15 research outputs found

    Rethinking progress: integrating innovation policy for sustainable futures

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    In the context of the pressing challenges posed by global issues such as climate change, resource depletion, and social inequality, there is a growing recognition of the need for innovative approaches within policy frameworks. The paper explores the intersection of innovation policy and sustainable development, aiming to uncover new avenues for fostering socio-economic and environmental sustainability. By examining the case of the Czech Republic, this study provides a nuanced understanding of how the country strategically shifted from smart specialisation strategies (S3) to a more advanced mission-oriented approach (S4). The introduction of missions within the S3 serves as a relevant example that illustrates the Czech Republic's commitment to addressing current challenges and aligning with global goals such as the European Green Deal and the UN Sustainable Development Goals

    Naučnotehnološke i inovacione politike: analiza stanja u Srbiji

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    Naučnotehnološke i inovacione (NTI) politike su prepoznate od strane razvijenijih zemalja kao najvažniji faktor uspostavljanja društva zasnovanog na znanju. Sa druge strane i zemlje u razvoju sve više prepoznaju nauku, tehnologije i inovacija kao važan činilac održivog razvoja. U prvom delu rada je predstavljen teorijski okvir, evolucija i teorijska klasifikacija instrumenata NTI politike. U drugom delu rada je prikazana analiza instrumenata NTI politike u kojoj se daje odgovor na pitanje da li postojeći set instrumenata rešava ključne izazove nacionalnog inovacionog sistema Republike Srbije. Opšti zaključak rada je da, iako postoji evidentan napredak u ovoj oblasti, instrumenti NTI politike ne rešavaju najvažnije izazove nacionalnog inovacionog sistema Republike Srbije u dovoljnoj meri. U strukturi identifikovanih instrumeanta NTI politike dominiraju instrumenti na strani ponude što predstavlja pokazatelj nedovoljnog obuhvata instrumenata inovacione politike

    Metodologije za merenje naučnotehnoloških i inovacionih aktivnosti

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    Metrika nauke, tehnologije i inovacija od ključnog je značaja za uspešno kreiranje i implementaciju javnih politika i programa u brojnim oblastima - privredni razvoj, obrazovanje, istraživanje i razvoj, međunarodna naučnotehnološka saradnja. Preduzeća, nevladine organizacije i pojedinci takođe koriste pokazatelje razvoja nauke, tehnologije i inovacija prilikom donošenja odluka u svom opsegu delovanja. Otuda, nameće se neophodnost boljeg razumevanja različitih pristupa u oceni složenih aktivnosti u domenu nauke, tehnologije i inovacija. U radu su predstavljeni osnovni načini za merenje inputa i autputa naučno-istraživačkog rada, tehnološkog progresa i inovacija. Sve metodologije su svrstane u tri široke grupe: inovacione ankete, pojedinačni pokazatelji naučnotehnološkog razvoja i kompozitni indikatori. Za svaku od navedenih grupa objašnjene su glavne karakteristike kao i međunarodno prihvaćene metodologije i standardi za njihovo obuhvatanje i merenje

    Open Innovation Model in Serbian Companies

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    The aim of this paper is to indicate the current willingness of the business sector in Serbia to operate in accordance with the main principles of the Open Innovation Model (OIM). The paper presents theoretical framework of the OIM and shows the current situation and the relative position of Serbia in relation to the EU member states regarding the prevalence of the practice of using the OIM. This research showed that the OIM is not the predominant business model in the Serbian business sector. On the other hand, except in a few countries, this business model is also largely absent in most EU member states

    Digitalisation, Growth Vision and Gender Equality Practices in the Machines and Equipment Sector – Does Gender Matter?

