30 research outputs found

    Age- and gender-specific normative data of pinch strengths in a healthy Turkish population

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    İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Sağlık Yüksekokulu.It has been demonstrated that normative data of pinch strengths (PSs) vary among healthy populations. Data from 838 participants (420 women and 418 men) aged 15-96 years were analyzed to develop normative data of PSs for a healthy Turkish population and to analyze changes in the means according to the physical demands of participants' jobs. Lateral, palmar, and tip-to-tip pinch strengths were measured in standard manners. Occupations were classified based on the descriptions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Mean PSs peaked between the ages of 30-50 years in general and increased a small amount in parallel with the increasing strength ratings of the occupations. PS changes followed a curvilinear relationship to age. The differences between our findings and those of similar studies in this field emphasize the importance of using normative data specific to a particular population

    Conversion of grip strength scores between Jamar dynamometer and a modified sphygmomanometer in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Sağlık Yüksekokulu.BACKGROUND: Jamar dynamometer and modified sphygmomanometer (SphM) are used to evaluate grip strength (GS) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, their scores are not interchangeable. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to describe the intertrial reliability of grip strength measures obtained with Jamar dynamometer and an SphM, and delineate the relationship of the measures obtained with these two instruments when they were used in patients with RA. METHODS: Patients were eligible volunteers among 74 consecutive patients with definite diagnosis of RA. The data from 61 patients were analyzed. Student's t test was used to compare GS means of the male and female patients. Intertrial reliability was examined using one-way repeated measures ANOVA and intraclass correlation coefficients. The relationship between the measures was established using Pearson correlation coefficients and inverse regression analysis. The latter allowed the generation of conversion tables. RESULTS: GS means were not significantly different between the genders. Both instruments demonstrated excellent intertrial reliabilities. No significant difference was observed among the trials with each instrument. There was a strong relationship between the instruments' scores. This relationship was proven to be linear. Conversion equations were calculated based on the instruments' scores. CONCLUSION: Clinicians now have a table to convert hand strength scores between Jamar dynamometer and an SphM, and can determine the deviation from the normal in patients with RA

    Long-term results of total hip arthroplasty in patients with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada, juvenil romatoid artritli (JRA) hastalarda total kalça artroplastisinin (TKA) uzun dönem sonuçları değerlendirildi. Çalışma planı: Çalışmaya, JRA’ya bağlı kalça dejenerasyonu nedeniyle TKA uygulanan 23 hastanın (22 kadın, 1 erkek; ort. yaş 22; dağılım 17-30) 37 kalçası alındı. Tüm ameliyatlar aynı cerrah tarafından anterolateral yaklaşım ile gerçekleştirildi. Hastaların ortalama vücut yüzeyi 1.5 m² (dağılım 1.1-1.7 m²), semptomların başlangıcı ile cerrahi tedavi arasındaki süre ortalama 12 yıl (dağılım 7-16 yıl) idi. Yirmi üç kalçada çimentolu TKA, 14 kalçada hibrid tip protez kullanıldı. Femoral medullası dar ve asetabulumun sığ olduğu yedi kalçada GKD tipi (gelişimsel kalça displazisi zeminde uygulanan) protez tercih edildi. Hastaların klinik değerlendirmesinde Harris kalça skoru kullanıldı. Takip radyografilerinde prostetik gevşeme ve pozisyon kaybı araştırıldı; heterotopik kemik oluşumu değerlendirildi. Ortalama takip süresi 135 ay (dağılım 58-212 ay) idi. Sonuçlar: Ameliyat öncesinde ortalama 27.2 (dağılım 11-69) olan Harris kalça skoru ameliyat sonrasında 79.5’e (dağılım 37-87) yükseldi. Son kontrollerde tüm hastaların tedaviden memnun olduğu ve desteksiz yürüyebildiği gözlendi. İkisi aynı hastada olmak üzere üç kalçada (%8.1) revizyon ameliyatı uygulandı. Kaplan-Meier analizinde implant ömrü %86.5 bulundu. Harris kalça skoru ile radyografik gevşeme veya protez çevresi kalsifikasyon bulguları arasında ilişki bulunmadı. Radyografik incelemelerde, 17 kalçada (%46) derece I heterotopik kemikleşme gözlendi. Çıkarımlar: Kalça tutulumu olan JRA’lı hastalarda TKA ameliyatı genç yaşta uygulanmasına rağmen yaşam kalitesini ciddi oranda düzeltmektedir; ayrıca, bu hastalarda protez ömrü kısa olmamaktadır.Objectives: We evaluated the long-term results of total hip arthroplasty (THA) in patients with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA). Methods: The study included 37 hips of 23 patients (22 females, 1 male; mean age 22 years; range 17 to 30 years) who underwent THA for hip degeneration secondary to JRA. All arthroplasties were performed through an anterolateral approach by the same senior surgeon. The mean body surface of the patients was 1.5 m² (range 1.1 to 1.7 m²) and the mean symptom duration to surgery was 12 years (range 7 to 16 years). Twenty-three hips received cemented, 14 hips received hybrid prostheses. In seven hips with an extremely narrow femoral medulla and shallow acetabulum, a CDH prosthesis was used. The hips were evaluated using the Harris hip score. Prosthetic loosening and displacement and heterotopic bone formation were assessed on follow-up radiographs. The mean follow-up period was 135 months (range 58 to 212 months). Results: The mean Harris hip score increased from 27.2 (range 11 to 69) to 79.5 (range 37 to 87) postoperatively. At final follow-ups, all the patients were satisfied with the outcome and were able to walk without support. Three hips (8.1%; 3 patients) required revision. The overall Kaplan- Meier implant survival rate was 86.5%. There were no significant correlations between the Harris hip score and radiographic loosening and the presence of calcification around the prosthesis. Heterotopic bone formation of grade I was observed in 17 hips (46%). Conclusion: Even though it is performed at young ages, THA considerably improves quality of life of patients with JRA having hip joint involvement and has a comparable implant survival

    Long-term results of total hip arthroplasty in patients with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

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    Objectives: We evaluated the long-term results of total hip arthroplasty (THA) in patients with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA). Methods: The study included 37 hips of 23 patients (22 females; 1 male; mean age 22 years; range 17 to 30 years) who underwent THA for hip degeneration secondary to JRA. All arthroplasties were performed through an anterolateral approach by the same senior surgeon. The mean body surface of the patients was 1.5 m(2) (range 1.1 to 1.7 m(2)) and the mean symptom duration to surgery was 12 years (range 7 to 16 years). Twenty-three hips received cemented, 14 hips received hybrid protheses. In seven hips with an extremely narrow femoral medulla and shallow acetabulum, a CDH prothesis was used. The hips were evaluated using the Harris hip score. Prosthetic loosening and displacement and heterotopic bone formation were assessed on follow-up period was 135 months (range 58 to 212 months). Results: The mean Harris hip score increased from 27.2 (range 11 to 69) to 79.5 (range 37 to 87) postoperatively. At final follow-ups, all the patients were satisfied with the outcome and were able to walk without support. Three hips (8.1%; 3 patients) required revised. The overall Kaplan-Meier implant survival rate was 86.5%. There were no significant correlations between the Harris hip score and radiographic loosening and the presence of calcification around the prosthesis. Heterotopic bone formation of grade I was observed in 17 hips (46%). Conclusions: Even though it is performed at young ages. THA considerably improves quality of life of patients with JRA having hip joint involvement and has a comparable implant survival