31 research outputs found

    Escherichia coli: Old problem, new pathology

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    Even though the presence of Escherichia coli in the organism of humans and animals as a commensal has been known for a long time, attention has been paid to it only recently as the cause of diseases in humans and animals. The disease that is caused by this bacteria is linked to new variants-strains (eg. Verotoxic 0157:H7) which have, due to the toxic effects, a pathogensis and clinical picture that differs from those which have so far been linked to the conventional E.coli. Namely, it has been proved that there is a connection between the presence of certain strains of this bacteria in animals in which there is no occurrence of clinical symptoms, and diseased humans who had come into contact with these animals. Since infection with E.coli is transferred also through food items of animal origin, and in keeping with the valid regulations on hygiene safety of food items, increasing importance is placed on the isolation and identification of this bacteria on the slaughter line. It has also been accepted that it is necessary to apply screening among animal populations, as the basic step in the control and eradication of pathogens. There are few data on the distribution of verotoxic E.coli and the number of reported cases of infection in humans in Serbia, and they do not provide the real picture of the epizootiological-epidemiological situation. Verotoxic E.coli occurred over the past two decades as an important cause of morbidity and mortality in humans and animals. Due to the large number of cases that are linked, directly or indirectly, with food items of animal origin, there have been major economic losses as well

    Pathways for transfer and spreading of Aujeszkyā€™s disease to carnivora

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    Aujeszkyā€™s disease (Morbus Aujeszky) is an acute viral contagious disease occurring in a large number of domestic and wild animals. This epizootiological disease has been present in our country for quite some time now, and it has been increasingly frequently diagnosed in carnivora in the recent years. The objective of the investigations was to determine and establish the pathways for the transfer and the manner of spreading of the MA virus to carnivora. Epizootiological data on the appearance of MA, collected in the field, as well as an epizootiological report by the Serbian Ministry of Agriculture and of the Federal Ministry for Agriculture were used as material. Detailed epizootiological, clinical, pathomorphological, and laboratory analyses were performed in five critical spots for MA registered in the territory of Vojvodina province. We established the following pathways for the spread of the MA viral infection to carnivora: the consumption of thermally unprocessed swine carcasses, the consumption of thermally unprocessed pork originating from butcher shops or from regular slaughter on private farms, the consumption of viscera from emergency slaughtered sheep, cohabitation and contact with infected swine, and vaccination using a live vaccine contaminated with the MA virus

    Seroepizootiological investigations of animals from Obedska bara locality for presence of Avian influenza virus

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    The disease caused by Influenza viruses has been well known for a very long time. In the recent period there has been noted an occurrence of pandemics caused by Influenza viruses type A with a high rate of mortality. The ongoing pandemic caused by avian influenza virus serotype H9N9 began in Hong Kong in 1992, and another pandemic caused by serotype H5N1 began in China (Hong Kong) in 1999. The world wide spreading of these viruses occurred due to migratory birds. Avian influenza was confirmed in Serbia in 2007. The goal of this study was to examine whether the avian influenza viruses type A circulate in the region of the Obedska bara marsh, which is a famous resort for many birds in Serbia, as well as many birds migrating from Europe to Africa and vice versa. The samples of blood sera of many animal species (123 samples from fowl, 64 samples from donkeys, 40 samples from horses) were tested by serologic reaction of inhibition of haemmaglutination (IHA) for the presence of antibodies to influenza A subtypes H5N1, H5N2, H5N3, H7N1 and H7N2. Also, the samples of blood sera of experimental chicken exposed to wild life in Obedska bara (sentinel species) were tested. Antibodies to subtypes H5N1, H5N2, H5N3, H7N1 and H7N2 were found in chicken from Dec, Boljevci, Petrovcic and Kupinovo villages but no antibodies were found in blood sera from hams from Dobanovci, Jakovo, Becmen and Surcin villages. From 23 samples from ducks antibodies were detected in 3 samples, and from 22 geese blood sera antibodies were found in 4 samples. From a total of 40 horse blood sera tested one was tested positive, and from 64 donkey sera 17 were positive for the presence of antibodies for avian influenza type A. In blood sera of experimental chicken antibodies were found by subtype H5N1 with corrections with H5N2 and H7N1

