103 research outputs found

    Yeni fonksiyonel polimerlerle Cd(II), Cu(II), Ni(II) ve Pb(II) iyonlarının adsorpsiyonunun incelenmesi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Anahtar kelimeler: Ağır metaller, adsorpsiyon, poliamin- poliüre polimeri, izoterm, kinetik, termodinamik, yapay sinir ağları. Bu çalışmada, poliamin- poliüre polimeri sentezlendi ve sentezlenen bu polimer piromellitik dianhidrit ve 2,4 dihidroksibenzaldehit ile modifiye edildi. Bu polimerlerin elementel analiz ve FTIR spektroskopik teknikleri ile karakterizasyonları yapıldı. Piromellitik dianhidrit ile modifiye edilmiş poliamin-poliüre polimeri (PMPPP) ve 2,4 dihidroksibenzaldehit modifiye edilmiş poliamin-poliüre polimeri (DMPPP) ile Cd(II), Cu(II), Ni(II) ve Pb(II) iyonlarının kesikli adsorpsiyon çalışmaları yapıldı. Adsorpsiyon çalışmalarında pH, temas süresi, adsorban miktarı, ağır metal başlangıç konsantrasyonu ve sıcaklık gibi parametrelerin etkisi incelendi. İzoterm ve kinetik incelemeleri sonucunda her iki polimerle tüm metallerin adsorpsiyonunun Langmuir izoterm modeli ve Hayali ikinci derece kinetik modeline uygunluğu saptandı, tanecik içi difüzyon modeli incelemesi sonucunda ise tanecik içi difüzyonun tek başına hız sınırlayıcı etken olmadığı anlaşıldı. Sıcaklık çalışması sonuçları ile termodinamik parametreler hesaplandı. Termodinamik hesaplamalar sonucu, çalışılan tüm metaller ve her bir polimer için gerçekleştirilen adsorpsiyon proseslerinin endotermik, tersinmez ve kendiliğinden gerçekleşir özellikte olduğu görüldü. Karma metal çözeltilerinin adsorpsiyon- desorpsiyon çalışmaları gerçekleştirildi. Metallerin bir arada bulunduğu sentetik çözeltilerde de polimerlerin ağır metal giderim yüzdelerinin yüksek olduğu görüldü. Desorpsiyon verimlerinden de polimerlerin tekrarlı kullanımlarının mümkün olduğu sonucuna varıldı. Endüstriyel atıksularla gerçekleştirilen uygulamalar, yeni polimerlerin seçilen ağır metalleri gerçek atıksu örneklerinde de yüksek verimlerle adsorplayabildiğini gösterdi. Sentezlenen yeni fonksiyonel polimer ile gerçekleştirilen Cd(II), Cu(II), Ni(II) ve Pb(II) metal iyonlarının adsorpsiyon çalışmalarının sonuçları bir mühendislik uygulaması olarak YSA ile modellendi. Oluşturulan YSA modellerinin tahmin performansları değerlendirildi. Performans değerlendirmesi sonucunda YSA modellerinin, adsorpsiyon sonuçlarını başarıyla tahmin ettiği görüldü.Key words: Heavy metals, adsorption, polyamine-polyurea polymer, isotherms, kinetics, thermodynamics, artificial neural networks. In this study, polyamine-polyurea polymer was synthesized and the synthesized polymer was modified with pyromellitic dianhydride and 2,4 dihydroxybenzaldehyde. The characterizations of these polymers were performed with elemental analysis and FTIR spectroscopic techniques. Polyamine-polyurea polymer modified with pyromellitic dianhydride (PMPPP) and polyamine-polyurea polymer modified with 2,4 dihydroxybenzaldehyde (DMPPP) were used to perform batch adsorption studies of Cd(II), Cu(II), Ni(II) and Pb(II) ions. Adsorption studies were carried out to examine effects of parameters such as pH, contact time, amount of adsorbent, initial concentration of heavy metals and the temperature. As a result of isotherm and kinetic studies of all metals with both polymers, the adsorption procces was found to comply with Langmuir isotherm model and Pseudo-second-order kinetic model. Results of intra-particle diffusion model analysis, it was revealed that the intra-particle diffusion was not a single speed limiting factor. Thermodynamic parameters that calculated with the results of temperature studies showed the adsorption processes for all metals with each polymer have endothermic, irreversible and spontaneous nature. Adsorption-desorption studies were performed with mixed metal solution. Heavy metal removal percentages of the polymers from synthetic solutions having a combination of metals were found to be high. Desorption yields suggested that repeated use of polymers is possible. Carried out applications with industrial wastewater showed selected heavy metals in actual wastewater samples can be adsorbed by new polymers with high yields. Performed study results of Cd(II), Cu(II), Ni(II) and Pb(II) metal ions adsorption by synthesized new functional polymers modeled with ANN as an engineering practice. Prediction performance of the created ANN models was evaluated. Evaluating results of model performance showed that the adsorption outputs were successfully predicted with the ANN model

