39 research outputs found

    Klappmysshunnens forplantningsbiologi

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    Klappmysshunnens forplantningsbiologi

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    Sjøpattedyr og petroleumsvirksomhet i norske farvann

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    Recent age compositions and aberrant migration patterns of the Barents Sea stock of harp seals Phoca groenlandica

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    Since 1978, and in particular in 1986-1988, large numbers of harp seals Phoca groenlandica have invaded coastal waters of North Norway during winter and spring. After 1988 the harp seal invasions have been restricted to the northeastemmost parts of the coast of Norway. In 1995, however, a significant increase occurred in both the magnitude and the spatial extent of the harp seal invasions. Sampling of stomach contents, teeth for age determinations and body condition parameters were carried out on seals taken as by-catches in Norwegian gillnet fisheries during winter and spring in 1995. In early winter the seal herds comprised immature animals (mainly from the 1994 year class), while mature females dominated in the spring. Analyses of stomach contents suggested that the diet mainly contained fish, in particular saithe Pollachius virens, haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus and cod Gadus morhua. Body condition parameters revealed that the one year old seals taken in February 1995 were in significantly poorer condition than harp seals of the same age taken in the southeastem Barents Sea in February 1993. Also the mature females taken in April 1995 had significantly lower condition compared to adult females collected in April 1992. Recaptures of 39 immature harp seals tagged in the White Sea (mainly in 1994) suggest that the invading young harp seals in the winter of 1995 belonged to the Barents Sea stock. Age compositions of the Barents Sea harp seals based on material collected during Norwegian commercial sealing in the East Ice moulting lairs in 1995 suggest a low recruitment to this stock of the 1993 and in particular the 1994 year classes

    Seal investigations in the North Atlantic in 1974

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    Accounts are given of weather and ice conditions, the distribution of seals and of sampling of harp and hooded seals at Newfoundland-Labrador, in the West Ice (at Jan Mayen), in the East Ice (in the Eastern Barents Sea) and in the Denmark trait. A few provisional results of age analysis are given. Some observations from the coast of Norway suggest increasing numbers of local common and grey seals

    Seal investigations in the North Atlantic in 1974

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    Accounts are given of weather and ice conditions, the distribution of seals and of sampling of harp and hooded seals at Newfoundland-Labrador, in the West Ice (at Jan Mayen), in the East Ice (in the Eastern Barents Sea) and in the Denmark Strait. A few provisional results of age analysis are given. Some observations from the coast of Norway suggest increasing numbers of local common and grey seals

    Investigations of common seals (Phoca vitulina) and grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) in Rogaland and Finnmark counties Norway, in 1981

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    The outer coastline from Bømlafjorden to Jæren and Lysefjorden in Rogaland were surveyed 29 May-5 June. Another survey was carried out on the coast of Finnmark from Varangerfjorden to Sørøya 26 June-7 July 1981. In Rogaland a total of 75 common seals was recorded. The seals were most abundant in the Kvitsøy-Håsteinen area (38 seals) and in Lysefjorden (27 seals). In Kongsfjorden, Finnmark, 23 pups were observed (corresponding to a total stock in excess of 100 seals). Another colony of common seals was found at Sørøya (20 seals), and common seals were also seen in Varangerfjorden, Tanafjorden and Kobbfjorden. Concentrations of grey seals were found in the Espevær-Utsira area (36 seals) and at Kjør (60 seals) in Rogaland, and in Syltefjorden (40 seals) and at Sørøya (70 seals) in Finnmark. Scattered seals or small groups were also seen outside these areas. Due to adverse weather conditions very few common seals were observed during the surveys, and the numbers recorded probably are significantly lower than actual stocks. So far, the available data are insufficient to assess the stocks of common seals in Rogaland and Finnmark. However, the observations of grey seals indicate an increase from assessed stocks in the early 1960-ies. Stomachs from a total of ten common seals and nine grey seals were examined during the surveys. Haddock, sand eels and flatfishes were identified in the common seals, while the grey seal stomachs contained catfish, saithe, haddock, herring, lumpsucker, sand eels and flatfishes. The maximum volume of stomach contents found in a common sea1 was 4 1, and volumes up to 6 l were recorded in grey seals. The average infestation of parasitic nematodes in the stomachs of examined common seals was 64 worms, while the average infestation in the grey seals was 492 worms. An aerial survey to count whitecoated grey seal pups was carried out 7 November in Rogaland. No pup or concentration of grey seals was observed, and if grey seals do produce pups in Rogaland, pupping probably occurs in early Octoher. Aerial surveys were also carried out along the coast of Finnmark 28 and 29 October. No grey seal pup was found, and the surveys were repeated 17-20 November. At that time concentrations of grey seals were ohserved on shore at the presumed breeding localities. It therefore seems likely that pupping in Finnmark occurs later than 20 November

