88 research outputs found

    The natural fibers as reinforcing elements of the polymeric matrices of composite systems

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    katedra: KMT; rozsah: 34 s.Předmětem diplomové práce je seznámení s přírodními rostlinnými vlákny a jejich využitím jako vyztužujících prvků vícesměrných kompozitních systémů s polymerní matricí. Za přírodní vlákna byl vybrán bambus a technické konopí. Polymer použitý jako matrice kompozitního systému byl polypropylen. Pro zlepšení kvality vytvářeného mezifázového rozhraní mezi vyztužujícími vlákny a matricí, vzniklého v důsledku spojování hydrofilního a hydrofobního materiálu, bylo použito studené plazma, kterým byl modifikován povrch práškového polymeru. Za účelem dosažení různé povrchové modifikace byly jako pracovní plyny použity kyslík a vzduch.The aim of diploma thesis is an introduction of the natural fibers and their using as reinforcing elements of the multi-axials composite systems with the polymeric matrix. Bamboo and industrial hemp have been selected as natural fibers. Polypropylene has been used as the matrix material of composite system. Cold plasma, by which has been modified surface of powder polymer, has been used for improvement of quality an interphase boundary between the reinforcing fibers and the matrix, that have been made as a result of coupling the hydrophile and the hydrophobic material. Oxygen and air have been used as working gases for purpose to enhance various surface treatment

    Effect of feeding of different sources of NPN on production performance of dairy cows.

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    Received: 2016-04-11 | Accepted: 2016-05-04 | Available online: 2016-12-22http://dx.doi.org/10.15414/afz.2016.19.04.163-166The aim of the study was to analyse the effect of feeding of different sources of NPN on nutrient utilization and production performance of dairy cows under field conditions. Balancing diets for crude protein without consideration of protein quality or rumen degradability often led to overfeeding of nitrogen and less than optimum production. High yielding dairy cows separated in two groups with 85 resp. 80 cows in each were set up for the trial. Groups were consistent according the stage of production and reproduction cycle as well as age structure. Both groups were fed concentrate mixture with the same composition with only difference in NPN/ microbial protein source, with same dosage of 100 g per cow and day. Field trial was performed for period of 3 subsequent months. Performance data were collected in accordance with official milk recording. In both groups majority of cows were on first lactation. Significant differences in daily milk production were observed 2.87 kg (P<0.01) for group 2, in fat content 0.07 % for group 2 non-significant, whereas in protein content 0.18% for group 1 significant (P<0.01) in case of first lactations. If considering  first tree lactations, group 2 produced 1.7 kg milk per day more (P<0.08), with 0.05% fat more and 0.002 % protein less than group 1. The space created in dry matter intake by a concentrated slow-release NPN can be filled with high quality forage that could reduce the cost of feeding while maintaining levels of production. Keywords: Holstein, slow-release urea, microbial protein, milk yieldReferences Bíro, D., Gálik, B., Juráček, M. et al. (2009) Effect of Biological and Biochemical Silage Additives on Final Nutritive, Hygienic and Fermentation Characteristics of Ensiled High Moisture Crimped Corn. Acta Veterinaria Brno, vol. 78 (4), pp. 691-698 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.2754/avb200978040691Bouška J. et al. (2006) Chov dojeného skotu, Profi Press, Praha, 2006Cantalapiedra-Hijar, G., Peyraud, J. L., Lemosquet, S. et al. (2014) Dietary carbohydrate composition modifies the milk N efficiency in late lactation cows fed low crude protein diets. Animal, vol. 8 (2), pp. 275-285 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1751731113002012Cappellozza, B. I., Bohnert, D. W., Schauer, C. S. et al.  (2013) Daily and alternate day supplementation of urea or soybean meal to ruminants consuming low-quality cool-season forage: II. Effects on ruminal fermentation Livestock Science, vol. 155 (2-3), pp. 214-222 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2013.05.002De Boever, J. L., Blok, M. C., Millet, S. et al. (2014) The energy and protein value of wheat, maize and blend DDGS for cattle and evaluation of prediction methods. Animal, vol. 8(11), pp 1839–1850  doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1751731114001815Harrison, G. A. and Karnezos T. P. (2005) Can we improve efficiency of nitrogen utilization in the lactating cow? Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition, vol. 15, 2005, 001-011pp.Hazuchová E. and Kasarda R. (2010) Evaluation of body condition score of lactating cows. 61st EAAP Annual Meeting, Heraklion. 2010. Book of Abstracts. 34, 26,p. 375Holder  Vaughn B., El-Kadi, Samer W., Tricarico, Juan M. et al. (2013) The effects of crude protein concentration and slow release urea on nitrogen metabolism in Holstein steers. Archives of Animal Nutrition, vol. 67 (2), pp. 93-100 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1745039X.2013.773647Kudrna V. and Homolka P. (2009) Vliv diety, zejména obsahu dusíkatých látek, na množství a kvalitu mléčné bílkoviny a zdraví dojnic, Výskumný ústav živočišné výroby, Praha – Uhříněves, 2009McGuire D. L., Bohnert, D. W., Schauer, C. S. et al. (2013) Daily and alternate day supplementation of urea or soybean meal to ruminants consuming low-quality cool-season forage: I-Effects on efficiency of nitrogen use and nutrient digestion  Livestock Science, vol. 155, (2-3), pp. 205-213 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2013.05.015Šimko, M., Čerešňáková, Z. Bíro, D. et al. (2010) Influence of Wheat and Maize Starch on fermentation in the Rumen, Duodenal Nutrient Flow and Nutrient Digestibility. ActaVeterinaria Brno, vol. 79 (4), pp. 533-541 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.2754/avb201079040533Zeman, L. et al.(2006)  Výživa a krmení hospodářských zvířat., Profi Press, Praha, 2006


