181 research outputs found

    2009-2015 aralığında açılım süreçlerine yönelik siyasi parti söylemleri üzerine karşılaştırmalı bir analiz

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    Öz: AKP’nin ikinci iktidar döneminde, 2009 yılı Ağustos ayından itibaren önce “Kürt Açılımı”, sonrasında “Demokratik Açılım” ve nihayetinde “Milli Birlik ve Kardeşlik Projesi” adı altında kamuoyuna sunulan, 28 Şubat 2015’te Dolmabahçe’de açıklanan mutabakat metni ile birlikte devam eden açılım tartışmaları üzerinden gerçekleştirilecek politik söylem analizi, bu çalışmanın ana konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Makalede öncelikle çalışmanın arka planını anlamlı hale getiren metodolojik ayrıntılara yer verilmiştir. Bu bağlamda söylem, politik söylem, anlam üretme biçimleri grup konuşmalarına referansla tartışmaya açılmıştır. İkinci olarak Mutabakat Metni üzerinde durulmuştur. Bahsi geçen metin Kürt sorununun çözümünde İslamcı bakış açısının ne ölçüde işlevsel olduğu sorusunun çevresinde somutlaşan bir dizi meseleyi ön plana çıkarır. Makalede son olarak terör-demokrasi ikilemine değinilecektir. AKP’nin sürece yüklediği anlam özgür bir politik düzenin inşası ve demokrasinin derinleşmesiyle yakından ilgilidir. Ancak muhalif partiler gerçekleşmekte olan şeyin demokrasi inşası değil ulus devletin tasfiyesi olduğunu düşünmektedir. Abstract: This study is a political discourse analysis of the debates on the initiatives launched during the second term of the JDP rule on the Kurdish question. These initiatives began and presented to the public in the name of “Kurdish Opening” in August 2009, then re-named twice as “Democratic Opening” and “National Unity and Fraternity Project”, and was ended with a ‘memorandum of understanding’ that was announced in February 28, 2015 in Dolmabahçe Palace. In the paper, some methodological issues are pointed first, in order to provide a sensible background to the study. In that part, with reference to the weekly parliamentary speeches of partly leaders, different ways of producing discourse and political discourse is discussed. Afterwards, the memorandum is analysed and the functionality of the Islamist perspective for the resolution of the Kurdish question is examined. Lastly, the terror-democracy dichotomy is mentioned in the study.JDP’s conception of the initiatives is closely related with the construction of a free political order and deepening democracy. But opposition parties think that what is happening with those initiatives is not the development of democracy but the abolition of nation state

    Synthesis, Characterization, Anti-bacterial and Antiinflammatory Activities of Bismuth(III) Complexes Based on 5-chloro-2-mercaptobenzothiazole

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    Bismuth, known as a heavy metal, is excluded from this class due to its low toxicity. Due to this feature, bismuth containing compounds have always been interesting compounds in the field of medicinal chemistry. For this reason, the discovery of new bismuth compounds and the investigation of their biological properties are very important for this field. In this study, three new bismuth(III) compounds formulated as [Bi(L)2X3] (L: 5-chloro-2-mercaptobenzothiazole (ClMBZT); X: Cl, Br, and I) were synthesized for the first time and, the molecular structure of them were elucidated by a series of spectroscopic techniques. Thermal stability and degradation steps of the title compounds were analyzed by Thermogravimetric-Differential Thermal Analysis (TG-DTA). The antibacterial study has been conducted against six strains bacteria, and the results indicated that bismuth(III) compounds generally showed more effective antibacterial activity than free ligand. The anti-inflammatory potential of bismuth(III) compounds was investigated through in vitro lipoxygenase enzyme inhibition studies. The results show that bismuth(III) compounds have higher anti-inflammatory potential than free ligand

