
Hubungan Antara Perilaku Aman Pekerja Dengan Kejadian Kecelakaan Kerja Di PT. Kereta Api Daerah Operasi VI Yogyakarta DIPO Kereta Solo Balapan


Safe behavior in PT. KAI of Operate Area For VI Yogyakarta Solo Balapan DIPO is need because of high risk of a night shift so that the required safe behavior of workers. This research type was use observational with cross sectional approach. Sample research taken Exhaustive Sampling, so that obtained sample counted 72 labour of night shift in DC shares. The independent variable in this research is safe behavior of worker, the dependent variable in this research is the accident occurrence work. The results of the research analysis using Chi-Square test. So can conslusion that there was relation between safe behavior of worker with the accident occurrence work in PT. KAI of operate Area For VI Yogyakarta Solo Balapan DIPO (p = 0.019 <0.05

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