66 research outputs found

    コレラ サワギ ト ボウエキ ジン ノ ハンセイ

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    This study aimed to clarify clonal structure and reproductive modes, layering (asexual) and/or seedling regeneration (sexual), of Quercus crispula var. horikawae using eight nuclear EST-SSR markers; the species has stunt creeping multiple stems and occurs in pseudo-alpine zone of the mountains in the Sea of Japan side. This study was conducted in an isolated stand (alt. 1,570 m) of the species near Ohtoge-pass in Mts. Nasu, northern Tochigi Prefecture. DNA was extracted from leaves of 92 stems that did not have any distinct connection of roots and creeping stems above the ground. The results of DNA analysis indicated that the stand consisted of four genets (clones). Genet A, which had 87 stems (ramets), occupied throughout the study plot. The other clones (B, C and D), which were composed of 1-3 ramets, might be derived from seedling regeneration. In conclusion, reproductive modes in the stand were likely to be dominated by layering regeneration resulted from the creeping of stems rather than seedling regeneration that rarely occurred


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    We revised the taxonomic status of Quercus serrata subsp. mongolicoides (QSM) population occurring in hilly and lower mountainous regions of northern Kanto district. We conducted analysis of leaf morphology, genetic analysis and observation of leaf phenology for three congener species, QSM, Q. serrata (QS), and Q. mongolica var. grosseserrata (QMG). We set three sites, University forest at Funyu (S1), Kenminno-mori (S2) and Shojin-zawa (S3) in Mt. Takahara. Principal component analysis based on leaf morphological characters measured for the samples from the three sites showed that QSM and QMG apparently distinguished from QS. Genetic analysis including principal coordinates analysis, Bayesian clustering, and analysis of molecular variance using five loci of nuclear EST-SSR showed that QSM and QMG unambiguously distinguished from QS, but QSM and QMG were not discriminable from each other. Our observation of leaf phenology from the end of March to the middle of May in three years (2010-2012) in S1 and S2 indicated that QSM and QMG exhibited a similar pattern of the phenology and that their phenology progressed earlier than that observed in QS. Thus, we concluded that the QSM population in northern Kanto district should not be regarded as an intraspecific taxon of QS, but as intraspecific taxon of Q. mongolica, or intraspecific variation of QMG

    Characteristic of face shapes and body image depicted in Japanese comics (manga)

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    The present study investigated the stereotypes of the ideal male and female face shapes depicted in Japanese comics (manga) and their influence on body image. General trends of face shapes in male and female figures (n=1381) were analyzed in manga published during 2006-2008. In manga for female readers, both males and females have a thinner cheek-jaw silhouette, while in manga for male readers, they have a natural cheek-jaw silhouette. Moreover, compared with females’ face shapes of males depicted in all the manga categories have more variation of face shape. Interestingly, males in manga stories for adult female readers are depicted with the highest frequency of thin cheek-jaw silhouette. The meaning of the thinner cheek-jaw silhouette in manga is discussed