    Amfoterik Yüzey Aktif Maddelerin Şampuan Üzerinde Etkinliği

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    Gerçekleştirilen bu çalışmada amfoterik yüzey aktif maddelerin (YAM) şampuan üzerindeki viskozite ve köpürme etkinliği incelenmiştir. Çalışmada en sık kullanılan üç farklı amfoterik YAM seçilmiştir. Bunlar; Kokamidopropil Betain (Dehyton KE), Disodyum Koko Amfo Diasetat (Dehyton DC) ve Kapril/Kapri amidopropil Betain (Lirobet 810) şeklindedir. Hazırlanan şampuan bazı üzerine farklı oranlarda ilave edilen amfoterik YAM’ler ve NaCl ile viskozite ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Bu değerler kendi aralarında ve kendi içlerinde karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu karşılaştırma sonucunda Kokamidopropil Betain amfoterik YAM’sinin diğer çalışılan iki amfoterik YAM’ye göre daha az oranda NaCl kullanılarak kıvam aldığı gözlemlenmiştir. Kendi içindeki en iyi değer ise şampuan bazı üzerine %7 (w/v) oranda Kokamidopropil Betain amfoterik YAM eklenen halidir. Çalışılan şampuan bazı üzerine eklenen farklı oranlardaki amfoterik YAM’lerin köpük seviyeleri incelenmiştir. En iyi köpürme özelliği gösteren amfoterik YAM’nin Kokamidopropil Betain olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Kendi içindeki en iyi değer ise şampuan bazı üzerine eklenen Kokamidopropil Betain amfoterik YAM’sinin %10 (w/v) oranda kullanılan halidir. Yapılan çalışmalar sonucunda hem az miktarda NaCl ilavesi ile kıvam alan hem de en iyi köpüren Kokamidopropil Betain amfoterik YAM’sinin olduğu belirlenmiştir

    Mean platelet volume and neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio decrease in patients with depression with antidepressant treatment

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    Objective: Not only white blood cells but also platelets are being considered in inflammatory reactions from now on. Mean platelet volume (MPV) and neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) have been shown to change in inflammatory diseases like myocardial infarction, stroke and implicated in psychiatric disorders nowadays. Our first aim is to investigate the relation of MPV and NLR with depression and secondly to assess if they change with the treatment of depression. Methods: Forty-nine patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD) and hospitalized in a university hospital psychiatry inpatient unit retrospectively included in the study. Control group consisted of 48 hospital workers with no known disease. Complete blood count, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D) and Clinical Global Impression-Severity Scale (CGI-S) scores at admission and at discharge were noted and compared for the patient group. Discussion: MPV of depressed patients was higher than controls. When we look at admission and discharge scores of clinical scales, decrement is statistically significant for both HAM-D and CGI-S. There was decline both in MPV and NLR which were both statistically significant. Conclusion: Decreasing MPV and NLR values with the treatment of depression confirm the involvement of inflammatory processes in the pathophysiology of depression

    Bismuth(III) bromide-thioamide complexes: synthesis, characterization and cytotoxic properties

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    New bismuth(III) bromine compounds of the heterocyclic thioamides were prepared and structurally characterized. The reaction of heterocyclic thioamides with bismuth(III) bromide resulted in the formation of the {[BiBr2(mu(2)-Br)(MMI)(2)](2)center dot CH3COCH3 center dot H2O} (1), {[BiBr2(MBZIM)(4)]center dot Br center dot 2H(2)O} (2), {[BiBr2(mu(2)-Br)(tHPMT)(2)](2)center dot CH3CN} (3), {[BiBr2(mu(2)-Br)(PYT)(2)](2)center dot CH3CN} (4) and {[BiBr2(mu(2)-Br)(MBZT)(2)](2) 2CH(3)OH} (5) complexes (MMI: 2-mercapto-1-methylimidazole, MBZIM: 2-mercaptobenzimidazole, tHPMT: 2-mercapto-3,4,5,6-tetrahydro-pyrimidine, PYT: 2-mercaptopyridine and MBZT: 2-mercaptobenzothiazole). The complexes 1-5 were characterized by melting point (m.p.), elemental analysis (c.a.), molar conductivity, Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR), Fourier-transform Raman (FT-Raman), nuclear magnetic resonance (H-1 and (CNMR)-C-13) spectroscopy, UV-Vis spectroscopy and thermogravimetric-differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA). The molecular structures of 1-5 were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Complex 2 is a first ionic monomuclear octahedral bismuth(III) bromide, while the complexes 1,3-5 are the first examples of dinuclear bismuth(III) bromide derivatives. Complexes 1-5 were evaluated in terms of their in vitro cytotoxic activity against human adenocarcinoma breast (MCF-7) and cervix (HeLa) cells. The toxicity on normal human fetal lung fibroblast cells (MRC-5) was also evaluated. Moreover, the complexes 1-5 and free heterocyclic thioamide ligands were studied upon the catalytic peroxidation of the linoleic acid by the enzyme lipoxygenase (LOX).Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [114Z457](a) I.I.O. and M.C. acknowledge the financial support from The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK, Project No. 114Z457). (b) CNB and SKH would like to thank the Unit of Bioactivity Testing of Xenobiotics of the University of Ioannina for providing access to their facilities. (c) The International Graduate Program in 'Biological Inorganic Chemistry', which operates at the University of Ioannina within the collaboration of the Departments of Chemistry of the Universities of Ioannina, Athens, Thessaloniki, Patras, Crete and the Department of Chemistry of the University of Cyprus (http://bic.chem.uoi.gr/BIC-En/index-en.html), is acknowledged for the stimulating discussion forum

