40 research outputs found

    Mechanical reinforcement of electrospun poly(vinyl alcohol) by Ī±ā€FeOOH nanowires

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    The authors kindly acknowledge the financial support of the Estonian Research Council for the post-doctoral research grants of personal research funding in projects PUT1096 and PUTJD578 as well as Institutional Research Funding Projects, IUT20-17, and IUT23-7.We report the mechanical performance of Ī±ā€FeOOH nanowire reinforced poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) composite nanofiber mat, fabricated using straightforward aqueous processing methods. Goethite (Ī±ā€FeOOH) nanocrystals have a high elastic modulus and ā€“OH rich surface, ensuring strong interactions with hydrophilic polymers and effective reinforcement. Needleā€less electrospinning resulted in alignment of the nanowires along fibre axis, as confirmed by transmittance electron microscopy studies. Produced composite PVA nanofibers containing 10 wt% goethite nanoparticles exhibited an outstanding fivefold increase in Young's modulus and 2.5ā€fold improvement of tensile strength compared to mats of neat PVA. The addition of Ī±ā€FeOOH had a significant influence on glass transition temperature indicating formation of interphase regions around nanowire inclusions. Observed properties are explained by nanowire grafting in the precursor solution, extensive interactions between the adsorbed PVA chains and the matrix and percolation of interphase regions at 10 wt% Ī±ā€FeOOH.Estonian Research Council PUT1096 and PUTJD578; Institutional Research Funding Projects, IUT20-17, and IUT23-7; Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Unionā€™s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART

    Identifying iron-bearing nanoparticle precursor for thermal transformation into the highly active hematite photo-fenton catalyst

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    Funding: This reseach was funded by the European Regional Development Fund within the Activity ā€œPost-doctoral Research Aidā€ of the Specific Aid Objective 1.1.1 ā€œTo increase the research and innovative capacity of scientific institutions of Latvia and the ability to attract external financing, investing in human resources and infrastructureā€ of the Operational Programme ā€œGrowth and Employmentā€ (No. hematite photo-Fenton catalysis has attracted increasing attention because it offers strong oxidation of organic pollutants under visible light at neutral pH. In the present work, aqueous synthesis of hematite photo-Fenton catalysts with high activity is demonstrated. We compare photo-Fenton activity for hematite obtained by hydrolyzation at 60ā—¦C or by a thermally induced transformation from iron-bearing nanoparticles, such as amorphous iron oxyhydroxide or goethite. A link between their structure and visible light photo-Fenton reactivity is established. The highest activity was observed for hematite obtained from goethite nanowires due to oblong platelet-like structure, high surface area and the presence of nanopores.European Regional Development Fund; Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Unionā€™s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART

    Lignocelulozes nanoŔķiedru divkomponenŔu pavedienu struktūra, tehnoloģijas un īpaŔības

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    Darba literatÅ«ras apskatā apkopota informācija par bezatkritumu integrētajām tehnoloÄ£ijām, polimēru nanokompozÄ«tiem un to pildvielu ietekmei uz materiāla Ä«paŔībām, nanocelulozes iegÅ«Å”anas metodēm un tās integrÄ“Å”anu polimēru nanokompozÄ«tos. Pastiprināta uzmanÄ«ba pievērsta elektrovērpÅ”anas procesam, tā ietekmējoÅ”ajiem faktoriem un ietekmei uz nanoŔķiedru morfoloÄ£iju un Ä«paŔībām, kā arÄ« apzinātas nanoŔķiedru lietojuma jomas. Darba metodiskajā daļā aprakstÄ«ts pētÄ«jumu procesā lietoto metožu, tehnoloÄ£iju un testÄ“Å”anas metožu spektrs: nanocelulozes un polimēra nanoŔķiedru iegÅ«Å”anas tehnoloÄ£ijas, aprÄ«kojums, tehnoloÄ£isko procesu norise un režīmi, kā arÄ« lietotās pētÄ«Å”anas metodes un nosakāmie parametri. Darba eksperimentālajā daļā aprakstÄ«ta tvaika sprādziena auto-hidrolÄ«zes procesa parametru ietekme uz biomasu, celulozes nanopildvielas ietekme uz vērpÅ”anas Ŕķīdumu Ä«paŔībām, nanoŔķiedru tÄ«mekļa morfoloÄ£iju, fizikālajām un mehāniskajām. Pamatoti izvēlētie laika režīmi, temperatÅ«ras, Ŕķīdumu koncentrācijas diapazons, noteikti optimālie darba parametri. PētÄ«jumu rezultātā izveidotajā tehnoloÄ£iju kopumā iegÅ«ts jauns ar celulozes nanopildvielu pastiprināts polimēra nanoŔķiedru neaustais materiāls ar vairākkārtÄ«gi paaugstinātu mehānisko stiprÄ«bu un noturÄ«bu Å«dens vidē. Promocijas darbs uzrakstÄ«ts latvieÅ”u valodā, satur ievadu un 3 galvenās nodaļas: literatÅ«ras apskatu, metodisko daļu, eksperimentu rezultātu apkopojumus un to izvērtējumu, kā arÄ« secinājumus. Darba apjoms satur 85 attēlus un ilustrācijas, 17 tabulas, 26 formulas, kopā 144 lappuses. LiteratÅ«ras sarakstā izmantots 351 informācijas avots

