25 research outputs found

    Electrochemical Study of Osmacycles, Ruthenacycles, Iridacycles and Related Organic Compounds

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    有机电化学是有机化学和电化学相互结合的一门交叉学科,与有机化学和电化学的许多领域密切相关。近年来,有机电化学在有机电分析,有机电合成,有机光电化学,有机电催化等方面的研究都得到了快速的发展。二十一世纪,由于材料、能源、信息、环境、生命科学对有机电化学的要求,以及有机化学和电化学之间不断地相互渗透,使有机电化学具有良好的发展前景。 本论文对课题组合成的一系列结构新颖的配合物(锇、钌、铱杂环化合物)和有机化合物(环戊二烯及戊二醛衍生物)进行了全面的、系统的电化学研究,主要分以下七个部分: 第一章是绪论,介绍了电化学分析技术在过渡金属有机化学中的应用,并结合本论文的核心内容,着重对单核、双核、多...Organic electrochemistry is an interdisciplinary subject based on the mutual combination of organic chemistry and electrochemistry, which is closely related to all areas of organic chemistry and electrochemistry. In recent years, impressive progress has been made in research on organic electroanalysis, organic electrosynthesis, organic photoelectrochemistry and organic electrocatalysis. Owing to t...学位:理学博士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_有机化学学号:1912005140309

    Electroless Copper Deposition Using Sodium Hypophosphite as Reductant

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    研究了以次磷酸钠为还原剂、硫酸镍为再活化剂的化学镀铜工艺和镀层结构,指出工艺的基本特性。结果表明,在含有次磷酸钠和硫酸镍的镀液中,化学镀铜过程可以持续进行并呈现自催化特性;只有在合适的镀液pH范围内才可获得铜镀层;铜镀层为面心立方结构,没有明显的晶面择优取向现象,镀层结构的晶面间距d和晶胞参数a与标准Cu粉末的相比均较大,说明铜镀层仍存在应力和缺陷。The primary characterstics for the process of electroless copper deposition, using sodium hypophosphite as reducing agent and nickel sulfate as re-activation agent, and the deposit structure were studied. The results showed that in the solution containing sodium hypophosphite and nickel sulfate the copper deposition was sustainable and was presented in self-catalyzation. The deposit could only be obtained in a proper pH range. The deposit was in face-centered cubic structure without obvious crystal face preferred orientation. Its lattice distanced and lattice parameter a were larger than those of standard copper powder, which indicated that the obtained deposit was still present internal stress and defects

    Studies on Cu-Ni alloy electroless plating using sodium hypophosphite as reductant

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    研究了以次磷酸钠为还原剂的化学镀铜过程。分析了温度、pH、硫酸镍含量对化学镀铜沉积速率的影响及镀层的表面形貌和结构。结果表明,沉积速率随着镀液温度、pH和N i离子浓度的提高而增大。镀层组分含量和XRD实验结果表明镀层为铜镍合金,呈面心立方结构,晶面间距d与晶胞参数a与标准Cu-N i的相比略大。SEM实验表明,镀层表面形貌为团粒状,颗粒大小较不均匀。The process of the electroless copper plating(using) sodium hypophosphite as reductant was studied.The influences of temperature,pH,nickel sulphate content on deposition rate of copper electroless plating as well as the surface morphology and structure of the deposit were(analyzed.)The results show that the deposition rate is(accelerated) with increasing bath temperature,pH value and the concentration of nickel ion.Both deposit composition and XRD results indicate that the deposits are Cu-Ni alloy with face-centered cubic structure.Its structural parameters of d and a are slightly larger than that of the standard Cu-Ni(alloy).SEM experiment displays that the deposit has a(surface) morphology of granular structure with uneven grain sizes.国家科技攻关计划项目(2004BA325C

