14 research outputs found

    Anatomy and histology of the reprodustive system of Cymatium pileare

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    毛嵌线螺为雌雄异体。其雄性生殖系统包括精巢、贮精囊、输精管、前列腺、导精沟和阴茎 ;雌性生殖系统包括卵巢、输卵管、蛋白腺、受精囊、卵囊腺、交合囊和外生殖孔。前列腺、导精沟和阴茎中的精子输送通道均为开放型的管道。毛嵌线螺的精子包括具有“9+ 2”微管结构的头部和尾部。雄性个体右触角后的阴茎是从形态上区分雌雄个体的主要标志Cymatium pileare is gonochorism. Its male genital system comststs of testis, vesicula seminalis, vasdeferens prostate gland seminal groove and penis and its female genital system consists of ovary, oviduct,albumin gland, receptaculum seminis, capsule gland bursa copulatrix and vestibule. The sperm delivery ducts in prostate gland, seminal groove and penis are open, and the sperm comprises head and tail with central structure of "9+2" axoneme. The penis behnd the right tentacle of the male is the main morphological feature to be distinguished form the female.湖南省农业百项资助项目! (NB0 0 1


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    1999年 2~ 5月 ,东山县养殖九孔鲍暴发了大规模流行病 ,不少养殖场全场覆没 .病鲍表现为分泌粘液增多、肝脏红肿、足部僵硬和反应迟钝 .应用磷钨酸负染、超薄切片的电镜观察和现场检测等方法 ,对病鲍的病原及肝肠组织的病理情况进行观测 ,结果表明引发这次养殖鲍暴发严重病害的主要病原是致病力很强的病毒和弧菌 .电镜观察到病毒发生在细胞质中的一种称为“封入体”的泡状结构中 ,证实了病原的入侵造成九孔鲍肝及肠等组织、细胞产生病变 ,描述了细菌和病毒混合感染导致九孔鲍细胞的病理变

    Microbic diseases and their control of the maricultured fish and sharimp

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    微生物性疾病是近年来我国海水养殖鱼虾暴发性死亡的主要原因。本文对我国南方地区近年来海水养殖鱼虾中发生的微生物性疾病的主要病原进行了研究,并在此基础上对这些疾病的药物防治方法和免疫防治方法进行了探讨,重点探讨了以超声免疫方法进行鱼病疫苗免疫接种的效果与最佳措施。在海南和广东等南方地区的对虾养殖中,近年来经常发生一类被当地虾农称为红体病的暴发病,本文对该病进行细菌分离、纯化培养、感染实验以及菌种鉴定表明,引起该病的细菌性病原为溶藻弧菌和副溶血弧菌。经药敏试验确定,氯霉素、链霉素和庆大霉素等7种抗生素对抑制这2种致病菌具有良好作用。由wssv引起的白斑病是当前对虾养殖中最常见也是造成经济损失最严重的...Microbic diseases were the key reasons that caused the mariculturedfish and shrimp dead in recent years. In this paper, the pathogens of severalimportant microbic diseases of the maricultured fish and shrimp werestudied and the chemotherapy and immunological control of these diseaseswere also promoted. Moreover, a novel ultrasonic method for vaccineimmunization was studied in this paper. Red bo...学位:博士后院系专业:海洋与环境学院海洋学系_海洋生物学学号:BHBG0001

    Studies on Cymatium pileare Ⅲ. Structure and function of digestive system

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    毛嵌线螺 (Cymatiumpileare)的消化系统包括口腔、食道、胃、肠、肛门、唾液腺和肝脏 .其头部有可伸缩的“Argobuccinum”型吻 ,口腔位于吻前端 ,其中有 1对颚片和 1条齿舌带 .颚片表面有整齐排列的小齿 ;齿舌的齿式为 :2·(7) 1·(5~ 6 ) 1 (5~ 6 )·1 (7)·2 .在食道中央有一膨大的嗉囊 ,它能暂时储存和初步消化食物 ;胃呈U形 ,腹面有 2个肝管的入口 ;肠较短 ,前肠的内壁上皮为复层柱状上皮 ,后肠的内壁上皮为假复层纤毛柱状上皮 .毛嵌线螺的唾液腺已特化为毒腺 ,其分泌的毒素对辅助捕食具重要作用 ;肝脏只有 1叶 ,为复管泡状腺 ,肝细胞内有线粒体、粗面型内质网、高尔基复合体和溶酶体等细胞器 .The digestive system of Cymatium pileare consists of buccal cavity, oesophagus, stomach, intestine, anus, salivary gland and liver. There is a contractible “argobuccinum” form proboscis in the anterior extremity of its body, and the buccal cavity lies in the anterior part of the proboscis. There are a pair of jaws and a piece of radular ribbon in buccal cavity. The jaws have many neatly arranged sickle-shaped sharpen denticles. The dentition formula of radula is: 2·(7)1·(5~6)1(5~6)·1(7)·2. In the middle of oesophagus, there is an expanded crop, which has the function of temporarily storing food and preliminarily digesting food. The stomach is U-shaped and there are 2 entrances for liver ducts in its ventral side. The intestine is short and can be divided into 2 parts based on the structure of epithelia of their inner walls. The inner wall of foreintestine is stratified columnar epithelium, but the inner wall of hindintestine is pesudostratified columnar epithelium. The salivary gland of C. pileare is toxic gland and the toxin extracted from it plays a great role on its predation. The liver of C. pileare is compound tubuloacinar gland with mitochondrion, rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex and lysosome in its glandular cells.海南省百项农业新技术资助!项目 (NB0 0 1


