25 research outputs found


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    Studies on the chemical constituents of Clinopodium gracile seed

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    【中文摘要】 对细风轮菜种子化学成分的研究表明,种子含大量脂肪油(23.25%),油中含大量不饱和脂肪酸:亚麻酸(66.929%)、亚油酸(21.813%)、油酸(4.596%),总量达93.338%。此外,种子还含18种氨基酸和18种矿质元素。因此,种子和种子油具有较高营养价值和药用保健功效。 【英文摘要】 The chemical constituents of Clinopodium gracile seeds have been studied. The results showed that the seed is rich in fatty oil (23.25%) and the main constituents in fatty oil are α-Linoleni acid 66.929%, linolic acid 21.813% and oleic acid 4.596%, the total content of unsaturated fatty acid reaches 93.186%. Eighteen amino acids and eighteen mineral elements are also determined. The seed of Clinopodium gracile has high nutritive and medicinal values.福建省教委基金资助项目(K20096);国家中医药管理局和福建省卫生厅基金项目(NO.2000-J-P-40


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    Tannin dynamics of Kandelia candel roots in different salinity culture

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    对不同盐度(0‰-40‰)栽培下秋茄根的总酚、可溶性缩合单宁、结合缩合单宁、总缩合单宁的含量进行测定,探讨盐度对单宁生产的效应.结果表明:(1)不同盐度下栽培60-135d,总酚含量在相同盐度条件下随栽培时间的延长呈现出先波动而后升高的趋势,其中总酚最高含量出现在高盐度,说明一定的高盐度胁迫可以促进总酚的合成;总缩合单宁与可溶性缩合单宁含量变化趋势相似,其中可溶性缩合单宁含量显著高于结合缩合单宁.(2)在15‰盐度下栽培75-135d,秋茄根不同部位的总酚、可溶性缩合单宁、结合缩合单宁和总缩合单宁含量有相似的变化趋势,即由根尖往远离根尖的部位呈下降趋势.Total phenolics(TP),extractable condensed tannins(ECT),bound condensed tannins(BCT),and total condensed tannins(TCT) contents of Kandelia candel roots in different salinity culture were determined.In addition,the effect of salinity on tannin production was studied.The results showed as follows:(1) During the period of different salinity culture(from 60 d to 135 d),TP content fluctuated with increasing salinity,with the highest occurring in high salinity.ECT and TCT contents fluctuated under different salinity conditions with a consistent pattern.ECT contents were significantly higher than BCT contents.(2) At culture salinity of 15‰,the distribution of tannins in different parts of roots in the same period from 75 d to 135 d followed the identical pattern: the closer the root tip was,the higher the TP,ECT,BCT,and TCT contents were.福建省自然科学基金资助项目(B0410006);; 国家自然科学基金资助项目(40376026

    Size Distribution of Particle and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Particle Emissions from Simulated Emission Sources

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    采用再悬浮箱模拟得到不同粒径的烹调油烟、生物质和塑料燃烧烟尘、汽车尾气和发电机烟气等颗粒,并用gC/MS对不同粒径颗粒中18种多环芳烃(PAHS)进行了分析.结果表明,烹调油烟中颗粒物存在0.44~1.0μM和2.5~10μM两个峰值,稻草和木材燃烧排放烟尘只有0.44~1.0μM一个峰值,塑料燃烧排放烟尘的峰值不明显,汽车尾气尘因含有大量的水汽导致其粒径峰值出现在2.5~10μM,而发电机排放的烟尘约93%集中在≤2.5μM的粒径范围.烹调油烟和汽车尾气尘中低环数PAHS在2.5~10μM范围内的峰值明显;随环数增加,0.44~1.0μM范围内的峰值变得明显;不同排放源亚微米颗粒中单一PAH占全部颗粒态中该PAH的比例都呈现随分子量的增大而增大的趋势.烹调油烟和燃烧排放颗粒中PAHS的组成以菲占主导,但汽车尾气和发电机烟尘中含量最高的PAHS分别是萘和苯并[g,H,I]苝.来源特征比值的比较显示,烹调油烟与生物质燃烧颗粒中PAHS的源特征较为接近,但两者都不同于汽车尾气和发电机烟尘.Particles from cooking lampblack,biomass and plastics burning smoke,gasoline vehicular exhausts and gasoline generator exhausts were prepared in a resuspension test chamber and collected using a cascade MOUDI impactor.A total of 18 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons( PAHs) associated with particles were analyzed by GC-MS.The results showed that there were two peaks in the range of 0.44-1.0 μm and 2.5-10 μm for cooking lampblack,and only one peak in the range of 0.44-1.0 μm for straw and wood burning smoke.But there were no clear peak for plastics burning smoke.The peak for gasoline vehicular exhausts was found in the range of 2.5-10 μm due to the influence of water vapor associated with particles,while the particles from gasoline generator exhausts were mainly in the range of ≤2.5 μm( accounting for 93% of the total mass).The peak in 2.5-10 μm was clear for cooking lampblack and gasoline vehicular exhausts.The peak in the range of 0.44-1.0 μm became more and more apparent with the increase of PAHs molecular weight.The fraction of PAH on particles less than 1.0 μm to that on the total particles increased along with PAH's molecular weight.Phenanthrene was the dominant compound for cooking lampblack and combustion smoke,while gasoline vehicular exhausts and generator exhausts were characterized with significantly high levels of naphthalene and benzo[g,h,i]perylene, respectively.The distribution of source characteristic ratios indicated that PAHs from cooking lampblack and biomass burning were close and they were different from those of vehicular exhausts and generator exhausts.国家自然科学基金项目(40971257;41171365); 环境保护公益性行业科研专项(201009004


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    今年 9月是五四宪法颁布、全国人民代表大会成立五十周年。五四宪法是新中国的第一部宪法 ,为我国的社会主义民主法制奠定了基础 ,具有划时代的意义。坚持和完善人民代表大会制度 ,是新的历史条件下推进政治体制改革和社会主义政治文明建设的重要内容。基于“以学术表达纪念、以纪念促进学术”的目的 ,中国社会科学院法学研究所于 2 0 0 4年 9月 5日举办了“纪念五四宪法颁布暨全国人民代表大会成立五十周年理论研讨会”。来自全国各地的 70余位代表莅临会议 ,研讨了诸多热点和前沿问题


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    研究了有机磷农药三唑磷对美人蕉生长发育及生理生化的影响,分析了美人蕉修复水体三唑磷污染的可行性.通过水培实验,探讨了不同浓度三唑磷对美人蕉根部超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化物酶活性、丙二醛、可溶性糖、叶片叶绿素含量、植株生物量、高度和根系发育的影响.结果表明,当三唑磷浓度10 mg.L-1时,美人蕉根部超氧化物歧化酶活性、过氧化物酶活性、根系发育和株高生长受到抑制,叶片叶绿素含量显著下降;当三唑磷浓度为39 mg.L-1时,植物生物量合成受到抑制.一般三唑磷的环境浓度低于1.0 mg.L-1,美人蕉的生长发育及


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