9 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi wisatawan melakukan kunjungan ke obyek wisata di kabupaten pacitan tahun 2014

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    This study entitled "Analysis of Factors Affecting Travelers Conduct Visits to Pacitan Tourism in 2014". The purpose of this study is; (1) to analyze the effect of origin of tourists, transportation costs, income and age of travelers on tourist visits to attractions in Pacitan 2014;m(2) analyze the response of the tourist attractions in Pacitan. The research location is a tourist attraction Goa Gong, warm water bath and Teleng Ria beach. The sampling method is combined with Quota Sampling and Convenience Sampling with a sample size of 60 respondents each study site were taken by 20 respondents composed of 10 tourists, 5 business, 1 officer and 4 villagers. Data were obtained by spreading questionnaires and interviews In this study using multiple linear regression analysis model of Ordinary Least Square (OLS). The results of the analysis are: (1) The results of linearity test with Ramsey models Research shaped linear regression model; (2) The calculation data normality test with normal distribution model of Jarque Bera; (3) The test results showed the classical assumption that there are no issues multicolinearity, heterokedastisitas problems occur, and there is no problem of autocorrelation; (4) The results of t-test showed that the variables that significantly influence the frequency of visits by tourists is the variable of origin of tourists, transportation costs and variable income, whereas the rating variable age had no significant effect; (5) F test results showed that the model is in use exist; (6) R2 scored 97.51% which means that 97.51% of the variation frequency of tourists visit can be explained by the variable of origin of tourists, transportation costs, income and age rating, while the remaining 2.49% is explained by other variables outside the model estimated. Descriptive analysis of 30 respondents about the perception of tourists about the beauty of nature, cleanliness, security, service officer, facilities,and the accessibility of tourist attraction in Pacitan is 83.4% thought very beautiful, 60% thought quite clean, 50% thought the secure, 76.6% thought friendly, 60% thought quite complete, and 50% found easily

    Analisis Faktor Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kunjungan Wisatawan di Museum Sangiran Kabupaten Sragen

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    This study entitled "Analysis of Factors - Factors Affecting Visits InSangiran Museum of Sragen Regency". The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of income, distance, age, tourist status, and the tourist category on the frequency of visits at tourist attractions of SangirankonSragen regency. The samples taken in this research are 71 respondents with 46 respondents distribution of local tourists and 25 respondents of foreign tourists. The data of this research were obtained by spreading questionnaires and interviews. In this study using multiple linear regression analysis method Ordinary Least Square (OLS). The results of the analysis are: (1) The result of normality data test with JarqueBera model is normally distributed; (3) The result of the classic assumption test shows that there is no multicollinearity problem, the problem of heterokesdastisitas, and there is no problem of autocorrelation, (4) The result of t test can be seen that the variables that have significant influence (5) F test results show that the model used exist (6) R2 get the value 56.55% y6ang means 56.55% of variation in the frequency of tourist visits can be explained by income variables, mileage, age, tourist status, and tourist categories, while the remaining 43.45% can be explained by other independent variables beyond the estimated model

    Analisis Pengaruh Produk Domestik Regional Bruto , Indeks Harga Konsumen, Indeks Pembangunan Manusia, Dan Jumlah Tenaga Medis Terhadap Jumlah Kelahiran Di Propinsi Jawa Tengah Tahun 2020

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    Population growth is affected by 3 demographic components, namely mortality, migration and births. The number of births is a number that shows the number of women producing live births. This study aims to analyze the effect of regional gross domestic product, consumer price index, human development index and number of medical personnel on the number of births in districts and cities in Central Java in 2020. The type of data is secondary data in the form of cross section data consisting of 35 districts and cities. in Central Java in 2020. The data analysis method uses multiple linear regression with the ordinary least square (OLS) method. The results of data analysis showed that the data were normally distributed and the model was linear. The results of the t-test show that the gross regional domestic product, the human development index, and the number of medical personnel have a significant effect. Furthermore, the model exists and the coefficient of determination is 71.89%. The implementation of the research results shows that when the gross regional domestic product and the number of medical personnel increase, the number of births tends to increase, while when the human development index increases, the number of births tends to decrease

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja Di Daerah Karesidenan Semarang Tahun 2007-2015

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    Employment problems are still a serious problem facing the government. This study aims to analyze the factors - factors that affect the level of employment in the residency of Semarang in 2007-2015. Factors used in this study are population, inflation, gross regional domestic product (PDRB), and district minimum wage (UMK). The data used is panel data by taking 6 districts and or cities in the residency of Semarang with 9 years time (2007-2015). Through secondary data taken from literature study both BPS literature, previous journal and research. The data is processed by using panel data with selected method that is Random Effect Method (REM) analysis method assisted with E-views7 software in its operation. The results of this study indicate the variables of gross regional domestic product (PDRB) and the number of residents have a significant effect on the absorption of manpower in Semarang residency for the period of 2007-2015. While the variable inflation and minimum wage district (UMK) did not significantly affect the absorption of labor in residency Semarang period 2007-2015. Keywords: Population, Inflation, Economic Growth (PDRB), District Minimum Wage (UMK) and Labor Absorption Rate

    Analisis Pengaruh Tenaga Kerja, Inflasi dan IPM terhadap Upah Minimum Kabupaten di Karesidenan Pati Tahun 2010 - 2015