    Reaction of p-Chloronitrobenzene Adsorbed on Silver Nanoparticles

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    Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]; Tel: +86-592-2189023[中文文摘]表面增强拉曼光谱(SERS)具有极高的检测灵敏度,通过检测吸附分子的SERS信号,可以获得表面吸附分子的结构以及可能发生的反应.在拉曼激发光源的辐射下,在碱性溶液中,银纳米粒子表面吸附的对氯硝基苯(PCNB)的SERS光谱与其固体的常规拉曼光谱相比,出现异常SERS谱.通过采用密度泛函理论(DFT)计算,对PCNB以及可能的偶联产物p,p′-二氯偶氮苯(DCAB)进行理论分析以及谱峰归属,发现这些异常峰来自其偶联产物DCAB的偶氮C-N=N-C基团的基频振动. [英文文摘]Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) on silver nanoparticles is highly sensitive because of surface plasmon resonance. We have studied the structures and photoinduced chemical reactions of p-chloronitrobenzene (PCNB) molecules adsorbed on silver nanoparticles using a combination of SERS and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. When the PCNB molecules are adsorbed to the surface of silver nanoparticles in alkaline solution, the SERS spectra are very different from the normal Raman spectra of PCNB. Comparison of the DFT simulated Raman spectra of PCNB and p,p-dichloroazobenzene (DCAB) indicates that the new peaks in the SERS spectrum of PCNB adsorbed on silver nanoparticles arise from the azo (C-N=N-C) group of DCAB.国家自然科学基金(20973143, 91027009, 21021002);国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(973)(2009CB930703);厦门大学(2010121020


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    目的 探讨2017年深圳市乙型Yamagata系(B/Y)流感在学校暴发疫情中的传播能力,评价疫苗接种和隔离措施的防控效果。方法 运用SEIAR动力学模型对暴发现场调查数据进行模拟,计算疫情的基本再生数(R0...福田区卫生公益性科研项目(No.FTWS20160051


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    目的探讨一期膝关节翻修术治疗膝关节假体周围感染的安全性及有效性。方法选取2015年1月~2018年6月厦门大学附属福州第二医院因膝关节假体周围感染接受一期膝关节翻修术的患者28例。收集患者的人口统计学资料、感染病原,并回顾性分析患者术前及术后KSS、HSS与OKS评分及影像学资料,评估膝关节假体周围感染接受一期膝关节翻修术的安全性及临床疗效。结果 28例接受一期膝关节翻修术的患者,男14例,女14例,平均年龄(65.3±10.1)岁,截止到末次随访,除1例患者死亡(死于心肌梗死)失访外,其余27例患者平均随访25.7个月(13~39个月),未发现假体松动及假体周围感染复发。患者术前KSS评分平均(34.19±13.00)分,末次随访时平均(76.37±16.46)分;术前HSS评分平均(36.03±13.39)分,末次随访时平均(71.24±16.39)分;术前OKS评分平均(16.62±3.47)分,末次随访时平均(27.43±6.02)分,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。结论在选择合适适应证情况下,膝关节置换术后假体周围感染的患者通过一期膝关节翻修术可以有效控制感染并重建膝关节功能。福建省自然科学基金项目(2017J01333

    An Electrochemical Study of Electroless Copper Plating Using Glyoxylic Acid as Reducing Agent

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    通讯联系人, Te:l ( 86-592) 2181436, E-ma il: smzhou@ xmu. edu. cn[中文文摘]以乙醛酸作还原剂, Na2 EDTA! 2H2O为络合剂, 亚铁氰化钾和2, 2 -' 联吡啶为添加剂组成化学镀铜液体系, 应用线性扫描伏安法研究分析了络合剂、添加剂对该镀铜体系电化学性能的影响. 结果表明, 络合剂N a2EDTA对乙醛酸的氧化和铜的还原有阻碍作用. 亚铁氰化钾和过量( 20 m g /L) 的2, 2 -' 联吡啶对乙醛酸的氧化起较明显的抑制作用.[英文文摘]The electroless copper plating using glyoxylic acid as a reducing agent, Na2EDTA as a che lating agent and K4 Fe( CN) 6 and 2, 2-' dipyridyl as additives was studied. The effect of chelating agent and addtives on the polangat ion behaviovs of copper reduction and glyoxylie acid oxidation were analyzed by linear sw eep vo ltammetry. The resu ltsm ainly demonstrated that the chelating agent h indered both the oxidation of glyoxylic acid and the reduction of copper complex ing ions. It has revealed that K4Fe( CN ) 6 and 2, 2 -' d ipyridyl( w ith the content over than 20 mg /L) both p layed negat ive actions on the oxidation of glyoxylic acid.国家科技攻关计划项目(2004BA325C);国家“973”项目(2002CB211804)资