    Mogućnost upotrebe rt-pcr tehnike u utvrđivanju prisustva virusa goveđe virusne dijareje u spermi priplodnih bikova

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    The bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) virus is a significant health-economic pathogen in cattle which can be excreted and spread also through sperm of persistently or acutely infected bulls. Native sperm of 6 bulls, found to be negative to the BVD virus by isolating the virus and using the RT-PCR method, was experimentally infected with a tenfold dilution of the non-cytopathogen 22146 strain of the BVD virus with a titer of 105,5. This way, dilutions of the BVD virus from 10-1 to 10-6 (5 x 104 TCID/50 do 0,5 TCID/50 in 0.1 ml native sperm were obtained. From sperm infected in this way, the virus was reisolated on FTB cell culture in a microtiter plate with 96 pools in which each sample of the infected sperm was set up in three samples, and each of them was titrated to a dilution of 1:2 to 1:256. The presence of the BVD virus was proven using the technique of fluorescent antibodies in a second blind passage on FTB culture cells. For cell culture an extremely toxic effect of native sperm to a dilution of 1:64 was established. The BVD virus was reisolated from sperm in all three sperm samples with 5 x 104, 5 x 103 i 5 x 102 TCID/50, and it was not reisolated from sperm with 50, with 5, and with 0.5 TCID/50 BVD virus in 0.1 ml native sperm. At the same time, the presence of the BVD viral genome was proved using the RT-PCR method in the same samples of artificially infected native sperm of bulls. A positive re suit was established in native sperm with 5 x 104, 5 x 103, 5 x 102 and 50 TCID/50 BVD virus n 0.1 ml native sperm. The experiment proved that the RT-PCR method has advantages over the isolation of the BVD virus from samples of native sperm of bulls. These are: shortterm investigations (1 to 2 days) and greater sensitivity (10 times bigger than the isolation of the virus). The isolation of the virus takes at least 10 days, and its greater sensitivity is primarily a result of the cyrotoxic effect of native sperm of bulls on cell culture.Virus goveđe virusne dijareje (BVD-a) je značajan zdravstvenoekonomski patogen kod goveda koji može da se izlučuje i Å”iri i putem sperme trajno i akutno inficiranih bikova. Nativna sperma Å”est bikova, za koju je izolacijom virusa i RT-PCR metodom utvrđeno da je negativna na BVD virus, eksperimentalno je inokulisana desetostrukim razređenjima necitopatogenim 22146 sojem BVD virusa titra 105,5. Na ovaj način dobijena su razređenja BVD virusa od 10-1 do 10-6 (5 x 104 TCID/50 do 0,5 TCID/50 BVD virusa) u 0,1 ml nativne sperme. Iz ovako inokulisane sperme obavljena je reizolacija virusa na kulturi ćelija FTB u mikrotitar ploči sa 96 bazenčića, u kojoj je svaki uzorak inficirane sperme postavljen u tri primerka, a svaki od njih je titriran od razređenja 1:2 do 1:256. Prisustvo BVD virusa je dokazano tehnikom fluorescentnih antitela u drugoj slepoj pasaži na kulturi ćelija FTB. Za kulturu ćelija je utvrđen izrazito toksičan efekat nativne sperme do razređenja 1:64. Virus BVD-a je reizolovan iz sperme u sva tri primerka uzoraka sperme sa 5 x 104, 5 x 103 i 5 x 102 TCID/50, a nije reizolovan iz sperme sa 50, sa 5 i sa 0,5 TCID/50 BVD virusa u 0,1 ml nativne sperme. Istovremeno izvedeno je dokazivanje prisustva BVD virusnog genoma RT-PCR metodom u istim uzorcima virusom inokulisane nativne sperme bikova. Pozitivan rezultat je utvrđen u nativnoj spermi sa 5 x 104, 5 x 103, 5 x 102 i 50 TCID/50 BVD virusa u 0,1 ml nativne sperme. Eksperiment je ukazao da RT-PCR metoda ima prednosti u odnosu na izolaciju BVD virusa iz uzoraka nativne sperme bikova. To su: brzina ispitivanja (jedan do dva dana) i veća osetljivost (deset puta u odnosu na izolaciju virusa). Izolacija virusa traje najmanje deset dana, a njena manja osetljivost je, pre svega, rezultat citotoksičnog efekta nativne sperme bikova na kulturu ćelija

