34 research outputs found

    Tamarix duezenlii (Tamaricaceae) - a species new to science from southern Turkey

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    A deficiência é um obstáculo ao emprego na indústria do turismo?

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    AbstractStudy objective: The purpose of the study conducted in this context is to identify the problems arising from the employment of disabled individuals employed in the hotel industry and to reveal the problems arising from the disability situations in the business areas from the perspective of the manager.Methodology/approach: The sampling of this research is a group of fourteen different human resources managers of four- and five-star hotels in Turkey. During the interviews with the sample group between January 5 and March 10, 2021, a semi-structured question form created by the researchers was used and various data were obtained. To make the obtained data meaningful and to reach the research findings, phenomenology and descriptive analyzes were made and results were obtained.Originality/Value: Disabled people have some handicaps in working life as well as in all areas of individual life. States enact a number of laws for the employment of people with disabilities. But these laws are not sufficient in terms of quality and quantity. In this case, disabled individuals and businesses employing these individuals encounter problems. Studies describing the problems faced by managers regarding the employment of disabled people in hotels are quite limited in the national and international literature.Main results: It was determined that the participant human resources managers faced problems such as slowdown work, low motivation and adaptation, lack of discipline, low service quality, employee conflict and inefficiency. These problems constitute a major obstacle to the employment of people with disabilities in the tourism sector.Theoretical/methodological contributions: The study contributes to revealing the deficiencies in current laws and practices in the employment of disabled people. ResumenObjetivo del estudio: El objetivo del estudio en este contexto es identificar los problemas derivados de la contratación de personas con discapacidad empleadas en el sector hotelero y desvelar los problemas derivados de la discapacidad en las áreas empresariales desde la perspectiva del directivo.Metodología/acercarse: La muestra de esta investigación es un grupo de catorce responsables de recursos humanos diferentes de hoteles de cuatro y cinco estrellas en Turquía. En las entrevistas al grupo de muestra entre el 5 de enero y el 10 de Marzo de 2021 se utilizó un cuestionario semiestructurado elaborado por los investigadores y se obtuvieron diversos datos. Para dar sentido a los datos obtenidos y llegar a los hallazgos de la investigación, se realizaron análisis fenomenológicos y descriptivos y se obtuvieron resultados.Originalidad/Relevância: Las personas discapacitadas tienen algunas desventajas en la vida laboral, así como en todas las áreas de la vida individual. Los estados promulgan una serie de leyes para el empleo de personas con discapacidad. Pero estas leyes no son suficientes en términos de calidad y cantidad. En este caso, las personas con discapacidad y las empresas que emplean a estas personas encuentran problemas. Los estudios que describen los problemas que enfrentan los gerentes con respecto al empleo de personas con discapacidad en los hoteles son bastante limitados en la literatura nacional e internacional.Resultados principales: Se determinó que los gerentes de recursos humanos participantes enfrentaban problemas como lentitud en el trabajo, baja motivación y adaptación, falta de disciplina, baja calidad del servicio, conflicto de empleados e ineficiencia. Estos problemas constituyen un obstáculo importante para el empleo de las personas con discapacidad en el sector turístico.Contribuciones teóricas/metodológicas: El estudio contribuye a revelar las deficiencias de las leyes y prácticas vigentes en el empleo de personas con discapacidad. ResumoObjetivo do estudo: O objetivo do estudo realizado neste contexto é identificar os problemas decorrentes do emprego de pessoas com deficiência empregadas na indústria hoteleira e revelar os problemas decorrentes das situações de deficiência nas áreas de negócio na perspetiva do gestor.Metodologia/abordagem: A amostra desta pesquisa é um grupo de quatorze diferentes gestores de recursos humanos de hotéis de quatro e cinco estrelas na Turquia. Durante as entrevistas com o grupo amostral entre 5 de janeiro e 10 de março de 2021, os pesquisadores utilizaram uma questão semiestruturada e diversos dados foram obtidos. Para dar sentido aos dados obtidos e chegar aos achados da pesquisa, foram feitas análises fenomenológicas e descritivas e obtidos os resultados.Originalidade/Relevância: As pessoas, com deficiência têm algumas limitações na vida profissional, bem como em todas as áreas da vida individual. Os estados promulgam várias leis para o emprego de pessoas com deficiência. Mas essas leis não são suficientes em termos de qualidade e quantidade. Nesse caso, pessoas com deficiência e empresas que empregam essas pessoas encontram problemas. Na literatura nacional e internacional, os estudos que descrevem os problemas enfrentados pelos gestores em relação ao emprego de pessoas com deficiência em hotéis são bastante limitados.Principais resultados: Determinou-se que os gestores de recursos humanos participantes enfrentavam problemas como lentidão no trabalho, baixa motivação e adaptação, falta de disciplina, baixa qualidade do serviço, conflito de funcionários e ineficiência. Estes problemas constituem um grande obstáculo ao emprego de pessoas com deficiência no setor do turismo.Contribuições teóricas/metodológicas: Contribuições teórico-metodológicas: O estudo contribui para revelar as deficiências das legislações e práticas vigentes no emprego de pessoas com deficiência

