158 research outputs found

    Software Quality and Standards on a Global Scale: Trends in the Literature from Scientific and Sectoral Perspective

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    The digital transformation requires software in many components of business and daily life. As the product variety and competition increase in this field, the quality and standards which are leading the sector are also on the agenda. In this context , the aim of this study is to present the current state of software quality and standards in terms of both sectoral and scientific publications. In the scope of the study, the related studies in this field are summarized, and then the findings are presented which are obtained through the scientometric analyses of the published research articles in the journals indexed by Web of Science Core Database. The Findings emphasize the trends in keywords over the years as well as the most active universities, authors, countries, institutional information, and the journals that are preferred by authors. Furthermore, the number and the quality of articles with respect to the country dimension are also discussed to determine the current situation in Turkey

    Text analytics on MOOCs. A comprehensive analysis of emotions

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    The value of diversity in education is highly emphasized in recent years, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, by many scholars. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have aided the evolution of online learning by broadening the range of learning opportunities available. They have gained popularity, especially in higher education by providing unlimited access to lectures and rich learning materials by renowned and respected academics in a wide variety of areas, with no restrictions and at very low fees. Furthermore, learners' motivations for enrolling in a MOOC may vary depending on their choices for the course's instructional design as well as their emotions. Knowing this, the development of more effective online courses that address affective concerns would appeal to a wider audience and improve the learning experience. This research aims to uncover the emotional characteristics of MOOCs to better understand why learners choose a specific course among hundreds of options available on MOOC sites. For extracting the learners' emotions from user reviews, the study used Kansei Engineering approach, which is enhanced with text analytics techniques. The research methodology entails gathering reviews from MOOCs and analyzing them using natural language processing (NLP) techniques to discover Kansei words that characterize MOOCs, notably for courses in the discipline of Data Science. The expected output of this study is a Kansei corpus for online courses in this discipline

    Materyal Aktarma Sistemlerinin İyileştirilmesi Ve Gıda Sektöründen Bir Örnek Olay Çalışması

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    Özet:Materyal aktarma sisteminin optimizasyonu ile do0ru malzemenin, do0ru zamanda, do0ru yerde, do0ru aralkta, do0ru ko#ullarda, uygun maliyetle ve do0ru miktarda ta#nmasn sa0lamak için kullanlan en do0ru yöntemin seçilmesi ifade edilmektedir. Literatürde skça kar#la#ld0 üzere, materyal aktarm ürünün maliyetini arttrrken, de0erine herhangi bir katkda bulunmamaktadr. Malzeme ta#mann maliyeti tam olarak ölçülememesine ra0men, pahal bir üretim faaliyeti oldu0u için i#letme maliyetleri içerisinde önemli bir paya sahip oldu0u genellikle kabul görmektedir. Tesis tipine ba0l olarak toplam maliyetlerin %10 ile %80'ini olu#turmaktadr. Malzeme aktarma sisteminin iyile#tirilmesi, gereksiz ta#malar ortadan kaldrarak çevrim zamann da azaltr, ve böylece çkt miktarnda da önemli bir art# sa0lar. Bu da üretim maliyetlerinde azalma demektir. Malzeme aktarma sisteminin seçimi ve fabrika ortamndaki kurulumu ise tesis yerle#imi ile ayr dü#ünülmeyecek bir planlama faaliyetidir. Dolays ile Bu çal#mada, çkt miktarndaki de0i#imler incelenmek amacyla bir benzetim modeli kurulmu# ve veriler benzetim programna aktarlm#tr. Benzetim sonuçlarna göre materyal aktarma için kullanlan arabalarn says ve bu ta#ma i#lemlerini etkileyebilece0i dü#ünülen di0er baz faktörler de0i#tirilerek benzetim modeli çal#trlm# ve sonuçlar incelenmi#tir. Sonuçlardan yola çklarak mevcut materyal aktarma sistemi ve ili#kili olarak tesis yerle#imi ile ilgili öneriler geli#tirilmi#tir."ncelenen örnek olayda, bir gda firmasnda yaplan analizlerde materyal aktarma sistemi ve ba0msz dü#ünülmesi mümkün olmayan i#yeri düzeni de göz önüne alnm# ve i#yerinde bir takm düzenlemeler yaplarak de0i#iklikler de0erlendirilmi#tir.https://acikerisim.deu.edu.tr/xmlui/handle/20.500.12397/5639</div

    Analysis of Student Selection Criteria for Erasmus Program By Using Fuzzy-AHP

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    AbstractAn analytical method to reach the best decision is one of the mostpreferable way in business platforms. Many times, beside the measurablevariables, there exist qualitative variables, or people are supposed to prefer thebest among the many choices. When an analytical way to make a successfuldecision is needed, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one of the best waysfor deciding among the complex criteria structure in different levels. FuzzyAHP is the extension of AHP that is used when uncertainty affects decisionmaking process. In this study, the authors aim at developing a systematicsolution approach utilizing Fuzzy-AHP on a decision-making problem describedas “selecting the best student” in an institution for a student exchange programbeing applied in Europe called Socrates/Erasmus. Fuzzy-AHP approach isapplied in a Faculty of a University, and evaluations are performed with theacademicians in the selection commission as a decision group. Fuzzy-AHPcalculations are performed on this data collected through a question-form, andrelevant analysis are completed to obtain the important values of the selectioncriteria. Finally, a systematic approach is developed as decision supportmechanism for the decision makers who are the members of selectioncommission.Keywords: Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzyanalytical hierarchy process (Fuzzy – AHP), Erasmus Program, studentselection.https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/306566</p

