7 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study is to outline possibilities to improve and develop the student guidance system at Latvia’s higher education institutions, linking these to the main principles of management sciences. Certain problems and weaknesses related to the existing student guidance and support system at Latvian universities have been analysed. The results of a research project aimed at determining the needs of students of guidance showed that the services are very much appreciated among them. The author of this paper offers a series of suggestions and recommendations as to improve student guidance and support services at Latvia’s institutions of higher education. With an eye toward improving these systems, the author proposes the implementation of systematic analysis of the student guidance system, as well as implementation of the results at the national, institutional and individual level


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    Drastic and structural changes in the labour market and organizational environment related to the Covid-19 pandemic, rapid technological development, general globalization trends, demographic deterioration and other economic changes signal the need to find new approaches to the classical career management paradigm. Several studies on occupational segregation show that various stereotypes and misconceptions affecting the choice of occupations for young people are still relevant, but changes in the working environment also determine changes in this context. The European Social Fund project “Career Support in General and Vocational Education Institutions” has made huge contributions to the improvement of the career guidance system in Latvia since 2016, developing and approbating career development support action plans, along with informative and methodological materials, as well as educating career counsellors and support specialists, thereby updating their approaches to career guidance and management. This study analysed the views of students and educational staff about current beliefs and stereotypes about career choices and management. Data from the 96 specialists and managers surveyed from different educational institutions reveal that educators have a strong belief in the importance of career stability. A majority believe that career choice is not always a guided process, although most support the involvement of career professionals. The importance of prestigious education and hard work, as well as success in one’s career, is emphasized. The 10th through 12th grade students were surveyed in 2019–2020 in Daugavpils, Dobele, Ogre and Riga general educational schools. In the opinions of these pupils, there is evidence of various stereotypes regarding the choice of profession, as well as the correspondence of career beliefs and convictions within the dynamics of modern working life.


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    The Career Centre of the University of Latvia undertook a comprehensive study regarding the issues of student employability and mutual communication with employers during the recruitment process.  The study was conducted in two parts – 923 students from various higher education institutions in Latvia were surveyed during May-June 2015. The survey was used to inquire the current employment situation of the students of various study disciplines, determine the most popular types and choices of students in search for jobs and traineeship places, study the communication of the employers and given feedback to job seekers. The survey results outline the problems in mutual communication between the employers and employees and giving and receiving of feedback, as well as an explanation of the reasons for refusal of the job. In continuation of the study 84 employers were surveyed in spring 2017 regarding the experience of their company/institution in regard to employment of students, as well as communication with students as job seekers in the recruitment process. The outcome of the study show that employers are seeking students for a job position through job advertisement portals, but they try to recruit them also through social networks; in general they rate students as convincing during interviews, but also having excessive ambitions, expectations and not always an adequate appraisal of their own skills. The employers explain the problems noted by the students in regard to the employer communication during recruitment  by being too busy, lack of time and a high number of applications per competition.


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    Rapid changes in education and pedagogy are related not only to the global crisis caused by COVID-19, but also to other changes determined by globalization and technological convergence—labour mobility, changes in different professions and changes in teacher–student relations—that are also affected by intergenerational differences. Changes in the pedagogical paradigm, which are included in the content of the Paris Communiqué (2018) and outlined in many important educational development and planning documents, emphasise students’ transition from being mere recipients of information to being participants actively engaged with new information in a learning environment. Following the identification of problems with a less frequent use of active participation methods in higher education, the University of Latvia implemented an Erasmus+ project entitled Entrance to Future Education (2017–2019). In this project, the authors summarized modern, inspiring, interactive, active engagement-oriented teaching/learning methods in higher education. During the project, several student focus groups were formed to discuss students’ experiences with active engagement methods in studies, and a handbook with various student active engagement methods and games was created. In 2020, 106 students from different Latvian universities were surveyed about their understanding and experience in relation to these teaching methods in their studies. The results showed that, according to students, attitude and ardour are essential for engaging students with enthusiasm and interest in the study process. The results of the survey show the varied experiences of students, as well as different understandings of active learning methods. Students noted that they most often experienced various group projects in studies, presentations and various tasks outside the classroom, but relatively rarely used such methods as creative video making, active use of game elements and constructive feedback from peer


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    The sample consisted of 83 first course academic and professional psychology program students aged 18-43 years. Research instruments: 1) Demographic survey; 2) BFI (Big Five Inventory, Benet – Martinez John, 1998), adapted version in Latvian (Austers, 2007); 3) The assessment of psychology studies motivation. Key findings: The most important motivating factors for psychology studies in this sample are interest in psychology and the desire to help. Personality traits are related to the choice of profession motives: Agreeableness and Conscientiousness are positively correlated with the desire to help, Extroversion with a sense of capability for the profession, Neuroticism - with a uncertainity about the right profession choice.

    Improving Student Support to Reduce the Dropout Rate from Studies in Higher Education Institutions in Latvia

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    Anotācija promocijas darbam „Studentu atbalsta pilnveidošanas iespējas studiju pārtraukšanas samazināšanai Latvijas augstākās izglītības iestādēs” Promocijas darba mērķis ir noteikt studentu atbalsta pilnveidošanas iespējas studiju pārtraukšanas samazināšanā Latvijas augstākajā izglītībā. Veicot apjomīgu pētījumu, darbā analizēta studiju pārtraukšana Latvijas augstskolās: studiju pārtraukšanas cēloņi, nodomi un lēmumi.. Pētījums atklāj mijsakarības starp studiju pārtraukšanas nodomiem, apmierinātību ar studijām, studiju izvēles motivāciju un profesionālo identitāti. Pētījumā izveidotais studentu atbalsta modelis ieskicē dažādus studentu atbalsta veidus, kā galveno uzsverot konsultatīvo atbalstu studijās. Darbā izvērtētas esošā studentu atbalsta problēmas augstākās izglītības iestādēs, pierādīta studentu atbalsta loma veiksmīgā studiju turpināšanā un studiju pārtraukšanas mazināšanā. Balstoties uz teorētiskajām atziņām un praktisko pētījumu, izstrādāti priekšlikumi studentu atbalsta aktivitāšu pilnveidošanai. Atslēgas vārdi: studiju pārtraukšana, konsultatīvais studentu atbalsts, karjeras attīstības atbalsts, psiholoģiskais atbalsts, informatīvais atbalsts, sociālais atbalsts. jksfSummary of Doctoral Thesis „Improving Student Support to Reduce the Dropout Rate from Studies in Higher Education Institutions in Latvia” The purpose of the doctoral thesis is to determine the ways of improving support for students to decrease the dropout rate in higher education in Latvia. By using extensive research, the thesis offers analysis of student dropping out from studies in higher education institutions in Latvia: reasons, intentions, and decisions for the dropout from studies. Research reveals correlation between intentions of the discontinuation of studies, satisfaction with studies, study choice motivation and professional identity. Study support model created in the process of research outlines various methods of support for students, of which the most important would be the student guidance and counselling system for studies. Thesis evaluates the current problems in existing guidance and counselling system for students in higher education institutions and proves the role of support for students in successful continuation of studies and in decreasing the dropout rate from studies. Based on theoretical findings and practical research, proposals for improving study guidance activities have been developed. Keywords: dropout from studies, student guidance and counselling, student support system, career guidance, psychological counselling, social support