    Putevi prenoŔenja i Ŕirenja virusa aujeskijeve bolesti na mesojede

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    Aujeszkyā€™s disease (Morbus Aujeszky) is an acute viral contagious disease occurring in a large number of domestic and wild animals. This epizootiological disease has been present in our country for quite some time now, and it has been increasingly frequently diagnosed in carnivora in the recent years. The objective of the investigations was to determine and establish the pathways for the transfer and the manner of spreading of the MA virus to carnivora. Epizootiological data on the appearance of MA, collected in the field, as well as an epizootiological report by the Serbian Ministry of Agriculture and of the Federal Ministry for Agriculture were used as material. Detailed epizootiological, clinical, pathomorphological, and laboratory analyses were performed in five critical spots for MA registered in the territory of Vojvodina province. We established the following pathways for the spread of the MA viral infection to carnivora: the consumption of thermally unprocessed swine carcasses, the consumption of thermally unprocessed pork originating from butcher shops or from regular slaughter on private farms, the consumption of viscera from emergency slaughtered sheep, cohabitation and contact with infected swine, and vaccination using a live vaccine contaminated with the MA virus.Aujeskijeva bolest (MA) je akutna virusna zarazna bolest većeg broja domaćih i divljih životinja. EpizootioloÅ”ki oboljenje je već u dužem vremenskom periodu prisutno u naÅ”oj zemlji, a poslednjih godina učestalo se dijagnostikuje kod mesojeda. Cilj istraživanja bio je sagledavanje i utvrđivanje puteva prenoÅ”enja i načina Å”irenja virusa MA na mesojede. Kao materijal za istraživanja koriŔćeni su epizootioloÅ”ki podaci o pojavi MA, prikupljani na terenu, kao i epizootioloÅ”ki izveÅ”taji Ministarstva poljoprivrede Republike Srbije i Saveznog ministarstva za poljoprivredu. Detaljnom epizootioloÅ”kom, kliničkom, patomorfoloÅ”kom i laboratorijskom analizom je obuhvaćeno pet žariÅ”ta MA registrovanih na području Vojvodine. Utvrdili smo navedene puteve Å”irenja infekcije virusom MA na mesojede: potroÅ”nja termički neobrađenih svinjskih leÅ”eva, potroÅ”nja termički neobrađenog svinjskog mesa koje potiče iz mesara ili redovnog klanja u domaćinstvu, upotreba iznutrica prinudno zaklane ovce, kohabitacija i kontakt sa inficiranim svinjama i vakcinacija živom vakcinom kontaminisanom virusom MA

