126 research outputs found


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    Cultural Values and Demands Reflected in Chinese and American Wealthy Magazine Commercial

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    作为社会群体的一类细分,富人有着强大的消费力与社会影响力。由于所处经济、政治、文化等环境的不同,中美富人存在着种种差异。因此本文以中美富人作为研究对象,探究富人的不同需求,为奢侈品营销提供建议;探究中美富人的高层次需求,以丰富与补充马斯洛需求层次理论;透过对于中美富人杂志广告的分析,进一步了解中美的文化差异。 本文选取《罗博报告》中国版与美国版作为研究样本(随机各选取两期),运用符号学分析法与文献法,对杂志广告中的图像与文案进行解读。首先将中国版与美国版中的广告按照产品类别分别进行分类;然后分析两个版本中独有的产品类别广告,以及两个版本中共有的产品类别广告;最后,系统总结中美富人的文化价值观...As a segmentation of social groups, the rich have strong consumption power and social influence. There is varying differences between Chinese and American rich classes due to the different backgrounds of economy, politics and culture. Therefore, this article aims to explore different needs of the rich, thus to provide advices for luxury marketing by taking Chinese and American rich consumers as re...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院_传播学学号:3192011115291


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    检察权的性质有行政权说、司法权说、双重属性说、法律监督权说等四种主张 ,可以发现这四种学说都存在着各自的合理性和局限性。将检察权定性为具有多元化属性的自体性权力能更好地反映检察权的应然属性 ,最有利于检察权的优化配置。检察权的优化配置主要包括推进主诉检察官的制度建设 ,弥补侦查监督这一薄弱环节 ,民事、行政诉讼监督权的完善 ,制定统一、明确的法律和司法解释等方面的措施


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    制假售假是破坏社会主义市场经济秩序的违法犯罪行为 ,而“打假”则是一项复杂的社会系统工程。本文借鉴犯罪学中的经济学分析方法建立行为模型 ,运用成本收益理论和法律的威慑力分析方法 ,对制假售假行为做深入分析 ,进而评判国家的法律效率 ,引导国家进行“打假”政策和法律的优化选择


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    Environment Security Monitoring System for Offshore Caged Fish and Water Quality

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    为了更好地开展渔业养殖中深水网箱中鱼群状态与水质环境的安全监测,提出了一种深水网箱鱼群与水质环境安全远程监测系统.该系统使用声学方式对鱼群分布状况进行监测;同时采用传感器对水质环境的温度、溶解氧、p H值等进行监测,监测结果通过无线数据传输方式实时传送至微处理器,完成信号去噪、数据提取、显示及报警等.实验结果表明,该监测系统性能稳定可靠,结合嵌入式控制技术与无线数据传输技术,监测操作简便,移动性好;同时兼顾鱼群与水质环境安全,监测更全面到位,在推广深水网箱养殖安全配套设施上具有良好的应用前景.Environment monitoring of fish activity state and water quality is the key to offshore cage safety management.A remote monitoring system for offshore caged fish and water quality is developed in the research.The fish distribution and abundance are monitored strategically using acoustic transducers in the system.Meanwhile,some parameters of water quality are obtained using various sensors,such as temperature sensor,dissolved oxygen sensor and p H sensor. Then the collected data are sent to the user monitor terminal in real time through wireless transmission module.Finally,the results are displayed on a 7-inch liquid crystal display screen( LCD) after data processing. The experiment has been conducted to verify the excellent performance of this system.Combined with embedded control technology and wireless data transmission technology,the flexibility and mobility are improved significantly. Besides,both fish activity and water quality are taken into account,making the monitoring more comprehensive.The results suggest that the system has good application prospects.国家海洋局海洋公益性行业科研专项(201505027-2

    Research on Air Combat Decision-making for Cooperative Multiple Target Attack Using Heuristic Ant Colony Algorithm

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    协同多目标攻击空战决策是现代战机在超视距条件下进行协同空战的关键技术之一。它是寻求一个优化分配方案,将目标分配给各友机,力求使攻击效果最优。本文在对协同多目标攻击战术进行深入分析的基础上,提出了一种用于空战决策的启发式蚁群算法,该算法通过求解友机导弹对目标的最优分配来确定空战决策方案。仿真实验表明所提出的启发式蚁群算法对最优解的搜索效率明显优于基本蚁群算法,是一种求解协同多目标攻击空战决策问题的有效算法。The air combat Decision-Making(DM)for Cooperative Multiple Target Attack(CMTA)is one of the key techniques for modern fighters performing cooperative air combat under the Beyond Visual Range (BVR)condition.It is to find a proper assignment of the friendly fighters to the hostile fighters to achieve the optimal attack effect.In this paper,based on the deep analysis of the CMTA tactics,a Heuristic Ant Colony Algorithm(HACA)is proposed to solve the DM problem.The HACA obtains the DM solution by searching for the optimal assignment of the missiles of the friendly fighters to the hostile fighters.Simulation results show that the search efficiency of the proposed algorithm is obviously superior to that of basic Ant Colony Al- gorithm(ACA).It is an effective algorithm to deal with the DM problem for CMTA in air combat.国家自然科学基金(60604009);; 厦门大学985二期信息创新平台基金;; 福建省教委科技基金(JA05290

    Air-Combat Decision-Making for UAVs Cooperatively Attacking Multiple Targets

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    中文摘要:针对超视距空战中多架无人机对空中的多个敌对目标进行协同攻击的决策问题进行了研究。首先,对空战威胁态势进行了分析,基于对各攻击目标至少分配一枚导弹的原则,将协同多目标攻击决策问题转化为导弹目标攻击配对的优化问题并建立其攻击效能评估模型。然后,提出了一种模拟退火遗传算法用于该决策问题的寻优。最后,通过所得最佳导弹目标分配个体求得最终协同攻击决策方案。仿真结果表明所提出的算法能有效地求解协同多目标攻击决策问题,其对最优解的搜索效率明显优于单一的遗传算法。 英文摘要:Abstract: Considering a Beyond Visual Range (BVR) air combat scenario with a group of UAVs versus multiple hostile airborne targets, the decision-making problem for Cooperative Attack on Multiple Targets (CAMT) was investigated. First, the air combat threat situation was analyzed. Based on the principle of each target to be attacked at least being assigned one missile, the decision-making for CAMT was converted into a Missile-Target Assignment (MTA) optimization problem with the establishment of the attack effectiveness evaluation model. Then, a Simulated Annealing Genetic Algorithm (SAGA) was proposed to find out the optimal solution to the MTA problem. Finally, the final decision-making solution to the CAMT was derived from the obtained best missile-target assignment individual. Simulation results show that the proposed method is more effective than Genetic Algorithm (GA) to deal with the decision-making problem for CAMT.基金项目:国家自然科学基金(60604009);航空科学基金(2006ZC51039);厦门大学985 二期信息创新平台项


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