340 research outputs found

    Francuski protiv judeo-španskog: pregled jezičke politike Alliance Israélite Universelle u Otomanskom carstvu na prelazu iz dvadesetog veka

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    This article aims to reveal how the Alliance influenced the utilization of the Judeo-Spanish language through its educational curriculum. I argue that this organization had an enormous impact on the demise of the language by actively promoting other languages. The latter was embodied in the public display of the Alliance’s members’ opinions and the introduction of French and other languages in the Alliance’s schools, none of them being Judeo-Spanish. What is more, the officials of this international association spared no words in arguing against Judeo-Spanish, believing it was not a language but a jargon, incompatible with a modern, civilized, and educated Jewish community that strived to forge in the Orient. Examples of the three major Sephardic centers in the Ottoman Empire - Salonika (Thessaloniki), Smyrna (Izmir), and Adrianople (Edirne) - mirrors the dynamics of linguistic acculturation of the community. The principal sources for my analysis are reports from the Alliance’s schools published in the Bulletin d’Alliance Israélite Universelle, the main organ of this organization in the period between 1860 and 1913.Ovaj članak ima za cilj da otkrije kako je "Alijansa" uticala na korišćenje judeo-španskog jezika kroz svoj obrazovni program. Tvrdim da je ova organizacija imala ogroman uticaj na odumiranje jezika aktivno promovišući druge jezike. Ovo poslednje je oličeno u javnom izlaganju mišljenja članova Alijanse i uvođenju francuskog i drugih jezika u škole Alijanse, od kojih nijedan nije judeo-španski. Štaviše, zvaničnici ovog međunarodnog udruženja nisu štedeli reči u argumentaciji protiv judeo-španskog jezika, smatrajući da to nije jezik već žargon, nekompatibilan sa modernom, civilizovanom i obrazovanom jevrejskom zajednicom koja je težila da deluje na Orijentu. Primeri tri glavna sefardska centra u Osmanskom carstvu - Solun, Izmir i Jedrene - odražavaju dinamiku jezičke akulturacije zajednice. Glavni izvori moje analize su izveštaji škola Alijanse objavljeni u "Bulletin d’Alliance Israelite Universelle", glavnom organu ove organizacije u periodu između 1860. i 1913. godine

    Genocid u vremenu postistine: kratak uvod u semantiku

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    Throughout the twentieth century warfare, along with the innumerable atrocities committed around the world, arose the necessity to define the ultimate violation of human rights and “the crime of crimes” under international law. If a mass murder proves genocide, it will theoretically impose an obligation for international institutions to intervene and prosecute such cases. This essay will aim to stipulate a brief overview of the utilization and definition of the term “genocide” as well as to highlight some of the key aspects of the Genocide Convention introduced under the auspices of the United Nations in 1948. Moreover, some of the main explanations for the politicization of genocide will be offered. To conclude, the authors will provide predictions about the outlook of this phenomenon as well as its perception, considering the changing nature of modern warfare.Budući da je kroz ratove dvadesetog veka počinjen neizreciv broj masovnih ubistava u celom svetu, javila se i potreba da se definiše najveće kršenje lјudskih prava i „zločin nad zločinima“ međunarodnog prava. Naime, ako se utvrdi da je određeno masovno ubijanje genocid, onda teoretski postoji obaveza međunarodnih institucija da intervenišu i sudski procesuiraju takve slučajeve. Cilј ovog rada biće da obezbedi kratak pregled upotrebe i definicije pojma „genocid“, kao i da naglasi neke klјučne aspekte Konvencije o genocidu iz 1948. nastale u okviru Ujedinjenih nacija. Takođe, biće navedena neka objašnjenja o sve učestalijoj politizaciji genocida. U zaklјučku, autorka će izneti svoja predviđanja o budućnosti ovog fenomena i njegove percepcije imajući u vidu promenlјivu prirodu modernog načina ratovanja