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    The objective of this work was to find influence of different silage additives on silages fermentation and nutritional value made from high moisture crimped corn, which were conserved in semi experimental conditions. Three variants were examined, untreated control (C), and two experimental variants conserved by biological (variant A) and chemical (variant B) additives. The maize crimped corn was hermetically filled into plastic bins with the capacity 50 dm3. In silage conserved by additives was lower content of crude fibre (significantly in both experimental variants) and higher content of nitrogen free extract, starch and total sugars (significantly in variant A) established. In silages form both experimental variants we found significantly lower content of lactic acid. The highest concent we detected in silage conserved without additives. In silage conserved by biological inoculant we found lower content of acetic acid and higher content of butyric acid, but their content was generally very low. Additives used in the experiment decreased content of amonia (0.074 g.kg-1 in variant A and 0.095 g.kg-1 of dry matter in variant B) and alcohols too


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    The objective of this work was to find influence of different silage additives on silages fermentation and nutritional value made from high moisture crimped corn, which were conserved in semi experimental conditions. Three variants were examined, untreated control (C), and two experimental variants conserved by biological (variant A) and chemical (variant B) additives. The maize crimped corn was hermetically filled into plastic bins with the capacity 50 dm3. In silage conserved by additives was lower content of crude fibre (significantly in both experimental variants) and higher content of nitrogen free extract, starch and total sugars (significantly in variant A) established. In silages form both experimental variants we found significantly lower content of lactic acid. The highest concent we detected in silage conserved without additives. In silage conserved by biological inoculant we found lower content of acetic acid and higher content of butyric acid, but their content was generally very low. Additives used in the experiment decreased content of amonia (0.074 g.kg-1 in variant A and 0.095 g.kg-1 of dry matter in variant B) and alcohols too.Cieľom tejto práce bolo zistenie vplyvu rozličných silážnych aditív na fermentáciu a výživnú hodnotu siláží vyrobených z vlhkého kukuričného miaganého kukuričného zrna, konzervovaného v poloprevádzkových podmienkach. Experiment zahŕňal 3 varianty, kontrolný variant (C) – bez prídavku aditív a 2 pokusné varianty ošetrené pomocou biologických (A) a chemických (B) aditív. Kukuričné zrno bolo natlačené do plastových silážnych kontajnerov s objemom 50 dm3 a hermeticky uzatvorené. Siláže s prídavkom aditív sa vyznačovali nižším obsahom hrubej vlákniny (preukazné v oboch variantoch) a vyšším obsahom bezdusíkatých látok výťažkových, škrobu a celkových cukrov (preukazné vo variante A). V silážach variantov A a B sme zistili nižší obsah kyseliny octovej. Jej najvyšší obsah sme zaznamenali v silážach konzervovaných bez prídavku aditív. V silážach zakonzervovaných biologickým inokulantom sme zistili nižší obsah kyseliny octovej a vyšší obsah kyseliny maslovej, pričom ich obsah bol veľmi nízky. Aditíva použité v experimente znížili obsah amoniaku (0,074 g.kg-1 vo variante A and 0,095 g.kg-1 sušiny vo variante B) a tiež alkoholov v silážach

