15 research outputs found

    Procjena dotoka slatke vode uzduž istočne obale Jadrana kao mogućeg izvora stresa za morske organizme

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    Seawater salinity changes and thermal stress have been considered to be among the most important determinants of rocky intertidal zone organism distribution. The aim of present study was to determine the freshwater influx and evaluate the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis shells as indicators of natural environmental conditions by comparing δ13C of shell carbonate layers with seawater salinity and tem- perature values measured over the 1998-2007 period. Our results show that the salinity was relatively constant in the open sea, with typical values of the northern and southern Adriatic being 37.65 ± 0.40 and 38.37 ± 0.19 respectively. It varied in intertidal zones, estuaries, locations close to under-sea freshwa- ter springs and during rainy days in closed lagoons on different locations along eastern Adriatic coast. Sa- linity and temperature variations at investigated sites showed freshwater influx which was also reflected in lower δ13C values of mussel M. galloprovincialis shell carbonates. Based on the measured parameters, three groups of locations in the investigated area (25 locations) can be defined: locations with strong to medium freshwater influence (9), with minor freshwater influence (6) and marine environment locations (10). Our results confirm that mussel M. galloprovincialis responds sensitively to subtle changes in the environmental conditions. Results of the isotopic analyses presented in this study support the hypothesis that the δ13C in mussel’s shell might be used as an indicator of environmental salinity conditions and hypo-osmotic stress. Therefore such investigations might represent an additional tool for waste water management and environmental protection.Promjena saliniteta i temperature morske vode u stjenovitom obalnom području ograničava i utječe na raspodjela morskih organizama. U području otvorenog mora salinitet je relativno stalan, a u istraživanom razdoblju (1998.-2007.) se kretao od 37,65 ± 0,40 za sjeverni i do 38,37 ± 0,19 za južni Jadran. Salinitet značajno koleba u zoni plime i oseke, na području ušća rijeka i podmorskim izvorima slatke vode te tijekom kišnih dana u zatvorenim lagunama. Zbog dotoka slatke vode temperatura mora na istraživanim postajama pokazuje unutar sezonske razlike, uz jaka sezonska kolebanja. Kolebanje vrijednosti saliniteta i temperature morske vode na području od Limskog kanala do Dubrovnika (sjeverni - južni Jadran) pod utjecajem dotoka slatke vode izravno su se odrazili i na vrijednosti δ13C u ljušturama dagnje Mytilus galloprovincialis. Vrijednosti δ13C iz 1998. godine su rangirane i korelirane s prosječnim vrijednostima temperature i saliniteta morske vode tijekom devetogodišnjeg istraživanog razdoblja (1998.-2007.). Na temelju sadržaja d13C u ljušturama, temperature i saliniteta morske vode istraživano područje (25 postaja) je grupirano u tri skupine: srednje do jak utjecaj slatke vode (9), manji utjecaj slatke vode (6) i lokacije morskog okoliša (10). Utvrđeno je da su ljušture školjkaša, odnosno vrijednosti δ13C, dobri pokazatelji kolebanja prirodnih čimbenika, naročito saliniteta, posredstvom dotoka slatkih voda. Dagnja M. galloprovincialis se može koristiti kao indikator kolebanja ekoloških čimbenika i možebitnih onečišćenja. Stoga navedena istraživanja predstavljaju dodatni koristan alat u biomonitoring programima, primjerice ispitivanju kvalitete okoliša, upravljanju otpadnim vodama i zaštiti okoliša