    Antisemitizam u Kraljevini Jugoslaviji: slučaj Hrvatske

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    This essay will analyze the genesis of the anti-Semitic tendencies in the territory of Croatia in the period between the two world wars, as well as its culmination in the Independent State of Croatia during the Second World War. The emphasis will be on various theoretical explanations of a virulent Jew-hat-red that emerged in Croatia. Some of these explanatory units are religious antisemitism, cultural code, and group conflict theories. Moreover, the Holocaust perpetrated here has its specificity. Namely, nowhere in the former Kingdom of Yugoslavia did the native population massively participate in the annihilation of domestic “threats” as in this country. Serbians, Jews, Roma, and Croatian opponents of the regime perished in the extermination camps of the infamous puppet creation, which are considered the only death camps in Europe that were not conducted by the Nazis. The memory of these monstrous times still haunts regional inter-ethnic relations and will continue until the proper examination of these tragic events.Ovaj esej analizira genezu antisemitskih tendencija na teritoriji Hrvatske u periodu između dva svjetska rata, kao i njihove kulminacije u Nezavisnoj Državi Hrvatskoj za vrijeme Drugog svjetskog rata. Naglasak je stavljen na različita teoretska objašnjenja virulentne mržnje prema Jevrejima koja je nastala u Hrvatskoj. Neke od korišćenih eksplanatornih jedinica su religiozni antisemitizam, kulturni kod i teorije grupnog konflikta. Takođe, holokaust počinjen na ovim prostorima ima svoju specifičnost. Naime, nigdje u bivšoj Kraljevini Jugoslaviji domaće stanovništvo nije toliko masovno učestvovalo u istrebljenju domaćih „prijetnji" kao u ovoj zemlji. Srbi, Jevreji, Romi, kao i Hrvati koji su se protivili režimu, nestali su u eksterminacionim logorima ove neslavne marionetske tvorevine, koji se smatraju jedinim kampovima smrti u Evropi kojima nisu upravljali nacisti. Sećanje na ova čudovišna vremena još proganja regionalne međuetničke odnose i nastaviće se sve dok se podrobno ne istraže ovi tragični događaji

    Jugosloveni u mozaiku vere? Javni diskurs o jevrejskoj lojalnosti u Kraljevini Jugoslaviji, 1918-1941

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    This study aimed to offer an overview of the dynamic interconnectedness between the Yugoslav Kingdom and its diverse Jewish population, which existed in the delicate balance of powers generated in Europe in the aftermath of the Great War. The contemplation of the interwar events in countries that later became socialist deserves special consideration. Socialist regimes introduced a sudden discontinuity as compared to the previous, mainly monarchist regimes, causing many personalities and occurrences to fade into obscurity for half a century. The aforementioned phenomenon is even more pronounced when examining the history of a minority, indicating that one ought to be rather cautious when developing conclusions and generalizations about the interval between the two World Wars.Ova studija imala je za cilj da ponudi pregled dinamičke međusobne povezanosti između Kraljevine Jugoslavije i njene raznovrsne jevrejske populacije, koja je postojala u delikatnoj ravnoteži snaga stvorenoj u Evropi nakon Velikog rata. Razmatranje međuratnih dešavanja u zemljama koje su kasnije postale socijalističke zaslužuje posebnu pažnju. Socijalistički režimi su uveli nagli diskontinuitet u poređenju sa prethodnim, uglavnom monarhističkim režimima, zbog čega su mnoge ličnosti i pojave izbledele u mraku na pola veka. Navedeni fenomen je još izraženiji kada se ispituje istorija jedne manjine, što ukazuje na to da treba biti prilično oprezan kada se donose zaključci i generalizacije o intervalu između dva svetska rata.Schriften des Centrums für Jüdische Studien. Band 28

    Sefardski ponos: jevrejsko građansko društvo i društvene veze u Sarajevu između dva rata

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    Este ensayo busca explorar el impacto que las circunstancias históricas del periodo de entreguerras produjeron en el avance de la autoconciencia del Sarajevo sefardí, y en la modernización de sus redes asociativas en la esfera local e internacional. La descripción del presente análisis sigue la construcción asociativa en tres niveles de existencia: la bosnia, la yugoslava y la internacional. La gran variedad de asociaciones que los bosnios sefardíes crearon indica el inicio de iniciativas cívicas y la modernización de sus comunidades en términos de “sociedad civil antes que democracia”. De igual manera, el deseo de una reconexión sentimental con España fue entonces otra manifestación de autoconciencia sefardí y una superposición subsiguiente más entre las múltiples capas relativas a su pertenencia.Ovaj rad nastoji da istraži uticaj koje su specifične istorijske okolnosti između dva rata imale na napredovanje samospoznaje Sefarda u Sarajevu, kao i na modernizaciju njihovih asocijativnih mreža u domaćoj i međunarodnoj sferi. Opšti pregled ove analize prati konstrukciju sefardskih organizacija na tri nivoa njihove egzistencije: bosanskom, jugoslovenskom i međunarodnom. Velika raznovrsnost društava koju su bosanski Sefardi stvorili govori o početku građanskih inicijativa i modernizacije njihove zajednice, svojevrsno „građansko društvo pre demokratije“. Na sličan način, poriv za sentimentalnom rekonekcijom sa Španijom je predstavljao još jednu manifestaciju sefardske samosavesti i posledičnog preklapanja više slojeva njihovog pripadanja.Tekst članka dostupan je na srskom jeziku preko linka [https://jevrejskadigitalnabiblioteka.rs/handle/123456789/2687

