10 research outputs found

    Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Characteristics of Emergency Department Visits in a Tertiary Care Children’s Hospital in Türkiye: Descriptive Study

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    Objective: To reveal how the coronavirus disease2019 pandemic has affected the characteristics of patient visits by comparing profiles in a pediatric emergency department (ED). Material and Methods: The period between March 11, 2020, and June 1, 2020, and the same timeframe in 2019 were retrospectively evaluated. For each day, the total number of ED visits was calculated. Patient gender, age, time of ED visit, triage priority, arrival characteristics, diagnostic codes, and hospital admissions for each day’s visits were recorded and the proportion was calculated for each parameter. Results: During the study period, ED visits declined by 80.8% in comparison to the previous year. In terms of diagnoses, in 2020, there was a decrease in the mean daily number and proportion of patients diagnosed with infectious diseases (p<0.05). In terms of traumatic injuries, there was a decrease in the number of visits in 2020, but the overall rate had increased, being 14.7% in 2019 and 18.4% in 2020. There was a decrease in the rate of visitors with green codes (p<0.001), but there was an increase in yellow codes (p<0.001) and no difference in red codes (p= 0.980). The proportion of hospitalizations also increased while the total number declined (p<0.05). Conclusion: During the pandemic period, our pediatric ED experienced a significantly decreased volume of visitors presenting with low-acuity conditions. Understanding the frequency and distribution of ED visits can help shape public health preparedness policies such as healthcare planning to ensure the availability of resources

    Accuracy of point-of-care ultrasound for determining the adequacy of pediatric forearm fracture reductions

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    © 2021 Elsevier Inc.Background: The objective of the present study was to the determine the accuracy of point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) in assessing closed reduction (CR) of pediatric forearm fractures in a pediatric emergency setting. Methods: After determination of the need for CR using X-ray images by an orthopedic consultant, POCUS examinations were performed just before and after the reduction attempt. The transducer was positioned longitudinally over the dorsal, volar, and lateral surfaces of the radius and ulna to view the fracture site. The presence of angulation, displacement, or bayonetting of the fracture fragments was recorded. The adequacy of realignment according to the POCUS and the orthopedic consultant's final determination were recorded. Results: Sixty-two patients were enrolled in the study and 96 bones were evaluated. The sensitivity and specificity of POCUS for adequacy of CR were 95.8% [95% confidence interval (CI): 88.3–99.1)] and 95.8% (95% CI: 78.8–99.8), the positive predictive value was 98.5% (95% CI: 91.0–99.7), and the negative predictive value was 88.4% (95% CI: 71.6–95.8). The corresponding positive and negative likelihood ratios were 23 (3.37–156.77) and 0.04 (0.01–0.12). There was high agreement between POCUS and X-ray images for predicting adequacy of CR [κ: 0.892 (±0.053)]. There was also a significant correlation between POCUS and X-ray measurements of angulation and displacement performed before and after CR, respectively (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Our study has reported the successful use of POCUS for the management of pediatric forearm fractures in a pediatric emergency department. Point-of-care ultrasound can minimize radiation exposure and appears to be an alternative and accurate tool for reduction attempts

    The role of sonographic optic nerve sheath diameter measurements in pediatric head trauma

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    Purpose To determine the accuracy of bedside sonographic measurements of optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) and ONSD/eyeball transverse (ETD) diameter ratios to predict space-occupying lesions (SOLs) or elevated intracranial pressure (ICP) in pediatric head trauma. Methods Children who presented to the emergency department with head trauma and underwent cranial computed tomography (CT) were enrolled and examined by ocular ultrasonography (US), and the ONSD was measured at 3 mm posterior to the globe and ETD were measured. Ratios of ONSD at 3 mm/ETD were calculated. All ONSD measurements and ratios were calculated from cranial CT images. Results Subjects with elevated ICP had increased ONSD measurements and ratios. To predict elevated ICP, the AUC for ONSD at 3 mm was 0.956 (95% CI 0.896-1). At a cut-off level of 5.1 mm, the sensitivity and specificity of ONSD 3 mm values for elevated ICP were 92.9% and 94.0%. For the ONSD 3 mm/ETD ratio, it was 0.980 (95% CI 0.959-1). At a cut-off level of 0.22, the sensitivity and specificity were 100% sensitivity and 88.0%. All sonographic ONSD measurements and ratios were significantly correlated with readings calculated from cranial CT images. Conclusion Sonographic ONSD measurements and ratios were found to be quite sensitive to detect elevated ICP on cranial CT images. Additionally, there was a significant correlation between measurements calculated by ocular US and cranial CT scans. Bedside ocular US seems to be a promising and useful tool to determine ICP in children with head trauma

    Pediatric trauma: Blood product transfusion characteristics in a pediatric emergency department, a single center experience.

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    Aim: To investigate clinical and laboratory data, management and outcomes of pediatric trauma patients who initially received blood product transfusions

    What is the safe observation period for seizure recurrence in pediatric emergency departments?

