
Analisis Faktor Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kunjungan Wisatawan di Museum Sangiran Kabupaten Sragen


This study entitled "Analysis of Factors - Factors Affecting Visits InSangiran Museum of Sragen Regency". The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of income, distance, age, tourist status, and the tourist category on the frequency of visits at tourist attractions of SangirankonSragen regency. The samples taken in this research are 71 respondents with 46 respondents distribution of local tourists and 25 respondents of foreign tourists. The data of this research were obtained by spreading questionnaires and interviews. In this study using multiple linear regression analysis method Ordinary Least Square (OLS). The results of the analysis are: (1) The result of normality data test with JarqueBera model is normally distributed; (3) The result of the classic assumption test shows that there is no multicollinearity problem, the problem of heterokesdastisitas, and there is no problem of autocorrelation, (4) The result of t test can be seen that the variables that have significant influence (5) F test results show that the model used exist (6) R2 get the value 56.55% y6ang means 56.55% of variation in the frequency of tourist visits can be explained by income variables, mileage, age, tourist status, and tourist categories, while the remaining 43.45% can be explained by other independent variables beyond the estimated model

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