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    This paper explores the nuanced relationship between gender diversity in senior management and key aspects of organizational dynamics in the machines and equipment sector in the Republic of Serbia. The aim is to uncover differences in digitalization, growth strategies and gender equality measures between companies led by women and men. Employing field research methods, specifically utilizing Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing, the results show that companies led by women have a higher propensity to adopt information and communication technologies, a more optimistic view of their future development over the next five years, greater gender diversity among employees and more robust implementation of gender equality policies compared to companies led exclusively by men. The research findings highlight the significant impact of gender diversity in leadership on business outcomes and show that women-led companies are proactively embracing digitalization, promoting growth optimism and implementing gender equality initiatives. These findings offer valuable insights for business leaders, policymakers and researchers working on initiatives to promote diversity, equality, and technological progress

    Trends of business enterprise expenditure on R&D before and after global economic crisis: evidence from selected SEE countries

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    The latest economic crisis in 2008, with a source on the mortgage market of the USA, spilled, to a lesser or greater extent, over all European and non-European economies. One of the significant features of this crisis is reflected in the raising bank loans and tightening lending terms. State budget deficit in the conditions of the crisis imposes the need for fiscal consolidation, thus reducing the capacity of the state to provide financial support to the business sector. In this regard, these developments may have an adverse effect on the level of R&D expenditure of the business sector, which in turn leads to a decrease in quality or a complete suspension of R&D activities. Nevertheless, innovative companies willing to take the risk, as well as governments that have set the increase of expenditures on R&D as a strategic goal of their economic policies, can be taken as an explanation for unchanged or increased R&D expenditure in the time of crisis. Empirical research was conducted for the period 2004–2012 on a sample of 10 South-Eastern European (SEE) countries. The results of the survey show that the business sector had higher spending on R&D activities after the economic crisis, at the SEE region-level. At the country level, business sector in Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Serbia and Slovenia had higher R&D expenditures after 2008, while in Croatia, Romania, Slovakia and North Macedonia, there was no significant difference in the level of R&D expenditures before and after the crisis

    Mere politike istraživanja i inovacija Evropske unije tokom COVID-19 pandemije

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    Politike u domenu nauke, tehnologije i inovacija ne samo da obezbeđuju dugoročni društveno-ekonomski razvoj, već imaju i sposobnost da u relativno kratkom roku pruže efikasan odgovor na izazove koje nameću globalne krize. U radu su predstavljene odlike istraživanja i inovacija za vreme kriza, kao i njihove implikacije za vođenje politika u toj oblasti. Cilj istraživanja je da ukaže na mere koje je Evropska unija donela u okviru svoje politike istraživanja i inovacija u toku 2020. godine kao odgovor na Covid-19 pandemiju. Opšti zaključak rada je da je pandemija značajno uticala na pravce delovanja EU politike istraživanja i inovacija u pogledu alokacije finansijskih sredstava, istraživačkih tema i kolaborativnih mreža