    Sephardic pride: Jewish civil society and social connections in Sarajevo between the two wars

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    Ovaj rad nastoji da istraži uticaj koje su specifične istorijske okolnosti između dva rata imale na napredovanje samospoznaje Sefarda u Sarajevu, kao i na modernizaciju njihovih asocijativnih mreža u domaćoj i međunarodnoj sferi. Opšti pregled ove analize prati konstrukciju sefardskih organizacija na tri nivoa njihove egzistencije: bosanskom, jugoslovenskom i međunarodnom. Velika raznovrsnost društava koju su bosanski Sefardi stvorili govori o početku građanskih inicijativa i modernizacije njihove zajednice, svojevrsno „građansko društvo pre demokratije“. Na sličan način, poriv za sentimentalnom rekonekcijom sa Španijom je predstavljao još jednu manifestaciju sefardske samosavesti i posledičnog preklapanja više slojeva njihovog pripadanja. Štaviše, cionizam je podstakao specifično sefardsku reakciju, odnosno stvaranje sefardskog pokreta u periodu između dva rata, u kome su aktivno učestvovali i bosanski Sefardi. Sefardizam, njihova ideologija, nije bio oblik separatizma u odnosu na većinsku braću, Aškenaze, već je reprezentovao drugačije tumačenje cionizma, bez odbacivanja istog. Na posletku, Kraljevina Jugoslavija imala je prilično aktivnu aškensku i sefardsku zajednicu, što je čini korisnom studijom slučaja za divergentna mišljenja Jevreja. Pored toga, reevaluacija sefardskih organizacija u periodu između dva rata neophodan je uslov da bi se popunio i objasnio postojeći eksplanatorni jaz u jevrejskoj i jugoslovenskoj istoriji. Sefardski pokret je bio moderna inicijativa, omogućio je platformu za demokratsku raspravu i promovisao krucijalni zahtev za kulturnom raznolikošću u okvirima jevrejstva , koji je i danas aktuelan.This paper investigates the impact that specific historical circumstances between the two wars had on the advancement of Sephardic self-knowledge in Sarajevo, as well as on the modernization of their associative networks in the domestic and international spheres. The general overview of this analysis follows the construction of Sephardic organizations at three levels of their existence: Bosnian, Yugoslav, and international. The great variety of societies created by Bosnian Sephardim speaks of the beginning of civil initiatives and modernization of their community, a kind of "civil society before democracy". Similarly, the urge to sentimentally reconnect with Spain represented another manifestation of Sephardic self-awareness and the consequent overlapping of multiple layers of their belonging.Tekst članka na španskom jeziku dostupan je preko linka [https://jevrejskadigitalnabiblioteka.rs/handle/123456789/2686

    Fizičko‐hemijska karakterizacija formiranja polielektrolitnih kompleksa hitozan/ksantan guma kao nosača ibuprofena

