5 research outputs found

    Evolution of colour-dependence of galaxy clustering up to z \sim 1.2 based on the data from the VVDS-Wide survey

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    We discuss the dependence of galaxy clustering according to their colours up to z \sim 1.2. For that purpose we used one of the wide fields (F22) from the VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey (VVDS). For galaxies with absolute luminosities close to the characteristic Schechter luminosities M* at a given redshift, we measured the projected two-point correlation function wp(rp)w_{p}(r_{p}) and we estimated the best-fit parameters for a single power-law model: ξ(r)=(r/r0)γ\xi (r) = (r/r_{0})^{-\gamma }, where r0r_{0} is the correlation length and \gamma is the slope of correlation function. Our results show that red galaxies exhibit the strongest clustering in all epochs up to z \sim 1.2. Green valley represents the "intermediate" population and blue cloud shows the weakest clustering strength. We also compared the shape of wp(rp)w_{p}(r_{p}) for different galaxy populations. All three populations have different clustering properties on the small scales, similarly to the behaviour observed in the local catalogues

    Ultrasensitive electrochemical genosensor for direct detection of specific RNA sequences derived from avian influenza viruses present in biological samples

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    An electrochemical genosensor based on an epoxyphenanthroline–Fe(III)–NH2-ssDNA layer for the detection of RNA derived from Avian Influenza is presented. The biosensor preparation consists of: (I) modification of gold electrodes with aminoethanethiol, (II) modification of the self-assembled monolayer of aminoethanethiol with 5,6-epoxy-5,6-dihydro-[1,10]-phenanthroline using “click” chemistry, (III) a first step of complexation of Fe(III) by 5,6-epoxy-5,6-dihydro-[1,10]-phenanthroline, (IV) a second step of complexation of Fe(III) by 5,6-epoxy-5,6-dihydro-[1,10]-phenanthroline, (V) immobilization of the single stranded amino-DNA probe via “click” chemistry between epoxy and amino groups. The interactions between the ssDNA probe and RNA targets were explored with Osteryoung Square Wave Voltammetry. The genosensor showed a remarkable detection limit of 3 copies/μL (5 aM) for RNA extracted from A/swan/Poland/305/06 (H5N1) containing a fully complementary sequence. A linear dynamic range for this sequence was observed from 3.0×103 to 3.0×105 [copies/μl]. RNA extracted from A/mallard/Poland/446/09 (H7N7), containing a non-complementary sequence, generated a much weaker response. Moreover, the developed genosensor allows to distinguish RNA present in biological samples having 2, 3 and 4 mismatches. This biosensing approach can become a potential alternative tool for detecting RNA samples in biomedical research and early clinical diagnosis of avian influenza viruses

    Echocardiographic assessment of tricuspid regurgitation and pericardial effusion after cardiac device implantation

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    Background: The frequency of cardiac implantable electronic device (CIED) implantations is constantly increasing. Pericardial effusion (PE) and tricuspid regurgitation (TR) may occur after CIED implantation. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the prevalence and risk factors for new occurrences or progression of TR and PE early after CIED implantation. Methods: This is an on-going, single-center, observational study of patients after their first CIED implantation, with an echocardiographic evaluation within 60 days before and 7 days after the procedure. Data are presented for first 110 consecutive patients who underwent CIED implantation from August 2015 to July 2016. Results: Median age was 75 years, and 44% were women. In total, 87 (79%) pacemakers, 21 (19%) implantable cardioverter-defibrillators and 2 cardiac resynchronization therapy devices were implanted. After CIED implantation, there was TR progression in 17 (16%) patients: 5 patients developed moderate TR, none developed severe TR. An increase in TR was more often observed after implantations performed by operators in training than by certified operators (35% vs. 12%, p = 0.02). New PE after the procedure was observed in 8 (7%) patients and was trivial ( < 5 mm) in all cases. Patients with new PE after implantation had lower baseline hemoglobin levels and tended to be women. Conclusions: New PE and an increase in TR severity are rare complications early after CIED implantation. Operator experience might be related to TR progression. Increasing the number of patients in the current on-going study will allow a more reliable assessment of the prevalence and risk factors of these complications