    Çocuk Resimlerine Yansıyan Çevre Sorunlarının Sosyo-Ekonomik Farklılıklara Göre Analizi

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    Bu araştırmada 11-12 yaş grubundaki çocukların çevre sorunları ile ilgili algılarının yaptıkları resimler aracılığıyla incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmaya farklı sosyo-ekonomik düzeydeki çevrelerde bulunan üç ilköğretim okulunun beşinci sınıf şubelerinde okuyan toplam 206 çocuk katılmıştır. Pastel boya seti ve resim kâğıdı verildikten sonra çocuklardan çevre sorunlarıyla ilgili bir resim yapmaları istenmiştir. Analizler sonucunda çocukların resimlerinde çoğunlukla çevre sorunlarıyla ilgili birden fazla konuya yer verdikleri, ele aldıkları sorunları neden-sonuç ilişkisi içinde resmettikleri belirlenmiştir. Davranış kirliliği ve ormanların yok olması daha çok alt, hava kirliliği ve canlı türlerinin azalması daha çok üst sosyo-ekonomik çevrelerde yaşayan çocuklar tarafından algılanan çevre sorunları olmuştur. Ozon tabakasının incelmesi, gürültü kirliliği, toprak kirliliği ve küresel ısınmanın ise çocukların farkındalığının en düşük olduğu çevre sorunları olduğu saptanmıştır.This study aims at investigating the perceptions of 11-12 year-old children on environmental problems by means of their pictures. 206 children in total from three primary schools located in neighborhoods of different socioeconomic level participated in the study. The participant children were given pastel drawing set and asked to draw pictures related to environmental problems. According to the analysis, it was found that the children focused on more than one environmental issue in their pictures and illustrated the issues in cause and effect relationships. The results also show that violent behavior pollution and deforestation were environmental issues perceived as the most common by children from low socio-economic level while air-pollution and species extinction were perceived by the high socio-economic level children. The researchers detected that the least common issues mentioned by the participant children were ozone depletion, noise pollution, land pollution and global warming

    Relationship between Pollen Counts and Weather Variables in East-Mediterranean Coast of Turkey

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    Background: Aeroallergen sampling provides information regarding the onset, duration and severity of the pollen season that clinicians use to guide allergen selection for skin testing and treatment

    Reliability of Measurements on Plaster and Digital Models of Patients with a Cleft Lip and Palate

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    Objective:The purpose of this study was to determine (1) the more and less reliable measurements/methods and (2) the influence of knowledge and skill on the inter- examiner, intra-examiner, and inter-method reliability of nasolabial measurements on plaster casts and three dimensional (3D) stereophotogrammetric images of casts in infants with an unrepaired unilateral cleft lip and palate (UUCLP).Methods:Preoperative extraoral plaster casts from 42 patients with UUCLP were measured with a digital caliper, and the image acquisition of casts was performed with the 3dMDface stereophotogrammetry system (3dMD, Atlanta, GA). Two examiners (one postgraduate student, one lecturer) evaluated 19 nasolabial measurements in two separate sessions.Results:Intra-rater, inter-rater, and inter-method reliability was lower in measurements of nasal, philtral, and nasal floor width. Almost all of the interclass correlation coefficients (ICC) for measurements performed by the lecturer were above 0.75, whereas the intra-examiner reliability of some measurements performed by the postgraduate student showed low ICC (<0.75).Conclusion:Measurements of curving slopes, such as nasal width, of small dimensions, such as nostril floor width, and deformity-affected anatomic parts, such as philtrum width, presented a low reliability. Measurements on 3D images showed a higher reliability compared to plaster model measurements performed by the postgraduate student. Therefore, it may be recommended to use 3D digital images of infants with CLP for nasolabial measurements especially if performed in postgraduate settings

    Seyhan Baraj Gölü suyunun hareketli olduğu kıyısal alanların flora ve vejetasyonunun incelenmesi

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    TEZ1093Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1992.Kaynakça (s. 97-99) var.iii, 99 s. : rnk. res. , hrt. ; 30 cm.