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    By mixing the dispersions of oppositely charged polymers, intermolecular interactions are established and polyelectrolyte complexes (PECs) are formed. These interactions can differ in strength and extent, which can be influenced by the presence of the drug in the complex (1). The aim of this study was the physicochemical characterization of the formation of chitosan (CH)/xanthan gum (XG)-based placebo and ibuprofen-loaded PEC. The course of the PECs formation process was monitored by measuring the transmittance, which was reduced by adding XG dispersion, without or with ibuprofen, into CH dispersion whose initial transmittance was 97.53±0.64%. The final transmittance was 11.51±2.98% for placebo and 0.29±0.10% for ibuprofen-loaded PEC. The decrease in transmittance indicated the formation of complexes by establishing interactions between polymers and ibuprofen. CH dispersion had a Newtonian type of flow, while XG dispersions without and with ibuprofen and PEC hydrogels had pseudoplastic flow with thixotropy. The maximum apparent viscosities (ηmax at 22.2 s -1) of PEC hydrogels (1.65±0.06 Pa·s for placebo and 2.18±0.04 Pa·s for ibuprofen-loaded PEC) were higher compared to the dynamic viscosity of CH dispersion (0.09±0.01 Pa·s) and ηmax of XG dispersion without (0.20±0.00 Pa·s) and with ibuprofen (0.22±0.00 Pa·s). The measured increase of maximum apparent viscosities in PEC hydrogels confirmed the formation of complexes. Higher apparent viscosities corresponded to stronger interactions within PECs (2). Interactions were stronger in ibuprofen-loaded compared to placebo PEC, so it can be assumed that the ibuprofen entrapment can result in its controlled release from the carrier.Mešanjem disperzija suprotno naelektrisanih polimera dolazi do uspostavljanja međumolekulskih interakcija i formiranja polielektrolitnih kompleksa (PEK). Ove interakcije mogu biti različite jačine i obima, na šta može uticati i prisustvo lekovite supstance u kompleksu (1). Cilj ovog istraživanja bila je fizičko-hemijska karakterizacija formiranja placebo i PEK sa ibuprofenom na bazi hitozana (H) i ksantan gume (KG). Tok procesa formiranja PEK praćen je merenjem transmitance, koja se smanjivala dodavanjem disperzije KG, sa ili bez ibuprofena, u disperziju H čija je inicijalna transmitanca bila 97,53±0,64%. Kod placebo PEK finalna transmitanca bila je 11,51±2,98%, a kod PEK sa ibuprofenom 0,29±0,10%. Smanjenje transmitance ukazalo je na očekivano formiranje kompleksa uspostavljanjem interakcija između polimera i ibuprofena. Disperzija H imala je njutnovski tip proticanja, a disperzije KG sa i bez ibuprofena i PEK hidrogelovi, pseudoplastično proticanje sa tiksotropijom. Maksimalni prividni viskoziteti (ηmax na 22,2 s -1 ) PEK hidrogelova bili su 1,65±0,06 Pa·s (placebo PEK) i 2,18±0,04 Pa·s (PEK sa ibuprofenom), što je bilo veće u poređenju sa dinamičkim viskozitetom disperzije H (0,09±0,01 Pa·s) i ηmax disperzije KG bez (0,20±0,00 Pa·s) i sa ibuprofenom (0,22±0,00 Pa·s). Izmereni porast maksimalnog prividnog viskoziteta u PEK hidrogelovima potvrdio je formiranje PEK i uspostavljanje karakterističnih interakcija između njegovih komponenata. Veći prividni viskoziteti odgovarali su jačim i obimnijim interakcijama unutar PEK (2). Interakcije su bile jače u PEK sa ibuprofenom u odnosu na placebo PEK, pa se može pretpostaviti da bi se inkorporiranjem ibuprofena u PEK moglo postići njegovo kontrolisano oslobađanje iz nosača.VIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogra

    Development of drug delivery systems based on chitosan/xanthan polyelectrolyte complexes: in vitro characterization of rehydration process

