5 research outputs found

    Pollen morphology of genus Nepeta L. (Labiatae) in Turkey

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    Nepeta L. (Lamiaceae) cinsi taksonomik olarak problemleri olan bir cinstir. Türkiye'de35 türe ait 41 takson ile temsil edilmektedir. Daha önceki çalışmalarda incelenen morfolojikkarakterler cinsin sınıflandırılmasında yeterli olamadığından, yapılan bu çalışma ilepalinolojik karakterler kullanılarak cinsin sınıflandırılmasına farklı bir açıdan bakılmayaçalışılmıştır.Bu çalışmada Nepeta L. (Lamiaceae) cinsinden 37 tür, 42 taksona ait 74 farklılokaliteden toplanmış bitki örneklerinin polen morfolojileri ışık mikroskobu ve taramalıelektron mikroskobu (SEM) kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Işık mikroskobu incelemeleri içinwodehouse ve asetoliz yöntemlerine göre preperatlar hazırlanmıştır. Işık mikroskobuincelemelerine göre polenler isopolar, hekzakolpat, polen şekli suboblattan prolata kadar,amb şekli sirkular, kolpus membranı granüllü, ornemanasyon retipilat, perforat, retikulat,mikroretikulat yada biretikulattır. SEM incelemelerine göre Türkiye'de yayılışı olan Nepeta L.taksonları arasında altı farklı polen tipi ayırt edilmiştir. Wodehouse yöntemi ölçümleri ve SEMile elde edilen görüntülerden yararlanılarak Türkiye'de yayılışı olan Nepeta L. taksonları içinpalinolojik karakterleri içeren bir ayırım anahtarı oluşturulmuştur.Nepeta L. is a species having taxonomically hardships and found in the family ofLamiaceae. There are 35 genus and 41 taxons in Turkey. The researches done so far withthe Nepeta L. species have been performed in the classical aspect of taxonomy using thegeneral and morphological features of the plant. Apart from morphological taxonomicidentification, contemporary scientific methods propose the new aspects containing themorphology of the pollen.In this study, pollen morphologies of 74 plant specimen belong to 37 species and 42 taxawere investigated using light microscope(LM) and scanning electron microscope. Thespecimen will be prepared using the method of wodehouse and asetolizis for lightmicroscope and necessary measurements were done. Pollen grains of Nepeta L. areisopolar, hexacolpate, pollen shape from suboblata to prolata, amb circular, colpusmembrane granule, exine ornamentation retipilate, perforate, reticule, microreticule orbireticule. According to SEM investigations, six different pollen types were identified betweenTurkey species of Nepeta L. A taxonomic key was done using wodehosue measurementsand SEM photographs

    UV-C light inactivation and modeling kinetics of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris spores in white grape and apple juices

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    In the present study, the effect of short wave ultraviolet light (UV-C) on the inactivation of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris DSM 3922 spores in commercial pasteurized white grape and apple juices was investigated. The inactivation of A. acidoterrestris spores in juices was examined by evaluating the effects of UV light intensity (1.31, 0.71 and 0.38mW/cm2) and exposure time (0, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12 and 15min) at constant depth (0.15cm). The best reduction (5.5-log) was achieved in grape juice when the UV intensity was 1.31mW/cm2. The maximum inactivation was approximately 2-log CFU/mL in apple juice under the same conditions. The results showed that first-order kinetics were not suitable for the estimation of spore inactivation in grape juice treated with UV-light. Since tailing was observed in the survival curves, the log-linear plus tail and Weibull models were compared. The results showed that the log-linear plus tail model was satisfactorily fitted to estimate the reductions. As a non-thermal technology, UV-C treatment could be an alternative to thermal treatment for grape juices or combined with other preservation methods for the pasteurization of apple juice.Izmir Institute of Technology Scientific Research Project Fun

    A new species and a new natural hybrid of Origanum L. (Lamiaceae) from the west of Turkey

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    Origanum ayliniae Dirmenci & Yazıcı, which differs significantly from O. dictamnus L., is described for the first time in this paper. In addition, a new hybrid, O. × adae Dirmenci & Yazıcı, between O. ayliniae and O. sipyleum L., is described and investigated in detail. The general morphology, pollen structure, chromosome features, and nuclear (ITS) and chloroplast (rpl32) genomes of collected specimens were studied. O. × adae was determined to have some intermediate properties morphologically and palynologically that place it between the parents. Pollen size and shape were important features in the diagnosis of the hybrid and its parents in this study. The somatic chromosome number of O. ayliniae , O . × adae , and O. sipyleum was counted as 2n 30. According to the results of these different approaches, O. ayliniae differs significantly from O. dictamnus , which has a close relationship with O. ayliniae , and O. × adae has a hybrid nature. These results support previous reports for the speciation of Origanum members via hybridization. This study aimed to present a new species ( O. ayliniae ), a new hybrid of O. × adae , and their differences. In conclusion, O. ayliniae , O. × adae , and O. sipyleum provide significant morphological, micromorphological, palynological, cytological, and molecular information about homoploid hybridization

    Airborne pollen in European and Asian parts of Istanbul.

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    Pollen concentrations in the atmosphere of Istanbul, a city located between two continents, has been monitored for 1 year as part of a larger research program. The sampling sites were located in two different continents: the Asian part (AS) and the European part (EP). The sampling was performed in AS and EP of the city by using Hirst type volumetric method, and pollen grains of 58 and 62 taxa were identified in the two parts, respectively. The pollen spectrum reflected the floristic diversity of the region. The main pollen producers at the sites were characterized by some allergenic pollen and were identified as Cupressaceae/Taxaceae, Urticaceae, Pistacia sp., Quercus sp., Platanus sp., Fraxinus sp., and Xanthium sp. These pollen types contributed to the total pollen sum with a percentage of more than 80% at both monitoring sites. The highest amount of pollen grains was recorded in April. The greatest number of species was recorded in May, when 42 types (AS) and 44 types (EP) were present