8 research outputs found

    Extraction and Chemical structural analysis of Marine Microalgal Polysaccharides

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    本文以海水小球藻(MarineChlorella)、亚心形扁藻(Platymonassubcordiformis)、球等鞭金藻(Isochrusisgalbana)为研究对象,研究了海洋微藻多糖的提取、分离纯化条件,建立了适合海洋微藻多糖的提取工艺条件。并在此基础上利用气相色谱仪、红外光谱仪以及紫外分光光度计进行了初步的多糖化学结构分析,为进一步认识和开展海洋微藻多糖的研究提供了理论和实验基础。 超声破碎协同热水法提取多糖大大缩短提取时间的同时也提高了多糖的提取率。实验结果表明最佳的超声功率为300W,超声时间为20min。不同pH值的提取介质从海水小球藻中提得的多糖不同。用4%NaOH提取...Polysaccharides have bioactivities of anti-cancer and anti-AIDS. Recently, marine microalgal polysaccharides were found to be of specific structures and sources of sulfated polysaccharides. Howerver, the studies on them are relatively rare. Based on the investigations on Marine Chlorella、Platymonas subcordiformis and Isochrysis galbana, the conditions for the extraction and purification of marine...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院海洋学系_海洋化学学号:20002700


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    本文提出了一种研究星团自转的方法。根据它们自行和位置的资料,可以判别星团的成员、确定星团是否在自转或膨胀,或者既自转又澎胀,或者既不自转又不澎胀。若有视向速度的资料,还可以确定自转轴的方向。使用这个方法,我们计算了八星团一个星协,发现NGC 2548,1960 (M36)、2099(M37)、6795(M11)、毕星团和鬼星团都在自转着,MGC 1817和猎户星协既自转又膨胀,昂星团在膨胀着。本方法原则上也适用于星协和球状星团

    Study on the Conditions of Extracting and Purifying of Polysaccharide from Marine Microalgae

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    研究了提取介质、超声条件和洗脱条件对海洋微藻多糖提取纯化效果的影响。实验结果表明不同 p H的提取介质可以提取得到不同种类的多糖 ,超声条件以 3 0 0 W、 2 0 m in最佳 ,用葡聚糖凝胶 Sephadex-G2 0 0柱 (长 50cm,直径 2 cm)纯化粗多糖 ,当加样量为 4ml,用 0 .2 mol/L Na Cl溶液洗脱效果最好The paper investigates the effect of extracting medium, ultrasonic con dition and eluting condition on extraction and purification of polysaccharides f rom marine microalgae. The experimental results indicate that the resulting poly saccharides from marine microalgae are distinct as varied pH in medium. The opti mal ultrasonic power is 300W and the optimal ultrasonic duration is 20min. When the coarse polysaccharides are purified through the Sephadex-G200 column (lengt h: 50cm, diameter: 2cm),the optimal volume of sample added into the column is 4mL, and the optimal eluant is 0 2 mol/L NaCl.国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 39870 56 5

    Analysis of Marine Microalgal Polysaccharides by Gas Chromatography and IR Spectroscopy

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    利用傅立叶变换红外光谱分析了以水为介质提取的海水小球藻(MarineChlorella)、亚心形扁藻(Platymonassubcordiformis)和球等鞭金藻(Isochrysisgalbana)多糖的主要单糖组成、环状结构、半缩醛羟基构型及取代基类型.结果表明,3种海洋微藻多糖中均含有酰氨基,葡萄糖是3种多糖的主要组成单糖.此外,海水小球藻多糖还含有硫酸基.3种海洋微藻多糖组成单糖的环构型和成苷的半缩醛羟基构型也存在较大差别.海水小球藻多糖组成单糖主要为吡喃糖,α半缩醛羟基和β半缩醛羟基两种糖苷构型共存;亚心形扁藻多糖组成单糖为吡喃糖,成苷的半缩醛羟基主要为α构型;球等鞭金藻多糖则同时含有α吡喃环和呋喃环两种构型.The chemical compositions and configurations of marine microalgal polysaccharides water-extracted from Marine Chlorella,Platymonas subcordiformis and Isochrysis galbana were studied by FT-IR spectroscopy.The results show that all the three marine microalgal polysaccharides have acylamino-radical.Glucose is always a dominant monosaccharide in the three polysaccharides.Besides,there are sulfate radical in the polysaccharide of Marine Chlorella.Pyranose is the major component of the polysaccharide in Marine Chlorella,with two glycoside configurations,α-hemiacetal hydroxy and β-hemiacetal hydroxy,coexisted.Pyranose is also the major component of the polysaccharide in Platymonas subcordiformis,with the major glycoside configuration of α-hemiacetal hydroxy.Two configurations,α-Pyranose and furanose,coexist in the polysaccharide in Isochrysis galbana.国家自然科学基金(39870565);; 福建省科技重点项目(2002Y052)资


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    Analysis of Polysaccharide Composition of Marine Microalgae by Gas Chromatography

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    采用超声破碎协同蒸馏水提取海水小球藻(Chlorella)中的多糖,多糖经除蛋白、柱纯化、水解和乙酰化等一系列步骤后进行气相色谱分析,得到该多糖的单糖组成为:鼠李糖、核糖、阿拉伯糖、木糖、甘露糖、葡萄糖和半乳糖,其含量分别为3.0%、1.9%、1.3%、1.3%、1.5%、82.8%和8.2%。结果表明该法精密度高,相对标准偏差为2.1%~6.4%,回收率为96.2%~102.1%,检测限为0.002 38μg。The ultrasonication associated with extraction in. distilled water was used to extract polysaccha-ride in Chlorella. The crude polysaccharide was treated with a series of procedures of protein-removing, purification with column, hydrolysis and acetylation, then was analysized by Gas Chromatography to gain the saccharide components which are rhamnose、 ribose、 arabinose、 xylose、 mannose、 glucose and galacose and their percentage are 3. 0% ,1. 9% ,1. 3% ,1. 3%,1. 5% ,82. 8%and8. 2% respectively. The experimental result shows that the precision of the analytical method is good, with a relative standard deviation of 2. 1%-6. 4%. The recovery of the method is 96. 2%-102. 1%, and the detection limit is 0.002 38 μg.国家自然科学基金(39870565

    中国欠发达资源富集区的界定、特征与功能定位/Features and Functional Orientation of Underdeveloped Resource-rich Regions[J]

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