31 research outputs found
Artificial neural networks in nuclear medicine
An analysis of the accessible literature on the diagnostic applicability
of artificial neural networks in coronary artery disease
and pulmonary embolism appears to be comparative to the
diagnosis of experienced doctors dealing with nuclear medicine.
Differences in the employed models of artificial neural
networks indicate a constant search for the most optimal parameters,
which could guarantee the ultimate accuracy in neural
network activity. The diagnostic potential within systems
containing artificial neural networks proves this calculation tool
to be an independent or/and an additional device for supporting
a doctor’s diagnosis of artery disease and pulmonary embolism
Student's plagiarism - a challenge for paramedic educators
Student's plagiarism is a growing problem not only in the writing
of controlling essays, but above all in the writing in BSc./MSc.
diploma theses, which sometimes can be simply bought from
ghost-writers. This is a major challenge for medical educators,
particularly in paramedic professions. The aim of this paper
is to overview the frequency of plagiarism among students, the
factors influencing plagiarism, the ways of detecting it and potential
Wiedza pielęgniarek na temat zasad pomiaru ciśnienia tętniczego i czynników warunkujących jego wartość
Background Measuring blood pressure (BP) is a key professionalskill for nurses. Correct methods for taking bloodpressure are taught very early in nursing education, but inpractice the rules are rarely followed. The aim of this workis to show the level of knowledge necessary when carryingout traditional measurements of blood pressure in a groupof qualified nurses.Material and methods This research is based on 1108 people(F — 1089, M — 19; age 21–60; work experience 0–37years). The research was carried out in 2007–2009 usingdiagnostic survey questionnaires. Statistical analysis wascarried out using the STATISTICA programme, a p value≥ 0.05 was regarded as significant.Results Less than half of those taking part showed thenecessary ability to inflate the sphygmomanometer cuff(36.5%) and proper deflation speed (46.1%). The influenceof the size of the cuff on blood pressure results wascorrectly noted by just 13.7% of those questioned and thelocation of the lower edge of the cuff was shown by 53.1%.The rule that the cuff should be placed at the same level asthe heart was known by 74.2%. Those questioned showeda good knowledge of the factors which can influence bloodpressure.The correct answers of the respondents was significantlyaffected by: age, family situation, place, position and seniority,and the form of postgraduate education.Conclusion Those questioned showed an average level ofknowledge about the rules recommended while measuringblood pressure. It is vital to have frequent, regular and up--to-date training for nurses in order to follow the rules formeasuring blood pressure.Wstęp Pomiar ciśnienia tętniczego (BP) stanowikluczową umiejętność zawodową pielęgniarek. Nauczaniepoprawnej techniki pomiaru realizowanejest we wczesnym etapie edukacji pielęgniarskiej, alew praktyce reguły są rzadko przestrzegane. Celembadań była ocena wiedzy pielęgniarek na temat zasadpomiaru i czynników kształtujących wartość ciśnieniatętniczego.Materiał i metody Badaniem objęto 1108 osób (K —1089, M — 19, w wieku 21–60 lat, ze stażem pracy0–37 lat). Badania przeprowadzono w latach 2007––2009 z zastosowaniem metody sondażu diagnostycznego.Analizę statystyczną przeprowadzonoprzy użyciu programu STATISTICA. Za poziomistotności statystycznej przyjęto p ≥ 0,05.aWyniki Sugerowany zakres wypełniania mankietu powietrzemzaznaczyło 36,5% ankietowanych, zalecanąprędkość wypuszczania powietrza 46,1% osób. Wpływszerokości mankietu na wartość BP poprawnie zaznaczyło13,7%, a usytuowanie dolnego brzegu mankietu53,1% respondentów. Zasada ułożenia ramienia na poziomieserca znana była 74,2% osobom. Ankietowaniwykazali dobrą znajomość czynników warunkującychwartość BP. Wykazano statystycznie istotne różniceprawidłowych odpowiedzi w zależności od wieku, sytuacjirodzinnej, stażu i miejsca pracy, zajmowanegostanowiska oraz ukończonych studiów licencjackichi magisterskich na kierunku pielęgniarstwo (p < 0,001).Płeć oraz miejsce zamieszkania respondentów niewpłynęły w istotny sposób na poprawność wskazań.Wnioski Ankietowani prezentowali umiarkowanypoziom znajomości zasad pomiaru BP. Koniecznesą regularne szkolenia pielęgniarek w celu aktualizacjiwiedzy na temat reguł pomiaru ciśnienia
Czy pielęgniarki są przygotowane do samodzielnego poradnictwa na temat zaleceń dietetycznych stosowanych w prewencji nadciśnienia tętniczego?
