
Evolution of colour-dependence of galaxy clustering up to z \sim 1.2 based on the data from the VVDS-Wide survey


We discuss the dependence of galaxy clustering according to their colours up to z \sim 1.2. For that purpose we used one of the wide fields (F22) from the VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey (VVDS). For galaxies with absolute luminosities close to the characteristic Schechter luminosities M* at a given redshift, we measured the projected two-point correlation function wp(rp)w_{p}(r_{p}) and we estimated the best-fit parameters for a single power-law model: ξ(r)=(r/r0)γ\xi (r) = (r/r_{0})^{-\gamma }, where r0r_{0} is the correlation length and \gamma is the slope of correlation function. Our results show that red galaxies exhibit the strongest clustering in all epochs up to z \sim 1.2. Green valley represents the "intermediate" population and blue cloud shows the weakest clustering strength. We also compared the shape of wp(rp)w_{p}(r_{p}) for different galaxy populations. All three populations have different clustering properties on the small scales, similarly to the behaviour observed in the local catalogues

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