    Uticaj strukturnih i tehnoloških promena na privredni razvoj Republike Srbije

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    U savremenim privrednim, uslovima poznavanje zakonomernosti strukturnih i tehnoloških promena od suštinske je važnosti za ostvarivanje zadovoljavajućih stopa privrednog rasta i unapređenje životnog standarda. Strukturne i tehnološke promene predstavljaju i put za države koje nameravaju iskoristiti svoje prednosti i ostvariti najviše moguće nivoe razvoja sa raspoloživim resursima. Ovo je važno za sve svetske privrede, a posebno za zemlje u razvoju koje nastoje da dostignu nivo razvoja naprednijih država. Iako je na razvojnoj trajektoriji privrede Republike Srbije nakon 2000. godine učinjen izvestan pomak, vidno je da su performanse privrede nedovoljne, što je rezultat delovanja kako globalnih tokova, tako i nepovoljnih internih faktora. Neadekvatan model privrednog rasta i neefikasna tranzicija uticali su na potpuno zanemarivanje industrijske proizvodnje, kao i na kreiranje neoptimalne privredne strukture. Uzroci ekonomske krize u Republici Srbiji su strukturni, a ne ciklični faktori, odnosno rezultat su ekspanzije sektora usluga i smanjenja industrijske proizvodnje. Tranzicioni proces u srpskoj privredi nije stvorio konkurentnu privrednu strukturu koja bi mogla doprineti održivom privrednom razvoju. Razvojni imperativ privrede Republike Srbije predstavljaju izmene u strukturi i tehnološkom nivou proizvodnje, što će omogićiti realokaciju resursa u produktivne privredne delatnosti i stvaranje inovativnog industrijskog sektora. Buduća razvojna orijentacija privrede Republike Srbije treba da bude zasnovana na primarnoj ulozi industrije, a naročito prerađivačke industrije, kao i na tehnološkim inovacijama u proizvodnji. U tom smislu, važno je utvrđivanje adekvatnog načina za efikasnu transformaciju strukture privrede Republike Srbije koja će doprineti rastu produktivnosti, jačanju industrijskog sektora i otuda, ostvarivanju izvozno orijentisanog modela privrednog rasta. Polazna osnova za reindustrijalizaciju privrede Republike Srbije treba da bude realno sagledavanje sopstvenih potencijala, ali i (re)definisanje i pravovremena implementacija relevantnih politika i strategija. Od posebne važnosti je definisanje sistemski dobro osmišljene industrijske i naučnotehnološke politike koje treba da obezbede kako podsticajan institucionalan okvir, tako i konkretne programe podrške industrijskom sektoru u procesu podizanja tehnološkog nivoa i unapređenja inovacionih performansi.In modern economic conditions, possessing knowledge of the regularities of structural and technological changes is essential for achieving satisfactory rates of economic growth and improving living standard. Structural and technological changes also represent a way for countries which aim to exploit their advantages and achieve the highest possible development levels with available resources. This is important for all economies in the world, and especially for developing countries that strive to “catch up” with the developed countries. Although some progress has been made on the development trajectory of the economy of the Republic of Serbia after 2000, it is evident that the economic performance is not sufficient, which is a result both of the global flows and unfavourable internal factors. The inadequate model of economic growth and inefficient transition process have affected a total neglect of industrial production, as well as in creation of a sub-optimal economic structure. The causes of the economic crisis in the Republic of Serbia are structural rather than cyclical factors, and are result of the expansion of the service sector and reduction of industrial production. The transition process of Serbian economy did not create a competitive economic structure that could contribute to sustainable economic development. The development imperative of the economy of the Republic of Serbia are changes in the structure and technological level of production, which will enable reallocation of resources into productive economic activities and creation of an innovative industrial sector. The future development orientation of Serbian economy should be based on the primary role of industry, especially manufacturing, as well as on technological innovations in production. In this regard, it is important to determine an adequate way for an efficient transformation of economic structure in the Republic of Serbia, which will contribute to the productivity growth, strengthening industrial sector, and hence to the realization of an export-oriented model of economic growth. Тhe starting point in reindustrialisation of the economy of the Rebublic of Serbia should be realistic assessment of its own potential, but also (re)defining and timely implementation of relevant policies and strategies. It is particularly importnant to define a systematically well-designed industrial and science and technology policy that should provide both an incentive institutional framework and concrete programs of support to the industrial sector in the process of raising the technological level and improving the innovation performance

