20 research outputs found

    Особенности функционирования накопителей на жестких магнитных дисках и безопасность информационных систем

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    In this article was examinated mechanism of automatic latency of demage sectors ofmodern Hard Disk Drive during exploitation, wich making additional that to safety in information system.Рассмотрен механизм автоматического скрытия дефектных секторов накопителей на жестких магнитных дисках в процессе их эксплуатации, создающий дополнительную угрозу безопасности современных информационных систем

    Слюнката като алтернативна среда за изследване на секреторен имуноглобулин А (SIgA) в слюнка при пациенти в терминален стадий на хронично бъбречно заболяване на заместително лечение

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    Абстракт Цел: Целта е да се проучи възможността за изследване на SIgA в слюнка при пациенти в терминален стадий на хронично бъбречно заболяване, провеждащи хрониодиализа и здрави контроли. Материал и методи. Изследвани са общо 104 пациенти от които 70 души (клинична група) в терминален стадий на хронично бъбречно заболяване на заместително лечение със средна възраст 58.9 (SD = 14,46 ) и контролна група от 34 души, клинично здрави лица, без общи заболявания със средна възраст 21,76 години (SD = 1,79) .На всички участници в изследването беше проведено количествено измерване на SIgA по метода на радиална имунодифузия (метод Mancini). Резултати. Сравнителният анализ показва, че съществува значителна разлика в нивата на SIgA на пациентите от двете изследвани групи. Средните стойностите на SIg А на пациентите от кличната група са 161,46105,76, a от контролната - 69,70 25,67 mg/l. Установяват много по-завишени нива на SIgA при пациентите с ХБЗ, в сравнение със здравите участници. Заключение. Слюнката е особено подходяща среда за изследване на SigА ,който от своя страна има ключова роля за оралния имунитет. Стойностите на SIgА се различават статистически достоверно при здрави лица и пациенти в терминален стадий на хронично бъбречно заболяване, провеждащи хрониодиализа

    Russian parceled constructions in Boris Akunin’s novel «The Turkish Gambit» and their Polish counterparts

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    The article deals with the issues of Russian and Polish parceled constructions. Parceling occurs on the level of simple sentence as well as on the level of compound sentence. Different types of Russian parceled constructions taken from the Boris Akunin’s novel The Turkish Gambit and their Polish counterparts have been discussed. The contrastive anlysis shows that there are many similarities between Russian and Polish parceled constructions

    Комуникативната компетентност по специализиран чужд език - съдържание и предпоставки за нейното усъвършенстване в университетски контекст

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    This paper is based on a theoretical model describing communicative competence as a sum of semiotic, sociocultural and strategic competences, and specifies the content of the linguistic, referential, sociolinguistic, discourse, rhetorical, proxemic, pragmatic sub-competences which comprise them in the context of a specialised foreign language, which the foreign language for international relations is. To this end, there have been used theoretical works in the field of specialised language and descriptions of the skills for monological, dialogical speech and writing, as provided for the levels B2 and C1 in the European Language Portfolio for vocational purposes, which is accredited by the Council of Europe. As an opportunity for developing communicative competence in a specialised foreign language and specialised oral communication skills in French for university students in the International Relations speciality in particular, there have been presented the methods for working with audio-visual resources of the French-language television channel TV5 Monde, which provide all the components characteristic of a type of communicative foreign language teaching: working with television reports related to topical specialised subjects, didactic activities which mobilise specialised knowledge, information and means of expression, and encourage interaction among learners, a well-prepared and informed lecturer who directs and creates prerequisites for successful specialised oral communication