    Improvement in Attention and Executive Functions During Isotretinoin Treatment in Patients With Acne

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    Background and Design: We assessed attention, memory, verbal-linguistic ability, and executive functions in acne vulgaris patients before and during isotretinoin treatment.Materials and Methods: Fifty-two treatment-naive acne patients at baseline and 24 at the second visit were evaluated. A neurocognitive battery including the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning and Memory Test, Auditory Consonant Trigram Test, Controlled Word Association Test, Digit Span Test, Trail Making Test A and B and the Stroop Test was used. The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-I), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), and the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS) were also applied.Results: We found improvements in attention and executive functions at the second visit in comparison with the baseline evaluations. No alteration was found in verbal episodic memory, learning, working memory, and phonemic verbal fluency (Digit Span Forwards Test p=0.003, Trial Making-A Test p=0.002, Trial Making –B Test p=0.000, Stroop test p=0.028).Discussion: The positive effects of isotretinoin on cognitive functions may be related to the decline in acne lesions and less mental occupation with the social impacts of acne

    A comparative ID migraine screener study in ophthalmology, ENT and neurology out-patient clinics

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    Migraine is more likely to be misdiagnosed in patients with comorbid diseases. Not only primary care physicians, but also specialists might misdiagnose it due to the lack of diagnostic criteria awareness. The ID migraine test is a reliable screening instrument that may facilitate and accelerate migraine recognition. This study aimed to compare the prevalence and characteristics of migraine in a large sample of patients admitted to clinics of ophthalmology (OC), ear, nose and throat diseases (ENTC) and neurology (NC), as well as to validate the use of the ID migraine test in OC and ENTC settings. This was a multicentre (11 cites) study of out-patients admitting either to NC, ENTC or OC of the study sites during five consecutive working days within 1 week. From each of the clinics, 100 patients were planned to be recruited. All recruited patients were interviewed and those having a headache complaint received an ID migraine test and were examined for headache diagnosis by a neurologist, blinded to the ID migraine test result. A total of 2625 subjects were recruited. Only 1.3% of OC patients and 5.4% of ENTC patients have been admitted with a primary complaint of headache, whereas the percentage of NC patients suffering from headache was 37.6%. Whereas 138 patients (19.3%) in OC, 154 (17.3%) in ENTC and 347 (34%) in NC were found to be ID migraine test positive, 149 patients (20.8%) in OC, 142 (16%) in ENTC and 338 (33.1%) in NC were diagnosed with migraine. The sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive ratios of the ID migraine test were found to be similar in all clinics. An important fraction of the patients admitted to NC, as well as to OC and ENTC, for headache and/or other complaints were found out to have migraine by means of a simple screening test. This study validated the ID migraine test as a sensitive and specific tool in OC and ENTC, encouraging its use as a screening instrument.Pfizer-Türkiy

    N,N’-Dietiltiyoüre’Nin Antimon(Iii) Klorür, N,N’-Dimetiktiyoüre’Nin Antimon(Iii) Bromür Ve N-Etiltiyoüre’nin Antimon(Iii) Iyodür Ile Oluşturacağı Bileşiklerin Sentezi Ve X-Işınları Kırınımı Ile Kristal Yapılarının Tayini