    Effects of thymoquinone in a rat model of reserpine-induced depression

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    The objective of this study is to examine the antidepressant and antioxidant effects of thymoquinone (TQ) on reserpine-induced depression, and to investigate the antidepressant and antioxidant activity of combined treatment of TQ+citalopram. In total, 36 male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 6 groups: 1)control1, 2)control2, 3)reserpine, 4)reserpine+TQ 5)reserpine+citalopram and 6)reserpine+TQ+citalopram. Depression was induced by administering intraperitoneal reserpine of 0.2mg/kg/14days. For antidepressant effects, 10 mg/kg TQ and/or 10 mg/kg citalopram was administered intragastrically 30 minutes prior to the administration of reserpine. Rat behavior was examined using the Behavioral Test following the completion of treatment protocol. Total nitric oxide (NOx) levels, malondialdehyde (MDA) levels, total oxidants status (TOS), total antioxidant status (TAS) in brain cortex, plasma as well as brain cortex glutathione (GSH) and levels of plasma total sulfhydryl groups (RSH) were examined. Treatment with TQ ameliorated the reserpine-induced changes in the Behavioral Test (p<0.05). TQ treatment significantly increased dopamine (DA) and noradrenaline (NA) expressions when compared to the R group (p<0.01). Serotonin (5-HT) expression also increased significantly (p<0.05). Brain cortex and plasma TOS, MDA and NOx levels decreased, whereas TAS, GSH and RSH levels increased (p< 0.05). TQ has the ability to prevent depression induced by reserpine. The combination of TQ+citalopram can be used in the treatment of depression with a stronger antioxidant effec

    Emotional Dimensions Regarding Job Satisfaction: The Case of Dashboard Design for City Buses

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    In studies regarding bus drivers’ workstation design, physical and cognitive ergonomics related issues of driving are handled widely. However in order to maintain well-being of bus drivers, emotional issues should also be taken into account. The aim of this paper is to present the emotional dimensions of job satisfaction for urban bus drivers in Turkey, in order to provide design considerations for the public bus dashboard. The paper outlines the findings regarding emotional dimensions and hedonic needs from the product development project of an urban bus dashboard involving several research studies, the aim of which were not specifically to obtain users’ emotional needs. However, as these needs cannot be considered separately from the needs that can be defined as tangible or functional, the outcomes of the prior studies provide important information regarding this issue