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    Представлены результаты исследования теоретических и методологических основ, связанных с технологией бизнес-планирования для предприятий малого бизнеса. Основная часть статьи посвящена классификации и описанию инструментов и методов, используемых в бизнес-планировании, и анализу специализированных информационных систем финансово-экономического планирования, в котором представлены их преимущества для использования именно в малом бизнесе. Рассматриваемый в статье комплекс методов и техник бизнес-планирования позволит повысить эффективность деятельности молдавских предпринимателей.ANALYSIS OF SPECIFIC METHODS, TECHNIQUES AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR DEVELOPING AND IMPLEMENTING A BUSINESS PLAN IN SMALL BUSINESSESThe article explores the theoretical and methodological foundations associated with business planning technology at small business enterprises. The main part of the article is devoted to the classification and description of tools and methods used in business planning and analysis of specialized IT systems of economic and financial planning, with the indication of the advantages to be used at small business enterprises. The complex of methods and techniques of business planning considered in the article should help to increase the effectiveness of Moldovan entrepreneurs.ANALIZA METODELOR, TEHNICILOR ŞI TEHNOLOGIILOR SPECIFICE DE ELABORARE ŞI IMPLEMENTARE A PLANULUI DE AFACERI ÎN ÎNTREPRINDERILE MICULUI BUSINESS În articol sunt prezentate rezultatele cercetării bazelor teoretice și metodologice legate de tehnologia business planificare pentru întreprinderile mici și mijlocii. Sunt clasificate și descrise instrumentele și metodele folosite în business planificare, este efectuată analiza sistemelor informatice specializate de planificare economică și financiară, care prezintă beneficii pentru utilizare în întreprinderile mici. Complexul de metode și tehnici de planificare a afacerilor prezentate în articol va eficientiza activitatea antreprenorilor autohtoni.</p

    Стресът на работното място - особености, фактори, стресоустойчивост

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    Introduction: Stress is an integral part of dynamic working conditions, but its elevated levels have a negative impact on the body. The factors causing stress in the work of the managing nurse are diverse, both organizational and personal, influencing experience and working capacity.Aim: The aim of this article is to research and analyze the stress factors in the professional environment and the behavioral reactions of managing nurses.Materials and Methods: The research covers a total of 102 nurses occupying managerial positions in the St. Marina University Hospital in Varna, St. Anna University Hospital in Varna, Multiprofile Hospital for Active Treatment - Varna at the Military Medical Academy - Sofia, Multiprofile Hospital for Active Treatment - Shumen, Multiprofile Hospital for Active Treatment - Dobrich. The research was conducted in 2015 by applying an individual survey card specifically designed for the needs of the research. Statistical methods for analyzing and interpreting data were used to reveal the essence of the observed phenomena and interdependencies. The data was processed statistically with SPSS v. 15.0, and Microsoft Office Excel 2010 software package was used to draw the graphics.Results and Discussion: Stress situations include conflicts with line nurses and patients, staff shortages, solving problems beyond someone`s powers, feeling of shortage of time, feeling of internal tension. Most frequently respondents describe feelings of anxiety, frustration, fear of failure, and others. As somatic manifestations are noted nausea, abdominal pain, headache. The research data show that in order to cope with stress respondents are either strengthening their social contacts or looking for isolation. In both cases support is sought from their friendly circles. Low levels of irritability and irascibility are found where there is support and a sense of trust from management.Conclusions: Stress in the work of managing nurses has increased levels associated with psychological and somatic manifestations. It is a prerequisite for increased irritability and irascibility. Either increasing social contacts or isolation are chosen to deal with stress. The sense of support seems to be beneficial to workers

    Нагласи за кандидатсване в листа на чакащите бъбрек сред пациенти на хемодиализно лечение

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    Introduction: Renal transplantation is the only optimal treatment in patients with end-stage chronic renal failure diagnosis. The current problem stems from the fact that around 3,000 patients currently undergoing hemodialysis in the country need treatment, and according to the latest data from the Executive Agency for Transplantation (EAT), the number of potential kidney recipients is 1,000. The low relative share of patients waiting for a new kidney led to a more in-depth study of patients expectations about hemodialysis treatment.Aim: The purpose of this study is to investigate the expectations of 50 patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment enrolled in the kidney transplant waiting list.Materials and Methods: A total of 50 patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment from the Clinic of Hemodialysis at the St. Marina University Hospital in Varna were interviewed by using a questionnaire method during the month of July 2016. The data was processed statistically by Microsoft Excel 2013.Results: The aim of the research focuses on exploring the attitudes and the views of the patients to apply for the kidney transplant waiting list. The relevance of the problem was confirmed by the fact that only about 10% of the total number of patients in the hemodialysis center were included in the waiting list. Interest was provoked by the fact that patients reported that they were familiar with the application procedure, but the majority of respondents have had hemodialysis treatment for more than 5 years and have not shown interest in joining the donor recruitment program. There was no data available for patients on the list prior to initiation of hemodialysis treatment.Conclusion: Inclusion in the waiting kidney list is an opportunity that should not be underestimated despite the different time frame and requires active work with both the patient and relatives