Wstęp Modyfikacja sposobu odżywiania (w tym zastosowaniediety DASH) stwarza szansę redukcji ryzykarozwoju nadciśnienia. Celem badań była ocenawiedzy pielęgniarek dotycząca zaleceń dietetycznychstosowanych w prewencji nadciśnienia.Materiał i metody Badania przeprowadzono w latach2007–2009 w grupie 1108 osób (K: 1089, M: 19,w wieku 21–60 lat). W badaniu zastosowano metodęsondażu diagnostycznego. Narzędzie badawcze stanowiłautorski kwestionariusz.Wyniki Zalecaną podaż soli poprawnie wskazało88,6% respondentów, natomiast wpływ redukcji podaży sodu na wartość ciśnienia tętniczego był znany 36,5% badanych. Znajomość diety DASH wykazałaco dwudziesta osoba (5,1%). Wpływ kwasów tłuszczowychomega-3 prawidłowo wskazało 40,4%, natomiastich źródła 63,4% respondentów. Znamiennieczęściej poprawnych wskazań dokonywali mieszkańcymiast (p < 0,05) oraz licencjaci pielęgniarstwa(p < 0,001). Nie stwierdzono istotnego wpływu: wieku,sytuacji rodzinnej, stażu i stanowiska pracy orazpozostałych form kształcenia podyplomowego naodpowiedzi udzielone przez badanych.Wnioski Badani respondenci wykazali umiarkowanąznajomość zaleceń dietetycznych stosowanychw profilaktyce nadciśnienia. Niezbędne jest regularne,uaktualniające szkolenie pielęgniarek na tematporuszanych zagadnień
Simulations of Learning, Memory, and Forgetting Processes with Model of CA1 Region of the Hippocampus
The aim of this paper is to present a computational model of the CA1 region of the hippocampus, whose properties include (a) attenuation of receptors for external stimuli, (b) delay and decay of postsynaptic potentials, (c) modification of internal weights due to propagation of postsynaptic potentials through the dendrite, and (d) modification of weights for the analog memory of each input due to a pattern of long-term synaptic potentiation (LTP) with regard to its decay. The computer simulations showed that CA1 model performs efficient LTP induction and high rate of sub-millisecond coincidence detection. We also discuss a possibility of hardware implementation of pyramidal cells of CA1 region of the hippocampus
Computer Model of Synapse Loss During an Alzheimer’s Disease-Like Pathology in Hippocampal Subregions DG, CA3 and CA1—The Way to Chaos and Information Transfer
The aim of the study was to compare the computer model of synaptic breakdown in an Alzheimer’s disease-like pathology in the dentate gyrus (DG), CA3 and CA1 regions of the hippocampus with a control model using neuronal parameters and methods describing the complexity of the system, such as the correlative dimension, Shannon entropy and positive maximal Lyapunov exponent. The model of synaptic breakdown (from 13% to 50%) in the hippocampus modeling the dynamics of an Alzheimer’s disease-like pathology was simulated. Modeling consisted in turning off one after the other EC2 connections and connections from the dentate gyrus on the CA3 pyramidal neurons. The pathological model of synaptic disintegration was compared to a control. The larger synaptic breakdown was associated with a statistically significant decrease in the number of spikes (R = −0.79, P < 0.001), spikes per burst (R = −0.76, P < 0.001) and burst duration (R = −0.83, P < 0.001) and an increase in the inter-burst interval (R = 0.85, P < 0.001) in DG-CA3-CA1. The positive maximal Lyapunov exponent in the control model was negative, but in the pathological model had a positive value of DG-CA3-CA1. A statistically significant decrease of Shannon entropy with the direction of information flow DG->CA3->CA1 (R = −0.79, P < 0.001) in the pathological model and a statistically significant increase with greater synaptic breakdown (R = 0.24, P < 0.05) of the CA3-CA1 region was obtained. The reduction of entropy transfer for DG->CA3 at the level of synaptic breakdown of 35% was 35%, compared with the control. Entropy transfer for CA3->CA1 at the level of synaptic breakdown of 35% increased to 95% relative to the control. The synaptic breakdown model in an Alzheimer’s disease-like pathology in DG-CA3-CA1 exhibits chaotic features as opposed to the control. Synaptic breakdown in which an increase of Shannon entropy is observed indicates an irreversible process of Alzheimer’s disease. The increase in synapse loss resulted in decreased information flow and entropy transfer in DG->CA3, and at the same time a strong increase in CA3->CA1
Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Identify Alzheimer’s Disease Using Cerebral Perfusion SPECT Data
The aim of this study was to demonstrate the usefulness of artificial neural networks in Alzheimer disease diagnosis (AD) using data of brain single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). The results were compared with discriminant analysis. The study population consisted of 132 clinically diagnosed patients. There were 72 subjects with AD and 60 belonging to the normal control group. The artificial neural network used 36 numerical values being the count numbers obtained for each area of brain SPECT. These numbers determined the set of input data for the artificial neural network. The sensitivity of Alzheimer disease diagnosis detection by artificial neural network and discriminant analysis were 93.8% and 86.1%, respectively, and the corresponding specificity was 100% and 95%. We also used receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) analysis and areas under receiver operating characteristics curves were correspondingly 0.97 (p < 0.0001) for the artificial neural networks (ANN) and 0.96 (p < 0.0001) for discriminant analysis. In conclusion, artificial neural networks and conventional statistics methods (discriminant analysis) are a useful tool in Alzheimer disease diagnosis
Beyond-root calcium fertilization of apple trees
Investigations were performed in the period 1977-1979 on the apple tree cultivar 'Fantazja', on rootstock A 2, M 7 and MM 106 on the effect of spraying with solution containing calcium on the incidence of bitter pit, breakdown, calcium content in the fruit flesh and other features of the fruits. Threefold spraying with calcium nitrate, calcium chloride or Anti-Stipp significantly limited the appearance of bitter pit and breakdown