52 research outputs found


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    U tekstu se razmatraju različiti aspekti djelovanja nevladinih organizacija (NGO) koje se bave zaštitom okoliša u Hrvatskoj. Uvodni dio sadrži osnovne informacije o nekoliko najznačajnijih društava, grupa i pokreta. Nadalje, autor kroz više tematskih cjelina analizira stanje i djelovanje ovih organizacija (od njihovih naziva i osnivanja do problema financiranja, prostora i opreme za rad) te naznačuje kontekst u kojem djeluju (sloboda organiziranja, suradnja sa svijetom, status u medijima). Tekst također nudi skicu aktualnih problema Hrvatske u rješavanju kojih bi raznim aktivnostima mogle biti uključenene i NGO orijentirane na zaštitu okoliša (rat, proces privatizacije, energetski problemi, kontrola izvora onečišćenja, povezivanje sa svijetom).The text is considering various aspects of non-governmental organisations (NGO) dealing with environmental protection in Croatia. The introductory part contains the basic information on several most important societies, groups and movements. Further more, through a few thematic wholes, the author is analysing the status and activities of the organisations (from the very names, reasons for the foundation to problems of financing, of working space and equipment); he is also stressing the context in which the organisations are acting (freedom in organising, forms of the cooperation with the world, status in media). The text is also offering a scheme presentation of the actual problems of Croatia (war, process of transformation of ownership, power sources problems, controlling the sources of pollution, establishing links with the world); their solving could mean including the NGOs oriented towards the environmental protection into various activities.Im Text werden verschiedene Aspekte der Arbeit der nicht der Regierung gehörenden Organisationen betrachtet, die sich mit Umweltschutz in Kroatien beschäftigen. Die Einleitung enthält Grundinformationen über einige wichtigste Vereine, Gruppen und Bewegungen. Ausserdem, analysiert der Autor durch mehrere thematische Einheiten den Zustand und die Tätigkeit dieser Organisationen (von ihren Namen aus bis zu den Problemen der Finanzierung, des Arbeitraums und der Ausrüstung) und bestimmt den Kontext in dem sie tätig sind (Organisierungsfreiheit, Zusammenarbeit mit der Welt, Status in den Medien). Der Text bietet auch eine Skizze der aktuellen Probleme Kroatiens dar, in deren Lösung mit verschiedenen Tätigkeiten auch diese Umweltschutzorganisationen (NGO) eingeschlossen werden könnten (der Krieg, der Privatisierungsprozess, Energieprobleme, die Kontrolle der Verschmutzungsquellen, die Verbindung mit der Welt)

    Pojavnost patoloških promjena na vučjim zubima (Canis lupus L.) u Hrvatskoj.

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    Skulls (N = 34) of gray wolves (Canis lupus) from Croatia were examined for acquired pathological changes of teeth. Skulls originated from wolves which had died due to various reasons in Croatia between 1997 and 2006. Age of examined animals ranged from 7 months to 8.5 years. Three skulls (8.9%) had pathological changes of teeth or alveolar bone. All dentitions with pathological changes belonged to females older than 2 years. Periodontitis, with changes in the alveolar bone, was determined on the alveolus of lower fourth premolar (P4) in two individuals and on the alveolus of the mandibular first molar (M1) in one specimen. A complicated crown-root fracture was found in two individuals. All caries lesions were found on premolars and molars. Caries was found on the upper jaw in one animal and on the lower jaw of another animal, while a third animal had it on both jaws. Pathological changes in the dentition of wolves in Croatia have not been previously recorded in Croatia. Data on pathological changes of wolves’ teeth contribute to the knowledge of biology and health of this species, especially on factors limiting longevity.Pregledane su 34 lubanje sivoga vuka (Canis lupus) i opisane stečene patološke promjene na zubima. Lubanje su potjecale od vukova koji su zbog različitih razloga stradali u Hrvatskoj od 1997. do 2006. godine. Dob tih vukova kretala se u rasponu od sedam mjeseci do osam i pol godina. Patološke promjene na alveolarnoj kosti zabilježene su na zubalima triju lubanja, odnosno na 8,8% pregledanih lubanja. Sve lubanje na čijim su zubalima nađene patološke promjene pripadale su ženkama starijima od dvije godine. U dvije jedinke opisan je periodontitis s promjenama u alveolarnoj kosti donjega četvrtoga pretkutnjaka (P4), a u jedne na gornjem prvom kutnjaku (M1). Potpuna fraktura zuba opisana je u dvije jedinke. U sve tri jedinke na pretkutnjacima i kutnjacima bio je prisutan i karijes i to na zubima gornje čeljusti kod jedne, donje čeljusti kod druge, a kod treće na zubima donje i gornje čeljusti. U hrvatskoj literaturi dosad nisu opisane patološke promjene na zubalu u ove vrste velike zvijeri. Podatci o patološkim promjenama na vučjim zubima pridonose boljem poznavanju biologije, osobito čimbenika koji utječu na životni vijek ove vrste

