26 research outputs found

    Simulated single molecule microscopy with SMeagol

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    SMeagol is a software tool to simulate highly realistic microscopy data based on spatial systems biology models, in order to facilitate development, validation, and optimization of advanced analysis methods for live cell single molecule microscopy data. Availability and Implementation: SMeagol runs on Matlab R2014 and later, and uses compiled binaries in C for reaction-diffusion simulations. Documentation, source code, and binaries for recent versions of Mac OS, Windows, and Ubuntu Linux can be downloaded from http://smeagol.sourceforge.net.Comment: v2: 14 pages including supplementary text. Pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an application note published in Bioinformatics following peer review. The version of record, and additional supplementary material is available online at: https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article-lookup/doi/10.1093/bioinformatics/btw10

    Natural and energy potentials of solar energy within the Negotin municipality

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    Nowadays, the proper implementation of sustainable development would not be possible with-out the usage of renewable energy resources. The main aim of this paper is oriented towards identifi-cation of proper location for the construction of solar power plants within the Negotin municipality, which could significantly reduce the usage of fossil fuels within this territory. Geographic information system (GIS) was conducted for detail analysis of the stated terrain, including the analysis regarding the natural conditions, such as the terrain inclination and its exposure, the manners of the land usage, natural hazards, as well as the analysis of protected areas. Methods of valorization and elimination of different locations throughout the GIS software were used for analysis of natural characteristics throughout the different maps, while processing the all maps together resulted in one final synthetic map. This map pointed to the potentials for using the solar energy on the territory of the Negotin mu-nicipality, based on the analysis of the most favorable climatic conditions. Synthesis map also pointed to the area with suitable locations for application of the solar energy. Finally, the analysis and calcu-lations of the general potentials of installed power of solar plants within this municipality were per-formed in order to obtain the adequate representation of the amount of the electricity that could be produced from photovoltaic solar panel systems

    Determinacija potencijala obnovljivih izvora energije na teritoriji opštine Štrpce

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    Rad prikazuje mogućnosti korišćenja obnovljivih izvora energije na teritoriji opštine Štrpce. Opština Štrpce predstavlja jednu od najjužnijih opština na teritoriji Srbije. Zaštita životne sredine i koncept održivog razvoja podrazmevaju što manju degradaciju okoline, odnosno forsiranje energije koja bi manje štetila čovečanstvu. U ovom slučaju, obnovljivi izvori energije predstavljaju vid čiste energije koja ne emituje ugljen-dioksid, koji se smartra najvećim krivcem povećanja globalne temperature na Zemlji. Solarna energija, potencijali biomase i drugi vidovi alternativne energije trebalo bi da predstavljaju sadašnjost i budućnost na Zemlji. U radu se, pomoću geografskih informacionih sistema (GIS), identifikuju pogodne lokacije za primenu solarne energije i biomase u opštini Štrpce, čime bi se poboljšala energetska efikasnost i unapredila zaštita životne sredine na lokalnom nivou

    Problemi i mere unapređenja upravljanja bukom na teritoriji opštine Štrpce (Srbija)

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    Buka predstavlja jedan od najvećih problema današnjice u gusto naseljenim mestima. U radu su izvršena merenja nivoa buke kao jednog od indikatora stanja životne sredine. Kombinacijom kabinetskog i terenskog istraživanja obrađen je, i kartografski prikazan nivo buke tokom dana i noći za teritoriju opštine Štrpce. U zavisnosti od namene prostora (zona) i u skladu sa Zakonskim i podzakonskim okvirima koji bliže određuju ovu oblast, izdvojeno je 10 lokacija i izvršeno merenje na otvorenom prostoru. Upotrebom odgovarajućih GIS softverskih paketa i uređaja za merenje nivoa buke, zabeležene su i interpretirane vrednostiizražene u decibelima. Izvršena je identifikacija lokacija na kojima vrednosti prelaze propisane granične vrednosti. Cilj rada je utvrđivanje predloga mera za umanjenje nivoa buke na teritoriji opštine Štrpce kako bi se kvalitetnije upravljalo životnom sredinom

