12 research outputs found

    Influence of metabolic cage on Wistar rat physiological state : Chapter 14

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of metabolic cage housing on the Wistar rat physiological state and to analyze the correlation between the minerals in blood and urine. Thirty male rats were used in the experiment. Fifteen rats (control group) were housed individually in standard polycarbonate cages and fifteen rats (experimental group) in metabolic cages (Techniplast, Italy) for two weeks. Body weight, respiration rate, water and food consumptions were recorded for each animal at the beginning of the experiment. The same parameters, as well as blood and urine parameters of control and experimental animals were recorded during the experiment after 72 h, 168 h and 336 h of housing in standard cages and metabolic cages. Urine collection was measured only in the experimental group. Rats weight decreased from 3.84 % to 18.59 % (P<0.05), respiration rate from 18.65 % to 24.59 % (P<0.05) when rats were housed in metabolic cages. Consumption of food and water by the rat depended on how long the animal was kept in metabolic cage. Glucose concentration increased on average by 15.37 %, WBC count decreased by 5.83 % in the blood of rats housed in metabolic cages compared to the animals housed in standard cages. We did not observe significant changes of triglycerides concentration, red blood cells count and total protein between all rats. The positive moderate correlation of rat housing in a metabolic cage was between K blood and K urine, P blood and P urine, Na blood and K blood, between Na urine and P urine and significant negative moderate correlation was determined between K urine and P urine. These present study findings indicate that metabolism cage housing significantly affects rat’s physiological parameters and potentially may influence animal health and wellbeing. [...]

    The Single Intra-Articular Injection of Platelet-Rich Plasma vs. Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs as Treatment Options for Canine Cruciate Ligament Rupture and Patellar Luxation

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    Cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CCLR) and patellar luxation (PL) are common pathologies affecting canines. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are commonly used as a non-surgical treatment plan in these cases. Clinical usage of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is an emerging area of interest in veterinary medicine. There is a lack of studies comparing those two different treatment methods in veterinary medicine. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the use of oral NSAIDs and single intra-articular injection of PRP on treatment outcomes in cases of canine CCLR and PL. Dogs diagnosed with CCRL (n = 12) and PL (n = 10) were subgrouped by the severity of pathologies and administered treatment: half of the CCRL and PL groups were orally administered NSAIDs and supplements for 14 days, and the other half received a single intra-articular PRP injection into affected stifle joint. We measured serum TNF-α levels and clinical outcomes (lameness scores, painfulness to manipulations, goniometry of stifle joint in flexion and extension, and muscle strength) before treatment, at day 14 and day 28 of treatment. The results of TNF-α concentration indicates a significant difference between groups of differently treated partial CCLR groups on d14 (p = 0.006). Results of group CCLR-P1 on d14 were decreased, while results of group CCLR-P2 on d14 were increased. When comparing TNF-α concentration between all CCLR cases treated with NSAIDs and treated with PRP, there was a significant difference between those groups on d14 (p = 0.001). The results of TNF-α concentration indicates a significant difference between groups of differently treated PL-III on d28 (p = 0.036). Results of group PL-III1 indicate growth of TNF-α concentration, while at the same d28, results of group PL-III2 indicate decreased levels of cytokine, comparing results between the subgroups at the same time point and within subgroups from baseline. Results indicate a significant difference in muscle strength between group CCLR-P1 and group CCLR-P2 on d28 (p = 0.007), indicating an increment in muscle strength in group CCLR-P1 up to d14 and its reduction up to d28, and muscle strength of group CCLR-P2 increasing up to d28. When comparing the muscle strength between all CCLR cases treated with NSAIDs and treated with PRP, there was a significant difference between those groups on d28 (p = 0.007). In conclusion, a single intra-articular injection of PRP has a superior effect on management of inflammatory processes, has better clinical outcomes, and longer duration of action than oral NSAIDs, in the treatment of canine CCRL or PL

    Use of extruded rye wholemeal for selected lactobacilli multiplication and its influence on dairy cows rumen fluid parameters, milk yield and composition

