29 research outputs found

    Photosynthetic capacity of three common species of macroalgae and the application in coral aquarium

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    利用水下饱和脉冲调制叶绿素荧光仪(dIVIng-PAM)测定了珊瑚养殖水处理中3种常见大型海藻石莼(ulVA lACTuCA)、条浒苔(EnTErOMOrPHA ClATHrATA)和羽状蕨藻(CAulErPA MEXICAnA)光能转化效率(fV/fM),快速光曲线(rlC)相关参数和非光化学淬灭(nPQ)。结果表明:石莼和条浒苔的fV/fM分别为0.808±0.004和0.816±0.009,显著高于羽状蕨藻。最大相对电子传递速率rETrMAX(17.52±2.92和19.59±4.43μMOl E·M-2·S-1)、半饱和光强Ik(53.41±8.18和59.71±13.52μMOl PHOTOnS·M-2·S-1)也明显高于羽状蕨藻(rETrMAX和Ik分别为13.72±5.41μMOl E·M-2·S-1和32.67±14.06μMOl PHOTOnS·M-2·S-1),表明石莼和条浒苔有着比羽状蕨藻更高的光合能力和对强光的耐受能力,光保护能力更强;羽状蕨藻较高的rlC初始斜率α表明其在弱光下拥有更强的光捕获能力,弱光下光合效率更高;随光照的增强(0~373μMOl PHOTOnS·M-2·S-1),羽状蕨藻nPQ的增幅有限(0~0.2),最大值仅为条浒苔和石莼的38.1%和62.5%,表明这种藻类更容易受到强光的抑制。因此,在珊瑚养殖的水处理中,可以根据不同的光照选择适宜的藻种或藻种组合并根据光梯度进行布局,反之也可以根据藻种来选择合适的光源,以达到最佳的处理效率。This study investigated the difference of photosynthetic capacity in three macroalgae species( Ulva lactuca,Enteromorpha clathrata,and Caulerpa mexicana) commonly used for nutrient removal in coral aquariums.The photochemical efficiency( Fv/Fm),parameters relevant to rapid light curve( RLC) and non-photochemical quenching( NPQ) in the macroalgae were measured by underwater saturation pulse modulated chlorophyll fluorometer( Diving-PAM).The results showed that Fv/Fmwas 0.808 ± 0.004 for U.lactuca and 0.816 ± 0.009 for E.clathrata,which were higher than that for C.mexicana.Higher maximum relative electron transfer rates( rETRmax)( 17.52 ±2.92 and 19.59 ±4.43 μmol e·m- 2·s- 1) and half-starved value of light intensities( Ik)( 53.41 ±8.18 and 59.71 ±13.52 μmol photons·m- 2·s- 1) were observed in U.lactuca and E.clathrata than that in C.mexicana( 13.72 ± 5.41 μmol e·m- 2·s- 1for rETRmaxand 32.67 ± 14.06 μmol photons·m- 2·s- 1for Ik),indicating that U.lactuca and E.clathrata have stronger photosynthetic capacities,photo-protection capacities and tolerance to higher intense light than C.mexicana.A significantly lower RLC initial slope α in C.mexicana implied that this algal species has a higher photosynthetic capacity under weak light condition.With increasing the light intensity( 0- 373 μmol photons·m- 2·s- 1),however,C.mexicana had a limited increase of NPQ( 0- 0.2),the maximum of which was equivalent to 38.1% of that in U.lactuca and 62.5% of that in E.clathrata.These results indicate that the photosynthesis of E.clathrata may be more easily limited by intense light.Our study suggests that the selection of algal species for nutrient removal in a coral aquarium should be adapted to the light intensity.Single species or the combination of different species of macroalgae can be selected according to the illumination of the coral aquarium in order to maximize the efficiency of nutrient removal.国家海洋局第三海洋研究所基本科研业务项目(海三科2011033); 厦门海洋研究开发院共建项目; 海洋公益性行业科研项目(201105012)资


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    在综述土壤抗蚀性研究成果及抗蚀性研究方法的基础上 ,介绍了土壤抗蚀性研究的进展 ,并指出目前土壤抗蚀性研究方法存在的问题 ,提出土壤抗蚀性研究应建立在侵蚀动力和土壤抗侵蚀力作用过程的基础上 ,从土壤侵蚀过程中各种因素的作用机理出发 ,使土壤抗蚀性的研究标准化、定量化 ,为土壤流失预报及水土流失调控措施的设计提供科学依

    Application of NAA in study of rill erosion process

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    Study on Runoff Scouring Erosion on Loess Slope Surface

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    通过径流冲刷试验 ,运用能量守恒原理 ,分析了坡面土壤侵蚀率 (Dr)与径流能耗 (ΔE )之间的关系 ,建立了给定土壤条件下坡面土壤侵蚀率估算模型。结果表明 :坡面土壤侵蚀的发生具有一定的临界能量条件 ,以径流能耗作为土壤侵蚀形成的临界参数具有明确的物理意义 ,当径流能耗大于 7.387J时坡面开始有侵蚀发

    Study on Soil Moisture Dynamic Variation Law of Farmland in Purple Soil Hilly Region

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    Experimental Study on Dynamic Processes of Soil Erosion on Loess Slope