    Leptospiroza svinja na teritoriji beograda

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    Examinations of pig blood samples have been carried out at public pig farms in three Belgrade municipalities: Palilula, Surcin and Obrenovac. The number of tested blood serums of pigs at Palilula was 18990, in Surcin 7739 and in Obrenovac it was 8200. The number of positive blood serums on leptospirosis in pigs was 760, and out of that number the most positive samples (496) were in Surcin, followed by Palilula (217), and the least were found in Obrenovac (47). In the period from 2000 to 2009, there were tested 34929 blood serums of pigs from farms located at the territory of Belgrade. For the investigations there was used the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) on seven varieties of L. interrogans: L. pomona, L. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. grippotyphosa, L. sejroe, L. canicola, L. bataviae and L. australis. Seropositivity in pigs was determined in 760 blood serums, or in 2.17%. Leptospirosis prevalence was not very high, but it was constant, which indicates that leptospirosis infection maintained at the territory of Belgrade for ten years throughout our continual investigation.Ispitivanje prisustva leptospiroze kod svinja izvedeno je na svinjarskim farmama u druÅ”tvenom sektoru sa područja tri beogradske opÅ”tine: Palilula, Surčin i Obrenovac. Broj pregledanih krvnih seruma svinja na opÅ”tini Palilula iznosio je 18990, a na Surčinu 7739 i u Obrenovcu 8200. Broj pozitivnih krvnih seruma na leptospirozu kod svinja bio je 760, gde je najviÅ”e pozitivnih (496) uzoraka bilo pozitivno na farmama u opÅ”tini Surčin, zatim u opÅ”tini Palilula (217), a najmanje (47) u opÅ”tini Obrenovac. U periodu od 2000. do 2009. godine testirali smo 34929 krvnih seruma svinja sa farmi poreklom sa teritorije Beograda. Ispitivanja su urađena testom mikroskopske aglutinacije (MAT) na sedam serovarijeteta L. interrogans: L. pomona, L. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. grippotyphosa, L. sejrƶe, L. canicola, L. bataviae i L. australis. Kod svinja smo ustanovili seropozitivnost u 760 krvnih seruma odnosno 2,17%. Prevalencija leptospiroze nije bila visokog stepena, ali je bila konstantna, Å”to ukazuje da se infekcija leptospirama održavala na teritoriji Beograda punih deset godina tokom naÅ”eg kontinuiranog ispitivanja

    Infekcije izazvane leptospirama kod goveda na teritoriji beograda u periodu od 2000. Do 2010. godine

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    Ispitivanja krvnih uzoraka goveda na leptospirozu obavljena su na velikim farmama u druÅ”tvenom sektoru lociranim na četiri beogradske opÅ”tine: Palilula, Surčin, Zemun, Obrenovac kao i na individualnom sektoru gde je pored navedenih opÅ”tina bilo uključeno joÅ” pet opÅ”tina: Mladenovac, Grocka, Čukarica, Zvezdara i Lazarevac. Ispitivanje infekcije izazvane leptospirama kod goveda obavljena su u periodu od 2000. do 2010. godine, na teritoriji Beograda. IzvrÅ”en je seroloÅ”ki pregled 123.971 uzoraka krvi goveda. Broj seropozitivnih životinja iznosio je 1.132 (0,91%). Najveći broj seropozitivnih uzoraka goveda bio je utvrđen na opÅ”tini Palilula (498), zatim u opÅ”tini Surčin (245), u opÅ”tini Obrenovac (183), u Zemunu (177), a najmanji u opÅ”tini Zvezdara, samo dva. Kod goveda je dominirao serovarijetet Leptospira grippotyphosa koji je ustanovljen u 459 krvnih uzoraka (40,54%), zatim slede Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae 356 (31,44%), Leptospira pomona 258 (22,79%), Leptospira bataviae 53 (4,68%) i Leptospira hardjo 6 (0,53%). U krvnim serumima goveda nisu utvrđena specifična antitela protiv L.canicola, L.sejrƶe i L.australis. Visina titra antitela na leptospire kretala se od 1:100 do 1:300000. Ispitivanje krvnih seruma goveda pokazala su da je procenat inficiranih životinja bio u rasponu od 2,82 do 0% Å”to globalno gledano nije značajan procenat za ovu infekciju. Gledajući tok Å”irenja oboljenja zapaža se da je on u opadanju počevÅ”i od 2000. godine kada je bio najveći (2,82%) Å”to se može pripisati merama kontinuirane kontrole i eradikacije ove zoonoze.Examining of blood samples on leptospirosis were carried out at big public property farms located in four Belgrade municipalities: Palilula, Surcin, Zemun, Obrenovac, as well as in private sector which, besides the above mentioned, included the additional five municipalities: Mladenovac, Grocka, Cukarica, Zvezdara and Lazarevac. Research on leptospira infections in cattle was carried out in the period from 2000. to 2010., at the territory of Belgrade. Serological examination of 123.971 cattle blood samples was done. The number of seropositive animals was 1.132 (0.91%). The biggest number of seropositive samples was noticed at Palilula (498), then in Surcin (245), Obrenovac (183), Zemun (177), and the least, only two in Zvezdara municipality. In the cattle, serovariety Leptospira grippotyphosa found in 459 blood samples (40.54%) dominated, then came Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae 356 (31.44%), Leptospira pomona 258 (22.79%), Leptospira bataviae 53 (4.68%) and Leptospira hardjo 6 (0.53%). In cattle blood serums no specific antibodies against L.canicola, L.serjƶe and L.australis were determined. Titre height of antibodies against leptospires ranged from 1:100 to 1:300000. Examining of cattle blood serums showed that the percentage of infected aminals ranged from 2.82 to 0%, what globally is not a significant percentage for this infection. Observing the disease course of spreading, it can be noticed that it has been decreasing since 2000. when it was at its peak (2.82%), what can be the result of a continual control, as well as of measures that are conducted with the aim of eradication the zoonosis