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    应用超声波对8~20cm青石斑鱼体表吸收能力的影响研究表明 ,超声波的超声强度和作用时间以及所浸泡的氯霉素溶液的浓度都对青石斑鱼体表吸收氯霉素的能力有显著影响 ,且呈正相关关系。此外 ,不同的超声作用方法也能显著影响实验石斑鱼的体表吸收能力 ,其中 ,超声后浸泡比浸泡后超声以及脉冲超声比连续超声均能更显著地提高石斑鱼的体表吸收能力。s The study on the effect of ultrasound on the external absorbability of Epinepheius awoara shows that all the intensity and ultrasonic time of the ultrasound and the concentration of the immersed chloromycetin solution have the positive effect. Besides, the ultrasonic methods also have distinct effects on the external absorbability of E. awoara. Compared with the methods‘ultrasound after immerse’ and ‘continuous ultrasound’, the methods ‘immerse after ultrasound’ and ‘pulse ultrasound’ have the better effect on improving the external absorbability of E. awoara.国家863计划海洋领域青年基金!资助项目819 Q 11


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    报道了海南海水网箱养殖卵形鲳大规模死亡的病原及其防治方法。对典型患病个体进行病原分离并经回归感染实验表明 ,引起该病的病原为嗜麦芽假单胞菌。该病原菌对青霉素类药物和呋喃类药物均高度敏感 ,在生产中应用这些药物对该病进行防治效果良好。This paper reported the pathogen and its prevention method of the serious disease which caused large scale death on the cage cultured Trachinotus ovatus in Hainan. The pathogen isolated from the ill fish with typical characteristics was identified as Pseudomonas maltophilia. This pathogen is sensitive to most of the antimicrobial agents including Penicillin, Chloramphenicol, Nitrofurantoin and Ceftazidime. After these medicines were applied to the ill fish, the disease can be effectively prevented.教育部骨干教师基金资助项

    Impacts of Vibrio alginolyticus lipopolysaccharide(LPS)on toxicity and immune protection of Pseudosciaena crocea

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    用酚水法从 2 0dm3 大黄鱼的病原菌———溶藻弧菌菌液分离出脂多糖 (LPS)溶液380cm3 ,冻干后得到LPS粉末 97.6mg .在注射剂量为 0 .2cm3 不同浓度LPS溶液对大黄鱼肌肉注射毒性试验中 ,LPS注射浓度为 0 .5mg/cm3 时 ,5d内能引起大黄鱼死亡 ;当LPS浓度提高到 2mg/cm3 时 ,大黄鱼的死亡率达到 1 0 0 % .以剂量为 0 .2cm3 、浓度为 0 .2mg/cm3 的LPS溶液对大黄鱼进行免疫注射 ,1 5d后用 0 .2cm3 浓度为 9× 1 0 8个 /cm3 的溶藻弧菌进行攻毒试验 ,4 0 %的大黄鱼获得免疫保护97.6 mg LPS were obtained by phenol water method from 20dm 3 suspension of Vibrio alginolyticus ,the pathogenic bacteria of Pseudosciaena crocea. Toxicity of LPS from V.alginolyticus on P.crocea was examined by intramuscular injection.The results showed that injecting 0.5mg/cm 3 LPS would lead to the death of P.croceain 5d, and the mortality rate of P.crocea would reach 100% when the concentration of LPS raised to 2.0mg/cm 3. 15d after injection of LPS (0.2mg/cm 3) 0.2cm 3 to P.crocea, 40% of P.crocea were immunely protected when attacked by 0.2cm 3 V.alginolyticus suspension cells (9×10 8ind./cm 3).国家高技术研究发展计划 ( 86 3 819 2 0 12);; 福建省科技厅大黄鱼养殖病害专项资助项


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    采用低聚糖益力素、稳定型维生素C、渔用多维等免疫、营养添加物定期投喂大黄鱼, 以粒细胞、淋巴细胞、单核细胞、吞噬百分率、吞噬指数等为指标,跟踪检测试验大黄鱼血液中 白细胞组成数量和吞噬细胞吞噬能力的变化。研究结果表明,免疫添加物可以提高大黄鱼血 液中白细胞数量和吞噬细胞的吞噬能力,增强大黄鱼的非特异性免疫功能,促进大黄鱼的健 康生长。The immune additive (i. e. oligo-sacchrose, stable vitamin C and complex vitamin B. K. E. ) on the quantity and phagocytosis of leucocytes in Pseudosciaena crocea were studied in this paper. The results showed:1) The numbers of leucocytes (i. e. lymphocyte, monocyte, granulocyte etc. ) in the tested fish blood were richer than those in the controlled ones; 2)The phagocytosis functions of the these fish leukocyte were much stronger, the rates of the growth and survive were much higher; 3) By supplying the oligo-sacchrose, stable vitamin C and complex vitamin mixed with the diets (l‰ re- spectively) to feed P. crocea, the tested fish could enhance the non-special immunities and alleviate the disease stuffering.国家863计划819-02-012项目资助


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    建立了一种从Cohn血浆分离副产物组分IV中纯化高纯度转铁蛋白(Tf)标准物质的技术,对Cohn组分IV进行复溶、离心和过滤,采用Capto DEAE阴离子交换色谱进行初分离,再通过穿透式Octyl-Sepharose 4 Fast Flow疏水色谱进一步精制;对纯化产品进行了结构、纯度、活性等表征,采用十二烷基磺酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳、基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱、高效液相色谱及酶联免疫吸附法对Tf标准物质进行了分析.结果表明,Tf产品纯度大于99%,收率为79%;圆二色光谱分析显示Tf的二级结构未发生改变,铁离子结合能力实验表明Tf可结合2个铁离子,保持活性