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    Polielektrolitni kompleksi (PEC) nastaju uspostavljanjem jonskih interakcija između polimera pri pH oko njihovih pKa. Formiranje i kapacitet PEC za rehidrataciju u fiziološkim tečnostima, koje može uticati na mehanizam i brzinu oslobađanja aktivne supstance, može zavisiti od pH i prirode medijuma. Cilj rada je ispitivanje uticaja pH medijuma i upotrebljene kiseline na rehidrataciju čvrstih PEC hitozana i ksantana. Pripremljeni hidrogelovi tipa PEC ksantana i hitozana pri pH 3,6; 4,6 i 5,6, upotrebom hlorovodonične (HK) i sirćetne (SK) kiseline su osušeni, usitnjeni i upotrebljeni za izradu vodenih disperzija u koncentracijama 2% i 4% na šejkeru LSB18 (Grant, Velika Britanija) tokom 24 h, na 37±1 °C i 100 o/min. Primenjena je metoda kontrolisane brzine smicanja koja raste od 0 do 100 s-1, a zatim opada do 0 s-1 tokom 400 s na 37±0,1 °C na reometru Rheolab MC120 (Paar Physica, Nemačka) sa mernim uređajem Z3 DIN. Posle 24 h uzorci su bili potpuno hidratisani. Reogrami svih disperzija pokazuju proticanje sa tiksotropijom. Najveće vrednosti tiksotropije određene su kod PEC pripremljenih pri pH 3,6, a najmanje pri pH 4,6, nezavisno od korišćene kiseline i koncentracije PEC u disperziji. Struktuiranost uzoraka procenjena je na osnovu vrednosti prividnog viskoziteta (ηmin na 100 s-1/ ηmax na 22,2 s-1). Najveće vrednosti η pri koncentraciji 4% imali su uzorci pripremljeni sa SK pri pH 5,6 (1440/5450 mPa·s), a najmanje sa HK pri pH 4,6 (979/3440 mPa·s). Pri koncentraciji 2% najveće vrednosti η imali su uzorci pripremljeni sa HK pri pH 3,6 (557/2010 mPa·s), a najmanje sa HK pri pH 4,6 (198/692 mPa·s). Može se zaključiti da su izbor kiseline i pH medijuma značajno uticali na jačinu interakcija između polimera, i posledično na strukturu čvrstih PEC i reološke karakteristike nakon hidratacije, što se može odraziti na kinetiku oslobađanja aktivnih supstanci.Polyelectrolyte complexes (PECs) are formed by establishing ion interactions between polymers at pH around their pKa. Formation and PEC rehydration capacity in physiological fluids, which can affect the active substance release mechanism and rate, might depend on pH and medium composition. The aim of this study is to examine the influence of pH of medium and acid choice on rehydration of solid chitosan/xanthan PECs. Prepared chitosan/xanthan PEC hydrogels at pH 3.6, 4.6 and 5.6 using hydrochloric (HA) and acetic (AA) acid were dried and used for aqueous dispersions preparation at concentrations of 2% and 4% on LSB18 shaker (Grant, UK) during 24 h, at 37±1 °C and 100 rpm. Controlled shear rate measurements were performed on rheometer Rheolab MC120 (Paar Physica, Germany) with Z3 DIN measuring device by increasing shear rate from 0 to 100 s-1 and back to 0 s-1, during 400 s at 37±0.1 °C. Samples were completely hydrated after 24 h. All dispersions rheograms demonstrated flow with thixotropy. The highest thixotropy values were determined for PECs prepared at pH 3.6, and lowest at pH 4.6, independently of the used acid and PEC concentration. Sample structure estimation was based on apparent viscosities (ηmin at 100 s-1/ηmax at 22.2 s-1). The highest η at concentration of 4% had samples prepared with AA at pH 5.6 (1440/5450 mPa·s), and lowest with HA at pH 4.6 (979/3440 mPa·s). At concentration of 2%, highest η had samples prepared with HA at pH 3.6 (557/2010 mPa·s), and lowest with HA at pH 4.6 (198/692 mPa·s). It can be concluded that acid choice and pH of medium significantly influenced the interaction intensity between polymers, and consequently, solid PECs structure and rheological characteristics after hydration, which can be reflected in active substance release kinetics.Treći kongres farmaceuta Crne Gore sa međunarodnim učešćem "Novi horizonti u farmaciji - izazovi i mogućnosti", 09.-12. maj 2019. godine, Budva, Bečić

    Characterization of chitosan/xanthan gum polyelectrolyte complexes as carriers for ibuprofen: influence of drug encapsulation procedure on complex formation