    Seal investigations in the North Atlantic in 1972

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    Accounts are given of field work at Newfoundland—Labrador, in the Jan Mayen area of the Greenland Sea (West Ice), in the southeastern Barents Sea (East Ice) and in the Denmark Strait to collect material and data for studies of harp and hooded seals. The distributions of seals and ice are shown on maps

    Publication of catch statistics and routine biological data for North Atlantic seals.

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    Norsk fangst og undersøkelse av sel i 1994 (Norwegian catches and investigations of seals in 1994)

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    Four Norwegian vessels caught a total of 17621 harp and 492 hooded seals in the West Ice (Greenland Sea) and the East Ice (Barents Sea) in 1994. The Norwegian Marine Mamma1 Research Programme was brought to an end in an 'International Symposium on the Biology of Marine Mammals in the Northeast Atlantic' in 1994. Presentations involving studies of seals included assessments, biology, physiology, ecology, energetics, parasites, contaminants and interactions with fisheries. An attempt to survey hooded seals in the West Ice was impeded by extremely unfavourable weather- and ice-conditions. Age compositions from catches of moulting harp seals indicate a continued relatively poor representaion of year-classes 1987 and 1988 in the West Ice and a very poor representation of the year-classes 1986, 1987 and 1988 in the East Ice. Recaptured of tagged seals show that subadult harp seals from the White Sea may disperse over wide areas of the Northeast Atlantic, to Svalbard in the north, East-Greenland in the west and the North Sea coast of Rogaland County in the south. Published and recorded observations have been used as basis for a review of harp seal migration patterns in the Barents Sea through the year. A method has been developed for assessment of grey sea1 pup production at Froan in South- Trøndelag. Recaptures of grey seals tagged at Froan show a fairly wide dispersal along the coast, both northwards and to the south. Taggings of grey sea1 pups were continued in Finnmark County and in support of a Russian programme on the coast of the Kola Peninsula. Common seals were tagged at Vesterålen in Nordland County and at Svalbard. Experimental off-season surveys in Rogaland indicate that vertical aerial photography may provide results which are comparable to visual surveys from motorized dinghies. NORSK SAMMENDRAG:Fire norske skuter fanget tilsammen 17621 grønlandssel og 492 klappmyss i Vesterisen og Østisen i 1994. NFRs sjøpattedyrprogram ble avsluttet med et internasjonalt symposium i 1994. Rapporter om undersøkelser av sel omfatter b1.a. bestandsforhold, biologi, fysiologi, økologi, energetikk, parasitter, forurensning og interaksjoner med fisket. Forsøk på telling av klappmyss i Vesterisen ble hindret av ekstreme vær- og isforhold. Aldersanalyser av fangstene av hårfellende grønlandssel viser fortsatt en forholdsvis svak representasjon av årsklassene 1987 og 1988 i Vesterisen, og at årsklassene 1986- 1988 fremdeles er meget svake i Østisen. Gjenfangster av merkede dyr viser at unge grønlandssel fra Kvitsjøen kan streife over store havområder, nordover til Svalbard, vestover til østkysten av Grønland og sørover langs norskekysten til Rogaland fylke. Publiserte og registrerte observasjoner har gitt grunnlaget for en oppsummering av grønlandsselens vandringsmønster i Barentshavet. En metode for bestandsberegning er utviklet for havert i Froan. Gjenfangster av merkede havert fra Froan viser spredning både mot nord og mot sør. Merkingen av havertunger fortsettes i Finnmark og på Kolakysten. Steinkobbe er merket i Vesterålen og på Svalbard. Tellinger av kystsel i Rogaland viser at når vær- og lysforholdene er rimelig gode kan vertikal flyfotografering gi resultater som er sammenlignbare med visuelle tellinger fra gummibåt