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    This study examined the effects of dietary supplementation of queen scallop Aequipecten opercularis with an indigenous strain of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), such as Lactiplantibacillus plantarum I previously isolated from its digestive tract, on gut microbial populations and growth rates during cultivation under simulated climate change conditions (pH 7.8, T=16±2°C). After one month of feeding, the results showed a noticeable reduction in aquaculture diseases causing pathogens while maintaining sufficient viable L. plantarum I cells. A higher pH and temperature resulted in higher growth rates, measured by the weight and length of scallops, compared to the control group. The results obtained shed light on the influence of the addition of lactic acid bacteria on the growth of bivalve mollusks under normal and climate change conditions, and provide control of pathogenic microorganisms. In the context of climate change, host-pathogen interactions need to be recognized and put under control by applying natural solutions to minimize the environmental footprint.U ovoj studiji ispitani su učinci dodataka prehrani češljači Aequipecten opercularis s autohtonim sojem bakterija mliječne kiseline (LAB), kao što je Lactiplantibacillus plantarum I koji je prethodno izoliran iz njegovog probavnog trakta, na populacije crijevnih mikroba i stope rasta tijekom uzgoja pod simulirano promjenjenim klimatskim uvjetima (pH 7,8, T=16±2°C). Nakon mjesec dana hranjenja, rezultati su pokazali zamjetno smanjenje uzročnika bolesti u akvakulturi uz zadržavanje dovoljne količine živih stanica L. plantarum I. Viši pH i temperatura rezultirali su većim stopama rasta, izmjerenom težinom i duljinom školjkaša, u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom. Dobiveni rezultati rasvjetljavaju utjecaj dodatka bakterija mliječne kiseline na rast školjkaša u normalnim i klimatskim promijenjenim uvjetima te omogućuju suzbijanje patogenih mikroorganizama. U kontekstu klimatskih promjena, interakcije domaćin-patogen treba prepoznati i staviti pod kontrolu primjenom prirodnih rješenja kako bi se smanjio utjecaj na okoliš

    The Importance of Genomic Literacy and Education in Nursing

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    Genetic discoveries and technological advances have been changing nursing care delivery, which modifies the roles and practices of nursing in society. Although the need for education of nurses in the field of genomics has been recognized in the 1960s, many countries still have no clear guidelines in this field of education and training. The purpose of this study was to evaluate current genomics content in the curriculum of undergraduate and graduate programs of studies in nursing in Croatia, and to measure the genomic literacy of Croatian undergraduate nursing students through assessing participants’ understanding of genomic concepts most critical to nursing practice. The curriculum of undergraduate and graduate programs of nursing classes of 2020/2021 were independently analyzed by the authors. For measuring the knowledge of essential genomic concepts among nurses, a Genomic Nursing Concept Inventory (GNCI©) instrument was employed. Results indicate that the current genomics content, for undergraduate and graduate nursing programs in Croatia, is inadequate and not concordant among universities. Moreover, the genomic literacy of Croatian undergraduate students (Undergraduate program 10) was found to be low. Scores across respondents ranged from 3 to 22 (out of possible 31), with a mean scale score 9.8 (SD 5.3) (31.6% correct). We can conclude that the curriculum for undergraduate and graduate programs of Studies in nursing should be revised to implement the latest genomic practices and approaches to genomics education while nurses should acquire an adequate level of genomic literacy in order to produce desired outcomes of competency in nursing practice

    Commercial Quality, Biological Indices and Biochemical Composition of Queen Scallop <i>Aequipecten opercularis</i> in Culture

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    Market demand for scallops has considerably increased in recent decades. Although natural populations of scallops are vulnerable, the queen scallop, Aequipecten opercularis, can represent a possible alternative to at-risk species. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of seawater parameters on the commercial quality, biological indices and nutritional quality of the scallop A. opercularis in 1900 L tanks in ex situ conditions. The condition index (CI) and meat yield (MY) peaked in autumn (89.92% and 40.29%, respectively). The muscle index (MI) showed the highest peak during the winter season (5.96%), while the gonadosomatic index (GSI) (34.06%) peaked in the spring months. Protein content (6.89–9.56 g/100 g), lipids (2.58–2.79 g/100 g) and carbohydrates (0.12–0.33 g/100 g) varied during the study period. Seasonal fluctuations in seawater temperature and pH negatively influenced the CI, MY and protein and lipid content, while positively affecting carbohydrate and moisture content. The most suitable period of the year for the consumption of the scallop A. opercularis was found to be the winter and spring periods, when the scallops achieved their highest nutritional value. It can be stated from this study that queen scallops in the Adriatic Sea have a high nutritional quality and that they can be proposed for higher human consumption