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    The use of live bacterial cultures in the animal industry, whether to improve resistance to specific pathogens or to non-specifically enhance animal health, improves production parameters (Kenny et al., 2011). Different lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains belonging to similar species have different properties and so effects/benefits can be different from one strain to another within the same species (Fukushima et al., 2011). The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of Lactobacillus sakei multiplied in extruded rye substrate on dairy cows rumen fluid parameters, milk yield and milk composition. Extruded rye wholemeal (moisture content 8.6%) produced by a single-screw extruder (Ustukiu malunas Ltd, Lithuania) was used as the fermentation medium for LAB multiplication. The fermented extruded rye (65% moisture content) has been prepared by using 30 kg of extruded rye whole meal fluor and 45 L of water. LAB cell suspension (600 mL) containing about 1011cfu/mL was added, followed by fermentation for 24 h at 30ŗC temperature. The final cfu/g in the fermented product was on average 109 cfu/g. The experiment was performed in the winter at the farm of Black & White Holstein dairy cattle. Trial and control groups received identical diets, however the trial group received also 100 g of fermented rye flour (containing 109 cfu/g of LAB) per head of the supplement (daily, during 65 days). Results showed, that ruminant pH, total and individual FFA, total N and NH₃-N, D(-) lactate, reduction activity of bacteria, glucose fermentation reaction, protozoa number, TLC and TCE in trial group had no significant difference (P>0.05) from those characteristics in control group and in trial group at the beginning of the experiment, but L(+) lactate and TCM were different. At the end of the experiment L(+) lactate in trial group decreased by 0.28 mmol/L (P0.05)

    Effect of ultrasound waves on hematological parameters, behavior and conduction system of heart in vitro in BALB/c strain mouse

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    In this study research was carried out on 5 male adult BALB/c mouse with a weight of 18±5 g. The temperature was at 22±2 °C and animals were kept under the condition of 12 h of light and 12 h of darkness (light on at 08:00 am) and free access to water and standard diet. All 5 mice were affected by three different harmonic oscillations one time and after 24 hours 4 of them were affected by the same oscillations (Fig. 1) and one was placed separately for control. At the end of the experiment, after euthanasia using CO2 chamber blood samples were collected by cardiac puncture. We noticed that ultrasound waves 20 MHz changed mice red blood cells structure and we found pathological forms of erythrocytes. Analysing morphological structure of erythrocytes were determined 46 abnormal red blood structure forms and atypical cells (30 codocytes, 8 stomatocytes and 8 acantocytes). Moreover, we determined that changed some normal behavior characteristics and increased grooming process

    Changes in Saliva Analytes Associated with Lameness in Cows: A Pilot Study

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    The possible changes in a panel of 21 salivary analytes on a population of cows with lameness before and after treating lameness by hoof trimming were analyzed. Then, the analytes that showed significant changes were studied in a larger population of cows with lameness and compared with healthy cows For this purpose, two groups of cows were made by a specialized veterinarian. One consisted of healthy cows with no external signs of diseases and no hematological or biochemical abnormalities, and showing no signs of lameness according to the numerical rating system of severity (NRS, 5-point scale); and the other composed of cows showing only lameness with a NRS of 3.1 ± 0.87 and a lesion scoring system (LSS, 4-point scale) of 3.3 ± 0.89. Both groups did not differ in parity (p = 0.140), days in milk (DIM) (p = 0.780), and body condition score (BCS) (p = 0.074). Initially, 21 biochemical analytes were determined in the saliva of six cows with lameness at the diagnosis time (T0) and twenty days after hoof trimming that successfully solved the lameness (TF). This exploratory study only showed significantly higher values in lipase (Lip) and total esterase (TEA) at T0 compared to TF (p < 0.001 and p = 0.034, respectively). When both analytes were measured in the additional five lame cows and the results of all the animals of the lame group (n = 11) were compared with the healthy group (n = 11), only TEA showed higher activities in the group of lame cows than healthy cows (p = 0.004). TEA was positively correlated with both NRS and LSS (r = 0.43, p = 0.004 and r = 0.35, p = 0.003). In conclusion, this study showed that cows with lameness in our experimental conditions had higher TEA values than healthy cows, and these values decreased after treatment. This is a pilot study, and further studies using a larger population of cows with lameness due to different causes and severity should be performed to determine the potential of TEA as a biomarker of lameness in cows

    Influence of extruded rapeseeds and faba beans mixture on rumen fluid parameters of dairy cows’

