Bargaining Position,Price Markup,Labor and Capital Game:the Analysis on Micro-mechanism on the Decline in the Share of Labor Remuneration


在产品市场和劳动力市场同时均衡的框架下,探究工人与厂商博弈中实际工资的决定过程,为系统理解近年来中国劳动报酬份额下降提供了一个新的思路。通过产品市场和劳动力市场两部门一般均衡分析,可以发现,近十余年来中国劳动报酬份额显著下降,是劳动力市场工人谈判力量下降和产品市场价格加成上升共同作用的结果。相关的经验事实初步印证了这一假说。Under the framework of product and labor markets reaching equilibrium at the same time,exploring the decision-making process of the real wage during the game between workers and companies,which provides a new idea that understands the decline in the share of labor remuneration of China in recent years systematically.This paper believes that such decrease since mid-1990s is a result of the outcome that markup of production market goes up and laborer's bargaining power falls off.The evolution of bargaining power of labors and increase of markup confirms this hypothesis preliminarily.It leads to several policy implications,such as,breaching monopoly,deregulation so that all forms of ownership can truly become the main body of fair market competition,making use of production factors legally,participating competition impartially,and receiving protection equally.Meanwhile,it is necessary to improve modern market system,perfect collective bargaining among labor and capital game,strengthen protection of labor rights via legal and union.So labor market balance of power between employers and employees could be achieved.国家社科基金重大项目“经济持续健康发展与收入倍增计划的实现路径研究”(13&ZD029)阶段性成

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