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    This study examined the effects of dietary supplementation of queen scallop Aequipecten opercularis with an indigenous strain of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), such as Lactiplantibacillus plantarum I previously isolated from its digestive tract, on gut microbial populations and growth rates during cultivation under simulated climate change conditions (pH 7.8, T=16±2°C). After one month of feeding, the results showed a noticeable reduction in aquaculture diseases causing pathogens while maintaining sufficient viable L. plantarum I cells. A higher pH and temperature resulted in higher growth rates, measured by the weight and length of scallops, compared to the control group. The results obtained shed light on the influence of the addition of lactic acid bacteria on the growth of bivalve mollusks under normal and climate change conditions, and provide control of pathogenic microorganisms. In the context of climate change, host-pathogen interactions need to be recognized and put under control by applying natural solutions to minimize the environmental footprint.U ovoj studiji ispitani su učinci dodataka prehrani češljači Aequipecten opercularis s autohtonim sojem bakterija mliječne kiseline (LAB), kao što je Lactiplantibacillus plantarum I koji je prethodno izoliran iz njegovog probavnog trakta, na populacije crijevnih mikroba i stope rasta tijekom uzgoja pod simulirano promjenjenim klimatskim uvjetima (pH 7,8, T=16±2°C). Nakon mjesec dana hranjenja, rezultati su pokazali zamjetno smanjenje uzročnika bolesti u akvakulturi uz zadržavanje dovoljne količine živih stanica L. plantarum I. Viši pH i temperatura rezultirali su većim stopama rasta, izmjerenom težinom i duljinom školjkaša, u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom. Dobiveni rezultati rasvjetljavaju utjecaj dodatka bakterija mliječne kiseline na rast školjkaša u normalnim i klimatskim promijenjenim uvjetima te omogućuju suzbijanje patogenih mikroorganizama. U kontekstu klimatskih promjena, interakcije domaćin-patogen treba prepoznati i staviti pod kontrolu primjenom prirodnih rješenja kako bi se smanjio utjecaj na okoliš

    DNMT3B rs2424913 as a Risk Factor for Congenital Heart Defects in Down Syndrome

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    Impairments of the genes that encode enzymes that are involved in one-carbon metabolism because of the presence of gene polymorphisms can affect the methylation pattern. The altered methylation profiles of the genes involved in cardiogenesis may result in congenital heart defects (CHDs). The aim of this study was to investigate the association between the MTHFR rs1801133, MTHFR rs1801131, MTRR rs1801394, DNMT1 rs2228611, DNMT3A rs1550117, DNMT3B rs1569686, and DNMT3B rs2424913 gene polymorphisms and congenital heart defects in Down syndrome (DS) individuals. The study was conducted on 350 participants, including 134 DS individuals with CHDs (DSCHD+), 124 DS individuals without CHDs (DSCHD−), and 92 individuals with non-syndromic CHD. The genotyping was performed using the PCR–RFLP method. A statistically significant higher frequency of the DNMT3B rs2424913 TT in the DSCHD+ individuals was observed. The DNMT3B rs2424913 TT genotype, as well as the T allele, had significantly higher frequencies in the individuals with DS and atrial septal defects (ASDs) in comparison with the individuals with DS and other CHDs. Furthermore, our results indicate a statistically significant effect of the DNMT3B rs1569686 TT genotype in individuals with non-syndromic CHDs. The results of the study suggest that the DNMT3B rs2424913 TT genotypes may be a possible predisposing factor for CHDs in DS individuals, and especially those with ASDs