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    The study was conducted to evaluate the influence of extruded rapeseeds (70 %) and faba beans (30%) mixture for dairy cows on fermentation processes of rumen fluid. 20 holsteinizated Lithuanian cows of black-and-white breed of II-IV lactation were selected and divided in to two groups (10 cows for each) for this study applying the principle of analogous groups. pH, total volatile fatty acid (VFA), fluid of total and ammonia nitrogen were investigated during the whole experimental period. The investigation showed no crucial influence of the extruded rapeseeds and faba beans mixture on microbiological and biochemical indicators. Introduction Today the most important task for the dairy farming is to get cost-effective production of high quality. The cellulose is broken down to glucose and sugar in rumen, so carbohydrates are necessary for bacteria growth and protein synthesis (Nocek and Tamminga, 1991). The optimal ruminal pH of dairy cows is 6.3-6.8. When it drops below 6.0, the growth rate of anaerobic fungi and protozoa is decreased. If pH is lower than 5.5, protozoa die and activity of ruminal bacteria become destabilized (Sederevicius et al., 2001). Due to their great number and mobility, protozoa mix and loosen the fluid of a rumen which results in greater surface area of the forage and better conditions for activities of bacteria and enzymes. Protozoa accumulate reserved polysaccharides which are not only vital for their own life but are also important to the cattle nutrition. Protozoa actively break down cellulose, hemicellulose, and starch, and participate in the digestive processes in the rumen (Karim and Santra, 2002).Volatile fatty acids are the main energy source for cows that provide approximately 70 % of energy and consist in the rumen during fermentation. During presence [...]

    Pansengeschütztes Fett bei Hochleistungskühen im Weidegang

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    In Litauen werden gute Erfolge bei der Steigerung der Milchleistung durch bessere Ausnutzung des genetischen Potenzials, verbesserte Fütterungs- und Haltungsbedingugen erzielt. Ernährung hat große Einflüsse auf die Nutzungsdauer und Leistung der Tiere sowie Milchinhaltsstoffe und -parameter. Deshalb spielen ausgeglichene Rationen und Futterqualität in der Milchinhaltsstoffe und -parameter. Deshalb spielen ausgeglichene Rationen und Futterqualität in der Milchkuhfütterung eine besondere Rolle, zumal auf Futtermittel der Großteil von Milcherzeugungskosten (ca. 65%) entfällt. Zahlreiche Untersuchungen belegen, dass eine unausgewogen Ration (Energie-, Eiweißmangel bzw. -überschuss) sich negativ auf Milchleistung und Milchinhaltsstoffe auswirken. Infolge physiologischer Hindernisse erfahren Hochleistungskühe nicht selten einen Energiemangel bereits zu Laktationsbeginn. Sollte der Energemangel längere Zeit fortwähren, leiden die betroffenen Tiere unter alimentären Distrophie. Zur Deckung des großen Energiebedarfs werden daher in der Fütterung von Hochleistungskühen energiereiche Futtermittel, Ergänzungsfuttermittel und spezielle energetische Zusätze eingesetzt. [...]Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas. Veterinarijos akademijaLietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas. Veterinarijos akademija, [email protected] sveikatos mokslų universitetas. Veterinarijos akademija, [email protected] sveikatos mokslų universitetas. Veterinarijos akademija, [email protected] sveikatos mokslų universitetas. Veterinarijos akademija, [email protected] sveikatos mokslų universitetas. Veterinarijos akademija, [email protected] Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    The Effects of extruded peas (Pisum sativum) on the ruminal fluid parameters in dairy cows

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    The aim of our research was to determine the influence o extruded peas on fermentation processes in the rumen of dairy cows. For the trial 20 Lithuanian Black-and-White cows with analogous characteristics were selected and randomly allocated into 2 groups (control and experimental), 10 animals each. The control group was fed a conventional diet consisting mainly of grass silage, barley grain, enriched extruded full fat soybean flour, and mineral premix. The experimental groups was fed a similar diet, but instead of 1.5 kg of soybean meal, the cows were given the same amount of the extruded peas and 700 gr. extruded soybean. The rumen fluid samples were collected three times (once a month) in the experimental period. The samples were collected from three randomly selected animals of each group with a stomach tube 3 hours after the supplementary feeding with extruded peas. Tge rumen fluid was analyzed for the pH, total volatile fatty acid (VFA) content, total and ammonia nitrogen, reduction activity of bacteria and protozoa count. The results of this study shows that partial replacement of extruded soybean with extruded peas in dairy cows rations, had no negative influence on rumen's fermentative indexes and maintained its optimal activity

    The Efficiency of Some Energy and Calcium Metabolism Activating Preparations in Cows Ration