    Musa ve Kel Dağlarının (Hatay) bitki ekolojisi

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    TEZ2319Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1997.Kaynakça (s. 134-137) var.vii, 139 s. ; 30 cm.

    Interdisciplinary treatment of a patient with bilateral cleft lip and palate and congenitally missing and transposed teeth

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    2014 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2014 -- 8 December 2014 through 12 December 2014 -- 110905The comprehensive treatment of a patient with cleft lip and palate requires an interdisciplinary approach for functional and esthetic outcomes. A 20-year-old woman with bilateral cleft lip and palate had a chief complaint of unesthetic appearance of her teeth and the presence of oronasal fistulae. Her clinical and radiographic evaluation showed a dolichofacial growth pattern, a Class II skeletal relationship with retroclined maxillary central incisors, 5 mm of negative overjet, maxillary constriction, maxillary and mandibular crowding, congenitally missing maxillary right incisors and left lateral incisor, and a transposed maxillary left canine. Her treatment plan included the extraction of 3 premolars, maxillary expansion, segmental maxillary osteotomy, repair of the oronasal fistulae, rhinoplasty, periodontal surgery, and prosthodontic rehabilitation. To obtain a better occlusion and reduce the dimensions of the fistulae, orthognathic surgery comprising linear and rotational movements of the maxillary segments (premaxilla, right and left maxillary alveolar segments) in all 3 axes was planned by performing 3-dimensional virtual surgery on 3-dimensional computerized tomography. At the end of the interdisciplinary treatment, a functional occlusion, a harmonious profile, and patient satisfaction were achieved. Posttreatment records after 1 year showed stable results

    Türkiye'nin Doğal-Egzotik Ağaç ve Çalıları-II

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    Musa Dağı' nın florası (Hatay-Türkiye)

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    The field studies have been carried out to determine the flora of Mount Musa between 1994-1996. Nearly, 1000 plant specimens were collected. After identification of these specimens, total flora has been determinated as 522 taxa at specific and subspecific ranks belonging to 287 genera and 87 families. The largest three families are Fabaceae (67 species), Asteraceae (55 species) and Lamiaceae (45 species). The largest genus is Trifolium L. (14 species) and the second is Vicia L. (11 species). Mount Musa is take part in the Mediterranean phytogeographical region. The phytogeographical spectrums of species are as follows: Mediterranean elements, 213 species (40.8 %); Euro-Siberian elements, 43 species (8.2 %); and Irano-Turanian elements, 19 species (3.6 %). The flora of Mount Musa has nearly 52 (9.3 %) endemic plant taxa. Carthamus tenuis (Boiss. &amp; Bl.) Bornm. subsp. gracillimus (Rech. fil.) Hanelt (Asteraceae/Compositae) has been recorded first time from Turkey. The doubtful existences of Echinops bicolor N&agrave;b.(Asteraceae/Compositae) in Turkey has been confirmed by the collection of its specimen from Mount MusaThe field studies have been carried out to determine the flora of Mount Musa between 1994-1996. Nearly, 1000 plant specimens were collected. After identification of these specimens, total flora has been determinated as 522 taxa at specific and subspecific ranks belonging to 287 genera and 87 families. The largest three families are Fabaceae (67 species), Asteraceae (55 species) and Lamiaceae (45 species). The largest genus is Trifolium L. (14 species) and the second is Vicia L. (11 species). Mount Musa is take part in the Mediterranean phytogeographical region. The phytogeographical spectrums of species are as follows: Mediterranean elements, 213 species (40.8 %); Euro-Siberian elements, 43 species (8.2 %); and Irano-Turanian elements, 19 species (3.6 %). The flora of Mount Musa has nearly 52 (9.3 %) endemic plant taxa. Carthamus tenuis (Boiss. &amp; Bl.) Bornm. subsp. gracillimus (Rech. fil.) Hanelt (Asteraceae/Compositae) has been recorded first time from Turkey. The doubtful existences of Echinops bicolor N&agrave;b.(Asteraceae/Compositae) in Turkey has been confirmed by the collection of its specimen from Mount Mus