    Kastracija europskog smeđeg medvjeda.

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    Facilities for captive holding of European brown bears (Ursus arctos) are usually limited in capacity and already filled. The brown bear is a protected species, reduction of free-living population is not allowed and protection of existing numbers is requested by international conventions. The best regulation of population in captivity is by orchiectomy because of surgical simplicity and efficiency. We achieved general anaesthesia by use of a combination of ketamine hydrochloride and xylazine hydrochloride applied intramuscularly in four treated males. Surgical procedure of orchiectomy was carried out by closed method using two skin incisions parallel to raphe scroti in one bear and prescrotal incision in the remaining 3 bears. Spermatic cord was ligated by a triple clamp technique. Skin incisions were sutured by simple interrupted pattern with absorbable suture material. Recovery from general anaesthesia was without side-effects after a mean duration of 172 min. Mean surgery time was 54 min. The surgical wounds healed “per primam”.Ograđeni prostori i utočišta za zbrinjavanje europskih smeđih medvjeda (Ursus arctos) ograničeni su površinom za prihvat napuštenih jedinki. Budući da je smeđi medvjed zaštićena vrsta, valja voditi brigu o broju jedinki njihove populacije. Najbolja kontrola broja jedinki u zatočeništvu je putem kirurškoga zahvata kastracije odnosno orhiektomije mužjaka zbog relativno jednostavne izvedbe zahvata. Orhiektomija četiriju mužjaka obavljena je u općoj anesteziji kombinacijom ketamin i ksilazin hidroklorida primijenjenih intramuskularno. U sva četiri medvjeda orhiektomija je obavljena zatvorenom metodom. U jednoga je primijenjena metoda dva kožna reza usporedno s mošnjičnim šavom, a u tri medvjeda preskrotalna metoda orhiektomije. U svih je primijenjena tehnika tri hemostata prilikom podvezivanja sjemenova užeta, a rane su bile sašivene resorptivnim koncem pojedinačnim čvorastim šavom. Buđenje iz anestezije bilo je uobičajenoga tijeka bez nuspojava. Zahvat je prosječno trajao 54 minute, a opća anestezija 171,5 minuta. Sve kirurške rane zacijelile su „per primam”, a oporavak je prošao bez nuspojava

    Uzroci smrtnosti vukova u Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od 1986. do 2001.

