51 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Beban Kerja Dengan Keluhan Low Back Pain (Lbp) Pada Kuli Panggul Perempuan Di Pasar Legi Surakarta

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    ABSTRACT Pelvis porter’s is one of the jobs are in the informal sector and are still common, especially in the traditional market. This work is usually done by men, but as the development time and economic demands are higher, this work is also done by women, who are physiologically have the power under the male. Porters job is very possible to have a high workload that may cause complaints Low Back Pain. This study aims to determine the relationship of the workload with complaints of Low Back Pain (LBP) on women porter’s in Pasar Legi Surakarta. This research is a quantitative research, with the cross-sectional study design. The population in this study were womens porter’s in Pasar Legi Surakarta which amounted 83 people. The samples in this study were 80 women porter’s with technique a total sampling. Collecting data in this study conducted by way of interviews and measurements of the respondents, while data analysis using Rank Spearman test. The results of Rank Spearman test between workload with complaints of Low Back Pain (LBP) shows the p-value = 0.000 where the value of p ≤ 0.05, which means that there is a relationship between workload with complaints of Low Back Pain (LBP) on women porter’s on Pasar Legi Surakarta. As well as the values obtained r = 0.414, which means having a moderate level of closeness of relationship. Based on the results obtained by 80% of respondents experiencing moderate pain, this is because the burden that no one entered light weight category. The advice given is to reduce the burden lifted, using the tools of transportation and a medical examination. Keywords : Workload, complaint Low Back Pain (LBP

    Perbedaan Kelelahan Kerja Yang Terpapar Iklim Kerja Panas Pada Pekerja Bagian Pengecekan Dan Perbaikan Di Pt. Kereta Api Daerah Operasi VI Yogyakarta Dipo Kereta Api Solo Balapan

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    The hot temperature is a factor of work environment which is closely related to the workers’ health. The excessive heat of work environment will result in the increase in the body temperature. The high temperature will influence the workers’ health such as miliaria, heat cramps, heat stroke, and heat exhaustion. An extremely hot work environment causes the workers quickly exhausted because of loss of liquid and salt. This research aims to know the difference of work exhaustion exposed to the hot working climate in the workers of the checking and repair division di PT. Kereta Api Daerah Operasi VI Yogyakarta DIPO Kereta Solo Balapan. This research is observationally analytic using the method of cross sectional approach. Population in this research are all workers in the checking and repair division as many as 72 respondents. The sampling used Exhaustive Sampling as many as 72 respondents. The statistical test used mann whitney. From the results of the research, they revealed that the average of hot pressure in the checking division was that the score of average ISBB Outdoor is 31.4 0C, meanwhile, in the repair division, it had a score of average ISBB Indoor as much as 27.95 0C. The results of the research revealed a difference of work exhaustion exposed to the hot working climate in the checking and repair divisions (p value 0.000≤ 0.05). Based on this research, there was a difference of work exhaustion exposed to the hot working climate in the checking and repair divisions

    Hubungan Intensitas Penerangan Dengan Kelelahan Mata Pada Pekerja Shift Malam Bagian Daily Check Di PT. Kereta Api Daerah Operasi VI Yogyakarta Dipo Kereta Solo Balapan

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    Lighting intensity which does not meet the standard can cause potential of eyes exhaustion. Jobs of checking and repairing the railway coach are included in kinds of job which need carefulness, therefore, the jobs need a lighting intensity which is appropriate to the standard that is 100 lux. Lighting intensity which does not meet the standard results in the occurence of a complaint about eyes such as red eyes, headache, and irritated eyes. This research aims to know the correlation between the lighting intensity and the eyes exhaustion in the night-shift employees of daily check division in PT. Kereta Api Daerah Operasi VI Yogyakarta DIPO Kereta Solo Balapan. Type of this research is observasional analitical using cross sectional approach. Samples of the research are as many as 72 people from total of population of 72 people who are divided into the morning shift, the daylight shift, and the night shift as many as 24 employees each. Every night-shiftemployee has three times of shift change in a week with a different day. The technique of sampling used in this research is Exhaustive Sampling. The independentvariable in this research is the lighting intensity, meanwhilem the dependent variable in this research is the eyes exhaustion. The analysis of this research used Chi-Square test which revealed that there is correlation between the lighting intensity and the eyes exhaustion in the night-shift employees of daily check division in PT. Kereta Api Daerah Operasi VI Yogyakarta DIPO Kereta Solo Balapan (p value = 0.001 <0.05). Keywords : Eyes Exhaustion, Lighting Intensity Literature : 37, 1992-201