    Primena GIS-a u analizi intenziteta erozije u slivu reke Vlasine

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    This paper analyses the state of erosion intensity in the Vlasina River Basin, the right tributary of the Južna Morava River. To determine the erosion intensity (Z) and sediment production, the Gavrilović method was used, in combination with the bare-soil index (BSI), with the application of geographic information systems (GIS) and multispectral satellite imagery. An erosion coefficient of 0.31 has been identified in the territory of the Vlasina River Basin, which has an area of 1,061.72 km². The prominent vertical fragmentation of the relief, large amount of precipitation in the source parts, density of the river network (1.65 km/km 2), which is above the average river network density in Serbia, as well as inadequate land exploitation, are the main reasons why it is necessary to monitor the erosion intensity in the Vlasina River Basin. The annual production of the sediment is 462,496.30 m³, while the value of specific sediment production is 435,47 m³/km²/year. This study represents the attempt to apply modern technologies to d1etermine the intensity of erosion in the Vlasina River Basin, and the results obtained could be used for more adequate management of land and water resources, sustainable planning of the forest ecosystems and environmental protection.U ovom radu analizirano je stanje intenziteta erozije u slivu reke Vlasine, desne pritoke Južne Morave. Za određivanje intenziteta erozije (Z) i produkcije nanosa korišćen je metod Gavrilovića u kombinaciji sa indeksom ogolićenosti zemljišta (BSI), primenom geografskih informacionih sistema (GIS) i multispektralnih satelitskih snimaka. Na teritoriji sliva Vlasine koji ima površinu od 1.061,72 km2, identifikovan je koeficijent erozije od 0,31. Izražena vertikalna raščlanjenost reljefa, velika količina padavina u izvorišnim delovima, gustina rečne mreže (1,65 km/km2) koja je iznad prosečne gustine rečne mreže u Srbiji, kao i neadekvatan način korišćenja zemljišta predstavljaju glavne razloge zbog kojih je potrebno pratiti intenzitet erozije u slivu Vlasine. Godišnja produkcija nanosa iznosi 462.496,30 m3, dok je vrednost specifične produkcije nanosa 435,47 m3/km2/god. Ovaj rad predstavlja pokušaj primene savremenih tehnologija za određivanje intenziteta erozije u slivu Vlasine, a dobijeni rezultati se mogu koristiti za adekvatnije upravljanje zemljišnim i vodnim resursima, održivo planiranje šumskih ekosistema i zaštitu životne sredine

    Natural and energy potential of solar energy within the Vranje municipality

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    Renewable energy sources (RES) have increasingly been used worldwide with the aim of im-plementing sustainable development and reducing the environmental impact of harmful gases. The most significant potential of all types of RES is attributed to solar energy. The paper presents the analysis of natural and energy potentials for the construction of solar power plants in the territory of the municipality of Vranje. The following natural factors were processed and mapped using geo-graphic information systems (GIS): terrain slope, relief aspect, land use method, and protected are-as. The analysis also allowed for the anthropogenic factors: the proximity of roads and settlements, affecting the accessibility of the potential solar power plant, but also the possible negative impact on people health due to excessive electromagnetic radiation. Thematic maps were produced by cab-inet work, valorization and elimination methods. By processing thematic maps, the final, synthesis map of the benefits of using solar energy in the territory of the municipality of Vranje was obtained. By analyzing the synthesis map and suitable locations obtained, calculations of potential installed power of solar power plants for the Vranje area were made to get an adequate representation of the quantity of electric energy that can be generated by photovoltaic effect in solar panels