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    We recorded a total of 92 dead grey wolves (Canis lupus) in Croatia during the period1986-2001: 60 (65.2%) were shot, 18 (19.6%) died as a result of traffic accidents, while the cause of death of 6 (6.5%) wolves remained unknown, 5 (5.4%) suffered from rabies, and one each was killed by axe, by hay-fork, and by other wolves. Among dead wolves the share of females was 56%, mean age was 1.9 years, and the mean mass of adult wolves was 31.4 kg. We analyzed separately the 10 years (1986-1995) preceding, and the first 6 years (1996-2001) after the legal protection of the species (15 May 1995), when 30 and 62 wolves died, respectively. Annual mortality rose from 3.0 prior to protection to 10.3 after protection (3.4 times). This increase in mortality indicates no enforcement of the legal protection, as well as an increase in animosity by local people; it was also partly influenced by wolf population growth and it would appear that the recorded mortality is sustainable. We propose to adapt the legislation to permit the controlled hunting of wolves. This would in all likelihood lead to decreased animosity and would keep the wolf population safe from uncontrolled hunting.Od 1986. do 2001. zabilježena je smrt ukupno 92 siva vuka (Canis lupus) u Hrvatskoj: 60 (65.2%) su ustrijeljena, 18 (19.6%) je poginulo u prometnim nezgodama, za 6 (6.5%) vukova je uzrok smrti ostao nepoznat, 5 (5.4%) je imalo bjesnoću, a po jedan su ubijeni sjekirom, vilama ili od drugih vukova. Udio ženki među mrtvim vukovima je bio 56%, prosječna dob je bila 1.9 godina, a prosječna masa 31.4 kg. Posebno je analizirano posljednjih 10 godina (1986-1995) prije, te prvih 6 godina (1996-2001) nakon zakonske zaštite vrste (15. svibanj 1995.), a u kojim je razdobljima stradalo 30 odnosno 62 vuka. Godišnja smrtnost je porasla sa 3.0 prije zaštite na 10.3 nakon zaštite (3.4 puta). Ovaj porast pokazuje da se zakon ne provodi, kao i porast neprihvaćanja vuka od lokalnog stanovništva. Porast smrtnosti dijelom je povezan i s porastom populacije vuka te se čini da je veličina zabilježene smrtnosti podnošljiva za populaciju. Predlaže se prihvaćanje propisa koji bi omogućavali ograničeni i kontrolirani lov vukova. To bi moglo dovesti i do smanjenja mržnje prema vuku i posljedičnog smanjenja rizika za populaciju od nekontroliranog ilegalnog ubijanja

    Analysis of Brown Bear Damages in Croatia in the Period from 2004 until 2009

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    Jedan od najvažnijih elemenata modernog gospodarenja smeđim medvjedima je sukob između medvjeda i ljudi, a ekonomski gubitci su čimbenik koji najviše doprinosi negativnim stavovima javnosti prema smeđem medvjedu. U Hrvatskoj je populacija od oko 1 000 medvjeda gotovo dosegla biološki i socijalni kapacitet. Medvjed je u Hrvatskoj divljač, zaštićena lovo­stajem i odstrijelnim kvotama koje se propisuju godišnjim Akcijskim plano­vima. Plan gospodarenja smeđim medvjedom u Republici Hrvatskoj i Zakon o lovstvu reguliraju naknadu štete koju počini medvjed. Na područjima gdje je medvjed stalno prisutan i njime se gospodari, štetu nadoknađuje ovlaštenik prava lova, dok na područjima gdje nisu ustanovljena lovišta štetu nadokna­đuje osoba koja upravlja zemljištem. Cilj rada je prikazati i analizirati poda­tke o štetama koje je smeđi medvjed počinio u Hrvatskoj u prvih 6 godina (2004–2009) provođenja Plana gospodarenja smeđim medvjedom tj. prvih šest godina organiziranog prikupljanja takvih podataka. U tom razdoblju pri­javljeno je ukupno 227 slučajeva šteta (prosječno 37,8 slučaja godišnje), od čega većina (54,2 %) na poljoprivrednim kulturama. Prijavljeno je 23,8 % na­pada na domaće životinje, te 8,8 % slučajeva štete na pčelinjacima. Nije zabi­lježen niti jedan napad na čovjeka. Materijalna šteta koju smeđi medvjed počini u Hrvatskoj niska je glede veličine populacije od 1 000 grla.One of the most important elements of a modern brown bear management is human – bear conflict. Economic losses are one of the key factors influencing negative public attitudes towards brown bears. In Croatia a population of 1000 bears has almost reached its biological and social capa­city. Brown bear in Croatia is a game species, protected by a closed hunting season and hunting quotas defined by yearly Action plans. National Brown bear Management Plan and Hunting Act regulate compensation of damage caused by brown bears. In areas where bears are permanently present and hunted damage compensation is paid by hunting unit leaseholders, whereas in national parks, areas where bears are not hunted and in areas with only acci­dental presence of bears compensation is paid from the state budget. The goal of this paper was to present and analyze data about brown bear damages in Croatia during the first 6 years (2004–2009) of the Management Plan imple­mentation, in other words the first 6 years of organized data collection. Totally 227 damage cases have been reported in this period (on average 37.8 cases per year). Most of the damage has been done on agricultural goods (54.2%), attacks on domestic animals (23.8%) and apiaries (8.8%). During this period attacks on humans have not been registered. Considering the population size of 1000 animals, brown bears cause low material damage in Croatia