    Stymulacja serca u 21 chorych z zespołem dystrofii mięśniowej Emery’ego-Dreifussa: jednoośrodkowe badanie z 39-letnią obserwacją

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    Background: Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy (EDMD) is a genetic condition associated with cardiac arrhythmias. The patients typically develop early, asymptomatic bradyarrhythmia, which may lead to sudden death, preventable with a cardiac implantable electronic device (CIED). EDMD may be characterised by atrial electrical silence. Intra-operative electrophysiological evaluation of the myocardium helps ultimately determine the true nature of the disorder and select an appropriate CIED. Aim: To analyse permanent electrotherapy procedures in EDMD patients: atrial pacing limitations that stem from the electrophysiological properties of the myocardium and long-term follow-up of implanted devices. Methods: A total of 21 EDMD patients (mean age 29 ± 9 years) with a CIED implanted (1976–2014) due to bradyarrhythmia were included in the study. The implantation procedures and factors determining the CIED type selection were analysed. Results: CIEDs were implanted in five women and in 16 men with EDMD types 1 and 2 (mean follow-up: 11 ± 8 years). Intra-operatively assessed atrial electrophysiology resulted in changing the planned CIED type during the procedure in three men with EDMD type 1. Eventually, we implanted: eight DDD, one VDD, 11 VVI, and one CD-DR device, with four of the patients’ devices switched later from DDD to VVI mode in response to electrophysiological changes in the atria. Conclusions: Intra-operative assessment of atrial electrophysiological properties resulted in changing the planned DDD mode for VVI in 19% of patients with EDMD type 1. Progression of the underlying disease over a 39-year follow-up resulted in a later change of the initially selected pacing mode from DDD to VVI in 40% of cases.  Wstęp: Dystrofia mięśniowa Emery’ego-Dreifussa (EDMD) jest genetycznie uwarunkowaną jednostką chorobową, której rozwojowi towarzyszą zaburzenia rytmu serca. Fazę początkową cechują bradyarymie, zazwyczaj bez objawów klinicznych, prowadzące do nagłych zgonów w sytuacji braku zabezpieczenia stałą stymulacją serca. Specyficzną cechą jest występowanie „ciszy elektrycznej” przedsionków, przy czym dopiero śródzabiegowa ocena właściwości elektrofizjologicznych miokardium pozwala na weryfikację jej rzeczywistego charakteru i implantację odpowiedniego układu. Cel: Celem pracy była analiza zabiegów stałej elektroterapii serca u pacjentów z EDMD w aspekcie ograniczeń i możliwości wdrożenia określonego trybu stymulacji serca i jego utrzymania podczas dalszej obserwacji. Metody: Badanie dotyczyło 21 chorych z EDMD (śr. wieku 28,6 ± 9,4 roku), którym w latach 1976–2014 z powodu bradyarymii powodowanych dysfunkcją układu bodźcowórczo-przewodzącego serca implantowano urządzenia do stałej elektroterapii serca. Analizie poddano przebieg zabiegów i czynniki determinujące implantację określonego typu stymultora. Wyniki: Urządzenia implantowano u 5 kobiet i 16 mężczyzn z EDMD typu 1 i typu 2 (śr. czas obserwacji: 10,6 ± 7,9 roku). Właściwości elektrofizjologiczne tkanki przedsionków wykryte śródzabiegowo wpłynęły na zmianę rozważanego do wdrożenia typu stymulacji u 3 mężczyzn z EDMD typu 1. Ostatecznie implantowano układy: 8 — typu DDD, 1 — typu VDD, 11 — typu VVI, 1 — typu ICD-DR. Zmiany elektrofizjologiczne zachodzące w przedsionkach wpłynęły na zmianę programu DDD do trybu VVI u 4 osób. Wnioski: Elektrofizjologiczne właściwości tkanki przedsionków określone śródzabiegowo ograniczyły możliwość wdrożenia planowanej stymulacji z DDD do VVI u 19% chorych z zespołem EDMD typu 1. Progresja procesu podczas 39-letniej obserwacji wpłynęła na konieczność zmiany stymulacji typu DDD na VVI w 40% przypadków.