9 research outputs found

    Age-dependent parathormone levels and different CKD-MBD treatment practices of dialysis patients in Hungary - results from a nationwide clinical audit

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    BACKGROUND: Achieving target levels of laboratory parameters of bone and mineral metabolism in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients is important but also difficult in those living with end-stage kidney disease. This study aimed to determine if there are age-related differences in chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorder (CKD-MBD) characteristics, including treatment practice in Hungarian dialysis patients. METHODS: Data were collected retrospectively from a large cohort of dialysis patients in Hungary. Patients on hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis were also included. The enrolled patients were allocated into two groups based on their age (=65 years). Characteristics of the age groups and differences in disease-related (epidemiology, laboratory, and treatment practice) parameters between the groups were analyzed. RESULTS: A total of 5008 patients were included in the analysis and the mean age was 63.4+/-14.2 years. A total of 47.2% of patients were women, 32.8% had diabetes, and 11.4% were on peritoneal dialysis. Diabetes (37.9% vs 27.3%), bone disease (42.9% vs 34.1%), and soft tissue calcification (56.3% vs 44.7%) were more prevalent in the older group than the younger group (p<0.001 for all). We found an inverse relationship between age and parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels (p<0.001). Serum PTH levels were lower in patients with diabetes compared with those without diabetes below 80 years (p<0.001). Diabetes and age were independently associated with serum PTH levels (interaction: diabetes x age groups, p=0.138). Older patients were more likely than younger patients to achieve laboratory target ranges for each parameter (Ca: 66.9% vs 62.1%, p<0.001; PO4: 52.6% vs 49.2%, p<0.05; and PTH: 50.6% vs 46.6%, p<0.01), and for combined parameters (19.8% vs 15.8%, p<0.001). Older patients were less likely to receive related medication than younger patients (66.9% vs 79.7%, p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The achievement of laboratory target ranges for bone and mineral metabolism and clinical practice in CKD depends on the age of the patients. A greater proportion of older patients met target criteria and received less medication compared with younger patients

    A szteroid-rezisztens nephrosis szindróma genetikai vizsgálata Magyarországon

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    Bevezetés: A szteroid-rezisztens nephrosis szindróma egy rossz prognózisú kórkép. Immunológiai és monogénes formájának elkülönítése fontos, mert kezelésük különböző, de rendszerint csak genetikai vizsgálattal lehetséges. Célkitűzés, beteganyag: Célunk a gyakran kóroki NPHS2, WT1 és NPHS1 gének vizsgálatának hazai bevezetése volt. Ötvennyolc SRNS vagy nefrotikus mértékű proteinuria miatt gondozott gyermeket és fiatal felnőttet vizsgáltunk. Eredmények: Tizenegy/49 családban találtunk NPHS2, 5/19 családban WT1 és 1/5 gyermeknél NPHS1 mutációt. A tünetek megjelenésének idejében, a vesefunkció romlásának ütemében és a társuló extrarenális érintettségben jelentős különbség volt a különböző gének, és azok különböző mutációi között is. Míg újszülött- és csecsemőkori megjelenés esetén az esetek felében, a gyermekkori esetek mindössze negyedében találtunk kóroki mutációt. Következtetés: Szteroid-rezisztens nephrosis szindrómában a mutáció ismerete lehetővé teszi a genetikai tanácsadást, a prognózis megítélését és meghatározza a terápiát

    NPHS2 p.V290M mutation in late-onset steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome.

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    BACKGROUND: The most frequently mutated gene of steroid- resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS) is NPHS2. Current guidelines propose the sequencing of all NPHS2 exons only in childhood- onset SRNS. METHODS: A cohort of 38 Hungarian patients with childhood-onset nephrotic-range proteinuria was screened for NPHS2 mutations. The frequency of the p.V290M mutation in late- onset SRNS was examined in the French and PodoNet cohorts. RESULTS: Of the 38 Hungarian patients screened, seven carried NPHS2 mutations on both alleles, of whom two-diagnosed with proteinuria through school screening programs at the age of 9.7 and 14 years, respectively-did not develop nephrotic syndrome in childhood. The first, an 18-year-old boy, homozygous for p.V290M, has never developed edema. The second, a 31-year-old woman-compound heterozygous for p.V290M and p.R138Q-was first detected with hypoalbuminemia (<30 g/l) and edema at the age of 24.3 and 27.5 years, respectively. Both patients currently have a normal glomerular filtration rate. The mutation p.V290M was carried by three of the 38 patients in the Hungarian cohort, by two of the 95 patients with late-onset SRNS in the PodoNet cohort and by none of the 83 patients in the French cohort. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that not only the p.R229Q variant, but also the p.V290M mutation should be screened in Central and Eastern European patients with late-onset SRNS