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    Baş grup elementlerinden antimon(III) öncelikle leismaniasis tedavisinde kullanılmaktadır. Medikal etkilerine rağmen antimon bileşiklerinin anti-kanser etkileri diğer metal bileşikleri kadar araştırılmamıştır. Son yıllarda ise Edward Tiekink tarafından bazı antimon bileşiklerinin anti tümör özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Anti tümör aktiviteleri bakımından incelenen antimon(III) bileşikleri genelde organometalik bileşiklerdir (difenilantimon(III) tiyolatlar; [Ph2Sb(S2PPh2)] ve [Ph2Sb(S2P(OPr)2]). Grubumuzun daha önceki çalışmalarımızda ise antimon(III) halojenürlerin (halojen: Cl, Br, ve I) tiyoamid türevi halkalı ligandlar ile oluşturduğu bileşiklerin yapıları aydınlatılmış ve bu bileşiklerin antitumor özelliklerini incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak Antimon(III) halojenür – tiyon bileşiklerinin insan rahim kanseri (HeLa) hücrelerine karşı daha seçici antiproliferavite etki gösterdikleri saptanmıştır. En çok bilinen anorganik anti-tümör ilaçlar olan cisplatin ve karboplatin insan rahim kanseri (HeLa) hücrelerinin çoğalmasını engellemekte yetersiz denebilecek kadar çok az bir etki gösterdiği bilinmektedir. Test edilen bu bileşiklerin (antimon(III) halojenür-tiyon bileşikleri) HeLa hücrelerine karşı cisplatin ve karboplatinden çok daha fazla etki gösterdiği anlaşılmıştır. Antimon bileşiklerinin biyolojik açıdan bu kadar önemli olmasına rağmen antimon(III) halojenürler ile ilgili literatürde çok fazla sayıda çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Gerçekleştirilen bir kısım çalışmada antimon(III) halojenürlerin moleküller arası etkileşimler sonucu farklı geometrik yapılara sahip yeni moleküllerin sentezlenebildiği de görülmüştür. Bu sebeple antimon(III) halojenür bileşiklerinin kimyasal yapılarının aydınlatılması oldukça önemlidir. Gerçekleştirilecek olan bu çalışmada amaç, N,N’-dietiltiyoüre (C5H12N2S)’nin antimon(III) klorür (SbCl3), N,N’-dimetiltiyoüre (C3H8N2S)’nin antimon(III) bromür (SbBr3) ve N-etiltiyoüre (C3H8N2S)’nin antimon(III) iyodür (SbI3) ile oluşturacakları yeni bileşiklerin sentezi ve bu bileşiklerin kimyasal yapılarının X-ışınları kırınımı ile aydınlatılmasını sağlamaktır.Main group elements antimony (III) is primarily used in the treatment of Leishmaniasis. In spite of medical effects, antimony compounds and anti-cancer effects of other metal compounds has not been studied. In recent decades, some compounds of antimony by Edward Tiekink the anti-tumor properties were investigated. Anti tumor activity examined in terms of antimony(III) compounds are generally organometallic compounds (difenilantimony (III) thiolate;c[Ph2Sb(S2PPh2)] and [Ph2Sb(S2P(OPr)2]). In our previous work in our group of antimony (III) halide (halides: Cl, Br, and I) thioamide derivative of the structures of the compounds in which the cyclic ligand illuminated and examined for antitumor properties of these compounds. Consequently, antimony (III) halide - human cervical cancer thio compound (HeLa) were found to be m Most conventional inorganic anti-tumor drugs cisplatin and carboplatin the human cervical cancer (HeLa) is known to have little effect to be called insufficient to inhibit proliferation of cells.ore selective effects against antiproliferavit cells. Of the tested compound is (antimony (III) halide-thione compounds) cisplatin and carboplatin against HeLa cells revealed that effect much more. Although antimony so biologically important compounds of antimony (III) There are too many studies in the literature about the halides. A portion of the work performed antimony (III) halides intermolecular interaction results were also observed with different geometric structure of new molecules can be synthesized. For this reason, antimony (III) halide compound elucidation of chemical structures is quite important. The purpose of this study to be performed, N, N'-diethylthiourea in (C5H12N2S) is antimony (III) chloride (SbCl3), N, N'-dimethylthiourea (C3H8N2S) is antimony (III) bromide (SbBr3) and N-ethylthiourea (C3H8N2S) is antimony (III) iodide (SbI3) the synthesis and the chemical structure of these compounds X-ray of the illumination is to provide novel compounds that they form diffraction