    Assessment of lower Sakarya river water quality in terms of ırrigation water

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    Aşağı Sakarya Alt Havzası, Sakarya Nehrinin doğduğu noktadan itibaren maruz kaldığı sanayi faaliyetlerinin ve yerleşim yerlerinden kaynaklanan atıksuların, tarımsal ve kentsel yayılı kaynakların ve geçtiği jeolojik formasyonların etkisi altındadır. Tüm bu kirletici yüklerin etkisine rağmen geçtiği bölgelerde aynı zamanda tarımsal sulama maksadıyla da kullanılmaktadır. Bu nedenle, bu su kaynağının içme ve endüstriyel kullanımı yanında özellikle tarımsal amaçlı sürdürülebilir kullanımının önemi artmaktadır. Bu amaçla, çalışma kapsamında Aşağı Sakarya Nehrinin tarımsal amaçlı sulama suyu bakımından kalitesi belirlenmiştir. Aşağı Sakarya Nehri üzerinde Devlet Su İşleri (DSİ) tarafından işletilen 3 adet istasyona ait su kalite verilerine ait farklı fiziko-kimyasal özellikler farklı sulama suyu standartları açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Bu standartlar temelinde sulama suyu kalitesi, Elektriksel iletkenlik (Eİ), ve Toplam Sertlik (TS) değerleri ile Schoeller Diyagramı, Sodyum Adsorbsiyon Oranı (SAR), Sodyum yüzdesi (%Na), Magnezyum Oranı (MR), Potansiyel Tuzluluk (PS) ve Kelley indeksi (KI) gibi değerlendirme kriterleri kullanılarak yorumlanmıştırThe Lower Sakarya Sub-Basin is under the influence of the industrial activities and the wastewater from settlements, agricultural and urban run-off and the geological formations it has undergone since the birth of the Sakarya River. In spite of the effect of all these pollutant loads, it is also used for agricultural irrigation purposes. Therefore, the importance of sustainable use of this water resource for drinking and industrial use as well as for agricultural purposes is increasing. For this purpose, Lower Sakarya River quality of irrigation water for agricultural purposes has been determined. Different physical-chemical properties of water quality data belonging to 3 stations operated by State Hydraulic Works (DSI) on Sakarya River were evaluated in terms of national and international water quality standards. On the basis of these standards, irrigation water quality was interpreted by using evaluation criteria such as Electrical conductivity (EC), and Total Hardness (TH) values, Schoeller Diagram, Sodium Adsorption Rate (SAR), Sodium percentage (% Na), Magnesium Ratio (MR), Potential Salinity (PS) and Kelley index (KI)

    The Effects of Monochromatic Lighting on Hatch Window and Hatching Performance in Broiler Breeder Eggs

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    In this study, the effects of monochromatic lighting on egg weight loss, embryonic mortality, hatch window and hatching performance were investigated. The number of eggs used in the experiment was a total of 780 (Ross-308 genotype). Eggs were randomly assigned to 3 groups. 1) Control group%253A Eggs were incubated in dark, 2) Green light group%253A 560 nm (wavelength from 535 to 585 nm), 3) Red light group%253A 670 nm (wavelength from 640 to 690 nm). During the first 18 days of the incubation period, continuous illumination of 0.1-0.2 lx intensity was provided with LEDs placed on both sides of the trays. The light transmission was prevented by blank trays coated with greenhouse covering material which has 75%25 shading feature placed among experiment groups. In this way, light transmission to other trays and any possible hitches of air circulation was prevented. There was no difference between examined egg weights of the treatment groups in the experiment, but its found that significant difference in egg weight loss for both colours of light. Red light and control groups (15.00%25 and 11.92%25) show a similar embryonic mortality rate, while the green light group has a lower embryonic mortality rate (5.00%25) than these groups. The effects of monochromatic lighting on the hatching time were significant (Chi-squarelt%253B0.05). Although there was no significant difference between hatching performance parameters of the control and red light treatment groups in the experiment, the green light group had better hatching efficiency than the other groups. The findings of this research were carried out with two different light wavelengths are remarkable for showing that the significant effects of the monochromatic illumination on hatching results

    ITPA related developmental encephalopathy: Key role of neuroimaging

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    A 4-month-old girl presented with poor head control. She was born at term without complications. Parents were nonconsanguineous but from the same village. Her neurological examination revealed normal deep tendon reflexes with flexor plantar responses. She had microcephaly (head circumference 36 cm, -3.5 SD) and also dysmorphic features including a high arched palate, long philtrum, anteverted auricles. Metabolic studies including ammonia, serum amino acids, urine organic acids, acylcarnitine profile, lactate, pyruvate levels, and thyroid function studies were normal. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain showed delayed myelination (hyperintensities in the posterior limb of internal capsule) in the T2- weighted image and restricted diffusion in the posterior limb of the internal capsule, optic radiation, cerebral peduncles, substantia nigra, the pyramidal tracts in the midbrain, and cerebellar white matter [Figure 1]. After one month of follow-up, the patient exhibited intractable tonic seizures. Interictal electroencephalogram showed focal spike and slow waves in the left occipital region. She was treated with phenobarbital, levetiracetam, and topiramate. Whole–exome sequencing (WES) analysis revealed a homozygous pathogenic splice-site variant c. 124 + 1G > A located in intron 2 of ITPA gene (PVS1, PM2, PP3, PP5). This variant had been reported previously (rs376142053).{Figure 1