    Pengembangan Simrs Pasien Rawat Inap Obsgyn Di Bangsal Anisa Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Karanganyar

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    Anisa room and medical records unit at PKU Muhammadiyah Karanganyar Hospital use semi manual system where at registration, pharmacies and cashier have used computer based system but it is only limited access to services, but it is not integrated yet with the ward . There are 7 ward to inpatient in PKU Muhammadiyah Karanganyar Hospital, one of them is anisa ward, in anisa ward, the writing of patient identify is still manual. Most of anisa ward occurs the delays of recording and reporting patient to part of medical record and part of the management hospital. The purpose of this research is to design DFD, the data base, ERD, design of display system and do the trial system. The kind of this research is the study of research and development with the qualitative approach. The method of system development is prototype. In this research the technique of data collection use observation, interview, and documentation study. The sample of research are 8 person that consist of 2 registration officer, 2 ward anisa officer, 2 medical record officer, 2 IT officer. The sample of collection technique use purposive sampling. The development system use delphy 6 with the MySQL data base. The result of identification user, the researcher design 5 data flow diagram (DFD): there are DFD diagram cortex, DFD system that is designed, DFD recording patient registration, DFD recording services data, DFD recording and reporting, and Entity relationship diagram (ERD). The 10 table of data base and design interface system, input: 5 (user data, patient data, visit data, anamnesis data and partograph), and output: 5 (visit report, childbirth action report, gynecology report, death neonatal and maternal report)

    Hubungan Beban Kerja dengan Kelelahan Kerja pada Pekerja Industri Rumah Tangga Rambak Kering Desa Doplang Kecamatan Teras Boyolali

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    The work load is one of the factor that can make the fatigue of work. The workers will get work fatigue depends on the work load that they got before. The aim of the research is to know the relation of the work load and the work fatigue of the workers of rambak kering home industry at Doplang, Teras, boyolali. The method of the research uses analitical observasional plan with crossectional approach. The population of the research is the workers of home industry in 47 units of home industry. There are 202 people. The technique of sampling uses proporsional random sampling. The sampling of the research are 67 people. The result of the work load of the workers are 77,9% as low work load and 22,1% are as middle work load. Whereas, the distribution of the frequency of work fatigue is 79,4% included low work fatigue, then 16,2% included middle work fatigue and 4,4% included high work load. The statistical test uses Rank Spearman Rho Correlation. It is know the valve of sig p = 0,018 (p = < 0,05) and the valve of r = 0,285. It means that Ha is accepted, so there is relation. From the result of the research can be concluded that there is relation of the work load with the work fatigue of the workers of rambak kering home industry at Doplang, Teras, Boyolali


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    Occupational health and safety is a right for workers in the formal and informal sectors, as well as for fishermen. One of the most dangerous jobs in the world is fishing. Fishermen are very vulnerable to work accidents. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge of K3 (Occupational Safety and Health) with the incidence of work accidents in fishermen Jobokuto Jepara. The type of research used is quantitative analytical research design with a Cross Sectional study approach. This research was conducted in Rw 5 Jobokuto Village, Jepara District, Jepara Regency. The population in this study were all fishermen in Rw 5 Jobokuto Village, Jepara. The sample in this study was the entire population of 128 respondents. The sampling technique in this study used Total Sampling while the statistical test technique used the Chi Square test. The results of this study indicate that the respondents' knowledge of K3 is good (56.3%) and has experienced a work accident (46.9%). The results of statistical tests show that there is no relationship between k3 (Occupational Health and Safety) (p-value = 1) with the incidence of occupational accidents in fishermen in Jobokuto Jepara. It is recommended that fishermen continue to improve their knowledge of K3 in order to reduce the number of work accidents in the village of Jobokuto Jepara

