10 research outputs found

    Periosteal Chondroma of the Femur: a Case Report

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    DergiPark: 420844tmsjAims: Periosteal chondroma is a rare and benign cartilage tumor seen mostly in long bones and in patients under30 years of age. In this case report, it is aimed to present a 16-year-old female patient with a periosteal chondroma inthe distal femur.Case Report: A 16-year-old female patient was admitted to the hospital with the history of pain in her distal partof right thigh. A superficial cortical erosion with well-defined borders without any relation to the intramedullaryarea was seen in magnetic resonance imaging. The lesion was regarded as periosteal chondroma and marginal excisionwas performed.Conclusion: This case report shows the importance of the differential diagnosis in cortical lesions. Periostealchondroma may be considered when a patient has a history of long term pain in adolescent age grou

    Assesment of Patient Satisfaction of Implantable Venous Port Catheter Use: a Survey-Based Study

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    DergiPark: 379064tmsjAims: Implantable venous port catheter is a widely used clinical tool with plenty of objectives such as parenteral nutrition, taking blood sample, management of medicines used in chemotherapy. The aim of this study is to evaluate patient satisfaction regarding implantable venous port catheter for chemotherapy treatment.Methods: The data of 19 patients operated from March 2017 to June 2017 were analyzed as a survey based assessment in Trakya University Hospital Department of Thoracic Surgery. Age, gender, satisfaction of having an implantable venous port catheter, the level of pain during implantation, being informed before the operation, fear of having a complication due to the implantable venous port catheter, being uncomfortable about having an implantable venous port catheter and not liking the appearance of implantable venous port catheter were included on the survey. The type and stage of cancer, comorbidity and the vein which is a port catheter was implanted in were recorded from patient charts. Results: The mean age of participants was 61.44 ± 7.493 years. Out of all 10 (52.6%) were male and 9 (47.4%) were female. The most utilized side during insertion was right jugular vein (94.4%). Rectum cancer was the most diagnosed cancer type with six patients. The most seen cancer stage was found to be stage-4-IV (66.7%). Comorbidity was detected in 15 patients (83.3%). 89.5% of patients had indicated that they were informed enough before the procedure. 57.9% of the patients responded to question of fear of complication as “yes”. According to these responses, 52.6% of the patients emphasized their discomfort as “little”.Conclusion: This survey-based assessment study points out that most of the cancer patients are contented for being implanted with an implantable venous port catheter. Having an implantable venous port catheter is safer and easier way for cancer patients. Moreover, it gives patients more freedom of movemen

    The Evaluation of Patients With Multiple Level Spinal Fractures Admitted to a Single Institution: a Retrospective Study

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    DergiPark: 421248tmsjAims: The aim of this study is to evaluate the data of the patients who are diagnosed with multiple level spinal fracturesand to find out the most common level of fractures. Furthermore, this data will be examined regarding patients’age, gender, fracture type, cause of the injury, and type of the treatment in order to get a baseline data to improvefuture outcomes.Methods: The data of 42 patients who were diagnosed with multiple spinal fractures in Trakya University Facultyof Medicine Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology in between 2012 and 2017 was analyzed retrospectively.In order to understand the incidence of multiple spinal fractures in both genders, type of the treatment and cause ofthe injury, descriptive analysis as arithmetic mean ± standard deviation, number and percentages, median (mini¬-mum-maximum) were used.Results: There were 42 patients including 32 (76.2%) men and 10 (23.8%) women with a mean age of 41 years.The most common level of injury was T12 (17.5%). The incidence of T11-L1 fractures is 62.1%. 20 (47.6%) of thefractures were caused by motor vehicle accidents. 26 patients were treated surgically and 13 patients had conservativetreatment.Conclusion: Multiple level spinal fracture is a very important clinical problem. It is seen mostly in men andmiddle-aged population. Thoracolumbar transition (T11-L2) is the most affected region due to the biomechanicsof vertebral column. The most common causes of the multiple spinal fractures are motor vehicle accidents and falls.Management of multiple level spinal fractures are based on surgical or conservative treatment modalities. Choosingthe correct treatment option for a patient with multiple level spinal fractures depends on several factor

    The Evaluation of Musculoskeletal System Tumors and Tumor Like Lesions in Thrace Region