    The effect of dha omega-3 feeding in the high yielding holstein herd

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of supplementary feeding of DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) rich algae product (Algae STM Alltech Inc.) on production of milk, fat and protein as well as on reproduction of high yielding Holstein dairy herd. Field trial was set up on Top 10 dairy farm in western part of Slovakia, under commercial conditions. The data of high yielding dairy cows, separated in two groups of 30 (control) and 29 (trial) animals, were recorded for period of 3 subsequent months from October to December 2015. Animals were fed once a day Total Mixed Ration based diet with different feed mixture composition in trial group (+100 g Algae STM Alltech Inc. per cow and day). Performance data were collected in accordance with official milk recording system of Breeding Services of Slovak Republic s. e. and milk samples were collected once per month according to the A4 standard methodology. The control group showed higher level of milk production compared to trial. Our study indicated that the feeding of algae caused milk fat depression and generally lower protein content in milk. Significant impact of algae feeding was found also for the level of urea in milk. In addition, the supplementary feeding of DHA may represent effective strategy to increase the percentage of pregnancies per inseminations in lactating dairy cows

    Application possibilities of thermovision technique in diagnostics of aerial systems of radio transmitters

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    The paper deals with possibilities of use of thermovision technique in diagnostics of aerial systems of radio transmitters. Graphically presented: heating characteristic of the junction at the transmitter power of 60 % (slack and polluted junction); relationship between temperature of connection (feeder ‐ line, capacitor frame) spacing collar and power; relationship between temperature rise amount of connection and feeder line upon power; thermogram of the junction feeder line ‐ spacing collar, capacity frame; thermogram of the junction feeder line ‐ spacing collar. First Published Online: 27 Oct 201


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    The aim of this work was to determine the quality of maize silages from Western Slovak Region analyzed in 2009 and 2010 on the Department of animal nutrition, Faculty of agrobiology and food resources, Slovak university of agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia. Maize silages were evaluated on the base of nutritional value, the result of fermentation process and silage quality according to Regulation of the Government of Slovak Republic no. 439/2006, appendix no.7, part C – Silage. We found in maize silages the average dry matter content 357.87 g.kg-1 (2009) and 340.00 g.kg-1 (2010) while only in 2010 samples had got 15.4 % of dry matter content below 300 g.kg-1. Content of crude fiber was lower than 260 g.kg-1 of dry matter in all samples. Higher content of acid detergent fiber and neutral detergent fiber had maize silages from 2010. The average value of net energy of lactation was 6.32 MJ.kg-1 of dry matter (2009) and 6.27 MJ.kg-1 of dry matter (2010). Only in one sample from 2010 we found a lower lactic acid content than 10 g.kg-1 of original matter. Content of acetic acid was lower in silages from 2009 (24.33 g.kg-1 of dry matter) in comparison with silages from 2010 (28.92 g.kg-1 of dry matter). Undesirable butyric acid was not found in maize silages. The value of pH fluctuated from 3.52 to 3.80 (2009) and from 3.58 to 4.14 (2010). Only 17 % of evaluated samples satisfied the criteria for silage of I. class in 2009 and 23 % in 2010 mainly because of the higher acetic acid content


