300 research outputs found

    Étiquettes écologiques pour les matières textiles. Dosage de métaux lourds

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    En este trabajo se realiza una breve descripción de las diferentes etiquetas ecológicas, centrándose en este caso en la dos ecoetiquetas textiles más importantes: EU Eco-label y Öeko Tex estándar 100. Existe una tercera ecoetiqueta textil utilizada únicamente en alfombras: GuT Eco-label. Para la obtención de las ecoetiquetas se tienen en cuenta diferentes parámetros. Uno de los parámetros considerados en las etiquetas ecológicas textiles es la presencia de metales pesados en los tejidos, tanto en el producto acabado, como en su proceso de fabricación. Es por ello, que cada una de las ecoetiquetas textiles fija unos valores límites específicos. La determinación de estos metales se realiza generalmente mediante espectrofotometría de absorción atómica, siguiendo dos técnicas diferentes de atomización de los metales. La selección de una u otra técnica se basa principalmente en la concentración de metales a determinar o en el valor límite establecido por la ecoetiqueta. Otra técnica rápida y sensible empleada para la determinación de metales es la espectrofotometría de emisión óptica de plasma acoplado inductivamenteIn this work a brief description of the different ecological labels is carried out, focusing on the two more important textile eco-labels: EU Ecolabel and Öeko Tex standard 100. There is a third textile eco-label used only in carpets: GuT Ecolabel. For the obtaining of the eco-labels, different parameters are taken into account. One of the parameters considered in the textile ecological labels is the presence of heavy metals in the fabrics, in the finished product, as well as in their manufacturing process. For this reason, each of the textile eco-labels fixes some specific limit values. The determination of these metals is carried out generally through atomic absorption spectrophotometry, following two different metal atomization techniques. The selection of one of these techniques is based on the metal concentration to analyse or on the value limit established by the eco-label. Another fast and sensitive technique used for the determination of metals is the inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrophotometry.Dans ce travail on réalise une brève description des différentes étiquettes écologiques, les eco-étiquettes textiles les plus importantes sont: EU Éco-label et Öeko Tex standard 100. Il y a une troisième eco-étiquette textile employée uniquement pour les tapis: GuT Eco-label. Pour l'obtention des eco-étiquettes, différents paramètres sont évalués. Un des paramètres considérés dans les étiquettes écologiques textiles est la présence de métaux lourds dans les tissus, tant dans les produits finis, comme pendent leur processus de fabrication. Pour cette raison chacune des eco-étiquettes textiles a établit des valeurs limites spécifiques. Le dosage de ces métaux se réalise généralement par spectrophotométrie d’absorption atomique, en suivant deux techniques différentes d'atomisation des métaux. La sélection d'une ou de l’autre technique est basée principalement sur la concentration de métaux à doser ou sur la valeur limite établie par l'eco-étiquette. Une autre technique rapide et sensible employée pour le dosage de métaux est la spectrophotométrie d'émission optique à plasma couplage inductifPeer Reviewe

    Reducing the environmental impact of textile industry by reusing residual salts and water: ECUVal system

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    The textile industry is one of the largest consumers of water in the world and its wastewater constitutes a serious problem when it is discharged without the proper treatment. Different techniques are being applied for treating textile effluents. But, as far as we know, none of them consider the reuse of the clarified effluents. In this work, a recently developed wastewater system named ECUVal is proposed to treat and subsequently reuse the effluents generated by the dyeing process of a textile mill, which usually have high dyes and salt content. With this system, a reduction of water and salt consumption is achieved and simultaneously the volume of discharged effluents is also reduced. The ECUVal system is based on an electrochemical treatment assisted by UV irradiation. The system is able to remove colour completely. Colour removal efficiencies between 64 and 99% were obtained depending on the intensity applied. Moreover, the treated effluents are reconstituted in the system to be reused in new dyeing processes. Thus, 70% of water and up to 72% of salt reuse was achieved. The chromatic coordinates of fabrics dyed with the treated effluent were evaluated with respect to reference ones. Dyeings performed with reused effluents were in general into the acceptance limit of the textile industry (DECMC(2:1)¿=¿1). Finally, the environmental impact of the wastewater treatment currently performed in the textile companies was compared with respect to the ECUVal treatment by means of life cycle assessment. It was concluded that the use of the system reduces significantly the environmental impact of the textile industry.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    La nueva gestión sostenible de los residuos municipales

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    Estudio del tratamiento mecánico de dos fracciones de los RM recogidas selectivamente: La fracción orgánica y la fracción resto. El tratamiento mecánico de estas dos fracciones nos producen para cada una de ellas otras dos fracciones: El hundido y el rechazo. Un estudio estadístico realizado sobre estas fracciones nos permite definir 6 posibles escenarios de gestión de la recogida selectiva y por lo tanto realizar una gestión mas sostenible de los RM. El hundido de la fracción orgánica se revaloriza mediante tratamiento biológico y el rechazo de la fracción resto embalada y retractilada, se revaloriza como material de restauración de espacios degradados o como combustible derivado de los residuos (CDR) después de permanecer un cierto tiempo en un deposito controlado (DP), presentando esta deposición en balas unas características de sostenibilidad muy por encima de los DP típicos (poca o casi ninguna generación de lixiviados, ausencia de aves, roedores, volátiles etc.)Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    La química al batxillerat i al primer curs universitari

