papaya, wax apple and strawberry and compared with the efficacy of conventional fungicides. The purpose of the research is to lower the amount of pesticides used in the future and the risk of pathoges to develop pesiticide-resistance. 6.7. Bacillus cereus C1 was isolated from the rhizosphere of lily plants. When the bacterial suspension was applied to the plant rhizosphere, the incidence of Botrytis leaf blight was decreased. The goal of this project is to test the efficacy of B. cereus C1 on the control of other plant diseases. Corn leaf blight is the disease target. The application method, field trials, the reduction efficiency on fungicide usage will be examined to evaluate the efficacy of C1 application and the feasibility of application combination with fungicide. 8. For developing the non-pesticide control techniques for management of plant diseases and pests of waxapple, the antagonistic bacterium(Bacillus subtilis LB5) and fungi (Trichoderma sp.), commercial biopesticide Bt, azadirachtin are sprayed at 10-14 days interval in waxapple orchard during growing stage , and then integrated with fruit bagging after fruitlet stage. The fungal pathogens and insect pests are investigated preharvest and postharvest to evaluate the control efficiency of the non-pesticide method. 9. Due to the passionvine mealybug, Planococcus minor (Maskell), is a serious pest of more than 250 host plants, including major agricultural crops as diverse as guava, citrus, corn, grapes and tree fruits in Taiwan, the effective control of this pest is very important and has attracted considerable attention. To avoid the side effects occurring by using pesticides, the nontoxic sex pheromone of the passionvine mealybug is chosen instead. Recently, the sex pheromone of this insect has been identified as (E)-2-isopropyl-5-methyl-2,4-hexadienyl acetate. The purpose of this project is to develop a new convenient method to synthesize this sex pheromone and provide it for the mass trapping and monitoring of this pest. Accordingly, the effective control of this pest will be successfully achieved in the near future.本計畫的目的在於: 1. 植物傷口癒合防護劑之研發與應用-篩選有益傷口癒合防護之微生物與拮抗菌,開發評估平台並合成傷口癒合防護劑。 2. 釋放捕食性天敵防治蘇鐵白輪盾介殼蟲及其效果評估-了解生物天敵雙色出尾蟲捕食能力,做為釋放天敵數量之依據。大量飼養蘇鐵白輪盾介殼蟲之生物天敵雙色出尾蟲以建立蘇鐵白輪盾介殼蟲生物天敵族群,適合野外蘇鐵之生物防治模式,減少未來每年為防治蘇鐵白輪盾介殼蟲為害所付出之成本以完成蘇鐵白輪盾介殼蟲之綜合防治模式,使全國各地之蘇鐵白輪盾介殼蟲疫情得以控制,避免台東蘇鐵林滅絕。 3. 芒果單爪葉蟎(Oligonychus mangiferus)為芒果重要的害蟲之ㄧ,同時危害荔枝、葡萄、梨與桃等多種作物。卵形捕植蟎(Amblyseius ovalis)於熱帶果樹分布廣泛,且可以捕食大量單爪葉蟎,值得評估其生物防治利用價值。本研究擬研發與現行蟲害管理系統相容之監測與生物防治技術,供擬定芒果防疫對策之參考。 建立循序與二項分布取樣法可應用於田間觀測,且具省時、省力、準確估計芒果單爪葉蟎族群密度等特性,利於監測芒果單爪葉蟎族群終年發生頻度。 利用捕植蟎施用密度與數量反應與捕植蟎施用時間與葉蟎族群壓制力,可有效擬訂施用生物防治的適當時機與施用密度。捕植蟎擴散與控制能力研究結果,有助捕植蟎之田間利用與施用方法之改進,進而提供今後生物防治芒果單爪葉蟎之技術開發,落實非農藥防治及生物技術之利用,提高農友經濟收益,促進產品外銷及提昇我國農產品競爭力。 4. 豆莢螟幼蟲喜暱食於嫩芽、花器及豆莢,藥液常難觸及,容易增加用藥次數及用量;而豆類蔬菜生長快速,採收期長,用藥不可不慎,為提升豆類蔬菜之品質,減少農藥用藥用量及殘留量,擬綜合運用微生物、生物防治及性費洛蒙等防治技術,共同防治豆莢螟。本年度計畫之工作重點為: (1) 搭建可拆卸式網室,種植長豇豆,釋放豆莢螟及寄生蠅,評估寄生蜂及寄生蠅於網室長豇豆之寄生防治效果,此試驗於春、秋兩季節進行。 (2) 搭建可拆卸式網室,評估性費洛蒙於長豇豆試驗田,對田間豆莢螟之干擾交尾與產卵效果。 (3) 單獨使用豆莢螟核多角體病毒(BA)、或與蘇力菌、苦楝油、寄生蜂混用,於長豇豆及鵲豆試驗田,評估對豆莢螟之綜合防治效果,此試驗亦於春、秋兩季進行試驗。 5. 目前在植物病害的防治上多依賴化學農藥,長期大量的使用不僅加劇環境污染,更直接危害人類健康。如何以非農藥防治方法,降低對化學農藥之使用,提高我國重要農產之競爭力,是當今病害防治工作的重要方向。本計畫將收集並評估可以防治植物寄生性線蟲及抑制芒果、木瓜、蓮霧、草莓之重要病原真菌的植物種類;在殺線蟲劑的測試使用先前初步試驗有效果之天人菊,以不同施用量與型態(生鮮植體碎片、乾燥碎片)處理感染根瘤線蟲的蕹菜,測試其防治效果;並觀察對於蕹菜、番茄、絲瓜等作物的生長是否有影響。且蒐集其它有毒或無毒的觀賞植物,使用水溶性粗萃取液處理南方根瘤線蟲(Meloidogyne incognita),亦處理危害芒果、木瓜、蓮霧、草莓之病原微生物;評估不同植物抽出物與化學藥劑防治病害之效果差異。作為開發防治之生物農藥,減少劇毒性殺線蟲劑之使用,降低線蟲或病原真菌產生抗藥性速率及生態環境之破壞。 6. 臘狀芽孢桿菌C1菌株分離自百合根圈,已知其施用於百合根圈可增加植株對灰黴病之抵抗性,本計畫擬應用所分離之臘狀芽孢桿菌C1菌株進行其在他種作物病害之防治試驗,瞭解其應用潛力;針對玉米葉枯病進行試驗,測試其施用方式,進行田間試驗及瞭解其使農藥減量之效果,以評估C1菌株與殺菌劑共同使用之可行性。 7. 利用拮抗細菌(Bacillus subtilis LB5)之液態培養稀釋液、木黴菌(Trichoderma sp.)固態發酵液、蘇力菌、印楝素、印楝油及無患子油從蓮霧生長期中,每隔10-14天噴施地上部及地下部落葉,配合中果期之套袋,期以獲得蓮霧病蟲害之非農藥防治效果之技術。調查蓮霧生長期之葉部枝條病菌害蟲及土壤枯枝落葉病菌及空中病菌密度,以了解非農藥處理之田間病菌及害蟲變動情形。 8. 由於番石榴粉介殼蟲在台灣危害寄主作物甚廣,超過250種。包括番石榴、柑桔、玉米和葡萄等重要作物。因此番石榴粉介殼蟲的防治相當重要。為了要避免因使用農藥來防治,所產生的不良副作用,改選用無毒性的性費洛蒙來誘捕是一有效且可行的防治方法。最近番石榴粉介殼蟲之性費洛蒙已被分離、鑑定為(E)-2-isopropyl-5-methyl-2,4-hexadienyl acetate。因此本計畫乃要研發一新簡便的合成方法來合成此費洛蒙並提供作田間誘捕和監測之用,以有效防治此蟲