    Yeni Antimon(Iii) Halojenür-Etilen Tritiyokarbonat Bileşiklerinin Tasarımı Ve Geliştirilmesi

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    Baş grup elementlerinden antimon(III) öncelikle leismaniasis tedavisinde kullanılmaktadır. Medikal etkilerine rağmen antimon bileşiklerinin anti-kanser etkileri diğer metal bileşikleri kadar araştırılmamıştır. Son yıllarda ise Edward Tiekink tarafından bazı antimon bileşiklerinin anti tümör özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Anti tümör aktiviteleri bakımından incelenen antimon(III) bileşikleri genelde organometalik bileşiklerdir (difenilantimon(III) tiyolatlar; [Ph2Sb(S2PPh2)] ve [Ph2Sb(S2P(OPr)2]). Grubumuzun daha önceki çalışmalarımızda ise antimon(III) holojenürlerin (halojen: Cl, Br, ve I) tiyoamid türevi halkalı ligandlar ile oluşturduğu bileşiklerin yapıları aydınlatılmış ve bu bileşiklerin antitumor özelliklerini incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak Antimon(III) halojenür – tiyon bileşiklerinin insan rahim kanseri (HeLa) hücrelerine karşı daha seçici antiproliferavite etki gösterdikleri saptanmıştır. Gerçekleştirilen bu çalışmada etilen tritiyokarbonatın antimon(III) halojenürler (SbX3: X; Cl, Br ve I) ile oluşturdukları yeni bileşik sentezlenmiş ve sentezlenen bu bileşiklerin kimyasal yapıları çeşitli spektroskopik yöntemler ile aydınlatılmıştır. Sentezlenen bileşiklerin kimyasal yapılarının aydınlatılmasında kullanılan çeşitli spektroskopik yöntemler erime noktası, elemental analiz, FT-IR spektroskopisi, FTRaman spektroskopisi, termogravimetrik analiz (TGA-DTA), 1H-NMR ve 13C-NMR spektroskopisi şeklinde sıralanabilir. Elde edilen antimon(III) halojenür bileşiklerinin molekül yapıları [SbCl3(ETTK)2] (1), [SbBr3(ETTK)2] (2) ve [SbI3(ETTK)] (3) şeklindedir. SbCl3(ETTK)2] (1), [SbBr3(ETTK)2] (2) ve [SbI3(ETTK)] (3) molekül yapısına sahip bu bileşiklerde SbCl3(ETTK)2] (1) ve [SbBr3(ETTK)2] (2) kare piramit geometriye sahip iken [SbI3(ETTK)] (3) bileşiği pseudo-üçgen çift piramit geometriye sahip antimon(III) halojenür bileşiklerindendir.Of the main group elements of antimony (III) is used primarily to treat leismaniasis. Despite the medical effect of anti-cancer effects of antimony compounds and other metal compounds has not been studied much. In recent years, some by Edward Link Tiek antitumor properties of antimony compounds were investigated. The antitumor activities assayed antimony (III) compounds, usually organometallic compounds (difenilantimony(III) thiolates; [Ph2Sb(S2PPh2)] and [Ph2Sb(S2P(OPr)2]). Group of our previous studies if the antimony (III) holojenür of (halogen : Cl, Br, and I), the thioamide derivative cyclic ligands and the compounds produced structures of informed of such compounds antitumor properties were examined. conclusion antimony (III) halide - thio compounds of the human cervical cancer (HeLa) cells, and more selective antiproliferavit effects were both. In this study, we have synthesized and characterized new antimony(III) halide complexes (SbX3: X: Cl, Br or I) with ethylene trithiocarbonate. The complexes 1–3 were characterized by melting point, elemental analysis, FT-IR spectroscopy, FTRaman spectroscopy, 1H, 13C NMR spectroscopy and Thermal Gravimetry– Differential Thermal Analysis (TGA–DTA). Complexes of formulae are [SbCl3(ETTK)2] (1), [SbBr3(ETTK)2] (2) and [SbI3(ETTK)] (3) (ETTK is ethylene trithiocarbonate) Antimony(III) chloride and bromide complexes ([SbCl3(ETTK)2] (1) and [SbBr3(ETTK)2] (2)) have square pyramidal geometry while antimony(III) iodide complex ([SbI3(ETTK)] (3)) has pseudo-trigonal bipyramidal geometry