    Uticaj strukturnih i tehnoloških promena na privredni razvoj Republike Srbije

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    U savremenim privrednim, uslovima poznavanje zakonomernosti strukturnih i tehnoloških promena od suštinske je važnosti za ostvarivanje zadovoljavajućih stopa privrednog rasta i unapređenje životnog standarda. Strukturne i tehnološke promene predstavljaju i put za države koje nameravaju iskoristiti svoje prednosti i ostvariti najviše moguće nivoe razvoja sa raspoloživim resursima. Ovo je važno za sve svetske privrede, a posebno za zemlje u razvoju koje nastoje da dostignu nivo razvoja naprednijih država. Iako je na razvojnoj trajektoriji privrede Republike Srbije nakon 2000. godine učinjen izvestan pomak, vidno je da su performanse privrede nedovoljne, što je rezultat delovanja kako globalnih tokova, tako i nepovoljnih internih faktora. Neadekvatan model privrednog rasta i neefikasna tranzicija uticali su na potpuno zanemarivanje industrijske proizvodnje, kao i na kreiranje neoptimalne privredne strukture. Uzroci ekonomske krize u Republici Srbiji su strukturni, a ne ciklični faktori, odnosno rezultat su ekspanzije sektora usluga i smanjenja industrijske proizvodnje. Tranzicioni proces u srpskoj privredi nije stvorio konkurentnu privrednu strukturu koja bi mogla doprineti održivom privrednom razvoju. Razvojni imperativ privrede Republike Srbije predstavljaju izmene u strukturi i tehnološkom nivou proizvodnje, što će omogićiti realokaciju resursa u produktivne privredne delatnosti i stvaranje inovativnog industrijskog sektora. Buduća razvojna orijentacija privrede Republike Srbije treba da bude zasnovana na primarnoj ulozi industrije, a naročito prerađivačke industrije, kao i na tehnološkim inovacijama u proizvodnji. U tom smislu, važno je utvrđivanje adekvatnog načina za efikasnu transformaciju strukture privrede Republike Srbije koja će doprineti rastu produktivnosti, jačanju industrijskog sektora i otuda, ostvarivanju izvozno orijentisanog modela privrednog rasta. Polazna osnova za reindustrijalizaciju privrede Republike Srbije treba da bude realno sagledavanje sopstvenih potencijala, ali i (re)definisanje i pravovremena implementacija relevantnih politika i strategija. Od posebne važnosti je definisanje sistemski dobro osmišljene industrijske i naučnotehnološke politike koje treba da obezbede kako podsticajan institucionalan okvir, tako i konkretne programe podrške industrijskom sektoru u procesu podizanja tehnološkog nivoa i unapređenja inovacionih performansi.In modern economic conditions, possessing knowledge of the regularities of structural and technological changes is essential for achieving satisfactory rates of economic growth and improving living standard. Structural and technological changes also represent a way for countries which aim to exploit their advantages and achieve the highest possible development levels with available resources. This is important for all economies in the world, and especially for developing countries that strive to “catch up” with the developed countries. Although some progress has been made on the development trajectory of the economy of the Republic of Serbia after 2000, it is evident that the economic performance is not sufficient, which is a result both of the global flows and unfavourable internal factors. The inadequate model of economic growth and inefficient transition process have affected a total neglect of industrial production, as well as in creation of a sub-optimal economic structure. The causes of the economic crisis in the Republic of Serbia are structural rather than cyclical factors, and are result of the expansion of the service sector and reduction of industrial production. The transition process of Serbian economy did not create a competitive economic structure that could contribute to sustainable economic development. The development imperative of the economy of the Republic of Serbia are changes in the structure and technological level of production, which will enable reallocation of resources into productive economic activities and creation of an innovative industrial sector. The future development orientation of Serbian economy should be based on the primary role of industry, especially manufacturing, as well as on technological innovations in production. In this regard, it is important to determine an adequate way for an efficient transformation of economic structure in the Republic of Serbia, which will contribute to the productivity growth, strengthening industrial sector, and hence to the realization of an export-oriented model of economic growth. Тhe starting point in reindustrialisation of the economy of the Rebublic of Serbia should be realistic assessment of its own potential, but also (re)defining and timely implementation of relevant policies and strategies. It is particularly importnant to define a systematically well-designed industrial and science and technology policy that should provide both an incentive institutional framework and concrete programs of support to the industrial sector in the process of raising the technological level and improving the innovation performance

    Izveštaj o evaluaciji uticaja i kvalitetu programa obuka u javnoj upravi

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