Electroless Copper Deposition Using Sodium Hypophosphite as Reductant


研究了以次磷酸钠为还原剂、硫酸镍为再活化剂的化学镀铜工艺和镀层结构,指出工艺的基本特性。结果表明,在含有次磷酸钠和硫酸镍的镀液中,化学镀铜过程可以持续进行并呈现自催化特性;只有在合适的镀液pH范围内才可获得铜镀层;铜镀层为面心立方结构,没有明显的晶面择优取向现象,镀层结构的晶面间距d和晶胞参数a与标准Cu粉末的相比均较大,说明铜镀层仍存在应力和缺陷。The primary characterstics for the process of electroless copper deposition, using sodium hypophosphite as reducing agent and nickel sulfate as re-activation agent, and the deposit structure were studied. The results showed that in the solution containing sodium hypophosphite and nickel sulfate the copper deposition was sustainable and was presented in self-catalyzation. The deposit could only be obtained in a proper pH range. The deposit was in face-centered cubic structure without obvious crystal face preferred orientation. Its lattice distanced and lattice parameter a were larger than those of standard copper powder, which indicated that the obtained deposit was still present internal stress and defects

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