8 research outputs found

    Aggregation functions with given super-additive and sub-additive transformations

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    Aggregation functions and their transformations have found numerous applications in various kinds of systems as well as in economics and social science. Every aggregation function is known to be bounded above and below by its super-additive and sub-additive transformations. We are interested in the “inverse” problem of whether or not every pair consisting of a super-additive function dominating a sub-additive function comes from some aggregation function in the above sense. Our main results provide a negative answer under mild extra conditions on the super- and sub-additive pair. We also show that our results are, in a sense, best possible

    Weighted scalarization related to LpL_p-metric and pareto optimality

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    summary:Relations between (proper) Pareto optimality of solutions of multicriteria optimization problems and solutions of the minimization problems obtained by replacing the multiple criteria with LpL_p-norm related functions (depending on the criteria, goals, and scaling factors) are investigated

    Kultúrne inštitúty ako nástroj verejnej diplomacie

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    Táto práca pojednáva o kultúrnych inštitútoch krajín ako o jednom z nástrojov verejnej diplomacie. Práca má za cieľ analyzovať činnosť inštitútov a zároveň podať ucelený obraz o ich fungovaní. Prvá kapitola sa venuje významu verejnej diplomacie a jej vzťahu s diplomaciou kultúrnou. Druhá kapitola analyzuje rôzne aspekty fungovania inštitútu a získané poznatky integruje do všeobecného modelu prezentácie krajiny prostredníctvom uvedeného nástroja. Posledná kapitola popisuje podmienky a činnosť štyroch zahraničných inštitútov v Prahe -- francúzskeho, španielskeho, poľského a slovenského.Tato práce pojednává o kulturních institutech jako o jednom z nástrojů veřejné diplomacie. Práce si klade za cíl podat jak analýzu jejich činnosti tak i souhrnný obraz o fungování institutů. První kapitola je věnována významu veřejné diplomacie a jejímu vztahu s diplomacií kulturní. Druhá kapitola analyzuje různé aspekty fungování institutu a získané poznatky následně integruje do obecného modelu prezentace země prostřednictvím uvedeného nástroje. Poslední kapitola popisuje podmínky a činnost čtyř zahraničních institutů -- francouzského, španělského, polského a slovenského.This work focuses on cultural institutes as an instrument of public diplomacy. Aim of the work is twofold: to analyze functioning of an institute and to create a consistent picture of its activities. The first chapter is dedicated to the role of public diplomacy and its relationship with cultural diplomacy. The second chapter examines various aspects of work of an institute. Conclusions of the analysis are then integrated in a general model of cultural presentation carried out by an institute. The last chapter analyzes determining elements and activities of the French, Spanish, Polish, and Slovak cultural institutes in Prague

    Renewable Sources of Energy in the Context of European Energy Security

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    Evropská unie se zavázala dosáhnout do roku 2020 dvacetiprocentní podíl energie pocházející z obnovitelných zdrojů na své celkové energetické spotřebě. Diplomová práce se zabývá otázkou, jestli je EU schopná se svou dosavadní energetickou politikou stanoveného cíle dosáhnout. Práce především identifikuje překážky bránící lepší integraci obnovitelných zdrojů energie na trhu. Tato práce analyzuje unijní soft-law a hard-law předpisy zabývající se problematikou obnovitelných zdrojů energie. Poslední kapitola této práce pak analyzuje reakci Evropské unie na definované překážky, jakož i její politiku na poli obnovitelných zdrojů energie.The European Union has committed itself to a goal of reaching 20 % share of renewable energy in its total energy consumption by 2020. A corresponding goal is to reach a certain share of renewables in the sector of electricity generation. This paper examines whether the EU is able to reach its goals through its current public policy. First, obstacles preventing renewables from better market integration are identified. Then union soft- and hard-law legislative support of renewable sources of energy is discussed. Last chapter analyses the EU's response to the identified obstacles and its public policy in the field of renewables

    On the existence of aggregation functions with given super-additive and sub-additive transformations

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    In this note we study restrictions on the recently introduced super-additive and sub-additive transformations, A → A∗ and A → A∗, of an aggregation function A. We prove that if A∗ has a slightly stronger property of being strictly directionally convex, then A = A∗ and A∗ is linear; dually, if A∗ is strictly directionally concave, then A = A∗ and A∗ is linear. This implies, for example, the existence of pairs of functions f≤g sub-additive and super-additive on [0, ∞[n, respectively, with zero value at the origin and satisfying relatively mild extra conditions, for which there exists no aggregation function A on [0, ∞[n such that A∗=f and A∗=g

    A note on the super-additive and sub-additive transformations of aggregation functions: The multi-dimensional case

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    summary:For an aggregation function AA we know that it is bounded by AA^* and AA_* which are its super-additive and sub-additive transformations, respectively. Also, it is known that if AA^* is directionally convex, then A=AA=A^* and AA_* is linear; similarly, if AA_* is directionally concave, then A=AA=A_* and AA^* is linear. We generalize these results replacing the directional convexity and concavity conditions by the weaker assumptions of overrunning a super-additive function and underrunning a sub-additive function, respectively