    Karantin i karantinske bolesti i njihov značaj u epizootiologiji zaraznih bolesti domaćih životinja

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    Infective animal diseases, especially enzootic, epizootic and panzootic., have always been a great problem in veterine producing remarkable economical damage. Fight against infective diseases is very important part of veterine praxis and demands permanent attention. One of such preventive measures is quarantine of live animals, their spearm, embriotransfers, raw materials and animal products. .Zarazne bolesti životinja su svojom pojavom uvek predstavljale veliki zdravstveni problem u stočarstvu i nanosile značajne ekonomske Å”tete, naročito kada se radi o enzootijama, epizootijama ili panzootijama. Borba protiv zaraznih bolesti je uvek prisutna u veterinarskoj praksi i obavezuje na stalnu budnost. Primena određenih preventivnih mera ima za cilj sprečavanje pojave, suzbijanje i iskorenjivanje zaraznih bolesti na teritoriji jedne zemlje a samim tim i unapređenje stočarstva i povećanje brojnog stanja stoke kao važnog činioca bržeg razvoja poljoprivrede. Jedna od takvih preventivnih mera je karantin živih životinja, njihove sperme, embrioniranih jajnih ćelija kao i sirovina i proizvoda poreklom od životinja

    Seroprevalence nekih zaraznih bolesti u pasa lutalica u Ŕirem području Leskovca

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    Since the last decade, stray dogs have been significant ecological, economical and sociological problem in the world as well as in the Republic of Serbia. They occupy specifi c place in the ecology of big cities and their contact with human population represents danger since they are carriers of many zoonotic infectious diseases. The goal of this paper is to present epizootiological survey on some diseases of bacterial, viral and parasitic origin through serological investigation of blood sera and full blood. The prevalence of leptospirosis, Tularaemia, West Nile fever and dirofilariosis has been determined in this research. The material included full blood and blood sera of stray dogs in the wider territory of Leskovac city. The research methods encompassed standard serological tests: microscopic agglutination test (MAT) for determination of specific antibodies against Leptospira spp.; slow and fast agglutination test for determination of antibodies against Tularaemia causative agent (Francisella tularensis); agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) for detection of specific antibodies against West Nile virus -WNV; modified Knot's test for the detection of microfilaria. The results revealed seropositivity for causative agents of Leptospirosis, Tularaemia and dirofilariosis, while there were no positive findings for WNV.Tokom poslednjih deset godina, psi lutalice se smatraju značajnim ekoloÅ”kim, ekonomskim i socijalnim problemom kako u celom svetu tako i u Republici Srbiji. Psi lutalice zauzimaju posebno mesto u ekologiji velikih gradova i njihov kontakt sa ljudima, predstavlja opasnost, jer oni mogu biti nosioci uzročnika mnogih zoonotskih infektivnih oboljenja. Cilj ovog rada je da se predstavi epizootioloÅ”ka studija nekih bakterijskih, virusnih i parazitskih oboljenja, pomoću seroloÅ”kih ispitivanja krvnih