3 research outputs found
Efficient full-text search in general-purpose database systems
The goal of the thesis is the review and evaluation of options that database management systems support when working with natural language texts. In the first part we describe the slovenian corpuses ccKres and ccGigafida, the database structure of MariaDB, PostgreSQL, MongoDB and their use of full-text indexes. But the support the slovenian language still isn't all that great. MariaDB supports only the use of stop words, while MongoDB doesn't even support those. With a little work, PostgreSQL enables us to define custom made configurations which enable the use of lexemes and more fine tuned results. In the second part of this thesis we test the performance of each DBMS by using colocation. Results are presented by using tables and graphs. The final results also show that for colocation the best choice is to use MongoDB
Direct Rendering of Solid Geometry with Ray Tracing
Konstruktivna polna geometrija je najenostavnejša metoda za modeliranje v programih za računalniško podprto oblikovanje. Z uporabo zgolj Boolovih operacij unije, preseka, razlike in enostavnih primitivov, kot so krogla, kvader in valj, omogoča izdelavo izredno kompleksnih objektov. Večina obstoječih rešitev ne deluje v spletnih brskalnikih ali pa uporablja metodo rasterizacije, katere natančnost je omejena s številom oglišč objektov. V tem delu predstavimo rešitev, ki deluje na GPE v spletnem brskalniku in z metodo metanja žarkov omogoča interaktivno in realnočasovno izvajanje pri preprostejših modelih CSG. Poleg implementacije rešitve z WebGL 2.0, smo rešitev razvili tudi za WebGL 2.0 Compute, ki omogoča uporabo računskih senčilnikov in medpomnilnikov SSBO. Za izboljšanje rešitve predlagamo uporabo podatkovnih struktur, ki so bolje prilagojene za izvajanje na GPE in uporabo sinhronizacijskih mehanizmov pri uporabi računskih senčilnikov.Constructive Solid Geometry is the easiest way of modeling in CAD programs. With the use of Boolean operators (union, intersection, difference) and simple primitives like sphere, box and cylinders, it enables the creation of more complex objects. Most of the existing solutions do not work in a web browser, or use rasterization methods which render models only as accurate as their polygonal representation is. In this work we present a GPU based CSG raytracing approach which works in a web browser, is accurate, and achieves real-time frame rates with simpler CSG models. For the development of our approach we used both WebGL 2.0 and WebGL 2.0 Compute. The latter enables us the use of compute shaders and SSBOs. Our approach can be further improved with the use of data structures and synchronization mechanisms more suitable for GPUs
Efficient full-text search in general-purpose database systems
Cilj diplomske naloge je pregled in vrednotenje možnosti, ki nam ji za delo s teksti v naravnem jeziku ponujajo splošnonamenski sistemi za upravljanje s podatkovnimi bazami. V prvem delu opišemo slovenska korpusa ccKres in ccGigafid, shemo shranjevanja tekstov iz korpusov v SUPB-je MariaDB, PostgreSQL in MongoDB ter polnotekstovnim indeksov v posameznem SUPB-ju. Vendar podpora slovenščini še vedno ni tam kjer bi želeli. MariaDB nam omogoča le definicijo seznama nepomembnih besed, medtem kot pri MongoDB še tega ne moremo narediti. Upanje ponuja PostgreSQL, kjer z izdevalo lastne konfiguracije lahko omogočimo uporabo leksemov in s tem boljše željene rezultate. V drugem delu testiramo performanse SUPB-jev na primeru kolokacije besed, kjer rezultate predstavimo tako tabelarično kot tudi z uporabo grafov. Rezultati pokažejo, da je za kolokacijo besed naša najboljša izbira MongoDB.The goal of the thesis is the review and evaluation of options that database management systems support when working with natural language texts. In the first part we describe the slovenian corpuses ccKres and ccGigafida, the database structure of MariaDB, PostgreSQL, MongoDB and their use of full-text indexes. But the support the slovenian language still isn\u27t all that great. MariaDB supports only the use of stop words, while MongoDB doesn\u27t even support those. With a little work, PostgreSQL enables us to define custom made configurations which enable the use of lexemes and more fine tuned results. In the second part of this thesis we test the performance of each DBMS by using colocation. Results are presented by using tables and graphs. The final results also show that for colocation the best choice is to use MongoDB