15 research outputs found


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    以人力资本结构(专业人力资本和企业家人力资本)为研究视角,选取中国2003年-2012年30个省份的平衡面板数据,运用空间计量模型探讨其对产业结构的影响,特别是两类人力资本的技术外溢性对产业结构升级的影响。结果表明:企业家人力资本的技术外溢性显著促进了产业结构高级化与服务化以及产业整体发展水平的提高;东部地区,企业家人力资本负的技术外溢性会抑制产业结构继续向高级化与服务化发展。但是,其专业人力资本能够积极促进产业结构向高级化与服务化发展;此外,相较于全国平均水平而言,西部和中部地区的产业结构服务化、高级化以及层级合理化受企业家人力资本的影响更大,但其专业人力资本的作用不明显。国家社会科学基金重大项目“经济持续健康发展与收入倍增计划的实现路径研究”(13&ZD029); 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“地方债发行机制与监管研究”(14JZ011); 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“经济增长与区域经济差异——人力资本的视角”(13JJD790025); 厦门大学基础科研基金项目“经济增长与结构调整——人力资本结构视角”(201322G005)阶段性研究成


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    经济效益问题是社会主义现代化建设的一个核心问题,能否不断提高再生产诸领域的经济效益,是关系到能否加速积累社会财富、增强扩大再生产能力、不断改普人民生活的根本问题.本文试图从物质生产领城出发,探讨经济效益的实质、评价原则与方法。全文分上下两部分。 上部分,探讨经济效益的实质. 经济效益是指一定时期内,某一经济总体在具体的客观条件下进行经济活动实现经济活动直接目的的程度。我把经济活动的直接目的称为目标成果.经济效益就是目标成果与实现目标成果的客观条件的比较,习惯上称为产出与投入的比较。为了使不同经济活动的经济效益能够进行比较,必须把客观条件的差异消除。客观条件主要有预付劳动、自然资源和地理条件...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院计划统计系_统计学学号:YL000070


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    A Study on the Growth Source of Total Factor Productivity in Taiwan from the Perspective of Financial Development

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    本文利用台湾1985—2014年的时序数据,借助Levine模型和扩展的Nelson-Phelps模型研究了金融发展对全要素生产率增长的效应。实证分析发现,台湾金融发展对全要素生产率增长的正效应具有滞后的特点,当期和上一期的金融发展都具有高度的显著性,但二者的作用方向相反——当期金融发展具有负效应,上一期金融发展具有正效应,正负作用抵消后的综合效应为正。这一发现对于中国大陆有两个重要的启示:一要缩短金融政策的市场时滞、提高政策发挥作用的时间效率;二要推行具有前瞻性的金融政策,减少因时滞而导致政策效果的弱化。只有这样才能有效提高全要素生产率,促进经济增长。Based on the Taiwan 1985 to 2014 data, the Levine model and the extended Nelson-Phelps model, this paper makes a detailed study of the effect of the financial development on total factor productivity (TFP) growth. The empirical anal- ysis shows that the positive effect of Taiwan financial development on TFP growth has lagged, yet with highly significant finan- cial development in both the current period and last period. However, the role of the direction is opposite to each other in two periods--the negative effect in current period and the positive effect in last period, but the net effect is positive. The findings, in fact, offer two important inspirations for the mainland financial development: first, shortening the market time-lag effects and improving time efficiency of financial policy ; second, carrying out the forward-looking financial policy to reduce the weak- ening degree of the policy effect. Only in this way can the mainland improve the TFP and promote economic growth.校长基金资助项目“两岸经济增长比较研究:人力资本分级、技术进步的视角”(20720151011);福建省社会科学规划项目“台湾参与亚太区域经济合作的效应研究”(K34036);教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“新形势下两岸经济融合发展的动力机制研究”(16JJD790036)

    A Study on Impact of Factor Income after Taxes Merger

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    实证研究发现,基于合理的参数,两税合并的实施有利于降低劳动要素对企业所得税的实际负担率,无论是将房地产、租赁和商务服务业划入外商投资比例较高的部门还是外商投资比例较低的部门。在两种不同分类法下,劳动要素的企业所得税实际负担率比上年下降了0.36和0.33个百分点,降幅达到3.20%和2.56%。结束对外资的“超国民待遇“,促进了企业间的公平竞争,降低了内资的市场进入成本,有利于改善劳动要素在国民收入再分配过程中的地位。Empirical studies have found:based on reasonable values of parameters,the merger of two-tax helps to reduce the burden of corporate income tax for labor factor,whetherever the real estate,renting and business services are classifed into a sector with high or low proportion of foreign investment.Under the two different classifications,the actual labor burden of corporate income tax decreased over the previous year by 0.36 and 0.33 percentage points,or down 3.20% and 2.56% respectively.Termination for super national treatment for foreign investment not only provides a fair environment of competition,but also reduces entry cost of domestic enterprises,which is in favor of labor factor in the process of the national income redistribution.国家社科基金重大项目“扩大内需的宏观经济政策研究”(批准号08&ZD034

    Bargaining Position,Price Markup,Labor and Capital Game:the Analysis on Micro-mechanism on the Decline in the Share of Labor Remuneration

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    在产品市场和劳动力市场同时均衡的框架下,探究工人与厂商博弈中实际工资的决定过程,为系统理解近年来中国劳动报酬份额下降提供了一个新的思路。通过产品市场和劳动力市场两部门一般均衡分析,可以发现,近十余年来中国劳动报酬份额显著下降,是劳动力市场工人谈判力量下降和产品市场价格加成上升共同作用的结果。相关的经验事实初步印证了这一假说。Under the framework of product and labor markets reaching equilibrium at the same time,exploring the decision-making process of the real wage during the game between workers and companies,which provides a new idea that understands the decline in the share of labor remuneration of China in recent years systematically.This paper believes that such decrease since mid-1990s is a result of the outcome that markup of production market goes up and laborer's bargaining power falls off.The evolution of bargaining power of labors and increase of markup confirms this hypothesis preliminarily.It leads to several policy implications,such as,breaching monopoly,deregulation so that all forms of ownership can truly become the main body of fair market competition,making use of production factors legally,participating competition impartially,and receiving protection equally.Meanwhile,it is necessary to improve modern market system,perfect collective bargaining among labor and capital game,strengthen protection of labor rights via legal and union.So labor market balance of power between employers and employees could be achieved.国家社科基金重大项目“经济持续健康发展与收入倍增计划的实现路径研究”(13&ZD029)阶段性成