7 research outputs found

    Utilization of the European Union Resources by the City of Havířov

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    Import 02/11/2016Cílem bakalářské práce je zhodnocení využití zdrojů EU městem Havířov v programovacím období 2007-2013. Práce se zaměřuje zejména na využití zdrojů EU z Regionálního operačního programu Moravskoslezko, které město Havířov v programovacím období 2007-2013 a dále hodnotí i využití zdrojů EU v rámci jednotlivých operačních programů.Target of my bachelor thesis is evaluation of utilization of the European Union resources by the City of Havířov in programme period 2007-2013.153 - Katedra veřejné ekonomikyvýborn

    Security of IoT communication technologies

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    Internet věcí je stále rostoucí systém chytrých a propojených zařízení. Během posledních let byl integrován do mnohých odvětví i do životů jednotlivců. IoT zařízení se stávají stále významnějším komponentem každodenního života, a tudíž i součástí kritické oblasti zpracování důležitých dat. Neustále se objevují nové hrozby, a proto je zabezpečení a zajištění důvěryhodnosti stále důležitější. Tato diplomová práce se snaží přispět ke snaze o zajištění zabezpečení IoT zařízení. Klade si za cíl představit tři z nejvyužívanějších komunikačních technologií a jejich rozdílná řešení bezpečnosti a následně identifikovat bezpečnostní hrozby na základě metodiky EBIOS. Těmito technologiemi jsou Bluetooth, Wi-Fi a LTE. Teoretická analýza bezpečnostních hrozeb je doplněna dotazníkovým šetřením provedeným na studentech University of British Columbia. Na základě analýzy a dotazníkového průzkumu jsou sepsána doporučení, která jsou zaměřena na běžné uživatele IoT zařízení. I samotní uživatelé totiž mohou svým chováním významně přispět k zabezpečení jak osobních, tak korporátních IoT zařízení a tím zvýšit bezpečnost a důvěryhodnost celého IoT systému.The Internet of Things is an ever-growing system of smart and connected devices. Over the past few years, he has been integrated into many industries and into the lives of individuals. IoT devices are becoming an increasingly important component of everyday life and hence part of a critical area of critical data processing. New threats are constantly emerging, making security and credibility increasingly important.This thesis tries to contribute to the effort to ensure the security of IoT devices. It aims to introduce three of the most widely used communication technologies and their different security solutions and subsequently to identify security threats based on EBIOS methodology. These technologies are Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and LTE. The theoretical analysis of security threats is supplemented by a questionnaire survey conducted at students of the University of British Columbia. Based on the analysis and the questionnaire survey are made recommendations that are focused on common users of IoT devices. Even the users themselves can significantly contribute to the security of both personal and corporate IoT devices and thus increase the security and credibility of the entire IoT system

    Comparison and Evaluation of Use of Grant Possibilities of Havířov City in Support of Urban Development

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    Cílem diplomové práce je komparace a zhodnocení využití dotačních možností z fondů Evropské unie městem Havířov v rámci podpory urbánního rozvoje z Regionálního operačního programu NUTS II Moravskoslezko a Integrovaného operačního programu v programovém obodbí 2007-2013 a z Integrovaného regionálního operačního programu v programovém období 2014-2020.Target of diploma thesis is comparison and evaluation of use of grant possiblities of Havířov city in support of urban development from Regional operational programme NUTS II Moravskoslezko and Integrated operational programme in programme period 2007-2013 and from Integrated operational programme in programme period 2014-2020.153 - Katedra veřejné ekonomikyvelmi dobř

    Pharmacokinetic, Ambulatory, and Hyperthermic Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxy-N-Methylcathinone (Methylone) in Rats