    The Effects of In Ovo Injection of Propolis Extract to Breeder Eggs on Hatchability and Early Performance in Broilers

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    This research was conducted to determine the effects of in ovo injection of propolis extract into the amnion to breeder eggs on hatchability and early performance in broilers. For this purpose, a total of 250 Ross 308 broiler breeder hatching eggs were obtained from a commercial hatchery. Eggs were divided into four groups randomly, isotonic serum sodium (0.9%25) was injected at the level of 0.2 ml into the first group and there were used as positive control (PC) group, whereas there was no treatment on negative control (NC) group. Where the amount of 0.2 ml prepared mixture which is included %253 propolis extract were injected into low propolis (LP) group, 0.2 ml prepared mixture which is included %256 propolis extract were given into the high propolis group (HP). In ovo propolis extract injection resulted in a shorter hatching time compared with the control groups. The hatchability, hatching weight and survival of newly hatched chicks were not affected by in ovo injection of propolis extract according to our results. There were no differences between the control and treatmet groups in hatchability and embryonic mortality. The results indicated that except for the PC group chicks weights were similar at hatching day, but the later stage weights of chicks were started to significantly differ from each other and propolis groups have shown higher live weights than the controls at 5th and 10th day (Plt%253B0.05). All treatment groups exhibited greater weight gain from hatch to 10 d compared to the control groups. The results indicate that in ovo feeding of broiler embryos with propolis extract may have beneficial effects on day old chick weights and early growth rate

    Knowledge and attitudes towards complementary and alternative medicine among medical students in Turkey

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to examine knowledge and attitudes towards Complementary and Alternative Medicine among medical students in Turkey, and find out whether they want to be trained in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out between October and December 2010 among medical students. Data were collected from a total of seven medical schools. FINDINGS: The study included 943 medical students. The most well known methods among the students were herbal treatment (81.2 %), acupuncture (80.8 %), hypnosis (78.8 %), body-based practices including massage (77 %) and meditation (65.2 %), respectively. Acupuncture, aromatherapy, herbal treatment and meditation were better known among female participants compared to males (p < 0.05). Females and first year students, generally had more positive attitudes. A larger proportion of female students compared to male students reported that a doctor should be knowledgeable about CAM (p = 0.001), and this knowledge would be helpful in their future professional lives (p = 0.015). Positive attitudes towards and willingness to receive training declined as the number of years spent in the faculty of medicine increased. CONCLUSIONS: Majority of the medical students were familiar with the CAM methods widely used in Turkey, while most of them had positive attitudes towards CAM as well as willingness to receive training on the subject, and they were likely to recommend CAM methods to their patients in their future professional lives. With its gradual scientific development and increasing popularity, there appears a need for a coordinated policy in integrating CAM into the medical curriculum, by taking expectations of and feedback from medical students into consideration in setting educational standards

    Investigation of Strain Effects on Photoelectrochemical Performance of Flexible ZnO Electrodes

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    In this report, the growth of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanocrystals with various morphologies, nanoflower, nanosheet, and nanorod, on flexible stainless steel (SS) foils to be utilized as photoanodes in photoelectrochemical (PEC) solar cells has been presented. It has been aimed to provide flexibility and adaptability for the next generation systems with the incorporation of SS foils as electrode into PEC cells. Therefore, physical deformation tests have been applied to the prepared ZnO thin film photoanodes. These thin films have been thoroughly characterized before and after straining for better understanding the relationship between the morphology, straining effect and photoelectrochemical efficiency. We observed a notable increase in the maximum incident photon-to-current efficiency (IPCE) and durability of all ZnO photoelectrodes after straining process. The increase in IPCE values by 1.5 and 2.5 folds at 370 nm has been observed for nanoflower and nanorod morphologies, respectively after being strained. The maximum IPCE of 69% has been calculated for the ZnO nanorod structures after straining. Bending of the SS electrodes resulted in the more oriented nanorod arrays compared to its flat counterpart, which improved both the light absorption and also the photo-conversion efficiency drastically. The finite-difference time-domain simulations have also been carried out to examine the optical properties of flat and bent ZnO electrodes. Finally, it has been concluded that SS photoanodes bearing ZnO semiconducting material with nanoflower and nanorod morphologies are very promising candidates for the solar hydrogen generator systems in terms of efficiency, durability, flexibility, and lightness in weight