623 research outputs found

    Effect of Aggregate Components on the Bond Strength and the Strength of Mortar

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    The report deals with the effect of chemical components of aggregate on the bond strength and the strength of mortar under three practical curing conditions (28 days in 20℃ water, 4 hours in 70℃ steam and 4 hours autoclave in 180℃ and 10 kg/㎠ ). Four typica1 rocks (quartzite, 1imestone, Taishufeldspar and India fe1dspar) and a blast-furnace slag were tested. The bond strengths in 20℃ or 70℃ curings werenearly the same but in autoc1ave, 1imestone, India fe1dspar and slag showed very low strength. It is shown also that the bending,compressive and sp1it-tensi1e strengths of 1imestone and India feldspar mortar specimens were remarkably lowered in autoclave curing. Scanning electron microscope observation showed that the surface of 1imestone and India fe1dspar were fissured and fine1y wrink1ed, suggesting the physica1 and chemica1 deterioration in autoclave. And it is assumed to be the cause of the low strength. Five kinds of crushed sand in market were also tested. The difference of mortar strengths between these aggregates were very small in 20℃ or 70℃ curing. In autoclave curing, however, two kinds of sand with higher SiO2 content showed higher strength. It is indicated by the present study that se1ection of curing appropriate to each aggregate was important to the effective production of concrete


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    The exploration for crop landraces in Aomori Prefecture was conducted from October 17th to 21st, 1994. In Aomori prefecture, the Tsugaru and Nanbu regions were isolated from each other for a long time, and the difference in climate of each region may affect the growth characteristics of local cultivars. Distinct landraces are expected in these two regions. The areas where we explored were Souma-mura, Nishimeya-mura and Fukaura-machi in Tsugaru region and Shingou-mura, Sannohe-machi, Nagawa-machi and Karumai-machi (Iwate) in Nanbu region. A total of 66 samples were collected. As for food legumes, 23 samples of soybean (Glycine max), 17 samples of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), 3 of scarlet runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus) and 13 of azuki bean (Vigna angularis) were collected. Most farmers still grow soybean landraces for home consumption.In Tsugaru region, the pubescent soybean variety which is named as "Ke-mame" (which means hairy bean) is the most common variety. It is characterized by slightly green seed color and large grain. Additionally, a late soybean variety "Yukinoshita-mame" (which means bean matured under snow) and an early soybean variety "Bon-mame" (which means bean used during the Buddhist Bon festival held in the middle of August), which are also the landraces in Tsugaru region, were collected. In Nanbu region, farmers are growing two types of soybean varieties. The black seeded variety is called "Kuromame" (which means black bean) or "Kurodaizu" (which means black soybean) and green seeded variety is called "Aomame" (which means green bean) or "Aodaizu" (which means green soybean). As for common bean, viny (called "teari") and non-viny (called "tenashi") types were collected. They showed white, red, brown or mottled seed color. Most azuki bean varieties showed red colored seed and their pod color were black, white or heterogeneous (black and white mixed). Various kinds of samples were collected from some farmers who are keen to conserve their cultivars. Millet has almost disappeared from every villages. Only at the border area of Aomori and Iwate prefecture, we could collect three samples of common millet (Panicum miliaceum). They were called as "Awa" , which is usually used as a name for foxtail millet in Japan. In addition, one sample of chinese mustard (Brassica napus) used as a vegetable, 3 of buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) and 3 of perilla (Perilla frutescens) were collected. These samples (original seeds) are maintained at the Laboratory of Plant Genetic Diversity and part of them are evaluated, propagated and stored for distribution in NIAR


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    Clinical effect of slow release (depot) formulation of the LH-RH analogue ICI 118630 (Zoladex) in patients with prostatic carcinoma

