72 research outputs found

    Effects of Research Funding, Gender and Type of Position on Research Collaboration Networks: A Micro-level Study of Cancer Research at Lund University

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    The aim of this study is to analyse the extent of which different types of research funding, gender and type of position have an effect on the size and density of research collaboration networks. The material consists of 3,306 documents by scientists doing cancer research at Lund University, indexed in the Web of Science databases. The author and address fields were analysed, by studying frequencies and distribution of authors and organizations, and by conducting co-authorship analyses on the organizational level. The results show substantial differences between scientists with funding from the Swedish Cancer Society (SCS) in comparison with those without SCS funding. When comparing men and women, as well as scientists with preclinical positions and those combining clinical and pre-clinical work; there are larger differences between e.g. women with or without SCS funding than between men and women with SCS funding. The general applicability of these results might be limited; they only take one certain kind of funding into account and they analyses are performed on documents coming out of one particular context. In this case, however, the results suggest that research funding have a larger impact on the size and nature of research collaboration networks than gender or type of position

    Improving a real-time object detector with compact temporal information

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    Neural networks designed for real-time object detectionhave recently improved significantly, but in practice, look-ing at only a single RGB image at the time may not be ideal.For example, when detecting objects in videos, a foregrounddetection algorithm can be used to obtain compact temporaldata, which can be fed into a neural network alongside RGBimages. We propose an approach for doing this, based onan existing object detector, that re-uses pretrained weightsfor the processing of RGB images. The neural network wastested on the VIRAT dataset with annotations for object de-tection, a problem this approach is well suited for. The ac-curacy was found to improve significantly (up to 66%), witha roughly 40% increase in computational time

    Fractionation of rare earth elements in greisen and hydrothermal veins related to A-type magmatism

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    This study focuses on concentrations and fractionation of rare earth elements (REE) in a variety of minerals and bulk materials of hydrothermal greisen and vein mineralization in Paleoproterozoic monzodiorite to granodiorite related to the intrusion of Mesoproterozoic alkali- and fluorine-rich granite. The greisen consists of coarse-grained quartz, muscovite, and fluorite, whereas the veins mainly contain quartz, calcite, epidote, chlorite, and fluorite in order of abundance. A temporal and thus genetic link between the granite and the greisen/veins is established via high spatial resolution in situ Rb-Sr dating, supported by several other isotopic signatures (ή34S, 87Sr/86Sr, ή18O, and ή13C). Fluid-inclusion microthermometry reveals that multiple pulses of moderately to highly saline aqueous to carbonic solutions caused greisenization and vein formation at temperatures above 200–250°C and up to 430°C at the early hydrothermal stage in the veins. Low calculated ∑REE concentration for bulk vein (15 ppm) compared to greisen (75 ppm), country rocks (173–224 ppm), and the intruding granite (320 ppm) points to overall low REE levels in the hydrothermal fluids emanating from the granite. This is explained by efficient REE retention in the granite via incorporation in accessory phosphates, zircon, and fluorite and unfavorable conditions for REE partitioning in fluids at the magmatic and early hydrothermal stages. A noteworthy feature is substantial heavy REE (HREE) enrichment of calcite in the vein system, in contrast to the relatively flat patterns of greisen calcite. The REE fractionation of the vein calcite is explained mainly by fractional crystallization, where the initially precipitated epidote in the veins preferentially incorporates most of the light REE (LREE) pool, leaving a residual fluid enriched in the HREE from which calcite precipitated. Fluorite occurs throughout the system and displays decreasing REE concentrations from granite towards greisen and veins and different fractionation patterns among all these three materials. Taken together, these features confirm efficient REE retention in the early stages of the system and minor control of the REE uptake by mineral-specific partitioning. REE-fractionation patterns and fluid-inclusion data suggest that chloride complexation dominated REE transport during greisenization, whereas carbonate complexation contributed to the HREE enrichment in vein calcite