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    Introduction Ibuprofen (IBU) is commonly used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It is a weak acid (pKa ~4.5) with low pH dependent aqueous solubility (46 μg/mL at pH 1.5 and ˃300 μg/mL at pH˃7, at 25 °C). The most commonly used oral dose is 200–600 mg/6h. Drug solubility, which affects the dissolution and absorption from the formulation is a common problem in developing efficient formulation for oral IBU delivery (Ćirić et al., 2020; Irvine et al., 2018). Chitosan (CH) and xanthan gum (XG) polyelectrolyte complexes (PECs) already demonstrated improved drug solubility, permeability, pH sensitivity and controlled drug release. Polycationic CH can interact electrostatically with negatively charged compounds (Sogias et al., 2012), such as XG, for the development of PEC-based drug carriers. IBU encapsulation procedure could influence the drug-polymer interactions and the PECs formation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of IBU encapsulation procedure on the formation and properties of CH/XG PECs as drug carriers. Materials and methods Three different procedures of IBU (BASF, Germany) encapsulation were performed. In the procedure A, IBU was mixed with formed PEC hydrogel consisting of medium molecular weight CH (Sigma Aldrich, USA) and XG (Jungbunzlauer, Switzerland) (4.6A). In the procedure B, IBU was dispersed in the XG solution before mixing with the CH solution and PEC formation (4.6B). In the procedure C, IBU was added into the aqueous medium after the complexing of CH and XG and allowed to diffuse into the PEC (4.6C). The concentration of both polymers in the aqueous solutions was 0.65% w/v, and their volume ratio 1:1. The pH of CH solutions was adjusted to 4.6 with acetic acid. Mixing was performed on laboratory propeller mixer RZR 2020 (Heidolph, Germany). IBU-to-polymers mass ratio was 1:1. The evaluation of PECs formation and the strength of interactions between the polymers and IBU was done by pH (HI 9321, Hanna Instruments, USA), conductivity (CDM 230, Radiometer, Denmark) and rheological measurements (Rheolab MC 120, Paar Physica, Austria) by increasing the shear rate from 0 to 100 s-1 and back to 0 s-1 at 20±0.2 °C, in triplicate. PEC hydrogels were dried under ambient conditions, grinded and sieved. Then, the yield (%Y), the IBU encapsulation efficiency (%EE) and the drug loading (%DL) were calculated. The total amount of CH, XG and IBU, the initial amount of IBU used for PEC preparation and the IBU/polymers ratio were considered 100% for %Y, %EE and %DL, respectively. The calculation of %EE and %DL: 20 mg of each PEC was dissolved in 100 ml of methanol/phosphate buffer pH 7.2 (80:20 V/V) by sonication (Sonorex RK1024, Bandelin, Germany). IBU concentration was determined spectrophotometrically at 224 nm (Evolution 300, Thermo Scientific, USA). Results and discussion After the complexing of CH and XG and the encapsulation of IBU, the pH values of 4.33±0.05 for 4.6A, 4.49±0.05 for 4.6B and 4.11±0.03 for 4.6C were measured. The lowest pH of 4.6C can be explained by the diffusion of hydrogen ions into the hydrogel from the PEC preparation medium, due to IBU dissociation. The highest pH for 4.6B could be explained by the dispersion of IBU in XG solution at high drug concentration. That suppresses its dissociation, resulting in lower concentrations of hydrogen ions into the hydrogel. The ionization ability of IBU, responsible for its non-covalent interactions with CH and XG, may accelerate the dissolution of this crystalline drug by partial disruption of its crystal lattice, which could potentially influence the release kinetics of IBU from PEC-based carriers (Sogias et al., 2012). The conductivity decreased during the formation of PECs, confirming the establishment of interactions between the polymers and IBU. The final conductivity of 4.6A was 920±11 μS/cm, of 4.6B was 615±3 μS/cm, and of 4.6C 833±67 μS/cm. The differences between the samples were expected since only free ions are responsible for the conductivity of samples (Ćirić et al., 2020). All PECs showed pseudoplastic flow behavior with thixotropy. Thixotropy was evaluated based on the hysteresis area (H) values. The highest value of 1019.10±297.01 Pa/s was detected for 4.6B, while the lowest, 68.20±47.39 Pa/s, was measured for 4.6A. The H of 4.6C was 784.06±143.63 Pa/s. Higher H values are correlated with stronger interactions between IBU and polymers (Ćirić et al., 2020; Djekic et al., 2016). The strength of the interactions was also evaluated by measuring the apparent viscosity (maximal at 11.1 s-1 – ηmax, and minimal at 100 s-1 – ηmin) of PECs. The highest ηmax was measured for 4.6B (4.97±0.43 Pa·s), and the lowest for 4.6A (3.92±0.36 Pa·s). The ηmax for 4.6C was 4.30±0.23 Pa·s. The ηmin for all samples was 0.64±0.08 Pa· s. These results are in accordance both with thixotropy and the conductivity of the samples. The highest %Y and %EE had 4.6B (54.14±3.14% and 59.05±3.14%, respectively), and the lowest 4.6C (18.70±4.23% and 0.89±0.05%, respectively). For 4.6A, %Y was 48.04±2.08%, and %EE 53.19±3.07%. %DL ~50% for 4.6A and 4.6B and ~2.5% for 4.6C indicated that the PEC 4.6B resulted in the best characteristics as a carrier of poorly soluble, highly dosed drug, such as IBU. Conclusion IBU encapsulation by dispersion in the XG solution before mixing with the CH solution (PEC formation) could be considered optimal to prepare PECs as promising drug carriers with strongest interpolymer interactions, the highest %Y, and %EE.7th Congress of Pharmacy in North Macedonia with International participation 2020, which was postponed to 2021 due to the ongoing spread of Corona (SARS-CoV-2) virus over the world