34 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Cargo Management System for PORT

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    当前,我国港口码头快速发展,港口物资物流管理业务不断增多,使得港口码头物资管理工作越来越繁重,工作难度也在不断加大。港口码头物资管理业务与管理人员的比例严重失衡,这一突出矛盾严重影响了港口码头的工作质量和工作效率。同时,伴随着我国港口码头管理理念改革的不断深化,港口物资管理工作要实现现代化就需要全面实现港口物资管理的智能化处理,从而达到快速提升综合实力的目标。在社会快速步入信息化的今天,各大港口码头实现物资管理信息化已经成为一种必然趋势。 在对港口码头物资管理工作进行深入地调查探索之后,结合物流库存管理软件制作技术,制定了系统设计总体目标,明确了后继设计思路。之后根据系统建设需求制定了相匹配...At present, the rapid development of ports in China, e material logistics management business growing, makes the cargo management of ports of heavy workloads and work difficulty is also increasing. Ports are unbalanced ratio of material management business and management staff, the prominent contradictions seriously affected the work quality and efficiency of the ports. In today's rapidly into the...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323207

    A Research on the Fragmentation of Production and the Influential Factors in China——Based on the Data from 1992 to 2012

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    中国制造产品的平均生产阶段数是多少?与二十年前相比,如今的生产过程是更加 分散还是更加集聚?各产业的生产碎片化水平之间为什么会产生差异?中国的生产碎 片化水平与世界主要国家相比是较高还是较低?国际贸易的深入发展对于中国各产业 以及世界各国家的生产碎片化水平究竟会产生怎样的影响?为了回答这些问题,本文基 于Fally(2011)的研究,运用投入产出表,建立了两个度量生产链垂直碎片化程度的 简单指标。这两个指标都是基于单个经济体内各工厂之间而非世界范围内各国家之间的。 在对世界各国的生产碎片化状况的研究中发现,世界主要发达国家的生产碎片化水平相 对较低,并且随时间变化而不断下降;而发...What is the average number of production stages for Chinese-made products? Is production more fragmented compared to 20 years ago? Why there are differences between the fragmentation of production for different industries? Is China more or less fragmented in production compared with the major countries? What impact does the development of international trade have on different industries in Chi...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_国际贸易学学号:1572014115194


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    本文介绍了一种基于单片机的健身车转速测量系统。该系统具有电路简单、使用方便等特点。文中详细介绍了该系统的工作原理,并且给出了它的硬件原理图和软件设计程序框图。 ABSTRACT :This paper introduces a measuring system of the rotational velocity of exercise bike based on single - chip microcomputer . It has such advantages : simple circuit ,convenient use and so on. The work principle is presented in detail in this paper and the block diagram of as well


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    海洋人类学对渔业社区的生计方式、社会组织结构等问题有着传统的学科关照。然而,在全球化脉络和现代化进程之下,海洋生态、海洋社会以及人海关系被置于巨大的社会变迁中,并呈现出愈加复杂的趋向。通过系统梳理西方海洋人类学的研究成果,本文认为海洋人类学研究正在发生从"渔业社区"到以产权和管辖权为核心的"海权问题"的话题转向。Issues of mode of livelihood and social organization are traditional subject matters of maritime anthropology. However, the oceanic ecology, society and man-ocean relations are placed in the grand social change and show increasingly complex tendency in the context of globalization and process of modernization. Through reviewing systematically the research achievements of Western mar-itime anthropology, this paper holdsthat a shift subject of talk from the "fishing community" to the"maritime rights" centered with rights of production and management is taking place in maritime anthropology. The understanding of this shift will not only be helpful to grasp the future direction of research of the discipline, which makes contribution to Chinese maritime anthropology, but it also bring with enormous and far-reaching influences to the understanding of traditional Chinese maritime civilization and the inheritance of maritime culture, to the construction of Chinese maritime discourse and to promote the implementation of "the Belt and Road" strategy and the realization of dream of a powerful maritime country.国家社科基金重大项目“闽台海洋民俗文化遗产资源调查与研究”(13&ZD143