    Electrospinning of Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Nanofiber Mats Reinforced by Lignocellulose Nanowhiskers

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    This article reports on electrospun poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) modification with lignocellulose nanowhiskers (LCNWs) produced from hemp shives without using harsh preparation steps. LCNWs were obtained by using steam explosion (SE) pretreatment, ball milling, and ultrasonication. Formation of LCNWs was confirmed by atomic force microscopy. Obtained LCNWs were used to modify the mechanical properties of electrospun PVA nanofibers. Attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy analyses provided clear evidence of the presence of cellulose nanowhiskers in the PVA/LCNW electrospun mats. It was found that tensile stress at break increases more than fivefold for PVA nanofiber mats reinforced with LCNWs

    Tekstiliju virsmas modifikācija ar materiālu izputināŔanas tehnoloģiju

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    PētÄ«jumā apskatÄ«ta informācija par tekstiliju virsmas modifikāciju ar materiāliem plāno kārtiņu veidā. Tā ir daudzsoloÅ”a tehnoloÄ£ija tekstiliju funkcionalizācijai, kas ļauj izveidot metālu, oksÄ«du, polimēra un kompozÄ«tu pārklājumus uz tekstila materiāla virsmas. Procesa rezultātā tekstilmateriālam lÄ«dztekus esoÅ”ajām unikālajām Ä«paŔībām tiek pieŔķirtas paredzamajam lietojumam nepiecieÅ”amās papildÄ«paŔības. ProduktÄ«vākā no plāno kārtiņu iegÅ«Å”anas tehnoloÄ£ijām ir materiālu izputināŔana ar plazmas joniem. Tās svarÄ«gākās priekÅ”rocÄ«bas salÄ«dzinājumā citām tekstilmateriālu virsmu pārklājumu iegÅ«Å”anas metodēm: 1) ir viegli izputināmi pat visgrÅ«tāk kÅ«stoÅ”ie materiāli; 2) iegÅ«tajām pārklājumu kārtiņām ir labāka adhēzija ar materiālu; 3) kārtiņas biezumu, sastāvu, struktÅ«ru un vienmērÄ«gumu ir viegli kontrolēt pielāgojot parametrus uzputināŔanas procesa laikā atbilstoÅ”i materiāla Ä«paŔībai

    Multifunctional Materials from Hemp Fibres Treated with Steam Explosion Technology

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    Multifunctional materials include properties of smart material systems (e.g. smart textiles) as well as biologically synthesized materials (case of biomimetic). Natural wood, flax and hemp fibres are examples of such multifunctional materials ā€“ polymer composite systems. In current research attempt has been made to analyse hemp fibres treated with steam explosion (SE) technology. Disintegration of hemp fibres separated from non-retted, dew-retted and dried stems of hemp (ā€˜Puriniā€™) by alkali treatment and steam explosion (SE) were investigated. An average intensive SE in combination with the hydro-thermal and alkali after-treatment allows decreasing the diameter of hemp fibres and reduce the concentration of non-celluloses components, among them hemicelluloses, lignin, pectin, waxes and water