    Naturunderstödd rehabilitering pÄ landsbygden i Region SkÄne

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    Projektet Naturunderstödd rehabilitering pÄ landsbygden bestÄr av en intervention dÀr Region SkÄne, FörsÀkringskassan, Arbetsförmedlingen, Lantbrukarnas Riksförbund (LRF) samt Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (SLU) samarbetat för att utveckla en ny rehabiliteringsmodell, dÀr medicinska och ickemedicinska kompetenser samverkat. MÄlgruppen för projektet har varit personer som sökt primÀrvÄrden pÄ grund av utmattningssyndrom, mild till mÄttlig depression samt Ängest. Projektet har bedrivits pÄ gÄrdar pÄ landsbygden i SkÄne dÀr natur och djur anvÀnds som komplement i rehabiliteringen. Elva gÄrdar har deltagit i projektet och varit anslutna till vÄrdcentralerna. VÄrdcentralen har ansvarat för den medicinska kompetensen medan landsbygdsföretaget ansvarat för naturbaserade aktiviteter. Deltagare har remitterats under 2012-2013 och har sedan fritt fÄtt vÀlja nÄgon av de anslutna gÄrdarna. Under Ätta veckor, tre gÄnger per vecka och ungefÀr fyra timmar per tillfÀlle, har deltagarna fÄtt vistas pÄ gÄrden och efter egen förmÄga tagit del av olika aktiviteter. PÄ varje gÄrd har det funnits flera deltagare och samtliga deltagare har deltagit i olika aktiviteter efter egen förmÄga. I denna rapport har vi gjort en sammanstÀllning av sjÀlvrapporterad data som samlats in i samband med att deltagarna pÄbörjat Naturunderstödd rehabilitering pÄ landsbygden, nÀr de slutat samt vid sex respektive 12-mÄnaders uppföljning. Resultaten baserar sig pÄ 127 deltagare. Underlaget har, efter studiens slut, kompletterats med data frÄn det patientadministrativa systemet (PASIS) pÄ 67 deltagare som fÄtt Naturunderstödd rehabilitering pÄ landsbygden under perioden 2014-2016.Studien Àr genomförd utan kontrollgrupp. DÀrför kan vi inte uttala oss om huruvida den genomförda interventionen har haft effekt överstigande den effekt som hade upplevts utan interventionen. Vi har kunnat se att deltagarna i genomsnitt förbÀttras över tid avseende hÀlsorelaterad livskvalitet, arbetsförmÄga, sömn, Ängest och depression samt aktivitet. 28 % av deltagarna hade en kliniskt relevant förbÀttring avseende hÀlsorelaterad livskvalitet och/eller sjÀlvskattad arbetsförmÄga vid 12- mÄnaders uppföljning av interventionen. Det Àr dock viktigt att notera att det Àr ett stort bortfall i uppföljningarna, vilket innebÀr att vi saknar information om ett stort antal deltagar

    Isotopic evidence for microbial production and consumption of methane in the upper continental crust throughout the Phanerozoic eon

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    Microorganisms produce and consume methane in terrestrial surface environments, sea sediments and, as indicated by recent discoveries, in fractured crystalline bedrock. These processes in the crystalline bedrock remain, however, unexplored both in terms of mechanisms and spatiotemporal distribution. Here we have studied these processes via a multi-method approach including microscale analysis of the stable isotope compositions of calcite and pyrite precipitated in bedrock fractures in the upper crust (down to 1.7 km) at three sites on the Baltic Shield. Microbial processes have caused an intriguing variability of the carbon isotopes in the calcites at all sites, with ή13C spanning as much as −93.1‰ (related to anaerobic oxidation of methane) to +36.5‰ (related to methanogenesis). Spatiotemporal coupling between the stable isotope measurements and radiometric age determinations (micro-scale dating using new high-spatial methods: LA-ICP-MS U–Pb for calcite and Rb–Sr for calcite and co-genetic adularia) enabled unprecedented direct timing constraints of the microbial processes to several periods throughout the Phanerozoic eon, dating back to Devonian times. These events have featured variable fluid salinities and temperatures as shown by fluid inclusions in the calcite; dominantly 70–85 °C brines in the Paleozoic and lower temperatures (<50–62 °C) and salinities in the Mesozoic. Preserved organic compounds, including plant signatures, within the calcite crystals mark the influence of organic matter in descending surficial fluids on the microbial processes in the fracture system, thus linking processes in the deep and surficial biosphere. These findings substantially extend the recognized temporal and spatial range for production and consumption of methane within the upper continental crust

    ApoB100-LDL Acts as a Metabolic Signal from Liver to Peripheral Fat Causing Inhibition of Lipolysis in Adipocytes

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Free fatty acids released from adipose tissue affect the synthesis of apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins and glucose metabolism in the liver. Whether there also exists a reciprocal metabolic arm affecting energy metabolism in white adipose tissue is unknown. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We investigated the effects of apoB-containing lipoproteins on catecholamine-induced lipolysis in adipocytes from subcutaneous fat cells of obese but otherwise healthy men, fat pads from mice with plasma lipoproteins containing high or intermediate levels of apoB100 or no apoB100, primary cultured adipocytes, and 3T3-L1 cells. In subcutaneous fat cells, the rate of lipolysis was inversely related to plasma apoB levels. In human primary adipocytes, LDL inhibited lipolysis in a concentration-dependent fashion. In contrast, VLDL had no effect. Lipolysis was increased in fat pads from mice lacking plasma apoB100, reduced in apoB100-only mice, and intermediate in wild-type mice. Mice lacking apoB100 also had higher oxygen consumption and lipid oxidation. In 3T3-L1 cells, apoB100-containing lipoproteins inhibited lipolysis in a dose-dependent fashion, but lipoproteins containing apoB48 had no effect. ApoB100-LDL mediated inhibition of lipolysis was abolished in fat pads of mice deficient in the LDL receptor (Ldlr(-/-)Apob(100/100)). CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that the binding of apoB100-LDL to adipocytes via the LDL receptor inhibits intracellular noradrenaline-induced lipolysis in adipocytes. Thus, apoB100-LDL is a novel signaling molecule from the liver to peripheral fat deposits that may be an important link between atherogenic dyslipidemias and facets of the metabolic syndrome