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    S’aporten reflexions sobre l’ensenyament de la química referents a continguts i problemàtiques d’aquesta matèria, tant en l’àmbit del batxillerat com en l’universitari. Es descriuen les característiques del nou currículum de química, l’estructura i el nou enfocament de les noves PAU de química actuals i es proposen vincles entre el professorat de secundària i el de la universitat. Es planteja la problemàtica de la in certesa amb la qual es pot trobar l’estudiantat pel que fa a l’exigència de coneixements previs i, d’altra banda, la dificultat que es troba el professorat per a l’ensenyament de la química del primer curs universitari a causa d’un alumnat que manifesta grans diferències de coneixements.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Estudi per a la caracterització i viabilitat tècnico-econòmica de valorització dels residus voluminosos del Vallès Occidental

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    Es tracta d'un estudi de la composició dels residus voluminosos generats al Consorci de Residus del Vallès Occidental, per tal de determinar quina proporció (en pes i unitats) d'aquests residus són susceptibles de reutilitització i posterior venta, així com la proporció d'aquests voluminosos que són valoritzables després d'un procés de separació i tractament. També es té especial cura en la quantitat (pes i unitats) dels matalassos, per tal d'estudiar a posteriori la seva possible reutilització, reciclatge de matèries i valorització. Aquest estudi, té una segona part que consisteix en veure la valorització més sostenible.Postprint (published version

    La Mesura i modelització de la sostenibilitat

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    Presentació dels projectes duts a terme pel subgrup de recerca de Mesura i Modelització de la Sostenibilitat de la Càtedra UNESCO de Sostenibilitat de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)Peer Reviewe

    Cement composite plates reinforced with nonwoven fabrics from technical textile waste fibres: Mechanical and environmental assessment

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    In this work, we present the development and characterisation of new cement-based composite panels reinforced with fibres recovered from wastes of protective technical clothing. The developed panels present a flexural strength (~15 MPa) and fracture toughness (~3.5 kJ/m2) that are suitable for their application on ventilated façades. The environmental impact of these panels was evaluated through the life-cycle assessment (LCA) from a cradle-to-gate approach and was compared with similar engineered materials and commercial materials used for ventilated façades (fibre cement facing tiles, ceramic tiles, and natural stone plates). Two functional units were assessed: the panel necessary to cover 1 m2 of façade, and the panel necessary to cover 1 m2 of façade providing a maximum bending stress of 17 or 24 MPa. For 17 MPa, the new composite developed has presented similar environmental performance to fibre cement facing tiles and significantly better than the traditional ceramic tiles and natural stone platesThis work was supported by the Spanish AEI (Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Government of Spain) [grant number PID2019-108067RB- I00]. The author Heura Ventura is a Serra-Húnter fellow. Monica Ardanuy aknowledges the Ministerio de Universidades (Ministry of Universities, Government of Spain) for the mobility grant PRX21/00264 (Subprograma de Movilidad, Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2017–2020)Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::12 - Producció i Consum ResponsablesPostprint (published version

    Environmental impact assessment of Polylactide(PLA)/chicken feathers biocomposite materials

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    The aim of this study is to analyse the environmental impacts (EIs) of the process of preparation of new biocomposite materials obtained from polylactide (PLA) and chicken feathers (CFs). Two CFs stabilization methods and different percentages of CFs have been studied. The EIs of these new composites were compared to the impact of virgin PLA. Cradle-to-gate life cycle inventories were assessed for 0–35% v/v of CFs in a CFs/PLA biocomposite. Two CFs stabilization processes, autoclave and surfactant, were tested and compared with the aim to prioritize one of them from the environmental point of view. A composite plate of 184¿×¿184¿×¿2.2 mm3 was defined as the functional unit. Autoclave stabilization process exhibited lower environmental impact compared with surfactant stabilization process mainly due to both the lower requirements of electricity and water and the reduced pollution loads of the generated wastewater. Thus, the autoclave process was selected as the standard method when comparing the EIs of the proposed CFs/PLA biocomposites. In this sense, the addition of CFs to PLA matrix proportionally reduces all the EIs compared to pure PLA due to the replacement of PLA with CFs. This behaviour can be explained because the PLA production accounts for the 99% of the impact of the biocomposite. Consequently, CFs conveniently stabilized might be an alternative raw material to prepare CFs/PLA biocomposites with less environmental impact compared to pure PLAPostprint (author's final draft

    Chicken feathers based composites: a life cycle assessment

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    Chicken feathers (CFs) are a waste material generated from poultry industry in large quantities. A composite material constituted of poly lactide and CFs is proposed in order to prepare a biodegradable composite with low environmental impact. In order to evaluate its environmental impact, a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is performed. The results show that, from the environmental point of view, the more chicken feathers in the material, the greater is its impact. This is mainly due to the non - inclusion of the impact data regarding CFs current waste management treatments required in accordance with the European Directive CE 1069/2009 (in study) and to the high energy consumption of the pre - treatment stages (cleaning and sanitizing) required to transform CFs waste into a CFs technical material that can be used for the preparation of CFs/PLA composites material, which needs to be optimized.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version