    Comparison of AHP and Fuzzy AHP for the Multi Criteria Decision Making Process with Linguistic Evaluations

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    ABSTRACTAn analytical way to reach the best decision is more preferable in many business platforms. Whenvariables are quantitative and number of criteria is not high, then one can use several analysis tools andmake his/her decision and solve the problem. However, many times beside the measurable variables,there exist qualitative variables, or people are supposed to prefer the best among the many choices, thus,an analytical way to make a successful decision is needed. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one ofthe best ways for deciding among the complex criteria structure in different levels. Fuzzy AHP is asynthetic extension of classical AHP method when the fuzziness of the decision makers is considered. Inthis paper, the comparison of classical AHP and fuzzy AHP on a case study that is constructed for thesame hierarchy structure and criteria set.Keywords: Analytic Hierarchy Process, Selection Criteria, Fuzzy Setshttps://dergipark.org.tr/en/download/article-file/199503</p

    Kurum modellemesinde gereksinimlerin analizi için kalite fonksiyon göçerimi tabanlı bir çerçeve yapı

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    Rekabet ve küreselleşme kurumları Pazar koşullarındaki değişimlere hızlı uyum sağlamaya zorlamaktadır. Kurumlar bu hızlı değişimlerle başa çıkabilmek ve stratejik bilgi ve deneyimlerini organize etmek amacıyla kurum modeli adı verilen metodolojiler uygulamaktadır. Bir kurum modelinin oluşturulmasında en önemli aşama kurum ihtiyaçlarının keşfi ve analizidir. Çünkü, ihtiyaçların keşfedilmesinde yapılacak herhangi bir hata, yaratılan modelin geçerliliğini zedeleyecek ve kullanıcılar açısından memnuniyetsizlikle sonuçlanacaktır. Kalite Fonksiyon Göçerimi (KFG), bütünleşik yapısıyla kullanıcı ihtiyaçlarının son ürün özelliklerine dönüştürmesindeki başarısıyla tanınan bir ihtiyaç analizi metodolojisidir. Bu tez çalışması, kurum modeli için kullanılabilir hale getirilmesi amacıyla KFG metodolojisinin araçlarında bir takım değişimler önermektedir. Oluşturulan bir çerçeve model ışığında bu çalışma, kurum modellemesinin, ihtiyaç analizi ve modellemesinin ve KFG metholodojisinin bir sentezini sunmakta ve kurum içinde uzun dönem hedeflerinden fonksiyon, bilgi, organizasyon ve kaynak karakteristiklerine kadar analiz eden bir çerçeve model (Enterprise-QFD) önermektedir. Bu karakteristikleri oluşturmak adına, KFG'de kullanılan tablolara gerekli yeni sütunlar eklenmiş, kullanılmayanlar çıkarılmış, sayısal analizlerde kullanılan matris yapısı ve uygulama dizisi, kurum modeli için yeniden organize edilmiştir. Bu çalışma kapsamında, önerilen yaklaşımın uygulanabilirliği, küçük ölçekli bir kurumdan elde edilen veriler üzerinde gösterilmiştir. İhtiyaç analizinin tamamlanmasının ardından elde edilen bilgiler, CIMOSA referans mimarisi baz alınarak, ihtiyaç modellemesi seviyesinde, analiz sonuçları kurum modeline yansıtılmıştır. Önerilen yaklaşımın uygulama sonuçları karmaşık bir yapıya sahip olan bu kurum mimarisinin gereksinimlerini kolaylıkla karşılamaktadır. Competitiveness and globalization force enterprises to quickly adapt to changing conditions of markets. Enterprises employ some modelling methodologies to organize their strategic knowledge to cope with this change, which results in an enterprise model. Requirements discovery and analysis is the most important phase in creating the enterprise model because any mistake in the requirements discovery deteriorates the validity of the model, resulting in user dissatisfaction. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a well-known and integrated approach used in converting the requirements of users into final product specifications. This thesis modifies QFD for enterprise modelling, and proposes Enterprise-QFD, which provides a common platform that can be integrated with any methodology for discovering and analyzing enterprise requirements. The study synthesizes enterprise modelling, requirements analysis and modelling, and QFD concepts and proposes an approach based on modern QFD to analyze the requirements of an enterprise from the long term goals to the functional, informational, organizational, and resource characteristics. The modified QFD tables involve some required columns added and unnecessary ones deleted based on enterprise modelling. A novel matrix content and sequence is also proposed. In the scope of the study, Enterprise-QFD is applied to a small business company processing steel products with real evaluations and the findings to show the usability of the method. After the requirements are analyzed and modelled by Enterprise-QFD, the findings are transferred to the requirements model of CIMOSA, a complicated enterprise reference architecture. The results show that Enterprise-QFD generates the infrastructure for further modelling of enterprise architectures concerning both functional characteristics of enterprise and needs of stakeholders