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    Methylone (3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylcathinone) is a synthetic cathinone analog of the recreational drug ecstasy. Although it is marketed to recreational users as relatively safe, fatalities due to hyperthermia, serotonin syndrome, and multi-organ system failure have been reported. Since psychopharmacological data remain scarce, we have focused our research on pharmacokinetics, and on a detailed evaluation of temporal effects of methylone and its metabolite nor-methylone on behavior and body temperature in rats. Methylone [5, 10, 20, and 40 mg/kg subcutaneously (s.c.)] and nor-methylone (10 mg/kg s.c.) were used in adolescent male Wistar rats across three behavioral/physiological procedures and in two temporal windows from administration (15 and 60 min) in order to test: locomotor effects in the open field, sensorimotor gating in the test of prepulse inhibition (PPI), and effects on rectal temperature in individually and group-housed rats. Serum and brain pharmacokinetics after 10 mg/kg s.c. over 8 h were analyzed using liquid chromatography mass spectrometry. Serum and brain levels of methylone and nor-methylone peaked at 30 min after administration, both drugs readily penetrated the brain with serum: brain ratio 1:7.97. Methylone dose-dependently increased overall locomotion. It also decrease the amount of time spent in the center of open field arena in dose 20 mg/kg and additionally this dose induced stereotyped circling around the arena walls. The maximum of effects corresponded to the peak of its brain concentrations. Nor-methylone had approximately the same behavioral potency. Methylone also has weak potency to disturb PPI. Behavioral testing was not performed with 40 mg/kg, because it was surprisingly lethal to some animals. Methylone 10 and 20 mg/kg s.c. induced hyperthermic reaction which was more pronounced in group-housed condition relative to individually housed rats. To conclude, methylone increased exploration and/or decreased anxiety in the open field arena and with nor-methylone had short duration of action with effects typical for mixed indirect dopamine–serotonin agonists such as 3,4-metyhlenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) or amphetamine. Given the fact that the toxicity was even higher than the known for MDMA and that it can cause hyperthermia it possess a threat to users with the risk for serotonin syndrome especially when used in crowded conditions

    Mephedrone (4-Methylmethcathinone): Acute Behavioral Effects, Hyperthermic, and Pharmacokinetic Profile in Rats

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    Mephedrone (MEPH) is a synthetic cathinone derivative with effects that mimic MDMA and/or cocaine. Our study in male Wistar rats provides detailed investigations of MEPH’s and its primary metabolite nor-mephedrone’s (nor-MEPH) pharmacokinetics and bio-distribution to four different substrates (serum, brain, lungs, and liver), as well as comparative analysis of their effects on locomotion [open field test (OFT)] and sensorimotor gating [prepulse inhibition of acoustic startle reaction (PPI ASR)]. Furthermore, in order to mimic the crowded condition where MEPH is typically taken (e.g., clubs), the acute effect of MEPH on thermoregulation in singly- and group-housed rats was evaluated. Pharmacokinetics of MEPH and nor-MEPH after MEPH (5 mg/kg, sc.) were analyzed over 8 h using liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry. MEPH (2.5, 5, or 20 mg/kg, sc.) and nor-MEPH (5 mg/kg, sc.) were administered 5 or 40 min before the behavioral testing in the OFT and PPI ASR; locomotion and its spatial distribution, ASR, habituation and PPI itself were quantified. The effect of MEPH on rectal temperature was measured after 5 and 20 mg/kg, sc. Both MEPH and nor-MEPH were detected in all substrates, with the highest levels detected in lungs. Mean brain: serum ratios were 1:1.19 (MEPH) and 1:1.91 (nor-MEPH), maximum concentrations were observed at 30 min; at 2 and 4 h after administration, nor-MEPH concentrations were higher compared to the parent drug. While neither of the drugs disrupted PPI, both increased locomotion and affected its spatial distribution. The effects of MEPH were dose dependent, rapid, and short-lasting, and the intensity of locomotor stimulant effects was comparable between MEPH and nor-MEPH. Despite the disappearance of behavioral effects within 40 min after administration, MEPH induced rectal temperature elevations that persisted for 3 h even in singly housed rats. To conclude, we observed a robust, short-lasting, and most likely synergistic stimulatory effect of both drugs which corresponded to brain pharmacokinetics. The dissociation between the duration of behavioral and hyperthermic effects is indicative of the possible contribution of nor-MEPH or other biologically active metabolites. This temporal dissociation may be related to the risk of prolonged somatic toxicity when stimulatory effects are no longer present