seruma i pune krvi pasa. Tokom ovog istraživanja, ispitivana je prevalenca na leptospirozu, tularemiju, groznicu zapadnog Nila i dirofilariozu. Materijal su predstavljali uzorci pune krvi i krvnog seruma pasa lutalica, iz Å”ire okoline grada Leskovca. Metode ispitivanja su obuhvatale standardne seroloÅ”ke testove: test mikroskopske aglutinacije (MAT) za utvrđivanje specifičnih antitela protiv Leptospira spp.; spora i brza aglutinacija za utvrđivanje antitela protiv uzročnika tularaemije (Francisella tularensis); agar gel imunodifuzioni test (AGID) za detekciju specifičnih antitela protiv virusa Zapadnog Nila -WNV; modifikovani Knotov test za detekciju mikrofilarija. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazuju seropozitivnost na uzročnike leptospiroze, tularemije i dirofilarioze, dok nisu dobijeni pozitivni nalazi za WNV. PR Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 37015

    Tularemija u Republici Srbiji u periodu 2000-2011. godine

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    Tularemia is an infective disease of zoonotic character, bacterial etiology, which occurs predominantly among rodents, but also in other species of domestic and wild mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, and humans. The cause of the disease is Francisella tularensis. Due to its epidemiological-epizootiological characteristics, the cause belongs to the group of biological agents and it has been used as a biological weapon. The disease is characterized by primary local ulcerous changes on the skin and mucosa, regional lymphadenitis, expressed general septicemia, and other changes. This disease is suspected on the grounds of epizootiological data on the incidence of the disease or the deaths of rabbits, sheep, or dogs, but also humans. During the observed period of twelve years, 317 cases of infected humans were recorded in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, without any mortal outcomes. The disease was confirmed in animals in only one case (2006.). In order to ensure full success in preventing the spreading and in the curbing of tularemia it is necessary to secure cooperation among a large number of professionals, in particular those engaged in the fields of human and veterinary medicine.Tularemija je zarazna bolest zoonoznog karaktera, bakterijske etiologije, koja se javlja pretežno kod glodara, ali i kod drugih vrsta domaćih i divljih sisara, ptica, gmizavaca, riba i ljudi. Uzročnik bolesti je Francisella tularensis. Zbog svojih epidemioloÅ”ko epizootioloÅ”kih karakteristika uzročnik je svrstan u grupu bioloÅ”kih agenasa i koriŔćen kao bioloÅ”ko oružje. Bolest se karakteriÅ”e primarnim lokalnim ulceroznim promenama kože i sluzokože, regionalnim limfadenitisom, izraženom opÅ”tom septikemijom i dr. Sumnja na bolest se postavlja na osnovu epizootioloÅ”kih podataka o pojavi oboljenja ili uginuća zečeva, ovaca i pasa, ali i ljudi. U periodu posmatranja od dvanaest godina zabeleženo je 317 slučajeva obolevanja ljudi na teritoriji Republike Srbije, bez smrtnog ishoda. Ovo oboljenje je kod životinja potvrđeno samo jednom (2006). Za uspeh u sprečavanju Å”irenja i suzbijanju tularemije neophodna je saradnja većeg broja stručnih profila, a posebno radnika humane i veterinarske medicine