    Hubungan Antara Perilaku Aman Pekerja Dengan Kejadian Kecelakaan Kerja Di PT. Kereta Api Daerah Operasi VI Yogyakarta DIPO Kereta Solo Balapan

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    Safe behavior in PT. KAI of Operate Area For VI Yogyakarta Solo Balapan DIPO is need because of high risk of a night shift so that the required safe behavior of workers. This research type was use observational with cross sectional approach. Sample research taken Exhaustive Sampling, so that obtained sample counted 72 labour of night shift in DC shares. The independent variable in this research is safe behavior of worker, the dependent variable in this research is the accident occurrence work. The results of the research analysis using Chi-Square test. So can conslusion that there was relation between safe behavior of worker with the accident occurrence work in PT. KAI of operate Area For VI Yogyakarta Solo Balapan DIPO (p = 0.019 <0.05

    Analisis Sistem Informasi Registrasi Pasien Dengan Metode Pieces Di Rumah Sakit Mulia Hati Wonogiri

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    Mulia Hati Wonogiri hospital has uses management information system for about 2 years. It is used by administration and reporting especially in the registration. In fact, the office have difficulties on searching of the old patient database in management information system application. It makes the officers performance become hampered. The objective of this study is to analyze the registration information system of patients using PIECES method, namely : Performance, Information, Economy, Control, Efficiency and Service. The researcher uses observation and interview as technique of collecting data. The result of study shows that registration information system work of the patients is less optimal. It result information thaat has not been in time and the cost for taking care of medical resume and treatment of system and hardware is more expensive. The system is not efficient because of the uncomplete system, control and safety in less of control. The service is not maximal enough, since the processes is done uncorrectly. Hence the patients needs more time to take medical servic

    Analisis Kebutuhan Perencanaan Sistem Informasi Kesehatan Pada Bidang Pelayanan Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Boyolali

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    District Health Department needs a good system management of health information in order to get a precised decision of Government Policy that suit regional needs. The aim of this research is to analize the needs to plan a system of health information in the health services sector Department Health office Boyolali District. This research uses describtive methode with qualitative oncoming that figure and describe the requirement which is needed in the planning process of health information system in the health services sector Department Health office Boyolali District. The layout of this research uses case study oncoming. The sample of this research is taken by using total sample technique that is 7 people consist of the heads of devision of health services sector, section chief of the maternal, child health, and family plan, section chief of nutrient with an administrator of nutrient program, section chief of special basic health and referance with an administrator of special basic health and reference program in Department Health office Boyolali District. The data is collected by interview, FGD and study document. Health services officers need the equel basic data among the sections in order to have valid data and integrated health information system and to accommodate program needs in the health department of Boyolali regency

    Hubungan Antara Kepatuhan Penggunaan Masker dengan Kapasitas Fungsi Paru pada Sukarelawan Pengatur Lalu Lintas (SUPELTAS) Surakarta

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    SUPELTAS worked which on the road can be exposed by air pollution and risk with respiration trouble and also influence of their health lung. DIKYASA have suggested to use mask while they work, but still a lot SUPELTAS did not use mask. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between compliance of mask use with lung function capacity in volunteer of regulator traffic of Surakarta. This type of research is observasional analytic with cross sectional approach. The study population is SUPELTAS Surakarta as much 50 people taken with exhaustive sampling technique. Data analysis using Fisher’s Exact test. The results of research indicated that there is correlation between compliance of mask use with lung function capacity in volunteer of regulator traffic of Surakarta (p = 0,018)
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