    Technical Development and Research Improvement in Biological Control of Plant Pests (II)

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    環保意識的抬頭與人類對食品安全的關注,使得農作物病蟲害的生物防治工作受到社會大眾的重視,因此,本計畫目的在於研發作物病蟲害生物防治策略,以便能有效在農業生態體系中推展應用.本計畫涵蓋有九個子計畫,它們個別的工作目標如下:即 (1) 由夏威夷引進銀葉粉蝨的天敵Encarsia pergandiella, E. hispida及E. mineoi,探討它們防蟲之功效與飼養、檢疫等工作; (2) 探討斑潛蠅發生生態,調查本土現有斑潛蠅之天敵種類及引進有效的寄生性天敵,作為生物防治之用; (3) 評估黑殭菌各菌株致病力與抗環境逆境;利用黑殭菌DNA多元性特定條帶作出DNA-probe,供田間生態及施用存活調查; (4) 探討大量飼育捕植蹣類天敵,建立捕植對卵孢子發芽、感染與傳播的影響;施用增產菌FG-1菌株與滅達樂,以期延緩病害發生與促進薑株生長; (6) 利用本地產蟲生線蟲(Steinernema abbasi),研發出適合台灣蔬菜害蟲之安全有效的生物防治技術; (7) 觀察飼育紅點唇瓢蟲之基本需求,評估其生物防治梨圓介殼蟲之潛力; (8) 利用生物分析法篩選具有抑制病原菌的作物殘渣與植體,並輔以HPLC或GC分析它們所含有的硫配糖體種類及分解產物,藉以瞭解各分解產物的殺菌與抑菌功效; (9) 針對本地種蟲生線蟲Steinernema abbasi對蔬菜主要害蟲如小菜蛾、白粉蝶、大菜螟及菜心螟蟲的致病力進行生物檢定與施用技術.Biological control of plant pests has received considerable attention throughout the world, drawing momentum from the growing public concern regarding the widespread use of hazardous chemicals in pest control. In order to develop and apply biocontrol strategies in agriecosystem, the objectives of this project including nine sub-projects are (1) to import a whitefly parasitoids, Encarsia pergandiella, E. hispida and E. mineoi from Hawaii and study their efficacy on controlling the silver leaf whitefly; (2) to study the distribution, occurrence, seasonal abundance, population dynamics and damage of leafminers in southern area and test the basic biology, parasitic rates of introduced parasitoids; (3) to screen Metarhizium anisopliae strains having high entomopathogenicity, more resistant against UV light and the fungicides; to analyze the genetic diversity and relationship of the tested green mascardine fungi by using electrophoretic fingerprinting; (4) to develop biocontrol technologies of the spider mites with their predaceous mites, which depends upon the availble mass rearing skills and their lowering costs determined by the design of artificial rearing arena and supplemental foods; (5) to study the ecology of ginger soft rotdisease including the transmission of the disease through seed ginger; the temperature effect on the oospore germination, infection and spreading. Also, to study the use of both metalaxyl and YIB (yield increasing bacteria) isolate Fg-1 to delay the disease development and increase the plant growth; (6) to investigate biological control of vegetable pests using the indigenous species, Steinernema abbasi, in safe and effective control measures; (7) to study the basic rearing requirement for Chilocorus kuwanae and to provide a preliminary assessment of its potential as a biological agent of the San Jose Scale, Quadraspidiotus perniciosus; (8) to determine the effect of volatile compound released from leaf and seed of Brassica species on the natural isothiocynate fumigant for integrated control of crop soilborne diseases; (9) to develop a vermiculite, formulation of Steinernema abbasi to control four vegetable pests, such as diamondback moth, imported cabbageworm, cabbage pyralid and cabbage webworm