    An exploratory open-label multicentre phase I/II trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of postnatal or prenatal and postnatal administration of allogeneic expanded fetal mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of severe osteogenesis imperfecta in infants and fetuses: The BOOSTB4 trial protocol

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    Introduction Severe osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a debilitating disease with no cure or sufficiently effective treatment. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have good safety profile, show promising effects and can form bone. The Boost Brittle Bones Before Birth (BOOSTB4) trial evaluates administration of allogeneic expanded human first trimester fetal liver MSCs (BOOST cells) for OI type 3 or severe type 4. Methods and analysis BOOSTB4 is an exploratory, open-label, multiple dose, phase I/II clinical trial evaluating safety and efficacy of postnatal (n=15) or prenatal and postnatal (n=3, originally n=15) administration of BOOST cells for the treatment of severe OI compared with a combination of historical (1-5/subject) and untreated prospective controls (≀30). Infants<18 months of age (originally<12 months) and singleton pregnant women whose fetus has severe OI with confirmed glycine substitution in COL1A1 or COL1A2 can be included in the trial. Each subject receives four intravenous doses of 3×10 6 /kg BOOST cells at 4 month intervals, with 48 (doses 1-2) or 24 (doses 3-4) hours in-patient follow-up, primary follow-up at 6 and 12 months after the last dose and long-term follow-up yearly until 10 years after the first dose. Prenatal subjects receive the first dose via ultrasound-guided injection into the umbilical vein within the fetal liver (16+0 to 35+6 weeks), and three doses postnatally. The primary outcome measures are safety and tolerability of repeated BOOST cell administration. The secondary outcome measures are number of fractures from baseline to primary and long-term follow-up, growth, change in bone mineral density, clinical OI status and biochemical bone turnover. Ethics and dissemination The trial is approved by Competent Authorities in Sweden, the UK and the Netherlands (postnatal only). Results from the trial will be disseminated via CTIS, ClinicalTrials.gov and in scientific open-access scientific journals. Trial registration numbers EudraCT 2015-003699-60, EUCT: 2023-504593-38-00, NCT03706482

    Utbud och efterfrÄgan av silvermarknaden : En ekonometrisk analys

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    This study investigates the determinant factors of supply and demand of silver. The study covers the time period 1973 to 2011, the factors that is being investigated is US industrial production index, US dollar index, US adjusted monetary base, US real interest rate, oil price, silver price, base metal prices and a time trend variable representing technological change. In order to examine how these variables affects supply and demand of silver, two models, one for supply and one for demand are developed and regressed by two-stage least squares regression techniques. The result of the demand regression shows that price of silver, US industrial production index, US adjusted monetary base and US dollar index and technology where statistically significant, where US industrial production had the largest impact on demand. The result of the supply regression shows that price of oil, US real interest rate and technology where statistically significant, with price of oil as the most important determinant factor for supply.Validerat; 20131115 (global_studentproject_submitter

    Among super heroines, sofas and books : A study on how the physical enviroment is represented for students within school-age educare

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    Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka och analysera den fysiska miljöns framstÀllande inom fritidshem, utifrÄn perspektiv pÄ tillgÀnglighet, jÀmstÀlldhet och populÀrkultur. Detta arbete Àr utformat som en kvalitativ studie och utgÄr frÄn visuell metodik som metod, dÀr fotografier av miljön pÄ fritidshem utgör den centrala kÀllan för analysarbetet. Resultatet Àr framstÀllt med hjÀlp av en tematisk analysmetod dÀr datan kategoriserades i tre stycken huvudteman, dessa teman benÀmns Kreativitet, PopulÀrkultur och TillgÀnglighet. Inom dessa huvudteman framkom Àven diverse underteman för att tydliggöra olika aspekter av det specifika huvudtemat, dessa teman analyserades senare utifrÄn ett sociokulturellt perspektiv som fokuserade pÄ bland annat begreppen kultur och kontext, men Àven med inslag av genusbegrepp. Studiens slutsatser tar avstamp i miljöns likartade uppbyggnader av tillgÀnglighet för eleverna, Àven hur arbetet kring jÀmlikhet med inslag av populÀrkultur gör sig synlig inom fritidshemmets ramar. Samtidigt hur det Är 2019 fortfarande existerar könskodade rum inom fritidshemmens arena