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    Copyright © 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.BACKGROUND: Afebrile seizures are the common causes of emergency department (ED) admissions in childhood, and there is limited data on the observation period in emergency service follow-up of these patients in terms of seizure recurrence in the literature. This study aims to determine the seizure recurrence time in afebrile seizures and the risk factors that determine it. METHODS: Patients aged between 1 month and 18 years with afebrile seizures were included in the study. Seizure recurrence times, demographic data, diagnosis of epilepsy, use of antiseizure medications, Electroencephalography (EEG) and imaging results, structural abnormalities, hospitalizations, and treatments were recorded. RESULTS: The median age of 623 patients included in the study was 42 months (16.0-94.0 months) and 59.9% were male. Epilepsy was diagnosed in 372 (59.7%) of the patients. Short-acting benzodiazepine was administered in 249 of the cases. The mean observation time of the patients was 36 hours (24-98 hours). Electroencephalography (EEG) was applied in 437 (70.1%) of the patients and abnormality was detected in 53.5%. Seizure recurrence was observed in 149 patients (23.9%). The median time of seizure recurrence was 1.0 hour (0.5-4.0 hours). Eighty-six percent of the seizure recurrences (n = 129) occurred within the first six hours and 95.3% (n = 142) within the first 12 hours. Risk factors included a history of febrile seizures (p = 0.001, OR = 2.7), not receiving short-acting benzodiazepine therapy (p = 0.026, OR 1.7), previous structural abnormalities (p = 0.018, OR 1.8), and cluster seizures (p = 0.001, OR 6.7) for all patients and also EEG abnormalities in pediatric ED for first seizure (p = 0.012, OR 2.4). CONCLUSION: Patients with a history of febrile seizure, previous structural abnormalities, cluster seizures, EEG abnormalities in pediatric ED, and patients who didn't receive BZD treatment were at risk for seizure recurrence in the early period. Since most seizure recurrences occur within the first 6 hours, this period is the most critical time for recurrence risk

    Çocuklarda Yüksek Akım Nazal Kanül Oksijen Tedavisine Yanıtsızlığı Belirleyen Faktörler: Prospektif Çok Merkezli Çalışma

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    Giriş : Yüksek akım nazal kanül (YANK) oksijen tedavisi, akut solunum sıkıntısı olan çocuklarda kolay uygulanabilir bir tedavi seçeneğidir. Literatürde YANK oksijen tedavisinin entübasyon oranını, solunum sayısı, kalp tepe atım sayısını azalttığını ve klinik skorlarda iyileşme sağladığını gösteren çok sayıda çalışma mevcuttur. YANK oksijen tedavisine %6-19 oranında tedavi başarısızlığı bildirilmektedir. Bu çalışmada YANK oksijen tedavisine yanıtsızlığı öngören faktörlerin belirlenmesi amaçlanmaktadır.Gereç-Yöntem : Bu çalışmaya Eylül 2017- Eylül 2018 tarihleri arasında Türkiye’nin 7 farklı ilinden 9 çocuk acil ve 7 çocuk yoğun bakım ünitesi katılmıştır. YANK oksijen tedavisi uygulanan hastalara ait demografik bilgiler, başvuru anında ve YANK oksijen tedavisi sırasında vital bulgular, oksijen saturasyonu, S/F oranı, klinik skor (modified respiratory distress score ve pediatric respiratory severity score), laboratuvar ve görüntüleme sonuçları, uygulanan medikal tedaviler ve YANK oksijen tedavisine yanıt durumu değerlendirilmiştir. Veriler prospektif olarak toplanmıştır. Başka bir solunum destek tedavisine geçiş yanıtsızlık olarak değerlendirilmiştir.Bulgular : Toplam 475 veri kayıt formu değerlendirilmiştir. Doksan dokuz form veri eksikliği nedeniyle değerlendirme dışında bırakılmıştır. Kalan 356 hastaya ait veri kayıt formları incelenmiştir. Ekstübasyon sonrası YANK oksijen tedavisi uygulanan 20 hasta çalışmaya dahil edilmemiştir. Çalışmaya dahil edilen 356 hastanın 216’sı (%60.7) erkek ve ortanca yaş 9 aydır (ÇAA=4-27ay). Hastaların %39.0’ına akut bronşiolit (n=139), %36.2’sine atipik/viral pnömoni (n=129), %26.8’ine bakteriyel pnömoni (n=88) tanısıyla YANK oksijen tedavisi uygulanmıştır. Kırk altı (%12.9) hastada prematür doğum ve 143 (%40.2) hastada tekrarlayan hışıltı atağı öyküsü saptanmıştır. Hastaların %62.9’undan (n=224) solunum virüs PCR paneli çalışılmıştır. Bu hastaların 101’inde (%45.1) tek etken pozitifliği saptanırken 36 hastada ko-enfeksiyon gösterilmiştir. En sık görülen etkenler RSV ve rhinovirüstür. Başvurudan sonra ortanca YANK oksijen başlama süresi 2 saat (ÇAA= 30dk-6 sa) ve median tedavi uygulama süresi 48 saattir (ÇAA=24-96 sa). Tedavi sonrasında hastaların solunum sayısında (SS) belirgin azalma, oksijen saturasyonu (SpO₂) ve SF oranında istatistiksel anlamlı artış saptanmıştır (p&lt;0.001). Otuzyedi (%9.9) hastada tedaviye yanıt alınamamıştır. Median yanıtsızlık süresi 6.5 saattir (ÇAA=3.0-19.5sa). Tedaviye yanıt alınamayan hastalarda, başvuruda SpO₂, S/F oranı ve kan gazında pH daha düşük ve pCO₂’nin daha yüksek olduğu saptanmıştır (p=0.005, p=0.008, p=0.012 ve p=0.039 sırayla). Tedavi komplikasyonu olarak 2 hastada lokal cilt lezyonu ve 2 hastada pnömotoraks izlenmiştir. Yanıtsız hastaların 5’i mortalite ile sonuçlanmıştır. Sonuç : Çalışmamızda YANK oksijen tedavisine yanıtsızlık oranı %9.9 olarak saptanmıştır. Tedaviye yanıt alınamayan hastalarda, başvuruda SpO₂ ve SF oranının, kan gazında pH’nın daha düşük, pCO₂’nin ise yüksek olduğu bulunmuştur. Tedavi başlangıcında bu bulguları olan hastalar daha yakın takip edilmeli ve bir üst tedavi basamağına geçiş acısından dikkatli olunmalıdır.</p