    Brown bear feeding habits in a poor mast year where supplemental feeding occurs

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    The diet of free-ranging bears is an important dimension regarding their ecology, affecting their behavior, population structure, and relation with humans. In Croatia, there has been no recent study on the natural food habits of brown bears (Ursus arctos) or the influence of artificial feeding sites on their diet. During 2017, we collected 53 brown bear stomachs from bears in 2 regions of Croatia— Gorski Kotar and Lika—to assess their diet. Plants—Allium ursinum, the Poaceae family, Cornus mas, berries (i.e., Prunus avium, Rubus plicatus), beechnuts (Fagus spp.)—and various plant parts (i.e., dry leaves, buds, conifer needles, and twigs), as well as mushrooms, made up 80% of the percentage of the volume (%V) of all consumed items. Corn (Zea mays) from the feeding sites made up 37% of the bears’ diet (%V), whereas 20% (%V) was meat and 14% (%V) was pome fruits. Scavenged or preyed animal species, such as wild boar (Sus scrofa), horse (Equus caballus), domestic pig (S. scrofa domesticus), cattle (Bos taurus), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), and small mammals comprised >66% of %FO (frequency of occurrence), but only 20% of %V. Our results showed that food resources (i.e., livestock such as horses, cattle, and pigs, and corn) found at supplemental feeding sites were more frequently chosen by bears than natural food in 2017, a year characterized by almost no beechnut crop. The results showed that subadult bears obtained most food from feeding sites. These 2 patterns suggested that bears may focus on artificial feeding sites to find food in years when natural food sources are depleted, although this should be tested using diet and food availability data collected from several years.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Upotreba kontrolne regije mitohondrijske DNA za identifikaciju vrsta i razlikovanje vuka i psa iz Hrvatske.

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    Dogs worldwide share a single genetic origin from Asian wolves. While dog and wolf lineages are difficult to separate in terms of nuclear genes, mitochondrial lineages are clearly distinguishable for the two species, offering a good opportunity to evaluate the differences between them. Species identification from DNA is an important tool for wolf conservation in Croatia, and wolf - dog differentiation is necessary for forensic cases, wildlife management and scientific research. The goal of this paper was to provide a data set on Croatian dog and wolf mitochondrial DNA control region sequences, and to research if these sequences can be used as a reference for species identification. We analyzed 281 base pair sequences of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region of 20 mixed breed dog blood samples, 91 grey wolf muscle samples and two muscle samples of wolf-like animals. We identified 12 dog and 4 wolf mtDNA control region haplotypes. None of the haplotypes were shared, confirming that mtDNA control region haplotypes can be used to discriminate between Croatian wolves and dogs, and to confirm the maternal ancestry of putative hybrids. The sequences of the two wolf-like animals clearly grouped into a dog cluster.Psi diljem svijeta imaju jedinstveno genetsko podrijetlo od azijskih vukova. Dok je vukove i pse teško razlikovati na temelju jezgrenih gena, mitohondrijska DNA jasno se razlikuje što daje dobru mogućnost za istraživanje razlika između tih dviju vrsta. Identifikacija vrste na temelju DNA važan je alat za zaštitu vuka u Hrvatskoj, a razlikovanje između vuka i psa prijeko je potrebno u forenzičkim slučajevima, upravljanju divljim životinjama i u znanstvenim istraživanjima. Cilj ovoga rada bio je dobiti podatke o sekvencijama mitohodrijske DNA vuka i psa iz Hrvatske te istražiti da li se te sekvencije mogu upotrijebiti kao referencija za razlikovanje vrsta. Analizirali smo sekvenciju kontrolne regije mitohondrijske DNA dugu 281 parova baza izdvojenu iz 20 uzoraka krvi pasa mješanaca, 91 uzorka mišića sivoga vuka i dva uzorka mišića životinja sličnih vuku. Pronašli smo 12 psećih i 4 vučja haplotipa kontrolnoga područja. Nijedan od haplotipova nije bio zajednički psima i vukovima, potvrđujući da se kontrolno područje mitohondrijske DNA može rabiti za razlikovanje pasa i vukova, te za određivanje majčinskih predaka mogućih hibrida. Sekvencije dviju životinja sličnih vuku jasno su pripadale psima