101 research outputs found

    Research on the Improvement of the Supply System of Public Rental Housing in Xiamen

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    住房问题是关系国计民生的重大问题,厦门市历来重视中低收入家庭的住房难问题,通过经济适用房、廉租房的建设及棚户区改造,解决了大部分城市中低收入家庭的住房问题。但是由于覆盖面较小,导致有些中低收入家庭既不能享受廉租房又买不起经济适用房;由于以往的住房保障体系只针对本市户籍,导致大批涌入城市的务工人员也不能享受住房保障,这就产生了所谓的“夹心层”。为了解决“夹心层”的住房问题,厦门于2006年开始推行保障性租赁住房,揭开了建设公共租赁住房的序幕,建立起了完善的住房保障体系。本文针对厦门市公共租赁住房供给中存在的问题,从多角度分析找出问题根源,并提出改进建议。全文包括四个部分: 第一部分是绪论。包括...Housing problem is a key problem in terms of national economy and the people’s livelihood. Xiamen City has been paying highly emphasis on housing problems of family with medium to low income and has resolved this problem for most families with medium to low income through construction of economically affordable housing, low-rent housing and renovation of shanty town. However, some families can nei...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院公共管理系_行政管理学号:1392009115051


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    An Empirical Research on the Monitor Role of Chinese Security Analysts

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    为了解决管理者和股东的委托代理问题以及大股东和中、小股东的利益冲突问题,现代的企业设计出诸多公司治理的机制以约束管理者和大股东的行为。由于专业背景、工作性质及信息资源,作为资本市场重要信息媒体的证券分析师能够深刻理解公司的经营决策以及财务信息,其有能力与条件成为企业的潜在监督者。证券分析师的这种外部监督作用主要是通过增加资本市场信息含量实现的。当证券分析师发现企业的不良行为时,证券分析师将会把相关信息以投资建议的形式传递给投资者,进而降低投资者与企业的信息不对称性,从而引导投资者的资本从公司治理水平低的企业流向公司治理水平高的企业。因此,证券分析师的分析与跟进活动将会制约企业侵占股东,尤其是中...In order to solve the agency problem and the problem of conflicting interests between large shareholders and minority shareholders, modern companies design many mechanisms to monitor managers and large shareholders. Because of their backgrounds, jobs and sources of information, security analysts, one of the important information intermediaries in capital market, can have a deep understanding of fi...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院财务学系_财务学学号:1762007115178


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    Research on Walkability Evaluation and Optimization Strategies of Guangzhou Old City Rail Transit Station Areas

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    国内外大量研究和实践证明,TOD(Transit-orientedDevelopment)是一种有效的城市可持续发展模式。彼得.卡尔索普指出步行友好环境是TOD成功的关键要素。国际上许多先进的公交都市,如哥本哈根、波特兰、旧金山、香港等,皆致力于轨道站点周边的步行友好环境建设,显著提升了站点地区的活力。国家住建部于2013年底发布的《城市步行和自行车交通系统规划设计导则》也将轨道站点区列为步行I类区,要求对其进行专项步行交通设计,建设高品质步行设施和环境,创造步行优先的街区。可见,步行友好环境建设对于轨道站点地区的发展具有重要意义。 广州轨道交通1号线和2号线早在1998年建成使用,沿线的旧...A lot of research and practice at home and abroad prove that both, TOD (Transit oriented Development) is an effective mode of urban sustainable Development. Peter Carl thorpe said friendly environment is the key element for the success of TOD. The many advanced bus cities, such as Copenhagen, Portland, San Francisco, Hong Kong, etc., is committed to friendly environment construction around rail tr...学位:工学硕士院系专业:建筑与土木工程学院_城市与区域规划学号:3082012115168

    The Balance of Creativity and Business—A Study on the Commercialization of Creative Blocks

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    随着创意产业的迅速兴起,创意街区在国内一线城市如雨后春笋般涌现,并日渐呈现出商业化转型的趋势。目前学术界对于创意街区商业化仅仅是现象描述或问题综述,对于现象背后的动力因素及规划应对策略尚缺乏研究。本文介绍了创意街区相关概念,分析其商业化的影响效应与动力因素,最后提出相应的规划引导对策。With the rapid rise of the creative industries,creative blocks proliferate in some large domestic cities,and increasingly showing a trend of commercialization.Former academic is focused on phenomenon description or problem summary of the commercialization.This study describes the concepts related with creative blocks,and provides an analysis on the driving forces,effects and guiding strategies of the commercialization trend


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