    UV radiācijas absorbētāju ietekme uz UV aizsardzības efektivitāti

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    PētÄ«jumā apkopota sistematizēta informācija par ultraviaoleto (UV) starojumu un siltumstarojuma iedarbÄ«bu un progresÄ«vām metodēm aizsardzÄ«bas nodroÅ”ināŔanai pret UV un siltumstarojumu gan uzturoties ārvidē, gan regulējot mikroklimatu telpās, kā arÄ« apzinātas iespējas izmantot metālus un to oksÄ«dus aizsargpārklājumu veidoÅ”anai, sniegti to raksturojumi, kā arÄ« metodikas ZnO iegÅ«Å”anai un auduma apstrādei. Eksperimenti veikti uznesot vakuumā termoiztvaicÄ“Å”anas procesā dažāda biezuma Zn pārklājumus uz kokvilnas un kokvilnas Ä·emdzijas auduma, kā arÄ« linu auduma, kas ir biežāk lietotie tekstilmateriāli ekovides veidoÅ”anai. Eksperimenta gaitā salÄ«dzinātas dažādu materiālu paraugu ar atŔķirÄ«gu pārklājuma biezumu starojuma caurlaidÄ«bas, kā arÄ« virsmu mikrogrāfijas, kas ļauj secināt, ka vakuuma termoiztvaicÄ“Å”anas procesā iespējams iegÅ«t pat 0,12 Ī¼m vienmērÄ«gu gludu Zn pārklājumu uz kokvilnas auduma, palielinot pārklājuma biezumu lÄ«dz 0,21 Ī¼m caurejoŔās starojuma plÅ«sma samazinās par 35 %. Uz linu auduma pavedieniem uznestā Zn kārtiņas struktÅ«ra ir graudaina, jo lielāks ir kārtiņas biezums, jo Zn klasteri kļūst rupjāki, lÄ«dz ar to pārklājums ekspluatācijā mazāk noturÄ«gs. Tā kā aplÅ«kotā fizikālā metode ultraplānu metālpārklājumu uzneÅ”anai uz tekstilmateriāliem atŔķirÄ«bā no Ä·Ä«miskajām apstrādēm nerada vides piesārņojumus, ir mērÄ·tiecÄ«gi turpināt pētÄ«jumus adhēzijas uzlaboÅ”anai, kā arÄ« meklēt veidus, kā pieŔķirt metālpārklātajai virsmai papildnetÄ«rumus nepiesaistoÅ”as Ä«paŔība

    Electrospun Herbal Extract Derived Polymer Nanocomposites for Medical Applications

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    Herbal plants have been used in medicine since ancient times due to their health benefits. The research in this field continues to reveal advantages of these plants such as antibacterial activity against multidrug-resistant bacteria and possibility to integrate extracts in fibers by electrospinning. Electrospinning is a simple, yet versatile method of creating polymer-based nanofiber web, which can be used for wound dressings, tissue engineering and drug delivery systems. In production of electrospun nanofibers a solution of biocompatible polymer and a plant extract is needed. Therefore exploration of such composition ingredients is importan

    Fabrication of Lead Titanate PbTiO3 Nanofiber Mats Via Electrospinning

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    We report an electrospinning approach to producing PbTiO3 polycrystalline nanofibers. The influence of the polymer concentration in the solution on the obtainable PbTiO3 nanofiber morphology was investigated. Nanofibers were characterized by high-resolution scanning electron microscopy (HR-SEM) and Raman spectroscopy. After annealing at 500Ā°C for 3 h, the continuous structure of nanofibers remained intact. Only tetragonal PbTiO3 was identified by Raman spectroscopy. Piezoelectric behavior of PbTiO3 nanofiber mats was demonstrated by making a nanomat-based voltage generator with peak output voltage >1 V

    Processing Parameters Influence on Disintegration Intensity of Technical Hemp Fibres

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    In recent years, an increasing number of researches are dedicated to the identification of local cellulose sources to understand their specifics and develop environmentally friendly technologies according to the field of usage. Since the cellulose mass in hemp cells varies from 45% to 70%, hemp stems and their processing products can be considered as the raw material for various products, including cellulose. The article analyses the phloem fiber variety of a hemp sort grown in Latvia named Bialobrzeskie. Treatment in sodium alkali solution and steam explosion technology have been applied to split technical fibers into elementary fibers. This has the aim to find the best way to produce fiber without using environmentally harmful chemical treatments and to solve problems for further environmentally friendly nano-level disintegration of cellulose with further integration into the structure of composite materials. The influence of the treatment intensity on the residue carried out in the first stage of research is reflected and an analysis of the steam explosion process temperature and pressure influence on the fiber chemical component proportion changes during different treatments are carried out