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    This study aims to analyze the influence of labor, inflation, human development index (HDI) to district minimum wage (UMK) in Pati residency 2010-2015. The data used is panel data by taking 5 districts contained in residency of Pati with a time frame of 6 years (2010-2015). Through secondary data taken from literature study both BPS literature, previous journal and research. The data is processed by using panel data with selected method that is Fixed Effect Method (FEM) analysis method assisted with E-views7 software in its operation. The results of this study showed that ape variable influenced significantly at the 5% significance level and the human development index (HDI) significantly influenced the significance level of 1% to the district minimum wage (MSE) in Pati residency for 2010-2015 period. While the inflation variable has no significant effect on the level of significance of 10% to the district minimum wage (UMK) in Pati residencyfor 2010-2015 period

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Pedagang Kaki Lima (Studi Di Seputar Alun-Alun Kabupaten Klaten)

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    This study entitled "Analysis of Factors Affecting income street vendors around the square in Klaten district in 2017". This study aimed to analyze and determine how much influence the initial capital, lam business, number of employees, hours and levels of education to income street vendors around the square in Klaten district. The population of as many as 110 vendors. The samples with judgment sampling method with a total sample of 29 respondents consisting of 22 respondents traders of food and drinks, one person draper, 4 traders accessories and 2 merchants obtan cigarettes or drugs. In this study using multiple linear regression analysis model of ordinary least squares (OLS). The results of the analysis are: (1) The calculation data normality test with Bera Jurque normal distribution models; (2) Results of linearity test with Ramsey models Research shows that the model be linear; (3) The test results showed the classical assumption that there are no issues multicoloniarity and heteroskedatisitas, autocorrelation problems occur; (4) The results of t-test showed that the variables of initial capital, number of employees and the level of education and significant effect sedagkan old variable opening hours of effort and no significant effect; (5) F test results indicate the model used to exist; (6) R2 scored 55.14% which means that 55.14% of variation income street vendors can be explained by the initial capital, the old business, number of employees, hours and levels of education. While the remaining 44.86% is explained by other independent variables were included in the model

    Pengaruh Earning Per Share (EPS), Return On Asset (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE) Dan Debt To Equity Ratio (DER) Terhadap Harga Saham (Studi Pada Perusahaan-Perusahaan LQ45 Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia)

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    This research is entitled earnings per share (EPS), return on asset (ROA), return on equity (ROE), and debt to equity ratio (DER) to LQ45 stock price listed in Indonesian stock exchange. This study aims to analyze and find out how much influence earnings per share (EPS), return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE), and debt to equity ratio (DER) to LQ45 stock price listed on the stock exchange Indonesia . The population in this study as many as 45 companies. Of the 45 companies are taken a sample of 38 companies by using purposive sampling method. In this study using multiple linear regression model ordinary least square (OLS). The results of the analysis are: The calculation results of normality data test with Jurque Bera model is normally distributed. The result of linearity test with Ramsey Research model shows that the model is linear. The results of the classical assumption test show that there is a problem multikolonieritas, while for heteroskedatisitas test and autocorrelation there is no problem heteroskedatisitas and autokorelasi. The result of t test can be seen that the variable earning per share (EPS) has a positive and significant influence and the variable debt to equity ratio (DER) has a negative and significant influence. Sedagkan variable return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE) has no significant effect. F test results show the model used exist. R2 obtained a value of 95.01% which means that 95.01% of stock price variation can be explained by EPS, ROA, ROE and DER variables. While the remaining 4.99% is explained by other independent variables that are not included in the model. Keywords: stock price, earnings per share (EPS), return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE), and debt to equity ratio (DER

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Pengusaha Mebel(Studi Kasus di Desa Banaran Kecamatan Kalijambe Sragen)

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    That affect the income of furniture entrepreneurs in Banaran village, Kalijambe sub-district, Sragen regency. The dependent variable is in the form of furniture entrepreneurs, while the independent variables include the amount of labor, raw materials, length of business and education. The sample used in this study were 30 respondents of furniture entrepreneurs in the village of Banaran. The data in this study uses primary data. This study uses a multiple linear regression analysis method of ordinary least square method. The results of the analysis are: (1) The results of the calculation of the data normality test with the Jarque Bera model are normally distributed (2) The linearity test results with the Ramsey Reset model show that the model is linear (3) The classic assumption test results show that there is no problem of multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity and there is problem of autocorrelation (4) The results of the t test can be seen that the variable amount of labor and raw materials have a significant effect on the income of furniture 2 entrepreneurs while the variablelenght of business and education has no significant effect on the income of entrepreneurs (5) The results of the F test indicate that the model used exists (6) R² obtained a value of 83 %, which means that 83% of variations in the income of furniture entrepreneurs can be explained by the variable amount of labor, raw materials, length of business and education. The remaining 17% is explained by other independent variables included in model

    Pengaruh Inflasi, Kurs, Bi 7 Day, Non Performing Financing (NPF) Dan Financing To Deposito Ratio (FDR) Terhadap Simpanan Deposito Mudharabah Bank Umum Syariah (BUS) Tahun 2016 - 2018

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    ABSTRACT This study aims to examine the effect of NPF, FDR, Exchange Rate, Inflation, and BI 7 Days on Mudharabah Deposit Deposits. The analytical method used is Ordinary Least Square (OLS). The data used are time series data published by the Financial Services Authority (OJK), Bank Indonesia (BI), and the Ministry of Domestic Trade (KEMENDAGRI) Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that partially NPF, FDR, and Inflation have a negative but significant effect against Mudharabah Deposits Deposits. Meanwhile, the exchange rate has a positive and significant effect on Mudharabah Deposit Deposits, simultaneously NPF, FDR, Exchange Rate, Inflation and BI 7 Day has a significant effect on Mudharabah Deposit Deposits. Keywords: Mudharabah Deposit, NPF, FDR, Exchange Rate, Inflation, BI 7 Day, OLS (Ordinary Least Square