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    Colostrum is the specific first diet of mammalian neonates and plays an important role in neonatal growth and development. The composition and quantity of colostrum and milk produced by sows is an important factor in successful piglet production. The aim of this study was to determine the changes in sow colostrum nutrients in the first 12 hours postpartum. The concentrations of dry matter, crude protein, fat and lactose in sow colostrum were quantified in 20 sows (Large White with various lactation numbers and various litter sizes) at 6 time points throughout first 12 hours from the beginning of farrowing. One sample of colostrum (10 mL) represented the secretion from one gland. Samples were stored at – 20 °C. Dry matter content was the highest in 2 hours after the beginning of farrowing (21.91%) and its concentration decreased during the first 12 hours to 18.74%. Crude protein concentration during the first 12 hours of lactation declined by nearly 35%. The fat concentration in colostrum gradually increased during the first 12 hours. The lowest concentration of colostrum fat (3.43%) was 2 hours from the beginning of farrowing. The lactose concentration (2.82%) was the lowest on 2 hours from beginning of farrowing and its concentration increased during the first 10 hours to 3.55%. The decrease in total protein and dry matter, and the concomitant rise in fat and lactose content, appears to signal the transition from colostrum to milk.Kolostrum je specifična prva hrana novorođenih sisavaca te igra važnu ulogu u njihovu rastu i razvoju. Sastav i količina kolostruma i mlijeka, što ih proizvodi krmača, važan su čimbenik za uspješnu proizvodnju praščića. Cilj ovog rada bio je odrediti promjene hranjivih tvari u kolostrumu krmače u prvih 12 sati postpartum. Koncentracije suhe tvari, sirovih bjelančevina, masti i laktoze u kolostrumu krmače izmjereni su u 20 krmača (Large White različitog broja laktacija i različitih veličina legla) 6 puta u tijeku prvih 12 sati od početka prasenja. Jedan uzorak kolostruma (10 ml) predstavljao je sekreciju jedne žlijezde. Uzorci su spremljeni na -20 C. Sadržaj suhe tvari bio je najviši 2 sata nakon početka prasenja (21.91%) a njezina koncentracija se smanjila kroz 12 sati na 18.74%. Koncentracija sirovih bjelančevina za vrijeme prvih 12 sati laktacije pala je za gotovo 35%. Koncentracija masti u kolostrumu postepeno je rasla za vrijeme prvih 12 sati. Najniže koncentracije masti u kolostrumu (3.43%) bile su 2 sata nakon početka prasenja. Koncentracija laktoze (2.82%) bila je najniža 2 sata nakon početka prasenja i ona se povećala u prvih 10 sati na 3.55%. Pad ukupnih bjelančevina i suhe tvari te istovremeno povećanje sadržaja masti izgleda da upozoravaju na prijelaz iz kolostruma u mlijeko


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    The aim of this study was to examine the effect of PRRS occurrence on sow colostrum immunological quality. We realised the experiment on 20 sows (breed: Large white). From farm without presences of PRRS were 10 sows and other 10 sows were from farm with presence of PRRS. We took the samples of sows colostrums during sucking. We detected concentration of immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgM) in sows colostrum in time of 0 hours to 12 hours after beginning of farrowing with pig Ig ELISA quantitation kits. We determined statistically significant (P0.01) higher concentration of IgG at the beginning of farrowing, 3 hours, 6 hours and 12 hours from beginning of farrowing in favour of farm without presence of PRRS. We determined statistically significant (P0.01) higher concentration of IgA at 6 and 12 hours from beginning of farrowing in favour of farm without presence of PRRS. We determined statistically significant (P0.01) higher concentration of IgM at 6 and 12 hours from beginning of farrowing in favour of farm without presence of PRRS. Lower concentrations of colostral immunoglobulins in group with PRRS can be caused of presence of PRRS. Virus PRRS can evocate synthesis of cytokine IL-10, which inhibited the function of macrophages and lymphocytes and so PRRS decrease the production of immunoglobulins and their concentration in blood of sows and consequently also concentration of immunoglobulins in sows colostrum