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    前立腺癌患者12例に対し, LH-RH analogue, ICI 118630 (Zoladex(R))のDepot剤3.6 mg (1日平均溶出量120 μg)を4週ごとに3回皮下投与し, その安全性とホルモン動態への影響について検討を行い, あわせて抗腫瘍効果も評価した.臨床効果は, 対象病巣改善度でCR 1例, PR 6例, NC 3例, PD 2例で, 58.3%の改善がみられた.自覚症状総合改善度は8/10例に改善がみられた.内分泌効果では, 全例において本剤投与直後より血清ホルモンレベル(LH, FSH, testosterone)の上昇がみられたが, 2週目より有意に下降し, 本剤の薬理作用によると考えられるホルモン動態が観察され, 内分泌効果は100%を示した.なお, 12例の平均去勢時期は3.1±0.9週であった.副作用は女性化乳房1例, 高脂血症2例みられたが, いずれも軽微であり, 特別な処置を必要とせず試験を終了した.Zoladex(R)の血中濃度の推移から本在位の蓄積は認められなかったThe antitumor effect and safety and endocrinological effect of a depot formulation of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) analogue ICI 118630 (Zoladex) were studied. Each depot containing 3.6 mg of ICI 118630 (corresponding to the average daily release of 120 micrograms) was subcutaneously injected 3 times at 4 week intervals to 12 prostate cancer patients in total at 4 centers from August 1984 to March 1985. Of the 12 patients, 7 showed an objective clinical response (1 CR and 6 PR patients), 3 showed no change and the remaining 2 showed PD. Overall subjective improvement was obtained in 8 of 10 patients (80.0%). Serum hormone levels (LH, FSH, and testosterone) increased immediately after injection of depot and then significantly decreased during and after 2 weeks of treatment. These changes seen in 100% of the patients were attributable to the pharmacological action of the drug. Medical castration was attained in 3.1 +/- 0.9 weeks on average. Observed side effects included gynecomastia in 1 and hyperlipidemia in 2 patients which were all mild. The trial was continued in the patients who required no special medical treatment. Changes in blood Zoladex concentrations suggested no accumulation. These findings demonstrate the safety and useful endocrinological and antitumor effects of Zoladex in prostate cancer through its pharmacological action, that is, LH-RH agonistic action

    A case of multiple organ failure with massive intestinal bleeding caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a postcystectomy patient--efficacy of mask continuous positive airway pressure training and intraarterial embolization

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    51歳男, 膀胱全摘術後の水溶性下痢を初発症状とするMRSA腸炎から全身性のMRSA感染症を発症し, ARDS, 大量下血, MOFに至った症例.様々な合併症を併発したがARDSにはマスクCPAP, 大量下血にはスポンゼルで血管塞栓術を行い救命することができた.MRSA腸炎は一旦軽快してもVCM投与をしなければ完全に治らないことが示唆されたA 51-year-old man underwent radical cystectomy with tubeless cutaneous ureterostomy. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) enteritis developed postoperatively. MRSA caused critical infections such as pneumonia and sepsis, which subsequently progressed to adult respiratory distress syndrome, massive melena and multiple organ failure. The patient was rescued by intensive management including mask continuous positive airway pressure, systemic vancomycin administration and intraarterial embolization to stop jejunal bleeding

    Renal cell carcinoma and bladder tumor observed in the Automated Multiphasic Health Testing and Services of Tokai University Hospital

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    東海大学病院健診センターにおける自動化総合健診中にみられた腎腫瘍と膀胱腫瘍につき症例の概要を報告した.総合健診が腎腫瘍, 膀胱腫瘍の早期発見に対して果たす役割につき考察した.腎腫瘍の早期発見のためには, 総合健診への腎USの導入が必要であるとともに, 顕微血尿の精査際にもUSは必須の検査法であることを述べた.膀胱腫瘍の発見については, 肉眼血尿の既往を重視し, 血尿に対する啓蒙の必要性があり, 顕微血尿からの発見という点からは, 受診者の性, 年齢を考慮し, 静脈性腎盂造影や尿細胞診を利用したうえ, 膀胱鏡検査をタイミング良く行うことであると考えたFrom June 1975 through December 1983, 48, 604 individuals consisting of 34, 535 males and 14, 069 females underwent health examinations at the Automated Multiphasic Health Testing and Services (AMHTS) Center in Tokai University Hospital. There were five patients with renal cell carcinoma and three with bladder cancer. We reviewed the clinical courses of these patients and discussed the early detection of urological cancers in AMHTS. Patients with renal cell carcinoma were brought to the urology department with various findings in AMHTS. A 44-year-old male was referred to us for the investigation of multiple metastatic shadows in the chest X-P and left renal tumor was diagnosed by intravenous pyelography (IVP) and computed tomography (CT). Renal tumor of a 57-year-old male was diagnosed by the investigations of abnormal renal calcifications found in AMHTS. A 39-year-old female had undergone health check-ups several times but was not found to have a renal tumor. The diagnosis of left renal tumor was made by the abdominal CT carried out after the operation on cerebellar hemangioblastoma. The fourth patient was a 60-year-old female with microscopic hematuria found in AMHTS and the diagnosis was confirmed by calyceal deformity shown in IVP. The last patient was a 64-year-old male and was accidentally demonstrated to have a right renal mass by ultrasonography when he was reexamined for the hepatic abnormality found in AMHTS. He showed microscopic hematuria in the AMHTS urinalysis. The diagnosis was confirmed by IVP, CT and renal angiography.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS


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    研究概要 : エンジン関