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    DergiPark: 478352tmsjAims: The aim of this study is to evaluate the data belonging to patients who were diagnosed with benign or malignant soft tissue and bone tumors and tumor-like lesions evaluated by musculoskeletal tumor study group of Trakya University Faculty of Medicine in between January 2013 and June 2017 and the relationship between the frequency of benign, malignant bone and soft tissue tumors and tumor-like lesions, with the patients’ age and gender. Methods: The data of 687 patients who were evaluated by the musculoskeletal tumor study group of Trakya University Faculty of Medicine between January 2013- June 2017 were analyzed retrospectively. All of the data was analyzed by using SPSS. Chi-square analysis was used to obtain categorical data in order to point out the distribution of age and gender of patients with musculoskeletal system tumors and tumor-like lesions. Results: The number of patients over the period from January 2013 to June 2017 was 687. The number of patients who were evaluated by biopsy and acquired histopathologic confirmation of their condition was 341. The mean of patients’ ages was 44.3±21.4 (4-92). Among 341 patients, 106 (47.1%) patients were female and 119 (52.9%) patients were male. The mean of females’ ages was 43.7±20.4 (4-92). The mean of males’ ages was 44.7±22.4 (5-90). Conclusion: Benign bone and soft tissue tumors were more common than malignant tumors. Benign bone tumors were predominantly seen in young adults. Our results was consistent with the literature however due to some patients who did not need a pathological sampling, our sample size was smaller than intended. With better archived information, more consistent results could be obtained in further studies

    Assessment of the Awareness and Opinions of Turkish Medical Students Towards Violence Against Women: a Questionnaire-Based Study

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    DergiPark: 963037tmsjAims: This study aims to evaluate the opinions of medical students about violence against women, the education they receive during medical school regarding violence against women, and how they would manage a case of violence victims if they were to encounter it in their medical careers. Methods: In this question- naire-based study, 610 medical students from 37 medical schools were approached, and their opinions towards violence against women were evaluated through an online questionnaire. Demographic data such as age and gender were also gathered. Students were grouped according to their gender (male and female) and study levels; 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades were grouped as pre-clinical, whereas students in 4th, 5th, and 6th grades were grouped as clinical. In comparing para- metric variables, the Student’s t-test was used, whereas, in non-parametric variables, the Mann-Whitney U test was used. The Chi-square test was used in the comparison of categorical variables. Results: There was a statistically significant difference within both groups (gender and study levels) for questions 5 (Which of the following would you describe as violence? [Multiple answers are allowed.]) and 13 (Do you think female physicians are exposed to violence more?). Our results also demonstrate a statistically significant difference for questions 15 (Is it obligatory for a physician to keep a legal report for a female patient who has been admitted to the emergency department as a victim of violence), 16 (It is not obligatory for a physician to keep a legal report for a female patient who has been admitted to the emergency department as a victim of violence without her consent.), and 17 (A physician is not obliged to complete the physical examina- tion or continue the diagnosis-treatment process of a female patient who has been a subject of violence without her consent.) between pre-clinical and clinical groups, where the clinical group gave the most correct answers. Conclusion: In conclusion, our results gave us a perspective that clinical students' awareness and management of violence against women is higher than pre-clinical students'. These results may be attributed to two factors; lectures on violence against women or the experience students attain during their clinical practices. Female students were keener in participating in our study. Further prospective studies with equal gender distribution investigating the possible impact of lectures about violence against women on physicians' management of similar situations are needed

    Effects of Acute Physical Exercise and Acute Mental Exercise on Simple Visual Reaction Time

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    DergiPark: 584660tmsjAims: The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of acute physical exercise and acute mental exercise on visual reactiontime in healthy medical students. Methods: We used a simple reaction time task software developed by the researchers to measure the visual reaction times of the subjects. Reaction times of subjects as well as pulse rates were measured on three different occasions: basal (resting), post acute mental exercise and post acute physical exercise. The acute physical exercise was constructedto last for 5 minutes in a way that would double the basal pulse rate of the participant. The acute mental exercise was induced byfive minutes of ADD-3 arithmetics. All volunteered physically healthy medical students from four different medical schools inTurkey without red-green color deficiencies were included in the study. Results: A total of 232 (136 male, 96 female) individualswith a mean age of 20.79 ± 1.42 were included in the study. Differences between basal reaction time and post-physical exercisereaction time; the basal reaction time and post-mental exercise reaction time were found to be statistically significant. Basalreaction time of participants was found to be the key element deriving both post-mental and physical exercise reaction times.Also, one unit increase in the number of ADD-3 problems solved was associated with 0.21 units decrease in post-mental exercisereaction time. Conclusion: Both acute mental exercise and acute physical exercise can shorten visual reaction time. Our resultsalso indicate that there might be a relationship between arithmetic capability (ADD-3 arithmetics performance) and visual reaction time. Keywords: Exercise, pulse, reaction time, softwar