12 research outputs found

    Multisensory legal machines and legal act production

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    This paper expands on the concept of legal machine which was presented first at IRIS 2011 in Salzburg. The research subjects are (1) the creation of institutional facts by machines, and (2) multimodal communication of legal content to humans. Simple examples are traffic lights and vending machines. Complicated examples are computer-based information systems in organisations, form proceedings workflows, and machines which replace officials in organisations. The actions performed by machines have legal importance and draw legal consequences. Machines similarly as humans can be imposed status-functions of legal actors. The analogy of machines with humans is in the focus of this paper. Legal content can be communicated by machines and can be perceived by all of our senses. The content can be expressed in multimodal languages: textual, visual, acoustic, gestures, aircraft manoeuvres, etc. The concept of encapsulatation of human into machine is proposed. Herein humanintended actions are communicated through the machine’s output channel. Encapsulations can be compared with deities and mythical creatures that can send gods’ messages to people through the human mouth. This paper also aims to identify law production patterns by machines

    A Scenario to Acquaint with the Problem of Engineering Compliant Software

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    Section 1 of this paper follows entirely a scenario from the article “Engineering Compliant Software: Advising Developers by Automating Legal Reasoning” by D. Oberle, F. Drefs, R. Wacker, C. Baumann and O. Raabe, SCRIPTed (2012) 9:3, 280–313, where it serves as a running example. It demonstrates that data transfer violates the law. This motivating scenario has added value in the education of software developers and is worth sharing with the computer communities of other countries including Lithuania. In the scenario, the continental law and EU law sways the particularities of the German law. The motivation for teaching the scenario can be compared with teaching concrete cases in the study of law. Legal reasoning is demonstrated by supplementing the provisions of the German Federal Data Protection Act (FDPA) with those of the Lithuanian Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data, which have the same meaning. In Section 3, we attempt to formulate the software compliance problem. Finally, we explain the notion of subsumption – a legal qualification of facts according to a norm’s circumstance. We consider subsumption to consist of two notions: terminological subsumption and normative subsumption

    Ciklinių modulių kompozicija struktūrinių ruošinių metode, skirtame programavimui rekurencijomis: įdėtų ciklų sintezės uždavinys

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    The paper presents, first, the Structural Blanks (SB) approach, then a method to compose loop programs. SB is an approach for expressing computations based on recurrence relations and focuses on data dependencies in loops. The paper presents language constructs and semantics for expressing programs that have complex data dependency patterns. These constructs are expressed using structural "blanks" for computations based on recurrence relations. In SB the recurrence structure and the functional part of a recurrence relation may be described separately. Therefore declarative representation of data dependencies is examined. SB aims at supporting the transformational development and reuse of program modules. The approach deals with two aspects: pragmatics and semantics. In the paper we aim at: (1) developing a theory and language for functional and structural modules, (2) an algorithm for composition of structural modules. The approach is illustrated by toy problems: the Fibonacci function, heat flow, etc. Hence the reuse and verification are viewed as those of, e.g., stacks, queues, bubble sort, etc

    Skirtingas teisinių prasmių vaizdavimas informacinėse sistemose, priklausomas nuo skirtingų požiūrių į teisę

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    This paper is concerned with the legal and legal documentation system as well as their interconnectedness. An exploratory research on the operational treatment of legal meaning is presented. The research question is based on how should the legal meaning of a legal act be represented. In our approach, legal meaning is related with to representation; for comparison, see the FRISCO framework and the semiotic tetrahedron. We explain the reasons for the multiple meanings of a legal act and its representation in separate information systems, because various stakeholders view the act differently. The Schweighofer’s eight views/four methods/four syntheses model is presented to reveal different contents. Views are related with representations.Tyrimo objektas yra sąryšis tarp teisinės sistemos ir teisinės dokumentacijos sistemos. Pristatomas teisinių prasmių operacionalizavimo žvalgomasis tyrimas. Esminis klausimas, kaip pavaizduoti teisės akto prasmę. Remiantis informacinių sistemų konceptualizavimo metodika FRISCO, teisinė prasmė yra siejama su jos pavaizdavimu. Mes aiškiname skirtingų prasmių atsiradimo ir jų pavaizdavimo informacinėse sistemose priežastis. Skirtingų kategorijų suinteresuotieji dalyviai interpretuoja teisės aktą skirtingomis prasmėmis. Pristatomas Ericho Schweighoferio teisės informatikos modelis „8 perspektyvos / 4 metodai / 4 produktai“. Kiekvieną perspektyvą atitinka atskiras pavaizdavimas

    Nontextual notations as syntactic supplements

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    By the term nontextual notations, we mean legal visuals and formalizations that contribute to representing law in computers. The object to explore is the transformation of legal content and its syntax. This transformation takes place from textual to symbolic–formal expressions. The advantage of a non-strict visualization lies in the fact that the subject is not always distinguished and strictly structured. For the most part, the syntax is not set and can be changed to suit the topic. Visualizations help to bridge the gap between the textuality of law and logico-technical notations

    Legal taboos

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    The authors formalise a taboo as a prohibition on speaking (informing). Three levels of norms are distinguished. First are basic prohibitions, Forbidden X, i.e. norms which prohibit basic actions, Norm(¬X). Second-level norms comprise primary taboos which prohibit information about facts or fakes, Norm(¬Inf(X)), but permit them to happen. Third-level norms comprise meta-taboos, which prohibit information that a primary taboo exists, Norm(¬Inf(Norm(¬Inf(X)))). A taboo on the essential causes A of an effect E can be officially camouflaged with a fake relation-ship between certain facts B and E

    Meaning and metameaning as entities: content (IS) and institutional meaning (ought)

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    The “meaning of meaning” is addressed. This theme was addressed by Ogden and Richards in 1923 as a semiotic triangle. We, however, consider the operational treatment of legal meaning. We distinguish between two kinds of meanings: institutional meaning and content meaning. The latter represents the semantics of a legal act – the text. The research question is how to represent the institutional meaning. Operations are, for example, to strengthen or lessen the meaning. We relate the institutional meaning with its representation; cf. the FRISCO framework and the semiotic tetrahedron. Multiple representations make sense because various stakeholders view the legal act differently. Die Autoren befassen sich mit der «Bedeutung der Bedeutung». 1923 wurde dieses Thema bereits von Ogden und Richards als semiotisches Dreieck angesprochen. Die Autoren gehen allerdings auf die operative Behandlung rechtlicher Bedeutung ein. Sie unterscheiden zwei Arten von Bedeutungen: institutionelle und inhaltliche Bedeutung. Die letztere repräsentiert die Semantik eines Rechtsgeschäftes – den Text. Die Forschungsfrage lautet: Wie kann die institutionelle Bedeutung dargestellt werden? Eingriffe werden die Bedeutung entweder stärken oder verringern. Die Autoren setzen die institutionelle Bedeutung mit ihrer Darstellung in Zusammenhang; vgl. den FRISCO-Rahmen und das semiotische Tetraeder. Mehrere Darstellungen erscheinen sinnvoll, da verschiedene Interessenvertreter den Rechtsakt aus verschiedenen Perspektiven betrachten. (ah