    Natural and energy potentials of solar energy within the Negotin municipality

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    Nowadays, the proper implementation of sustainable development would not be possible with-out the usage of renewable energy resources. The main aim of this paper is oriented towards identifi-cation of proper location for the construction of solar power plants within the Negotin municipality, which could significantly reduce the usage of fossil fuels within this territory. Geographic information system (GIS) was conducted for detail analysis of the stated terrain, including the analysis regarding the natural conditions, such as the terrain inclination and its exposure, the manners of the land usage, natural hazards, as well as the analysis of protected areas. Methods of valorization and elimination of different locations throughout the GIS software were used for analysis of natural characteristics throughout the different maps, while processing the all maps together resulted in one final synthetic map. This map pointed to the potentials for using the solar energy on the territory of the Negotin mu-nicipality, based on the analysis of the most favorable climatic conditions. Synthesis map also pointed to the area with suitable locations for application of the solar energy. Finally, the analysis and calcu-lations of the general potentials of installed power of solar plants within this municipality were per-formed in order to obtain the adequate representation of the amount of the electricity that could be produced from photovoltaic solar panel systems

    Determinacija potencijala obnovljivih izvora energije na teritoriji opštine Štrpce

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    Rad prikazuje mogućnosti korišćenja obnovljivih izvora energije na teritoriji opštine Štrpce. Opština Štrpce predstavlja jednu od najjužnijih opština na teritoriji Srbije. Zaštita životne sredine i koncept održivog razvoja podrazmevaju što manju degradaciju okoline, odnosno forsiranje energije koja bi manje štetila čovečanstvu. U ovom slučaju, obnovljivi izvori energije predstavljaju vid čiste energije koja ne emituje ugljen-dioksid, koji se smartra najvećim krivcem povećanja globalne temperature na Zemlji. Solarna energija, potencijali biomase i drugi vidovi alternativne energije trebalo bi da predstavljaju sadašnjost i budućnost na Zemlji. U radu se, pomoću geografskih informacionih sistema (GIS), identifikuju pogodne lokacije za primenu solarne energije i biomase u opštini Štrpce, čime bi se poboljšala energetska efikasnost i unapredila zaštita životne sredine na lokalnom nivou

    Problemi i mere unapređenja upravljanja bukom na teritoriji opštine Štrpce (Srbija)

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    Buka predstavlja jedan od najvećih problema današnjice u gusto naseljenim mestima. U radu su izvršena merenja nivoa buke kao jednog od indikatora stanja životne sredine. Kombinacijom kabinetskog i terenskog istraživanja obrađen je, i kartografski prikazan nivo buke tokom dana i noći za teritoriju opštine Štrpce. U zavisnosti od namene prostora (zona) i u skladu sa Zakonskim i podzakonskim okvirima koji bliže određuju ovu oblast, izdvojeno je 10 lokacija i izvršeno merenje na otvorenom prostoru. Upotrebom odgovarajućih GIS softverskih paketa i uređaja za merenje nivoa buke, zabeležene su i interpretirane vrednostiizražene u decibelima. Izvršena je identifikacija lokacija na kojima vrednosti prelaze propisane granične vrednosti. Cilj rada je utvrđivanje predloga mera za umanjenje nivoa buke na teritoriji opštine Štrpce kako bi se kvalitetnije upravljalo životnom sredinom

    Spatial-energy analysis of the potential transformation of thermal power plants to solar power plants on the territory of Kosovo district

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    Combustion of fossil fuels in thermal power plants releases large quantities of pollutants, the excessive air emission of which leads to health problems of the nearby population but also the disturbance of the state of all elements of the environment. The operation of the thermal power plant in the municipality of Obilić and the emission of pollutants endanger the population of Kosovo District in a health and ecological sense. By valorization and elimination methods, the paper analyzes the natural and anthropogenic conditions that have the most significant impact on the potential construction of solar power plants which would completely replace the operation of the thermal power plant and all the quantity of electricity generated by coal combustion. Geographic information systems (GIS) were used to analyze and interpret factors affecting the spatial distribution of potential solar power plants: terrain slope, relief aspect, land use method, protected areas, the proximity of roads and settlements. By analyzing the above factors, thematic maps showing the most suitable surfaces were obtained. Overlaying of thematic maps gave a synthesis map which provides an adequate view of appropriate locations for the construction of solar power plants. A comparative analysis was done between the strength of the existing thermal power plant and the potential installed powers of solar power plants which would fully supply the area of Kosovo District, as well as other districts in the territory of A. P. Kosovo and Metohija