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    Atliktas eksperimentinis karvių šėrimo bandymas, kurio tikslas – nustatyti kompleksinių kalcio ir energijos metabolizmą aktyvinančių preparatų „Acetona Dry“ ir „Santoenergetik“ poveikį karvių parezės po apsiveršiavimo bei ketozės ankstyvuoju laktacijos periodu rizikai mažinti, pieno kiekiui ir jo sudėties rodikliams. Bandymams analogų principu buvo sudarytos dvi užtrūkusių karvių (kontrolinė ir bandomoji) grupės (n = 9). Abiejų grupių analogės paruošiamuoju periodu (40 d.) buvo šeriamos vienodu racionu (šienas, šienainis ir visaverčiai kombinuotieji pašarai). Tiriamuoju laikotarpiu (80 d.) kontrolinės grupės karvės toliau buvo šeriamos tuo pačiu racionu, o bandomosios – tris savaites prieš veršiavimąsi vietoj analogiško kombinuotųjų pašarų kiekio gavo po 1,5 kg specialaus stimuliuojančio Ca apykaitą ir pasižyminčio probiotiniu poveikiu preparato „Santoenergetik“, o po apsiveršiavimo – vietoj jo buvo duodama po 0,5 kg stimuliuojančio energijos apykaitą ir pasižyminčiu antiketoziniu poveikiu priedo. Jų poveikiui nustatyti buvo registruojami karvių susirgimai Ca apykaitos sutrikimų pobūdžio ligomis (pareze ir ketoze), produktyvumo bei pieno kokybinių rodiklių dinamikaA feeding trial with cows was carried out over the period of 120 days to evaluate the influence of preparation " Acetona Dry" on postnatal paresis risk relief, wellness of parturient cows, their productivity, milk composition and quality and calf resistance. The influence of preparation "Santoenergetik" on Ketosis prophylaxis, cows' health, appetite, productivity and reproduction in the period of early lactation was also determined. Two analogical groups of dry cows (n=9) were selected for research. During preparatory period cows of both groups were feed with equal ration (hay, haylage and combined fod¬der). During the experimental period cows of the control group received the same ration and cows of the experimental group three weeks before parturi¬tion were teed with preparation "Acetona Dry" 1.5 kg per day instead of concentrate and after parturition - with 0.5 kg of preparation "Santoenergetik". The research results show that cows of the experimental group are more productive and produce better composition and quality milk: fat - 0.52 % (p0.05), lower number of somatic cells - by 1.2 times and less urea (4.0 mg%) (p<0.05). The calves are better and livelier than tlie analogues of the control group. Average milk yield from experimental group cows is 1416 kg of natural or 1529 kg of recalculated milk, which is by 6 and 16 % accordingly higher than that from cows of the control group (p<0.05) over 60 days of early lactationVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    The effectiveness of fibrolytic enzymes and active yeast on improving reticulorumen pH in dairy cows

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    Exogenous fibrolytic enzymes (EFE) and yeast are feed supplements that improve forage digestion in rumen, but their influences on physical reticulorumen parameters are not well studied. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of the EFE:endo-β-xylanase (37x104 U/cow/day), endocellulase (45x104 U/cow/day), endo-β-glucanase (12x104U/cow/day), and active yeast – Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM-1077 (10x109CFU/cow/day) supplements on reticulorumen pH (RpH) and temperature (RT) in dairy cows. Nine Lithuanian Red cows were allocated into three groups (3 cows/group): control group (C) – farm diet without supplementation, enzyme group (E) – farm diet supplemented with EFE, enzyme and active yeast group (EY) – farm diet supplemented with EFE and active yeast. The feeding trial lasted for 60 d. All cows were equipped with reticuloruminal telemetric pH and temperature sensor device. Data provided by the device were used to calculate the mean RpH (RpH/24h), the mean minimal RpH (minRpH/24h) and mean of the time that RpH was below the threshold value of 6.0 (RpH<6.0/24h, min.). The highest RpH/24h (6.37±0.22) was observed in group EY and it was by 1.62% (p<0.05) and 1.27% (p<0.001) higher as compared with groups E and C, respectively. Also minRpH/24h (6.24±0.24) was highest in group EY and values were by 0.63% (p<0.001) and 0.65% (p<0.001) higher as compared with groups C and E, respectively. The shortest duration of RpH<6.0/24h, was recorded in group EY, and it was by 57.76% (p<0.05) and 47.87% shorter as compared with groups C and E, respectively. In conclusion, feed supplementation with EFE and Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM-1077 had beneficial effect on RpH