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    通过玻璃水槽试验和径流冲刷试验 ,初步研究了陡坡坡面水流的流速分布和坡面薄层水流冲刷剥离土壤的过程。研究表明 :陡坡薄层水流流速在坡面上并非是呈直线分布 ,而是呈波浪式分布的 ;坡面水流的剥蚀率(Dr)与坡面径流通过坡面的能量损耗 (ΔE)的关系比其与坡面水流的平均切应力 (τ) 的关系密切 ,建立了黄土坡面土壤剥蚀率估算模型 ,利用这个关系可以直接得到土壤抗蚀性参数和细沟发生的临界能耗条

    Cloning of HSP60 gene from Epinephelus akaara and its express characterization before and after vibrionic stressed

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    HSP60(HEAT SHOCk PrOTEIn 60,热休克蛋白60)作为高度保守的热休克蛋白家族的一员,不仅可以在应激状态下帮助其他蛋白正确折叠并恢复天然构象,还可作为危险信号作用于天然免疫系统。基于HSP60的EST序列设计特异引物,采用rACE技术成功克隆获得赤点石斑鱼HSP60 CdnA全序列及基因组全序列。其CdnA序列全长2 351 bP,包括75 bP的5′uTr,539 bP的3′uTr和1 737 bP的开放阅读框,共编码578个氨基酸。核苷酸及氨基酸序列比对结果显示该基因与其他脊椎动物的相似性很高。基于氨基酸序列构建的系统进化树与传统物种树基本吻合,说明HSP60可能是1个潜在的可用于物种系统进化研究的良好标记。所获得的赤点石斑鱼HSP60基因组全序列含有8个内含子和9个外显子,也与已知其他硬骨鱼类基本一致。这种在序列特征、蛋白空间结构及基因组结构上的高度保守性意味着HSP60在动物生命活动中可能发挥着至关重要的作用。通过实时PCr检测结果发现HSP60在赤点石斑鱼各组织中均有表达,而攻毒后鱼体肝的表达量显著增高(P<0.05),鳃、脾、胃和脑等重要组织器官的表达量也有不同程度的提高,该结果证实了HSP60基因在鱼类非特异性免疫应答中发挥了作用。As a major member of heat shock protein families,HSP60 can not only be served as a molecular chaperone to promote protein disaggregation and proper refolding,but also be regarded as a threatened signal under stress to elicit a potent proinflammatory response in cells of the innate immune system.Based on the EST sequences from cDNA library,the full length cDNA of HSP60 from E.akaara was successfully obtained by RACE technique.The full-length of HSP60 is 2351bp,including 75bp of 5′UTR,539bp of 3′UTR,and a 1737bp open reading frame encoding a protein of 578 amino acids.The alignment result shows that the nuclear acid sequence and amino acids sequence of HSP60 from E.akaara share high identity with other vertebrate homologs.The phylogenetic tree based on the HSP60 amino acid sequences is congruent with their evolutionary relationships,which indicates that HSP60 may be an appropriate marker for the phylogenetic research among interspecies.The E.akaara HSP60 gene contains 9 introns and 10 exons,the same as other teleosteans.The conserved sequence,gene structure and 3D protein structure show that HSP60 may play an important role in life activities.Real-time PCR was also conducted to detect the express characterization of the E.akaara HSP60 gene.The result shows that HSP60 can be detected in various tissues,and after Vibrio harveyi-challenging,the expression of HSP60 in the liver increases dramatically,most of other tissues are also detected increasing to a great extent,which supports that HSP60 maybe play a role in fish innate immune response.福建省自然科学基金(2060203);福建省新世纪人才资助计

    The REE Tracer Method for the Study of Rill Erosion Process on Loess Sloping Surface

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    利用REE示踪技术探讨了坡面细沟侵蚀的发育过程。试验结果表明:在细沟发育过程中,各坡段细沟侵蚀量呈动态变化趋势;细沟发育过程可以分为起始、发展、稳定3个阶段,在不同阶段,侵蚀方式、发育特征迥异。总的看来,在坡顶部、上部、中部、下部4个坡段上,细沟发育过程中,坡面下部的侵蚀量较大。但随着放水流量的增加,坡面上部侵蚀量的比重增加。由于溯源侵蚀,最下部坡段的相对侵蚀量从92%减少到 37%,呈显著下降趋势,其它 3个坡段则分别从4.7%、0.25%、2.14%增加到 29%、17%和 23%。试验结果还表明,REE示踪法不仅可定量测定不同坡位的侵蚀量,还可以揭示冲刷过程中各坡位相对侵蚀量的变化趋势


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    PKC在细胞生长、分化、凋亡和信号转导调节中具有重要作用.通过激光扫描共聚焦显微镜证实:在胃癌BGC-823细胞中,一部分PKCα定位于线粒体,一部分定位在胞浆,细胞经TPA处理后,位于线粒体和胞浆的PKCα向细胞核转运;Western blot检测则发现PKCα蛋白表达水平在TPA处理前后没有发生变化.此外,应用凋亡诱导剂和特异性PKC抑制剂的实验结果进一步证实:胃癌细胞内PKCα由线粒体和胞浆向细胞核转运与细胞凋亡的诱导密切相关.提示PKCα在细胞内的定向转运可能是与细胞凋亡过程相关联的重要事件之一.国家自然科学基金(批准号:39880015,30170477);国家杰出青年科学基金(批准号:39825502)资助项