165 research outputs found

    Electrochemically shape-controlled formation of concave AuPd alloy nanoparticles on ITO substrate

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    运用电化学方波电位法, 在氧化铟锡(ITO)透明导电膜玻璃基底上实现AuPd纳米粒子的形状控制合成. 当固定方波下限电位0.30 V,; 上限电位分别为0.64和0.70 V时, 分别制备出内凹三八面体(TOH)和内凹六八面体(HOH) AuPd合金纳米粒子.; 运用扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线能量散射谱(EDX)和电化学循环伏安法表征所制备的纳米粒子, 结果表明所制备的AuPd纳米粒子在ITO上分散均匀,; 具有清晰的内凹三八面体和内凹六八面体的形状, Au:Pd元素比均接近3:1. 但由于Au比Pd的表面自由能低,; 导致Au在AuPd合金纳米粒子表面富集.发现从合成的TOH AuPd合金纳米粒子出发, 对其施加下限电位0.30 V、上限电位0.70; V的方波电位处理, 可实现由TOH向HOH形状转变; 延长方波电位处理时间仅改变AuPd合金纳米粒子的尺寸, 但HOH形状保持不变.Shape-control of AuPd alloy nanoparticles (AuPd NPs) substrated on; indium-tin oxide (ITO) was successfully achieved, for the first time, by; using electrochemical square-wave-potential (SWP) method. Concave; trisoctahedral AuPd alloy NPs (TOH AuPd NPs) and concave hexoctahedral; AuPd alloy NPs (HOH AuPd NPs) were prepared under SWP conditions with; lower potential of 0.3 V while different upper potentials of 0.64 and; 0.70 V, respectively. Different techniques including SEM, EDX and; electrochemical cyclic voltammetry were employed to characterize the; morphology and composition of AuPd alloy NPs. The results demonstrated; that the as-prepared TOH AuPd NPs and HOH AuPd NPs are uniform in shape; of correspondingly concave TOH and concave HOH, and are well dispersed; on the ITO substrate. The composition in terms of and Au:Pd atomic ratio; of both TOH and HOH AuPd alloy NPs is determined by EDX around 3:1.; However, a surface enrichment of Au on the AuPd NPs was observed, and is; ascribed to the lower surface energy of Au in comparison with that of; Pd. It has been found that, starting from the as-synthesized TOH AuPd; NPs, shape transformation from TOH to HOH can be accomplished by; applying a treatment of square wave with lower potential of 0.3 V and; upper potential of 0.7 V. Prolonging the treatment time results in; increasing the size of AuPd NPs, while the HOH shape is preserved.国家自然科学基

    The Study of Disk I/O Scheduling Algorithm for High Definition Video Servers

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    服务器前置方案是否具有可行性的关键之一,就是如何尽可能地发挥硬件潜能,提高单台视频服务器的性价比。目前视频服务器的主要性能瓶颈在于资源磁盘的带宽,尤其是在多线程环境下,使用主流操作系统的磁盘I/O将导致磁盘带宽大大下降,严重制约服务器的性能。本文的主要工作是,详细研究了Linux内核块设备的I/O子系统,对Linux提供的四种I/O调度算法做了深入的剖析;在此基础上,针对分条式高清视频点播服务器读取资源磁盘的特点,设计了一个专用的I/O调度算法——HVOD,并且在Linux2.6.32内核中实现了该算法。HVOD算法通过精确的读预测提升磁盘顺序读的性能,使用超时队列避免进程的I/O饥饿,从而确...It is one of the keys to the feasibility for the SDFC (servers are deployed along the frontier of cilents) to make good use of the hardware capacity so as to promote the cost performance as much as possible for a single video server. At present, the bandwidth of resource hard disks is the main bottleneck for video servers, because, especially in a concurrent environment, simultaneous access to a h...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_计算机软件与理论学号:2302011115307


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    黑洞潮汐瓦解恒星事件(Tidal Disruption Events,TDE)是星系中心黑洞瓦解进入其潮汐瓦解半径内的恒星并吸积恒星碎片物质而产生的一种剧烈辐射耀发现象.TDE的能谱和光变特征中蕴含了中心黑洞和被瓦解的恒星的信息,为我们证实和普查宁静星系中的黑洞,研究其参数、吸积过程和喷流产生、以及核区星际介质等提供了可能.TDE还可能提供中等质量黑洞和双黑洞存在的证据.TDE的观测和理论已成为一个新开辟的天体物理研究领域,但目前的进展受制于探测到事件太少(尤其是在X射线波段),且观测数据普遍质量不高.TDE的发生率很低,要探测大样本的事例需要监测足够大的空间体积.爱因斯坦探针卫星(Einstein Probe,EP)覆盖了0.5–4 keV的软X射线波段(接近TDE耀发时的辐射峰值能段),具有大视场以及高灵敏度,非常利于对TDE的探测.预期爱因斯坦探针卫星每年可以发现约几十至上百例TDE,其中有约10例或更多具有相对论性喷流特征.这将使我们可以获得较为完备、具有统计意义的TDE的样本,为进一步研究黑洞的存在和统计性质、增长和演化、发现中等质量黑洞和大质量双黑洞等提供了新的途径.中国科学院空间科学战略性先导科技专项(编号:XDA15052100);;北京大学“985工程”建设项目“星团环境对双黑洞形成演化过程的干扰及其对引力波探测的影响”资

