93 research outputs found


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    Empirical Research on Effect of Internal Control Reports Disclosure

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    自从萨班斯法案颁布以来,内部控制成为国际上的政府监管部门、企业实务部门与学术界关注的焦点问题之一。顺应国际层面的制度变化,我国政府部门和其他监管层也推出了系列内部控制规范,对企业内部控制及其披露进行引导或管制。与此同时,在国际学术界对内部控制进行广泛讨论之际,该问题也成为我国学术界的研究热点。本文则聚焦于内部控制报告的披露效果,分析现有制度环境下内部控制报告制度能否提高企业内控意识,改善内控质量,为信息使用者带来有价值的信息,实现内部控制信息的有效披露。 本文首先基于信息披露的一般理论分析,探讨了内部控制信息的特点以及内控信息有效披露的实现机制。然后对内部控制、内部控制监管的历史演进进行回顾...Since the enactment of Sarbanes-Oxley Act, internal control has become the focus among government regulators, business practices and the academic. As a response to this institutional change, our regulators have published a series of criterions to guide enterprise building and disclosing internal control. At the same time, the issue about internal control has become our academics research focus. Ba...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:1752008015007

    Anomalous IR Optical Properties of Monodispersed PtNi Nanoparticles

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    采用电位置换反应以及化学还原法制备了单分散PTnI纳米粒子,循环伏安结果显示该纳米粒子在0.1MOl·l-1硫酸介质中对CO的氧化表现出比本体PT电极更好的电催化活性.以CO为探针分子,采用电化学原位红外光谱研究了PTnI纳米粒子上的特殊红外光学性能.结果表明,PTnI纳米粒子无论是在玻碳电极还是在金电极上,均表现出对称的双极谱峰,同时给出很强的增强效应.论文研究结果有助于进一步了解低维纳米材料特殊红外性能的本质.Monodispersed PtNi nanoparticles were synthesized by galvanic displacement reaction and chemical reduction.The monodispersed PtNi nanoparticles demonstrate, by cyclic voltammetry, enhanced electrocatalytic properties for CO oxidation in 0.1 mol·L-1 H2SO4 solution compared with bulk Pt electrode.In situ electrochemical Fourier transform infrared(FTIR) spectroscopy using CO as the probe molecule was studied.The CO adsorbed on either the PtNi/GC(glassy carbon) electrode or PtNi/Au electrode exhibits characteristics of a symmetric bipolar IR feature with a strong enhancement factor.The results of this paper contribute to the understanding of the special properties and origin of the anomalous IR properties of lowdimensional nanomaterials.supportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina(21229301;21403126); ResearchFoundationofEducationBureauofHubeiProvince;China(D20131302)~

    Global climate change and mangrove

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    通讯作者:郑文教[中文文摘]因为红树林位于海洋与陆地之间,其可能是首先被全球气候变化影响的生态系统。红树林的分布会随着温度气温的升高而增加。全球气候变化对红树林最重要的影响是海平面的变化。随着CO2的增多,大部分的红树林有高的光合作用率、水的利用效率以及生长率。在相对低的光照条件下,红树林的光合作用率相对较高。最后提出了今后尚待加强的一些研究领域。[英文文摘]Mangrove locates at the interface between land and sea, and is likely to be one of the first ecosystems to be affected by global climate change. Its distribution area would be enlarged with raising temperature. The most important effects of global climate change on it would be t he r ising sea levels. Most mangrov es w ill benefit from increased CO2 via hig her photosynthetic rate, water use efficiency , and growt h rate. At relatively low light level, the photosynthetic rate of mangroves tends to increase. The strategies to deal with these changes were put forward.国家自然科学基金资助项目(39370147

    Research advance in ecological effects of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in mangrove wetland

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    作者简介: 孙娟, 女, 1982 年生, 硕士生。从事生理生态及污染生态学研究。E- mail: sunjuanlizzy@ sohu. com[中文文摘]多环芳烃(PAHs)是一类广泛存在于天然环境中的有机污染物,对生态环境和人类健康造成严重的潜在威胁。本文概述了红树林湿地中多环芳烃的来源和分布,其对红树植物的生理毒性效应、红树植物的生物修复作用和生物降解等方面的最新研究进展进行了总结,并对未来PAHs在红树林的研究趋势进行了展望分析。[英文文摘]Polynuclear aromatic hydr ocarbons ( PAHs) are ubiquitous org anic persist ent pollutant, w hich would cause potential risks to the environment and human beings. This paper summarized the origin and distribution of PAHs in mangrove, physiological effects of PAHs on mangrove plants, bioremediation o f mangrove plants, and biodegr adation of microbes in mang rove. Future research on PAHs in mangrove was reviewed.福建省自然科学基金重点资助项目(D002-0002

    Effect of Naphthalene Intimidation on Seedling Germination and Antioxidase in Avicennia marina

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    采用砂基栽培,研究污染物多环芳烃萘(Nap)不同暴污强度( 0、20、40、60、80、100mg/L)和暴污时间的环境胁迫下,对红树植物白骨壤(Avicenniamarina)幼苗萌发初期的萌生及子叶超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性和膜脂质过氧化作用的影响.结果表明:Nap污染胁迫对红树白骨壤幼苗的萌生,随着暴污强度和暴污时间的增加而影响愈加明显;幼苗萌发初期抗Nap胁迫生长的浓度范围在40mg/L以下.在暴污的较短时间内,幼苗子叶SOD活性有着积极的响应;随着暴污时间的延长,SOD活性则逐步受到抑制,达30d后酶活性略普遍低于对照.受Nap的胁迫,幼苗子叶POD活性提高;POD有效防御Nap胁迫的浓度范围在60mg/L以下.幼苗子叶中抗氧化防御系统,在萌发初期对有效防御膜脂质过氧化的Nap胁迫浓度在60mg/L以下.结果表明,白骨壤幼苗的萌发初期,对Nap污染的环境胁迫有较强的抗性能力.This paper mainly dealt with some physiological responses of mangrove species A. marina seedling to the pollution of a series of different Nap concentration (0,20,40,60,80,100 mg/L) in sand culture,such as the variance of SOD and POD activities,and Lipid peroxidation during the seedling germination.The results show that the germination of A.marina was obviously influenced by Nap pollution and this influence became more evident with the gradual increasing of Nap concentration and treatment time; less than 40 mg/L of Nap concentration is the adaptive bound during the early seedling germination period.Under the Nap pollution during the earlier time the SOD activity of seedling cotyledons showed positive response,but with the time went on,the SOD activity was inhibited and that of 30 days was universally lower than 15 days.Under the Nap intimidation,the POD activity of seedling cotyledons rose and the efficacious recovery only occurred in the condition that Nap concentration was under 60 mg/L.For the antioxidase system of seedling cotyledons,the effective recovery to lipid peroxidation during the seedling germination happened under the situation of less than 60 mg/L Nap concentration.As a result,during the early germination period,A.marina seedling has stronger resistibility to the Nap pollution

    Conditioned enhancement of antibody response against influenza virus hemagglutinin using camphor odor as conditioned stimulus in mice

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