    Evaluation on difference of therapeutic efficacy of Jiawei Xiaoyao Granules and Pills in treatment of emotional disorder during perimenopause based on Greene Climacteric Scale

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    目的:在前期加味逍遥丸治疗围绝经期情绪障碍具有比较优势的基础上,基于grEEnE量表探讨其颗粒剂和丸剂不同剂型间疗效差异。方法:经筛选后患有情绪障碍的围绝经期女性75例随机等分为A、b、C3组,分别对应采用帕罗西汀、加味逍遥丸和加味逍遥颗粒剂治疗8周。所有患者在治疗前后各进行1次grEEnE及其子因子评定,并在观察期结束时进行TESS评定。结果:grEEnE总分差及其焦虑、抑郁因子分差:3种治疗方法均能改善,且相互间无显著差异;grEEnE性因子和血管因子分差:后二组均优于A组(P<0.01);TESS评分:与A组比较,b、C组均有统计学意义(P<0.01),评分均小于A组,且后二组间无显著差异。结论:加味逍遥的2种剂型间疗效无显著差异,考虑到帕罗西汀的不良反应,治疗该病加味逍遥的2种剂型都值得推荐。Objective: To investigate the difference in therapeutic efficacy between Jiawei Xiaoyao Granules and pills based on the preliminary research of treating emotional disorder during perimenopause with Jiawei Xiaoyao Pills and Greene Climacteric Scale.Methods: 75 female patients with emotional disorder during perimenopause were slected and randomly divided into 3 groups as group A, B and C.Patients in the 3 groups were treated with paroxetine, Jiawei Xiaoyao Pills and Jiawei Xiaoyao Granules respectively for 8 weeks.Greene and Greene factors assessment were carried out in all the patients before and after treatment, and the TESS assessment was carried out at the end of the observation period.Results: The three therapies all could improve the gap in total score of Greene and its factors as anxiety and depressed, and the difference among these three groups was no significant.The factors of Greene and gap in score of vascular factors of group B and C was better than that of group A(P<0.01).The difference in TESS score between group A and group B and C was significant(P<0.01), while the difference between group B and group C was not significant.Conclusion: The difference in curative effect between the two formulations was not significant.Because of the adverse reactions of paroxetine, in the treatment of emotional disorder during perimenopause, the two formulations of Jiawei Xiaoyao Powder were worth to be recommended.国家自然科学青年基金项目(No.81302960)~

    A Study on the Relationship between Psychological Resilience, Life Satisfaction and Academic Performance of Senior High School Students and Resilience Intervention

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    国家重点学科继续医学教育管理的实践与研究——神经外科脑血管病科继续教育管理 Research and Practice of Continuing Medical Education of National Key Discipline —— Continuing Medical Education Management of Vascular Neurosurgery

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    【摘要】 本文介绍国家重点学科继续医学教育规范化、科学化管理方式,分析了首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经外科脑血管病科继续医学教育管理优势和当前存在的问题。通过持续改进实际工作中存在的问题,达到规范化、科学化管理继续医学教育工作的目的,促进继续医学教育工作持续良性、健康发展,增强社会效益。 【Abstract】 The standardized and scientific management of continuing medical education (CME) of national key discipline, and the advantages and current problems in vascular neurosurgery CME management at Beijing Tian Tan Hospital were introduced and analyzed in this article. According to the actual problems, the innovative improvement measures were made and carried out, which greatly enhanced the efficiency and efficacy of CME and made CME management more standardized and scientific, and all the above promoted the sustained and healthy development of CME management and enhanced social benefits

    Stakeholder Management:the Chance and Challengein the Era of New Economy

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    “股东至上主义”是盎格努———萨克逊体系公司治理模式的核心,但是它却忽视了相关者的利益要求,从而给企业带来了一系列的管理悖论。而在知识化、信息化为主要特征的新经济条件下,利益相关者的参与同合作情况对企业的经营成败有着至关重要的影响作用。于是,利益相关者管理逐渐受到了理论与实践上的重视。虽然通过利益相关者管理可以实现企业长期价值的提高,促进企业可持续发展等,但在实际操作过程中还存在许多需要进一步明确的问题。shareholder-supremacies are the core of corporate governance in Anglo-Saxon system. Some management paradoxes emerged because this thought has been neglecting the stakeholders' claims. In the era of new economy characterized by knowledge, information and globalization, the stakeholders' participation determines the performance of corporate. Under this situation, the management of stakeholders become more and more important both in the theory and practice. Through the management of stakeholders can increase the long-term value of the corporate and promotes its continuous development. However, it still has many problems needs to be done in the processing